Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  •          OFFICE    OF THE AnORNEY             GENERAL        OF TEXAS
    Ronarable    3oh11 R.   %:hQOk
    f.rinlnal   Dietriot    AttOrnW
    Bnrar County
    Ean Antonto,     TmUS
    OceLp~nre    t laa      thet
    agree     to   9.J      ottor-
    ollnqudnt        texr8?
    is     tbo   maximum   Oaapenutico             that
    *ra’ Court oan qree           to  9a~         to
    aona to modernize the            orirtln(t          me
    Ron.~John R. Shook, pago 2
    oxpedlenb , sold oourt MJ uontrsot rlth any oom-
    peton   attorney  to lniaroo or 44e14t in tbo
    onfaooment oi tho oo1lootlon of 8ny dellnqaont
    3tato and oouaty tar08 for a par oont’on tbo
    toxos,          8nd latoro8t
    ponsltp            lotu4lly collootod,
    and roid  oourt 18 furthor ru$horizod to pal
    rer en abetmob of property lma o sso d  or unknown
    sad unrondorod  tram tho 80x08, lntonet ond poa-
    llty to be ooU66ted on Su4h,l4nd8, b-uf4J.l4uoh
    payment ana lxponae* shall be oontlnmn* upon
    tho oollootloa ot-8uoh t4xe4, pomlbp end intor-
    04%.   It shall b~mo    duty 0r th0 40untp  attommy,
    or of tho dlatrlot lttoraer, ufurcrthere is no
    oounoy  attoriwy, to,sotiroU   laalst anf parson
    wlth rhae auoh oantraot ia made, by filing aad
    pu8hlq   to a speedr oonolurion 811 uulfmior
    oolleation of dolinqtmit taxer, under anJ oon-
    br8ot mide a8 herob eboV@ 8pedffed; ~pmidod,
    t8at     whore  any     dirtriot   ‘or   oount~’   4tti3rn6y~~.~elf
    fall     or.refums      to file    aad preaeauta~.oueh        eulb4
    la good taith,ne 4h411 sot be ontithd      to:iay
    ico4 th4rofrcmj b ut   lu* toea 4hal.ln*rertheloar
    bs aellkot4d a8 a pert    of the oosta'~of8uit aad
    epplled~on tho payment oi the oomponrdtlon sl-
    the 4ttoraey~proloootiag    the ruit, 9znl t&e
    attorney with wham mob oontnet      be8 boss nsdo
    la horaby tulXy eapowerodand lut8orlaod to
    prooosd in 81168aui‘ti*ithoot tk@ Oinder and
    a88lmtanoe      of soldo&uttyor dirtri of                bttorney8.
    Aotb   2nd 0.     S.,    192). p. 37;       Aot8   3rd   C. .3.1923,
    p. 182."
    Artlolo 7335a. V. A. C. $., protlde4'44 ronas:
    *3eo. 1. Ho oontraot rhell be aad or
    sntorod into br the Oosud88loaor8@ 'botd la so&i-
    nootlon with the oolloottoa OS dolinqaent trzo8
    wboro     tbo   compenaatlnn       ondor    ouoh   eOatrOOt    ~II
    aore than rirteon por aont of the mmount aouostea.
    3sia contraat must bs 8pprwed   by both the
    Comptroller and the. Attvrnry 06aeral of tho State
    Ron.JohnW. Shook)           wm        3
    0f    Texas,      bdh   44   to       4ub4tsaoe    4na   rm.       PRO-
    rlded hotirer tho CouZity~OrDlStrIOt Attorney
    shall nat rooelvo a&y oapoartlon tcrr443
    40m1004         he may rtmbor           in   OonnoOtion    wi tb       t&o
    porformaaoe of the oontraot or tho taxer
    oolleotad tharounaor.
    'SOO.2. Any wntraot                 madein 7lOletion
    or this     shall ba void.
    Aot          Ad4                         1930,   &lst
    Lee., 4th C. S., p. 9, oh. 8."
    &tlolo     7344, V.        A. C.    c., pmldoa         as r4Uorz           .
