Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  •                                      .. ..I...~
    i                                  AUSTIN
    Thlr Department h6
    methi r0r 0p~rri0n 00n04m43
    7047b, whioh prorideuj
    . . . provldod thut                    miy other pro-
    vision herein to the                   '&an is processed
    nd the ‘realdue
    to the same gaa-
    and from vhloh
    o of such gas
    088 value of
    04 porron or oonoern ir both produoer of
    regaling plant, ~01 the tax loorue on
    of all produoh, based upon the wslue
    uo h lm rtiation gsrol%ne, aolveat8, do.,
    It shoulb be noted rt the outset that the tax levied
    bi A&i010 7047b ir 8.aevemnoe tax. Thin statute oontains the
    rowmg      language; "Them 18 horoby 14vi4d    en ooaupation tax
    on'tho business or oocypation of produoins aa vithln thir State.
    ...A tax &al;1 be pdd by oaoh roduoor on
    godud~~~~.    ,a&va~4r7to5~-?Z-i3t          okht?iit%%?:e..      .
    BonoriableQ44rg4 H, Sheppard, page 2
    The r4oyoling pro~lslon of the st4tute merely provides
    the method of detamlnlng  the nurrk4tvalue of th4 original gas
    ar            Davis Ino. V* St4t4 180 S.W. (al) 429, 433. only
    E4-i         thereoi Is taxed, not’tho roflnor.
    In   order   to   xi1~lorst4nd   pro$erlr the into&ion o? the
    Th4 tirqt ~r4o~ollngplant4 v4r4 oonstruotedand put into
    operatlotiin 1938. Theso first plant8 prOduo4d oondon8ato or dla-
    I   tlllat4, r&v un?lnish4d pzykduots,vhloh wro Mrkoted to reflaer8.
    piua  4per4t4r;8io 'tirs4rQurd that   tw   00tud mlqda0-
    fur4 ?ti$sh4d produotr, and that the ld@t1&41~inv48tment and
    merot        6~n8e.~o4884ry     ?or th4 aanufaoturo of those produote
    Were jua  7 lfl4d by t&o inoreaso in tholh U&c4t oalu4.' phigzwa8
    the,stert 6? *ho, en4r41 $lsaa of o~bl.Lrig     plantcr~
    tb.pmdqo4 fin-
    ished pr6duotr.     'S 444w4 or the war, rloost~'rll4~4lin& *lants
    havo.beon    rowaped to ppermltthe nmnu?aoturo of a va~$letyo?
    Th4 wollng plant operitlon oonrIst8 of rorubbing in-
    ooming rloh vapora with rbrorptioa'ollat presssgro8 msngLng up
    to 2,OOOpouada per ~QUWO lnoh. l%xeprooesred dry gfb814 than
    oompre88od and r4turmd to the ?orm4tlon,irhllothe absorption
    oll.ooatalnlngthe rooovered heavier       uarbuna 14 rtrlpped of
    it8 oont4nt in w                     h.Id"
    4r a 84rler 0r rtll 8. S!h4re44~4i4d 0 n-
    dqnaato lr than promraod er re?iqed by mciddn aetheda of % 18..
    tlllation md'?r&tl+@lqt     lnto.8uohpmdyotrr a8 mi1~r41 oil,
    bo$nCmd      g44olin4,'4a4into but4n4, prop~o  ld othano ?r4io-
    moling p14ntr oan funotlon4ith4r lmd4pod4ntl~ or
    In oompleto or pa&l&l Inta~atlon with ref&k&i operations. A
    orating lndopend4ntlyof TofUmr7 opemtlon8 does
    oyol-   than 43 zuut1the llqueflablohydrod~bons,vhloh are then
    more p1ant
    dollrem to a mfiasry for fuH2~1$ treatment.
    In +llq    platr  psrtlill, into&ated rith ~iinery
    operationa, th4 ropane-4thano?raotlon m4sfb4 r4turn4d to the
    r48ervolr,   aad t L mixed butma fraotlon L8 drlltored to a 'ro-
    .tia*i7'.  Th4 hrcivlorproduot8;hommr, ~a~ roflrml in roflnory
    goaorablo ffeorgeIi.Shopp4rd, p4go 3
    ! ,@pmeat      added   to   the oyoling unit, to yield 4 number Of fiai8bed
    ; p&UOt*.
