OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS .4TTORNLY GENER.bL HonornbleGee. R. 2heppard cOI2ptrOiibrOr Public Aocounts Aiistin,Texas Rear Sir: the prsh of Chlropractlc,has been deolare&qral?;tdby the /met or Crininaq Appeals, is thenOomptrollerof,FublLcAccounts /,6iW$or&zed to issud warrsnts in ( .: pagpent or claims for payment \aGainst the tees approprlsted \ under said Aot and another '._ - letter,.lated "~ .' . . Vernon's AnnotatedCivil Statutes, provides as follows: _ . '?:?h&the court irom'whlah~anappeal has or may be.taken has been or shall be deprived of jurisdictionover any case pending such au-aesl, and when such case has or may be determined by the Court of Criminal Bppeals, the mandate of said sppellnte oourt shsll be directed to the court to,which jurisdictionhas been or muy be, given over such case." , Hon. Ceo. H. .Zheppard, Paae 2 Also, 38 arc familiar with I;rticle849, Vernon's AnmotSted Code of Criminal Procedure, provides as fol1ov.s: "hen the Appeals-is rinaP%%l``kt``a``~tlCgOfOCUT~l , proper certlrlcateof the prooeedlngshad and judgment rendered, and laailthe aame to the clerk of the proper court.” (Rmphasisours.] ~Ordlnarily a judgment oannot be ssid to be rinbl In the sense that It is conoluslre of the rights of the port&s until it has reached that stage at which It oan neither be set aside nor reversed on appeal. Cases olted 26 Tex. Juris. p. 81. And so long as the right to revision endures, there is Wore than s mere possibility*that the udgment may ultimate- izdp7;et aside. Rablnowitz t. i&rnsll 3Corn.. App.) 13 3. Y. , reversing 2 S. ‘i!. (2d) 930. The Court.of Criminal Appeels of this State in Cause No. 22,775, styled Rx parte W. B. Halsted, delivereda judgment on June 7, 1944, in which they held unconstitutionsl Arts. 45128-l to 4512a-18, Vernon's Annotated Revised Civil Zitatutes,known as the "ChiropraotlcAote. 3e auote rrom said opinion, in part, 88 followsr 0. . . . _: eds laudable and praiseworthyas was the legis- lative purpose, yet suoh raots furnish no reason or besls to violate the Constitution or this state to attain thst objective. YhSn the Constitutionspeaka, It is supreme. An enduring and lasting government requires that it so remain. *%hen this Aot is thus construed as'an overall pioture, ohlropraotloend the practloe thereor is either definite or indeilnite, oertaln or uncertain. If indefiniteor unoertain, it falls by reason thereof. If it be d&finite and certain, it violates the ncn-preferenaeoaause or Art. 16, Sec. 31, of the constitution or this Ztate. "It follows, from what has bean said, that ive hold tile dot unconstftutionaland void. There exists, therefore,no velid law denouncing as a crime the acta char'P.edagainst relator, and he is entitled to be discharged. .I. . . .., Hon. Dee. 6. Yheppard,Fee 3 Opinion Xo. O-4715, by this Ceoartment,reads, in part, 8s r0ii0ws: "Under the statutes and rules above referred to and set out, it wss nlaaethe duty of the oounty auditor to see that no payments of salaries were made to said oounty oomaissionersin exoess of those provided for by law. Salsrles~havingbeen paid to the Commissionersof Hsys County in excess of those provided for by law, we hold that the ~Countp Auditor Is liable ror all suoh suma so paid, insorer as he aoted malloiously,oorruptlg or neg.0 llgently In permltflng said payment to be made. It is our further opinion, however, that the aame rule of good faith would apply to him as we have herein- above held should apply to the County Commissioners, in that said Auditor would not be liable to pay any or seia suma.~paiato said Commissionersprior to the date he may have reoeived authoritativeadvice from the County or Distrlot Attorney, or the Attorney +'Ceneral, that the.law under which seld excess pay- ments were made to said Commissionerswas unoonsti- tutional, or that same no longer applied to Days County by reason of the ohanee in the populationor valuation braoket, whiohelr8.r was,..firstIn point of time.* Unaer the raots as herein presented, a motion for rehearing was riled wlthln the fifteen day period prescribed by statute, end.tha above judgment of the Court of Criminal Appeals is not final, but ws think that it euthoritlvely advises the C@nptroller or Pub110 Aooounts, Texas Board of ChiropracticZxaminers and everyone else that said %hiro- practio Act" Is unoonstltutional. In view of the foregoing, it is:. the opinion of this department that the Board of Chiropractic Examiners is not authorized to incur expense5 against funds provided fcr Under the Whiropraotic Act”. Trusting this satisfactorilyanswers your inquiry, we are
Document Info
Docket Number: O-6071
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1944
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017