Oi=F!CEOFTHEATTORNEY GkNERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN t&e oanvaas VOIImade ia due time, the votes ~opntea andtabalsted and the Co. Judge marked oa the vote tabulationsheet the aords~ *Bee- t&on ordered carried,' SlgpeilCounty Jud@. f &o~not f%ud in the papers or tinutas say proala- ;&atilyuthe Co. Judge ever amde or auy evidenoe :'fbPt.aproelamatlonwas we.r postedat the Court- @us.e door for 30 tiys. Ha, under art. 6961 reaXdwo bare aprimaftie case andavalld 'eldotioneven thon@awe oamwt find the procla- 'Iprtianorrecerdof ltsharingbeem posted? 1. Terry Couuty is Wt. authorized to hold an slec- tion,~wxler Artiole 696.4,of,the aarised citil Statutee of Texaf~,since the county is not enumeratedin the counties tlteMmna#dasbeneflciariee or theohopter. -v Under the h01din.gof the Court of Criminal Ap-. peals, in~ghoes T. State, 4% S. W. (2) 739, citedby joa it ia our oy2inbu that the election ordered in Terry county c4 &member 8, 1924,~is vo3.d. met epinion jtlsta53ntlonedaonstruad Artiolo a959, lceY%seJd Ciril statutos, $92& in respeot to the eharaoter and extentofpubllshednotioe,the 6tatutebelagr Vlhe Comtp Judge shall issue au order for such election and cause public hotieee thereof to be given for at least thirty days betors the day of eleotion,bj publication of the order tharef+orin sosae rxwspaptirpub- lished in the county, if there be OPO.~ The etatutaIs UnC~sd. The notice rhlch was held to be %nsufTident was publishediisa dpLly paper in the oitF oi Houston ouco a reek for four succesalvereeks, begl.nn%ngon Tuesday, April 22, 1930, and bml3.n.gon Tueedsy, Xay 13, 1930, the parlod be- tween the first and laat publicationbeing twenty-twodays. The electionras held in iiarrlsCounty on Saturday,Uay 24, I930. ma wurt saiut 200 Honorableil.ii.virgilCrawford- page 3 aThe trot that the groat aqerity ei counties in this State have no daily paper aouZd indicate that it 80s not the inten- tion of the Legislature to req&,re piblica- t&m in a dally paper. Areokly piper, in our opinion, would aawrer the reqairfment of thf3. etatute,but the publf4at.lon slust oontisnein each succoecdvelrrrrtlsof the paper during at least thirty days before the day of election.* Concerningthe election held In Terry County, you say1 *Terry County held an eleotlo?aoa the abore on January 24, I%?S. The election was ordered DeOe8OiW 8, 1934. end ~Otiot! tUtsot pubUsaea fram Dectuiber,s2 to Jaw uaryl20t1926. s&l& n0tL40 was publl.ldI- od for tNrty days b&ore the election but not ,&u?xt preoedj‘ng slmJe.* ue tNnk these isets bx%ag ysur emotion with&n ,the,holdlng of the hurt of i2'hhal A-18. 3. Xou ceuld not make 8 prbm Peale case for fhs elerriim of January’24, 1926, if tho mlmztes of the carmrrdo- Courts&mmthe truth,becau~,as WC have 8bom, .$#Uumrs* .$W aotiao was not rqplarly ptrbUsbed and for the ttrrthsr r!%sanae twder ahming the rosEa.ltof tmab oleotion has War been recorded in tho dxmtes of the CuwUsdoaers~ -Art, as required by Article 8961, of the Rerieed M-1 8tatutee,the 3.avbeing the s~lsethen as now. I very tray ywrs ATTQRX2X
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4849
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017