    CJoliag pl4at8 oompletoly iat4grated vlth r4rin4r7
    '.oper4tlon8r etur      th nelthrae-prop4n4mlrture to ths form4tloa
    48 before, vhll4 the but4no ?r4otlon under g        lep4ratloa,
    o es      in
    4rpenslYo rafln4ry 4qulpm4nt rddod to th4 o~oling unit, into
    ~OlWdl bUtBa4 lJld 18ObUt4Fh4.     l'h4bollor ?r40 ion 18 ?urthor
    JWfiJJOd i&O   a V8riOt~    Of fiJJi8hOd produOt8.  See J. I(.F14ltc,
    011 k 048 Journal, April 20, 1944~ Duokor 4nd Dottrnroloh, 011
    & 048 Journal, &I       11, 19441 Jam48 0. ?eY, fh@ oil !fOOfi~,
    pooembor 6, 1943.3
    Thor0 are 300,000 or more 0881\% ohomloal Oolqp9Unds
    Yhloh me7 oonoolnbly b4 mads from tL hydroosrbona ia gas.
    (011 k Oar Jouxzu~l,J4nuaay 21, 1943.) AB Dr. Ouakv Egiorr,
    the fOrOmO8t hydr6oorboa pJ'OtB@Jli8t,said,
    IIf v4 *tart vith mothane @?i8 eloao, lll or the
    known *@hot10 pro&of8 that m4n h48 pruduood in
    organlo     ohomistry oan be derived. . .I
    It vi11 b4 noted that          in 411 typo8 0r oyollng plents
    4bove mentioned, the init% operation 18 the rooovery Of the
    ll~O?l4blO ~OOarbOa8,               oalled OOndbMPt4 or dl8till4t4. The
    3’4OOtOr4d OOAd M8te        18 fUrthOr      pl’OO488Od      by di8tilhtiOA and
    ?raotion4tionIrefining           uperetlona) Into the r-1              finished
    prodUOt8.       At the tia4     0r   th4 pagram       0r   th4  rnreadmat   to Artlole
    7047b in 1941, there        nr    nut l pled ti oper4tloa vhloh turn&
    b ut mlng        0th ~ than o o a dea seto ,      a nd l fo v then     more edvanood
    $lant4 vhioh obkiaed a prrtlrl r4oov4z7 of the butaao fraotlon.
    lb4 lat4greted qollng pl4nt8 nov la operrtlon over the.Stat4
    lid 8uoh 4 ?arletiyof pX’UdUOt8,            l'4!qlng?rom ~@O~rn.tMte'to      the
    : .-Eghly r4riaodplroduOt8         msntloned lboY4, vitkrll *tag48 or partial
    . 4aaing        in botvoon, that       iC~18   not Z'448on4bZ$~tio       be inisrred that
    th4   bgi8&Jt~,iJttOndOd to bariethe tu                   trpon'~th4  ylue or the
    , .&rid   or rsriaed produot.
    .. -
    "~ A 4lmllar ~U48tiCUI         he8 4ri84n     in 84v4r41     juri8diotioa8,
    inolud@g TOIA~, In r4gard to vhother the prUdUO4r~ vho UpeMt48
    l 0411, Should      pa)’ ayoytJ1t7    mtaers oa the brm.4 or th4 mark& ralus
    ; 0r,gea e8.p8, or ao,the b4818 -Oroert4ln produOt8 whioh ho menu-
    f~OtUE4~fl'omtha -8.            A roooat Tezaa 0184 la DurOlgeF 011 k
    ~fiJJeri48, -0. 1 .         -1 1        Dr ill* CO.,         lt 61.) ln 9.u. (2d)
    321~;by the supP4me Court. ti that ~680 gasrmiu 488igIWd t0 Den-
    / Oigor a working interest           in the leas4       in
    it84if    Ba ovomldZag rglty             48 fOiiOW8J
    MtBiM      68 pa2’t  Of th4    ouaalderatlon?OT
    .rhallbe eatltl4d to r0001~4 one~tweatyroupt+
    5: th4 oil, gae, oaslngh44d          gag, 4n& other'mln4r418produoed, aaved
    ;I md Ii%Srketsd    4t iiheprev811+ prlO4 paid by m4jOr OOmpaai48 . . .
    gaor4ble thorgo H. Sh4pp4ml, p4g4 4
    +       the proprrtle8 above d48OribOd fro0 and dear of operating
    et108       I?, 68 uid vh4a produoed, ravod 4~d mrk4t4d. . ."