    *In oountl4s la whioh tho *ubdIvIsloaa og
    ~nxvojs aro not regularly numbwad, an4 In
    4Itlos or towns in whloh tho bloaks or sub&i-
    vlsion4 sro not numbmod, or are ao lrrog~laru
    aanbored  an to mko It dirfhat    or '+0841bl0
    iov tha        enaeusor      ta   list       Cho Lam,    Chooorul~-
    41onei4   court 0r suoh oou4tlo4 may heve all th0
    blooks  and subdIvl4lon4 0r survey4 plettod r4d
    aunboxed 40 a5 to Identity eeoh lot or treot,
    044 fum$sh.tho 4840440r   with sap4 4horlng 4-h
    neborlng; atid an 8eso48mont Of 64 propaty     by
    ' 4-h numbering   on said map4 shall b8 rurtleloat
    domrlptlonthorooi ror oil purposes. ??uoh~94
    or a oortlfied aopy of ma0 or ~anr part thrd,
    Irh~llba admiasIb1e as ovldonoo in all oourts.
    The Oost of maklng 88Id eunef 44d plSt8 shall
    bo doirayed  by the oounty la vbfob 4aId 9rog4rty
    Is lltuatod, and of which ruid 0oa4i44hnor4
    ooart  ordorod the seld 4uneye  end plat eado a~&
    th0 008t or snp ~lspOr a tawn or cfty 4h411 b4
    paid by auoh olty or toYn when ordered by the
    towa or olty. Aota 1897, p. 139; (2.L. Vol. 10,
    p. 1193."
    Ax’81010   72643,v. A. c. n., prwldos a4                         rclioa:
    *woo. 1.
    It Is hereb deolnredtho Bolioy
    or   the     Sate
    to adjust des nqwoti t4xo4, oarmet
    errors, to crllmlnate 00nrif0t4 In amvoym or lrGd,
    and to col:eot the deliqwnt,    oceup~tim. tren-
    oQi80  and Ad Valorem 'Paxos,In order to olear thI4
    steto 0r auoh EBXBB, errors and oonilfcts et the
    Hon. John R. Shook, p4g4 1,
    amrllest date           po88Xbl4, and to                  rovide a        sJstam
    iQ~.OMOSSOPS,             in    ord8P    b      81 IJli   not*    tlm nwotka
    lrl'QP8that            a OWlpp.Ibren t&a be2 roll8 848h
    rootwring y4ar.
    *H40. 2. ccut  ot 00114oting d8llaqtlmt t8x88
    8b .1nSt
    1 lXO8.d th. WUt     Of tb4 &Wb4lt~ 4nb
    tnt@lWt,          QT 8a    arQMt        4qUal      to     suoh    P8Ml.t~          arrd
    illt4P48t        Or til    d8lillqUOatt4X88                OOll~O@t8d.             &J
    OOti(ly d88iPilQ?          80 in8t8ll 8 8aX OP @at                        vatU9
    4nd 0148r ta4 oollnty of   4rrw8, colullotr  aad
    UUkMWIt  O*m8rS, MY  do 84 by Paflit@ EQ8 t@ @X@84d
    15% @r tb.  dOfiaqu8U8~t@X8# oolhobed, rhieh pay-
    m411t 8b811 oov4r th8 oort  of r800rd8 aad                                insball-
    ing MM.
    “840. 3.   b           Ord8r  to   m84dilJr 08ATr   OUt th8
    pr@Vi8ioM     Ot thi8           AOt,  the   Stat4 C~trd.br      sad
    ,$h4 hWJi88iOMrS*                cOtUs   ‘id 844h Or tb4   84V4P61
    OOPnti48        m4f    cnrployOaPp4t4at p4raoa~ to doth8
    work and te iurnhh the Comptroll4~ 4Bd bh4 Cm-
    ri8slonw8* Court all 44848 u b erldjuetmrnt
    e        i8
    a4048Mry;          .ati ia 811 8Uob 08888.tb8 -88iOa-
    40s' (loart4hall m&4                prop4r 88ttl44Wat Ql'4djU8t
    *&JO. 4.   Tbls Aot la aot lnt8aU4d te oh4ng8
    Ml   hl    lN#Wili 8fit4Ot ?4&8rdiOg  th4 oDil8Otiti   oi
    d4liapU8at     t4X44,  but. to b4 44 aid t0 tb4 Off iOi8i8
    in tb8 di8Oh4rg8 of tbdr dutf88, 8nd 8hOn tb4 db
    linqu4nt tuxe8 in 8 Oouatf 8)~ 8dfusted.        OWF4Oted
    and aoll4ot4d.           th4    Comptrollrr              ah411   tak4      cuae8Mrr
    8t8p8      to 888 tb4t 81l d4ffaqu4nt tat48 8M                              oolleotad
    rltjhin8 T448oMbl4                t&34 4tt4rth8y                b800=8 dOli4-
    qU4n$,     in    ordrr    to    8Yold       tb8    ll80888itf       Qf     fJ@Jia
    eplogiag 8ddlt1oa81 h813.                         Aet8 1931, &?nd h$.,
    p. 383, oh. 229."
