Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • ...‘.“:.:.~, $$$ .,. cl..__ :..:. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable A. a. Pa8tsrl%, Page 2 , , seoondedby P8t Ward, tbt the budgetr0r LimestoneCounty,l!oxu,'inso rrr u the ssme rel.te.to C~s1on.r'. RwalllotHo. i k 88td0a kt58~0 or 8~022 WF~W, in- Pl-oaia.tHo.1ofum..toMCoull~,T.ru,of 8n th8 urti0tpmd rurd8wub10 -8 or thoR.(LB.hierallbaQ~uidPrroinatr0r ----Et-w- rusoaofuillgruopubllon.oe.- say. Artlole6898-U provl408 b part 8s r0im8f rNnAunt.toth.orlgLLUJ.tluage . . .(I We held In our Opinion Ho. O-4830, sddreued to HonorsbleL. L. Geren, Count Attom, LimestoneCounty, vhloh vs. SD~I'OtcdOotober 28* 1942, that1 HonorableA. 0. Easterllng,Pegr 4 gemrally speakfq, after the oounty bee&bully 8ppr0vd by the oouuty by the oountyoemsi..loner.' oourt, said oourt wo uldno t’b e luth o r lsed to ussnd th e0rIgIusl b ulg eunles t, ?Jas lx ep eudltur so t es o utinth e -tto th e b udg e tver s -@ Y m- tur e., ud wr s o .u.edud neo u.1 t.tedb yg r sw y&;lost to met uuuswluul uzUo r w*eeu o iOo uldno t, b yr uso n.b tilli- lo guloo,azMi~ttontlonhAveboulinolufIod lntha originsl~t.... "In oaaueatlou vith the foregoing,ve v8ut point 0tit tm t0 th0 di80~tion or th8 00888i8- .Ionors'oourt I. JLotabsolutealthorlty to u- puxlaountynmdsinthou.eo?mmrg.wy, ud 1. rlnu, only vhelu the quut1on I. debst- 8~0 OT vtw~ the 0d8t8m0 or a mrg0wy i8 unqu..t1on.bl..Howwr,uIdoourtb.sno, tormlw thst ul emergeuuyexist., tiirEg2:2ty ruwls thewrore, vhers the rues 0lurl~ shov the oaarsry. sad ua\rrt hasMlogala&haritytodm3luuulawrgmmy slant" tbelmr,vh8n inrust, PO emsrgpmy . corpusJurls,VO~UW 28, page 024, derlnssthe tens"giuve"u follows: #A. 8n * doa .erlousoal- .1d8lut1ouor tJ JJWJ-J -.&WY-" corgu, Jbris,voluaeso,adktioa3'7,psg.856, defbu the tm wbllo neoosslty"8s follow: 'Reededror resso~blo oon~oe, rmuity 80d aoqpmh8``8 in SOOOISJB```` 8 DUbliO JMFJBO8.J @OSt OF UPg.i% gcrbliC Oop- venIenoeJ rith nrerenoe to loglslativelotlon, thst urgent,mate publlo naed srl.lIlg rram existingt3oMItlous,vblah, in the judgmentof the Legislrture,justifies8 disturbsme or HonorableA. 0. Eooterling,P.g. 5 prlvsterightsvhloh othervisemight be legally exemptfrom suoh Interfermoe." Ir the Cor..l..lowr.'court determInedthst the mm-8 we t0 ud in0iwd in th0 w 8h8itt0d bs you oonstituted4 .mo or 'gmv. publio nmesslty to meet unususlsad unforeseenoomlitlan.rhiah oould not, by m- .on.bleau.gent thoughtsuu .ttent10& hue been lnoludea In the 0rlgh.l bIdget,*whI.hn..f.otprimsrIlytobe psssedupon lajatheoourt,the amrt vould hue the authority to m the budget88 lndIostea,rod it I. our oplnlontbst 0rUer *bow set out 1. logally.urfI01ultto prOtOOtyou out money lu meu of the smuut fixed in the orlg- bwlget Insofar8. a psw publlo nslle..1ty is oon- oernek -P, w ti0t m 8tteioa t0 the r0ii0w.43 m~t.osth,~t~vvfiiahwtbink~6~o~- D1i.d With. Artlole689.4 cmat.lnsth. r0mdng provLsIonsr I Im,~teulrt~.Ok.ODrrpand 88 t0 k&1*88 d0raita4 u pouibu wah 0r th0 VUiOUS DFOjeOtS rm rhiOh SD tlons am set uplnthebudget,anAthees or ~OIUJ a81``8.a in the wg0t r0r uoh 0r 8wh projeot8. lUlnxl&.bUl.lsofmr4t.In.oouplotefInsnoI.l 8tai88nt or th8 -ty, sh0vag 83.x0utstudFag 0bugai0t280r``,th0048h~hudt0 tbtbmit0ruohard~ntndofthe~ty goverrssent, the rtwls nooiwa rras all sourus Jwo a o u. y u sr , th mftud. ls1 la b l.e l.tImst& r e-8 ua lub loto o o ver th ep r o - p o sed ?Judg8t.M e tth el.tlJn.ted r 8taOf ta xu h ia h till b. lvQuIr&' It18 our opinion,theretoro,th.tUId &aunied t should shou as tifl.nlt~ly u 881bl0 -ah 0r th0 23 ous projootsror vhI& lppmprla le"IOM are set up In the mended b udg eat,udth elstluted amourltofm.xA.y..rrI~In the saendedbudget ror esoh or suoh projeots,as well 8s the lstlmstedrevenuesmallable to @over said mmrdsd budget. Honorable A. 0. Ea8terlfm, Pwp 6 ow0plnion Ho. O-M330above rererred to ala0 00ntek8 tb r0iiawbg hoidlng: un4er8tsn4 "As ve question, your fir& you deslm to hue our opinionon the r0ii0v- Ing Qu..tlonI cm th. oounty tnovb. logallyamsn4.4to inalu4.oblIga T Ion. inaumvd pFi0r t0 th0 rdoptm or a4 8t88a.m h ulsverto this qw.t10n, it I. wr oplnlonthst thorlu the w00r00e~ruodsarm lnourrlng t1on.llhIohmt0bepsI4 0a OS -t m-8 rithout rLnt 88bdbg the.ountybwQstLn.oqpliro..vIththe~bon maut1awd ststute. that Tr usting a ll. ..tl.h o to ra Il~ nsver s .a ur io p uim?y, ve r emin Your. vel7tluly A!mo R m 3x a x HHRO AL F m x AB Jas. Y. Bassett A..1*tult

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6132

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017