    At th0 tiB4 Of th4 688igJJMJJtit ~48 knanr th8t th4
    @lo whloh h4d be4a drlll4d produood oaly avert 868, ur4 th4t
    '     wr4 -8    no merkotla the vlolalty et thet tlaefor 8woeb -8.
    pgaoigor 4r4ot4d   4a 4xpon8lv4 pleat on th4 le484d pr4mi808 for
    a4 pPrpO84 Of 8@gW8tbg ths #48 intO at8 OUIJ&WJJOJIt           *X%8.
    ff14@4lf4* ~thMU#lth.PlUAt,Vh4M                    ltV48 8OpNWtedBt
    4onalderrblol~OJJ84 intO th484 O~tJJlWt8t &4801ill4,&48-011,
    dl8tilht4, kOrO*eaO, bukw,         prepeao, 8&d re8idW gJI8. m888iii
    g WdmAOig 4fo     r rUJlOOUUatb& OOntenbbg that it MI la titl4 d
    $o be paid 1 24th of the (To88 Z’4OOipt8         of 411 prOhot    mu&40~-
    tuJ-d*-     de   m8   produoed   4a  the    pZ'4ai848. .Tliooourt hold
    that Wader the oontmot Burplill       ~48 nut 4Atltled to hw4 the
    intO 8OPL4 0-J’     006LWditf,     but -8   b UUJJd
    to lOOOp g t
    8 48 it   V48 th.a beiry produoed ?rom the
    rho     Court         84ldJ
    #I? Daa&4r                ver not          requlrod        W’th4       oontraot
    t0 rOfiJJ4 the Oil                80    pCOdUO8d,        .w    Vht  pFWi8iOJJ
    theroof       ia  it  ~roquired            80 343%e           any or the   other
    pl’OdUOt8      l14m4d      therelat          ~OlWTO~,       I.? IOU 4? the
    i             f$Utd~r~tiH$                be,M?iMd,                t0 at'.?inaruti84r4 th4y
    ‘.bk   vimf    &     the        variUU8      &5r408         Of     iJttkJr4~iOa,   Of     ‘OJOi~
    llnt8 vlth mfineriO8, l8 point !:&ylt~ebOvO
    jh4  8Upl'omoCOurt 18 PIOat
    pZW8eat4d w ~~l'4QIO8ti
    in ,thoO;arsi;%~%~~
    this point v4 iiah to Pal        fapr   i
    7057a, VhiOh 14v1.8 U 4OOU@iOJJ       tU    ‘4JJ gir
    iC, iJJ w     2'4~OOt8, WlOgOW    to h’tiOk0.        7
    .1nii8 8 tax Of '4.125 per OMt Of th4 mulbt
    y It h8 JJeverbeon ooateAd4dth4tthem4lk4tv4li4                  thbCofIIro-~'.
    f4md    t0 inOhd6d   th4 MU4   Of th4    fini8h4d      pr4dUOt8   rO?iZ#d
    fMm   aaid oil.
    m     th4    aSO     HO? mri8,             ma        v.-skt4,         l&.&v,      (2d)      429,
    th4        V88 made tht
    OOJJtontiOJJ             if &tiOlO  7047b 18 OOA8trWd 48
    ? lm     aa OOUupBtiOa Sax On the ooollpatlOnOi%'&i.atn(j liQuida
    g4s, it 18 tiol4tive o? Seotlon 35 or Art1014 III or the
    COn8tltutloa,vhloh prOvido8J      :
    'HO bill l 4 + 8hl1 O&kin mOl'0thU OM sub-
    joot,.whiohah411 be 0~Fe88ti in it8 titb, l F F"
    Of thi8 tho          OOU&          raid:
    think th4   Aot 18    JJOt 8UbjOOt   t0   Shl8   objao-
    hydrooerbon OOnteJJt
    liid the MIldU4 yr f6
    by ~%egOibg BOthOdS t0 th4 8-4   -I-pMdUOiJJg ?OFW-
    t1oJlpndorlylq'ths lllndfmm vhl4h the 48 18 pro-
    duoed, the taxable vale O? ruoh 68 8l~f1 k th%%e
    fifth8 Of the gr088 V4iUO Of en ft&O) pmUOt8   OX-
    tluoted, 86~PBt6d and 84v4d ?Z'Om8uoh w8,' but
    suoh quoted provl8loa m6roly pIPOvId the m&hod Of
    18 a rLnri oon8lde~tlon vhloh ve virh to ldvaaoo.
