Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

    >                             AUSTIN
    -orable Charlse R. Kartb
    @euntp kudltor
    Iiarrism Countp
    Dear s1rr
    Your latter
    opinion of this d0pa.r
    reeds in part as roll0
    oat30appeal& fros
    ts any dietriot er
    h oourt &all, aith-
    6m0r,   midi    t0   thrr
    ice givine the style,
    suit, anclshall
    a rsndersd in euoh
    laent Board a ems
    tommy preparing
    file the Qrlginagmn~e; 0;; of
    olerk of the 6mu't.
    ly with taie pre-
    vision shall not exouoe the failure of the olsrk
    or a district or oounty court to nail a oextlfied
    wpy of euch juagnent to the Industrial kooldent
    Board aa above provide&.
    Honorable Charles R. Hartin, Peg0 2
    *‘ihO. 2. Any clor& or a dlstrlot or oounty
    court who ial3a to ocmply with the provlslonsof
    this !.ctshall be guilty or a misdemeanorand upon
    oonviction shall be puniehe@ by a fine of not more
    thar! '2~0.00'.
    : i&tderArticles 3327-3428,mlsoel-
    laneoiiafees of Listriot Clerk, provision la mde
    for the Gierk to mire a oharge of fifty oents r0r
    certified oopy of any petition or other lustrumeat
    when prepared by plnintlff or defendant and co+
    pared by distrlot clerk, for eaoh Oertliioate and
    seal and toh oenta per 300 words to the page.
    rjhouldthe 24atriot or County Clerk oolleotede
    tee for the above loentlouedaeniees renderx to
    the IndustrialReeldent Board, And if so, should
    the tee ue oolleeted frem the attorneys in the
    089‘3,or the Board?
    ". . . ."
    It will be noted that you r&Or to Artfols 4270 0l
    the Penal Code-la your letter. Article 4270 of Vernon's Aono-
    tated Penal Code has no applloatlon to the questionspresented
    in your inquiry and we dssume that you refer to Artlole 4270,
    Vernonfs Annotated Pehal Code.
    senate Ml1 Bo. 410, Acts ot the 42nd Legislature,
    zq,ular session, 1931, (Artiole@To, Vexnoh*8 Annotated Penal
    Cods) reads ln part as follow8t
    That in every case appealed from the Ihdus
    trial kooident 'Roardto e.nyDletriot or County
    Court, the alerk of such Court, shall, wit&la
    twenty (20) days after the flllng thereof, mall
    to the Industrialkcoident Roard a aotlae giving
    the style, nmber and date of fll1o.gsuch suit;
    anrishall **Ithintwenty (20) daya aster judgnmnt
    is rendered in such suit, mall to the Industrial
    Aooident x%ard a oertlfled oopy or such judgmrnt.
    The duties devolvlng upon Xstrlct and County
    ilerks under this Aot shall aonstitute a part of
    their OXOfifiOiO duties %IIdrOr SUOh SelFoiOSS uW3g
    shall not be entitled to any fee.
    . . . .n
    Honorable Charles 22. Uemtln,   Page   3
    The 45th Legislature Regular Seaelon, 1937, en-
    acted fbuse 13111Ro. 420, pm&ding 'i:'orkmen*s
    Insuranae for employeesof the State Highway Department.
    ection 19 of liouseXl1 
    420, supra
    . reads Ifipart as fol-
    That in every case nppealed rroln the Board
    to any district or county .:ou,rt,the Clerk of
    suah Court sh&ll, within twenty (20) dayo after
    the fIlIuC thereof, mail to the Board a notlae
    glvlng the style, mubar, and date of filing auoh
    suit, and shall.,within twenty (20) days after
    judgment is rantiered iiiauclieuit, maI to the
    Soard a oertlfled copy of such judgment. The
    duties devolving upon distrlat and eountg clerks
    under this law shall constitutea part of their
    81 offIcIo duties and for such asrrioea Shey shall
    not be entitled to any See.
    "l   .   .   .-
    Seotloh 19 of said Houee Bill No. 42oia brought
    rommra      In Vernon*8 Amotated Penal Code as Artlole 427~1.
    In a r00tn0te on pqe 335, Vol. 1, Vernon*8 Anno-
    tated ?enal Code It la stated reSerring to ArtIale 427~ that
    Thle artiale (Acts 193l, 42nB Leg., p* 30s.
    ah. 182) was, In effeot, re-enaatedby hats 1937,
    45th Le., p. 1352, uh. 502, 3 19. The m-enacted
    provlsloheare set out as article 4270-l. A8 en-
    acted in 1931, this article contained prOVisIOrA8
    identicalriiththo provisiona no% set out in arti-
    cle 4270-l."
    Above the footnote just quoted It Is stated nhrtIcle 4270.
    In view of the forey,oIngyou are respeottullyad-
    v%sed that it 15 the opinion of thfs departmeut that the
    alerk ol'any district or aounty court is not ahtitled to any
    fee for the servloes that were required irm olerks of the
    distriot and oomty courts under the provisionsof imtiole
    4270, Bernon's Lonotated &me1 Code nor are such olerka en-
    titled to auy coirpensatlonfor the servioesrequired by Artl-
    cle &no-l, ‘bernon's¬ated Penal Coda. Therefore, the
    HatorableCharles R. Martin, Pege 4
    olerka or the dletrlrrtor oounty aourte are not authorized
    to oolleota fee for the abovementionedeervIoe8 rendered
    to the InduatrlalAaoldent Board from the attorney8in the
    oaae.or tim IndustrialAccident Board.
    Trusting that the foregolnplfu3J.yanswera your in-
    quby, we are
    Yours very truly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4866

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017