Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • 4. _- ,, j : . ,. .-. , ,. .. L : OFFICE OF THE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN “\ .‘.I. lokaowloQp 1ott.r OS roornt date whloh rtb.6 U fOuOW6: obent 4oDlxa to 4a u, 8waYH~ h lr r ntea o h u lt 4100.00 / .I h #OJl&rulIq rrtlo1* 2822 oi vornon'o Clrll statutao, w lh l.l OOM ido Ar r tiSle 87 b O o ?lid 8ta tUtO8 in OCXUmOtb XI thohuith. Art1010 t&Bd, Vemon’r Inn0tma Clrll statutrr, read8 a0 r0lla1 Vruotuo lo naklag a lontraot 4th l tmohor ahall 4rtrrdnr tho salary to be allowed or tha wages to be paid. Prorldrd a tuobr lwldlng l p ema a ~a t B tr k rrrtlfloatr &all net roablro ra6rr in lxm88 0r on0 handroc\ and fifty dollrrr per nonth out ot the pub110 ?no lohO01 ?andt l first tooohar holdlug a &mlo rrrtl?lcde shall not roool~r as uqwo ?XYU the Skpub110tru 80h001 tend ION than one brindrodand tamp tire dolkro par rcmth, m4 l taoher boidbg l lr 00na grab. orrtlrlortrohallnot rroel+o a0 mg80 rwa tha gubllr irrr oohool rund mro than 01u ha&e4 dollar8 pu mathr prorldr4 that t& ralarr llmitr hanin lproiild oh011 not apply to rw rob81 6lrtriot whloh lOtIe OollOot a looal tax for rohool purpoooo.All md -0 toaoblqJ in th ama telohoolr or tbo &ste #hall ,br pal6 the aam eompmoatlon lo lo pal4 to QIILror per- r0ma6 tha 0~ kind, grade anb qtiaity 0r sOmoO.* Art1010 2MC, Yeronvr Annotated Clrll St&tutor, read8 u r0u0w0: V?UOtOeO O? l 418triOt ahall S&O Oontraotr with torohon to trash the pub110lohOolo or their Ulotrlot, but tha ooapon~~tloa to l tqaohor, uadu 0 writton son- traot H nedo, #hall k lp p r wo b4 ythe oounty atpulntend- lc r k O r 0ntbr l0b 30 i0 i kuaht, ltatin( fhrt tb t000hu W.l 8uOh 80b01 ror thr tlm an4 ame m$qlfib4 ln the eontmot. The board or truotoer tWh ohaJ thorltt, uhenoror th eltorago Qfiy attenndaam oxord; thwtprir0 p~pii0~ t0 ~10~ 0~0 00mgetmt ~~810t~nt to rtrry thirtpfltr pup110 of ouoh ltoaoo and traatlonal put thuur nor&in& ?l?two, pcrpl]J. AU ohll4sm - tlthln tb ooholrotlo am naln( ln lqh 4iotrlot, thOO&h thOy pry hat0 l&tiU! in lUOh ai6triOt &tO~ th0 o&o&stir eumao war t&on, ahall k ontltlod to nooltr all tho benofltr or the lo&oolr o? ouch 4lotriot. In a . 4lotrlot that lO?iOO 8 0 oial le)iooltu the tmoteer ohall harm tha rl&t to rnor.~o~the o~larler O? tuObU8 m4 the .r~hol~~lo.ay, an6 uy al- harm fbr lOb!WlO y troght lon6u than l~I monthi, ii it lo brame adrLablo.* we u0 or thr oplni0n tad th0 ikitui08 00~t~in~d liartlrh 8flM, lupra, refwo to tha moathly lalrrr of toaoher$ dean6 whloh tim thay ah aotaally UPle~O4 la t*OOhin& ln othu UOYdO,if the lo ntM o t8d.l8 ror llg hncntho, t it4100 per month thr mno3 8aIur worrl4 00. This anount .mul4 k pay8bl.o in tw.1~~ equal roathly lnstrl~nto. utlolo ZNO, oapra, protldoo that atruotoooof a diotrlot#hall make contrast8 with tr&ohorr to trash tb publle rohoolo a? their dlotrlot l * l ltatLng t&t the tohohor *ill teaah lcloh oob~ol $or th+ tipy rind m o~olflod lu th oontraot.’ kthialc it would be an oraoloa of the la for truotrro to ooatroot with a taaohar for twlre month8 ad to hato en andu- @tadlag tlmt tho taaohar UOUM teaoh only eight nonth8. It lo our opldon that 8 oontroot to pay a toaohar #lOO a aonth for twelve aontho with tho uabrntadlng that rho la to toroh os4’el&t monthaoi the year, roul.4 not bo la oompll~noo with tb etatuto. Yo arm aware of tho i&of that then lo a ocarclty OS trrohorr m6. that the oaf proaorlbod b the &w herela qiotd 18 ratire too low, btit the reaa~ rer txi8 w!~ltloa liar ulth thm kgislature, an4 not with the Attorney Oenorel. Tour8 wry truly ATTOEXZT O?XW3AL 01 T2XA6 : B,U~ c 0. f. Olbron Aoolotant

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6121

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017