    botiOa i 9if~mi014 vm          0f th~m~~titutio~ 0r th* skt4                or
    9-8       .proridOsthtlt411 tBX48 8h411 b4 “4qtu1        UJd URifOd       .    s40-
    tlm 2 0r aaid Artlole VIII provid48 that            "ell 0ooUpatlon %X48
    gmii      b6 ~QUB~ &ad UJIifOFJII
    PpUJJth0 8-4 0x488 Of 8UbjOOt8. ...'
    mmr0r.6,       I* 18 the duty 0r the omrt4~to pl404 8 ooa8trm~tloa
    aa t4xingCt4tUt4th4tvllla4koth4                  t4x 6qU4landtuLlr0rla
    wg a l   nn subjeots Oitbe 8"        01488. It ir obylow th4t 411
    ~.l'BtCW8or OyOling plPnt8 vho er4 8180 p r uduo 4 r a0r               la lr 4 or
    fh8 8upO 01688,     &Ad it  18 6qUBlly   obvloua    &l&t  oaking     &Lop".
    44880r,     vho 18 elao e r?bfln4r,pay 4 tar boaed ~poa the *a ue or
    th4 reria6d produots, BAd peamlttlng the 8irplO             pZ’OO4880~    to   peT
    l tat b484d on the value or the tmrermd             ooademat*~V6uld         ~6‘
    gult la hU'8h insQBliti48 aad oomplste laok or pnLr0miit;J.                    Evea
    .         Xa aaawr  to your first qwation, thonf4r4~yoU 4r4
    advlrwl that it 18 the Opinion Of th18.dwnt         tb4t;:in;th4
    lltU4tloa there presented, the tu should he b484d upon th6 me&et
    741~4    of 3/5thS Of the OOnd4MBt4 Or diat1114te OXtHOteb, 8bpaNt-
    ed and 8av4d frcm 8Ucrhgas, aad AOt upon the market valua,~otthe
    r4rined, flniahed produot.                             .    .
    Your 84OOad QlO8tiUJl1st
    Uher4 the produoor end the operator or th4 r44y4liag
    OhAnt 4r4 nut th4 aam6; huv vi11 the relue of the jjJtr.,)t?
    Lo 0omputlJJgthe taxt
    gooorable tiorgo H, Sheppard, pago 6
    If 18 iAd44d 8trBJagothat, in the thirteen yeerr
    94XB8 h48 had 8 @8 tU l   k tjJte,   OJJlJ
    OJW0684 Oo no o r mir
    it rg
    w8 mohed    the l~elh t.   OOUrt8. It 18 4tOJl MM    8tmXlg4
    vhea p0  ooaslder th4 8ktUti, vhloh o.Ft~i~d~    18 w mod.1
    o? olmltr or oertalaty.    hJU4QU4JJtlj,  it 18 M8t U&O&l-
    &o   tbt  vheA thlr  0686 maohe th4 Suprem     Court the larws
    v4r4 not 80 dravn th4t the Cotartoould olerl?y thb intoat of
    @JO   8ktUt4.
    v4   8   lek Of th4 4480 Of v. RI mri8, IJJO.1; Skto,
    160 S.W. (26)t29. There the             produoorr ooatnot4d 1~1thD4Irir
    to pro0488 th0 868 PNdUOOd, urd           t0    l’4-         th.     reaidw         to    the
    forwtloa fromvhlahIt had bemn             kksn,        uml     in    retma         pro
    MriS OAO-hJiirOf the p8 prodUOt8               01p di8tilbt4              &4it4d         tram
    suoh @aa, a&l retdning the other           one-half         or      the    prOdUOt8.