    fn p488ing    011 tb4 Validity                       O? 8 U8rt4iY.t   OOfhr44t,
    th8 041V88toD. CO&      Of CiVll     Ap244lS                    in the  0488 Or ~I?QA~z%,
    8% 81, v8.   Bard8   CO&I&y.     4t 81,   u7                    c. YI. (2d)    4%~   (ml%
    did888d),     84id  tb.  tOllO*iIUS:
    Hon. John R.      Shook,   p4g4 5
    :If,     hOw8V8P.
    th4n  be any doubt a8 to the
    lppli~aJAllbyof Art. 73358, whloh ~48 paawe in
    1930,tba oompanloa Aot, Art, 72&r, pasad in
    1931, lp p a r o a ~y
    014ars it.up, the two being
    oomtruabh    to@h8r,    alodg with oth4r 14~0 r4-
    hbhg   t,” bh8 488488o4Ub and          00114OtiOnOr   t8X88;
    . . . .
    Xn the 0888 or Rlll8-D0wltt 00.. ~0~ &awrla cOfmtT,
    l&2 9, Y. (26) 916, (~~18 roi.), wh4re bh0 oon$r8ot in qug+
    tlOL4~8 One 08iuaE rOr the+I8b4ii8tiOn    of 4 OWQl8t8 plrt
    book lys$w ror t,hm oounty 4nU to build o4rtala ui0p8,for 4
    oonaider8tion Or 33-l/3 98r 08at Of 811 dolinqU8Ut tax48 001s
    la&a&~~~in~   4 08rt4h  the, th4 %lV.*ton COWt held 88
    ”        It 4xpr48alf a p44r4 upon the raa4
    tb&&    ;h;t*thi8 W8, PI81 Isf, 4 0OOtrsOt 'in
    00~4OtiOU With th. 4Oll44tiOKiOf &Oli~qll8~bt8X88',
    wlthla ths tuma    ot Artlole8 73358 4ml 72664, mpra,
    ha04 th4 4rr0rt8 . i . to~reruacrlt8t~ thorn- rrt4r
    tb.y ha4 a0 bgaow ruaobu8 0rriai0 by'thmlr own
    t.N - were la dlrvot ~ooatra**atloa    or thr teems
    of   thoao    8t4tUt44,    heno* were abortive;     . . . In
    ttmtt&e upr488            t4N   Or   oltidtit1018   73358 randgp
    8Uoh &fOrtl, TV walva tbe tlnm of 8rrorwao4 or
    r~amut&o obll    tloalitm its OXQfr4tlcm, void, on
    tm @ants;    (a The mimpaaatlm uda mom than
    tWiO@ th0 155 th8rOln 8gtWlfi4d 88 8 ~x%s&UE Ob4r64,
    4ud (b) n4ith8r tb4 &mptp%l8r   ILOP th8 Attornq
    -oral   or the Stato hrd approved any of them5
    rulbher did 8Ub88qU4l%tR. 8. ktiol. 726ka r8tri878
    thia blaak-out fOP,8p~ll4X& ia 8llfr88~80t,b804USgr
    by its 4xpr488 beN,   it Wa8 *nob lntand4d to abanlp
    any 18~ now la 4ff8Ob r4grrdlng t&4 aolleotion ot
    d8llnQU4nt t4X48'."
    fn th0 aaaa ~0r whit4 va. MaOill, County Tudg4, 4t 41,
    111,8. B. (2d) 860, a 8uit involving  a “t4f i4rret aontr8ot.
    in r4g4fd to personal propsrtp, the %prshle OOurt of %X88 84113:
    Hon. John R. shook,           paae 6
    -In ord8P.80 4r0ia th8 lx so utio 0r
    n Owtr SOt8
    oalllngror 4XO888iT8 4nd                    wr4880u4b14          OolP~8JI88tlOn,
    the L4gi814tUF@ 8nSOt4d th) iOE4goiog 4rtiOl48,
    (Art. 7335a on& kt.       726&a, V. A. C. 23.) Sd litit8d
    ths oompemiatloato bo paid tbenuadu te an amount
    net to 4xOord 15 p4F 04iit Of~tb8~4m@mt       @0~8otod...
    Artlolea’7335      and 79cC rm.th8    bs*la to support   th4
    ~o@atPSot8.~#ltid      in th4 dooicloaa above Oit.46. (x48t-
    wad v. ~4od8?~~.OOrPby,62X~$.~;(~~65t         8ylrsa S4ad4r8
    f?w        V8.   sOUrr$ COWtl;  n s, w. (2a) .7w), 4X4Outgd
    prior TV the 4nsotmnt or artlol48 7264a and 7335s.
    Art1018 73W        r4r4P8   to real +8tat* and                   tbo method or
    it8    88888SMZbt.     AH1014   7339%&W b448                    aa4nd8d br
    big    dprtiOl4  73358    th4retOC. . ‘Th4rdolrS                   6On41Ud8
    ‘II4                   ’
    ;.-                  that th8 oonbraot lnvolvod h4rwi8                          govclrnsdbr tha
    I'.~                provlslon8 or Arttol4 7335ek*
    ?mxa      a 8tUdr     of       rbara
    t~ha           a+i0~itiu,                to&her        wltb
    8-1    8r on48, w4 ~2~4 b8Ow             ooavlneed that the 4ppell~t4
    courtsof       .tbl8 ~t88~      dou     mid arblolie    7335, 7546 sad 72648, 411,
    “in OOSlZ4OtiOn
    .88-b4ilig                            u$th tk4 OOl-lrQtiOII Or delinquent t4U#'
    and Oltaaul8tiWOr oaoh 0th4r. gad, h8 8uoh, b4Iag 4meaeblc to th8
    pmVi8iO88  Or ktiOl@    73358. SrtprS.:99~18b4104580, rY d0 not bg-
    li4v4 that the tarioua motboda Of oollaobing    88X88,  or in 8ib
    th8luOr, anuwmtod    lag said ~tatatoa~ oouX6 ba 80 ilplit 8ad 88~4~~
    gtgd frer.48Oh~Oth8r 80 48 tO.8~04 tb8 MXhlmr       155 4Wp4a84th
    ror   gaoh    & :auoh meethodr, ti BON than one method18 u84d                                     for
    thena4418     4oatPaat      t im4.        I!h   Oth4T   WOrdS,    if,,OdlY          OXl8 E4tbod     I8
    daalred, th8a the           ocapenublm,iW
    ,88rV1048 rondored In parru~g
    that rtbod should ba oonrenaurqtaklth theVSlu4 r404Ired bat
    lb 00uia not be mOr8 thanbh* 15% oelllng.   fr mor4 than 004
    /’            mgthod,   or all         ruthode,     4r4       usad; In   on8    or    mor4 oontrrotr rim
    th4   same or     airr02-4a por4oaa~ th4                 04llinis r0r th8 8ntlr4                  uork
    oorgrad br 8oOh           8kbUt88         OOdd     U@
    uo@4d 15$ 02 the                                  4mouat     ml-
    1gut.d       ther84ad8r iOr bhe DOP%o&Oftipl4involved.
    TbroiOrO,   la 4aiw4r ho pOUr qU48tiOn          80. 1, you arg
    4dVisSd   th8t   Say OOUSt~ d48iriIl&tO      ill8t411   4 t4X Or plot  8JSta
    084 014ar    the 00uaty 0r 4rror8,      ~001U110t8    and u&mown ounor8,    LU,
    do 80 br pafing not to lx o udrr$ Oi the dolinquat               t4xaa Oolleat~d,
    uhioh papeat          Sh8l.l 0074~ ths ooat or r4oord8                       4aa lnstslling a4.
    Eon. John R. Shook
    YOUI-   qU88tlOn    HO.    2     U4    bsli4V4,     18 8LISW4rad by
    the lx p r a aprovlaloae
    8        of Artiola 73358,                    aupr4: ". . . .
    rirtran per 04nt or tihb amount wllrot4d.*
    In rqmrd to JrOLWqU@tiW                   HO. 3,      WO ro~48b      th8t
    the~xlaam O~pWLO8tloSi iOr,the                    urtira work TOM under
    lubhorlb~ of ArtlOlea 7335, 734                   and 726ba, aupra, oould
    sot   oxoood 15s pr the afmat              oollootod     $h4rouul4r        for   th4
    period 'c$ bim8 lavolvod.
    bUStill&     th18   raiy        IwW8r8      y,OUr qU88tiOU8,         WO
    VePr truly        $3w8,
    ATTURHRY       PHnau        01   T?xAs
    Robert Ii. Lattlaor~,Jr.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6081

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017