    D4ti8 th4JJrrsde8 OOJltlUOtVith       th. ~OdUOOM,
    vherqpyho pUrohr84d frOm themell of thdr one-Id? iJJtOM8t
    la the oond4Jasate   Or diatilhto                 from the #aa. Urdor
    thl8  OoatraOt, Dati8 paid the prodwora 1.36 par krrel for
    their produot durlnsllay, 1941, rrrd41.           for the ren8Forag tlao
    laVOlV4diJJ the *tit.      %x48 ver 4  paid o n3/ s      or lll or the
    oondsn84t4   HOOVOWd    fX’Om the 668,  006@UtOd      8t   tha YduO th4
    84A4 48 the prioo paid by D0pi8 to the pl’duoo~,                f&i’ 8t 41.36
    en&@.44 ger barrels
    AftOr pUZ'4h48~ th0 O,OZLd4M4tO, ad.8              traA8port.d it
    to COlQnl8Cbi*ti, ml'4        ho Sold it'8t pZ'iO.8ww                ?Pm $.1.%
    to $2.25per bmml.         %hhsstat4 8U4dmri8 iOr&&48 00mpUttwi~
    et th4 prloe MOOiTOd      by him et Corpus   Chrirti,       ,I048  th4  ooat 4r
    produoor *hall  b8 e good relthegruwn t-free
    fioaPfMUd UJd OOll\uiOn   &I M&Wd8 th0 StBtO'B Ohi&
    $8r the taxer 1pnd6P thi8 Aot. WhWhV. ?Irp thi8Aot
    48.i vhole, UJd UpOOiBl1y vh4A V4 04A8idW th4
    de?lAltloA of rnrket t41~* thenia o&Mnml,      v4
    U-O o~~~vl~~ed that It demoa8trrte8 l olw lo&r-
    Honorable George II.Sheppard; peg4                       7
    In 4~Mvlmg at thla o4n41~1oa, the Cm         furthorOon-
    ‘sldored    portion 0r thl8
    the            *tat&r  requ¶ziJq the purohrrerto
    deduot the tUe8 w     th4   ~Oh48.    PX'iOe, %I4 COul't raid:
    “Th4 purOh48er 4Oll4Ot8 th4 tU from tho pm-
    duoer.by deduoting th4 amount bhweo? from the maeuat
    0r the puxwh484    prioe. . lAr 4 edlJJg o fth e p                              er t0?
    th18 8t8tUte 148t 4bOVO rUmti@Xd sXI+B&aWX'bw
    plakethe pt~OhaSej!   llrble t0 th0 St&O iOF,iBWtCnr
    levied W thla Aat
    the value ce mp
    rwuoor tmrbror.
    Ld         008   Mfj OQA+%4lJQJ
    pZy tho pmduoclr aae prloe,         the kx                   dw the
    atate et that prloe, k44p th4 tax rt theta                   sloe
    SO(p?eglkd            a a dth e np I   the   sta t@ l tU   6e BAOthW
    prloe.”          (&4#~818     OW8j
    vith the 4lk8VOh’ t0 @IOstiOn n Of t$d.JliOn %O. o-3&7,                         Bad   Over-
    Z’td48 thrt POrtiOJJOf 8Bid Opinion.
    Your third Qieatlon 181
    tfheo the     04n44aa18      bath roduoer end operator          or   the
    6Wh.00MeW~   h48
    ?alled to
    p r wideain botion
    .,.i? uaJ'prOthJ4erof-y8 8h4u f&t1 to lvdit the
    other pdr*imJt   to 880ert4la 4 oerreot aamunt due,
    Mdt&apm              Of 868 8hll b~ii~biO,,.46 UI Bd-
    t    r   8b4 l'4484Ii4~O'WQB4MO8OS
    the rUgid%%       %~~O?
    totlveo of'the     Wmptml
    tO8ti(trrfi4B  Ubd wit;.
    mnorablo ObOr80 8. Sheppard, pI80 8
    Th4 vordillgor th4 aktute  ir aloar* Aa l plwdu0.~,
    me     arson    or oonoern inquired about In your third question is
    Ilab Pl for     th.   audit     fee.
    Trurting       that   this fbllp   anevers your lnqulrlea, vo
    Tourr row   bulJ,

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6128

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017