Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  •            OFFICE     OF THE   ATTORNEY    GENERAL     OF TEXAS
    Honorable R. A. MoElrath
    county Auditor
    Cooke count f
    Calnasrllla,   Taxes
    Daar Sir:
    ealoaarr and the
    i Oooka County
    42,    raquratfng    th8
    oplnlon or this     dap                            atad    quaatlon    neda
    aa followa:
    year   1941 wee
    provider     that the aalarlaa
    ountias     having an aaaaaaad
    000,001.     and lose than
    .OO par aaaum; and Artlole
    , provldea    that   the mlnirnuat
    dltore   ahallba     $125.00 for eaah
    assessad   valuation,      oomputad from
    hs oondltlons   mntloneid above, and tha
    atatutaa  to which rsfsrenos   is made, your opinion is
    desired  ae to whan tha ohangs la aalerlee    for the County
    CommIssIonera and tha County Auditor will baooiaa aiteotlva."
    Bonorabls     R. A. McEl~th, page 2
    In answer to that portion     of your quaetion
    rsgsrdlng   the salarlaa    oi the Oounty Cemmlaalonara,     based
    upon tha inoraasa     or tha assasaad valuatlonortaxabla
    proparty in the county, you era advlaad that tha County
    Commissioners    Court is only authorlaad     to base tha salaries
    or the County Conualerlonrra      for the ourrent year upon tha
    total aasaasad valuation      of tha praoedlng    year.  Cooke
    County had a total +rsssaad valuation        of all propartiae
    or #19,178,810.00     Sar tha year 1943.    The annual aalarloa
    of the members of the Comalaalonars       Court of Cooka County
    ror tha yaar 1912 muat be beard on the 194l easasaad ralua-
    You atatr   In your latter   thattha    total  assasaad
    valuation    or th4 properties   in this oouuty for thr year l942
    la $20,081,820.      This bring trua , and provided tha asaassad
    valuatlone    do not lxxarrd $30,000,000.00     ror the yaar 1942,
    tha Cammlsslonars     Court say at its rlrat     ragular mmtlng In
    fanuary,   1943, fix the salary    of raoh County Commlaslonar
    ror naah year at a ma not exorodfng         $2250.00.     The County
    Commiaalonars oaauot lnoraase      thalr lalarlaa     ior tha yaar
    1942 baaed on tha arsasaad vsluatlon        for raid year, but aa
    above stated    tha salarlaa ior tha yaar 19.942muat be barrd
    on tha 19&l assrasad valuation.        (8aa Arte. 2350, 23!%(l)
    and 2350(2),    V.A.C.S.)
    Tha question    regarding  Wae iaeraasa ln tha
    salaries  Or oounty oommlaslonars,     whara tlmrrrhaa bean an
    lnoraasa  in tha eareased valuation     of the propartlas  in a
    oounty, is mora fully    dlaoueard in oar opQ~lona t&unbars
    O-2272 and O-3616.    wa lnol.oaa ooplae or’-thasa oplnlona
    r0r pour oomanienoa.
    We now oonaldar    that part or your quaetlon     with
    rsrrrrnoe   to tha annual relax-y or ths County Auditor of
    Cooks County.     Senate Bill No. 119, Aots of tha &7th Lagls-
    latura,   Ragular S48aLon, 194l, provide8  inpartt
    x                     =xu any aoonty havlng a populatlou       or thirty rh
    thousand (35,000)      inhabitants,    or over, aooordlw    to the
    laet pmosdlng      Federal    Csaeua, :dr having a tax valuation
    0r  Firtsan Mllllon      (#J.~,OCO,OoO;OO) Dallars   or ovar,
    acoordlng    to tha lart gpprmdd tax roll,        thare shall br
    blaunlally    appointed    an auditor   of accounts and tinanoea,
    the title    of eald officer      to be County AUdItor, who 8hal.l
    Honorable       R. A. MoElrath,     page 3
    hold his ofrloq ror two (2) yeare and who shall ra-
    oelvs as oompensatlon       ror hle aanloa8        to th8 oounty
    as euoh County Auditor,         an annual salary of not more
    than the annual salary allowd            or paid the Assessor
    and Collectorof Taxas in hi8 oounty, and not less
    than the annual salary allow@4 euoh County Auditor
    under the grnsral       law provldad In Artlolo         1645, RI-
    vlwd Civil Statutes,         as said Artlola       exl8kd    on
    January 1, 1940, auoh ealary or tha County Auditor
    to be fixed and drtormined           by the Dlstriot     Judge or
    Dletrlot     Judges making suoh appqlatmant          and having
    jurisdiction     in ,the oounty, a majority         ruling,   aald
    annual salary to ba paid monthly out of the goner61
    fund of the oounty.         The a+tlon Of said District
    Judge or Dlatrlot       Judges 4.datanninlng         aud fixing
    tha salary of such County Mdltor             shall   be made by
    order and rsoordad in the tiutes             of the Dlstrlot
    Court of tha ooanty, ,end ths,Clark           thereof    &all
    oertiry    the same f’or obsesvenoa to the Commlnslonars*
    Court, whloh ahall oauao th~‘.aama:``~o .ba rroordad ln
    ltn minutes;     aftartho     .aelary ol.‘t%r County Auditor
    has baen ilxed~ by’ the.Dletrlot         Jodg? or;Diatrlot
    Judges,    no ohangr in 'suoh salary       ahall thrmattar
    be001110  erraotfr``until the bsglnnlag or the next
    lnsulng rlsoal year or the county.             Provided howavsr,
    any lnonaro      in thhr.aelary      of any 8uoh County Auditor,
    over and above the annual a~lary allowed 'suoh Count
    Auditor ondsr the general          law provided in Art1018 1 g 45,
    as said Artiols      exlatad    on January 1, 1940, shall only
    beg allowed or psrmlttsd        with the express       oouseat and
    approval or the Cooualasiensrs~          Court oi the aounty
    whose County Auditor is atf6oted           or may bei aiiaotad
    by the provisions       of this Aot$ auoh conront and
    apprornl or ,such CoWlaalonarn*           Court shall ba mada
    by order of such Court and noordrd             in the minutes
    or the ~sslonara*            Court 0r eueh 0oanty.u
    Article 1645, vepnon~aAnnotated fXvi1 Statutes,
    err it    existed     on January 1, 1940, nads  in part as rollowe:
    QI. any county   having e population   of thlrty-
    I            five   thousand (35,000)    inhabitants,  or over, according
    to the preceding Federal Ceneue, or having a tax value-
    tlon of Fifteen billllonDollar8 ($lj,OO@,OOO),or over,
    f            accordi% to the last approved tax rolls, there shall
    Ronoreble    R. A. MoElrath,     page 4
    ba biannleiiy      appointed    an Auditor or Aooountr and
    Finenoes,    thatltla     of said offlcar       to be Countf
    Auditor,   who shall     hold his 0rri00 ror two (2) yaara,
    end who shail raoelts        as oompensatlon       for his srrtlosa
    One Hundred and Twanty-five          Dollars    (#l25) for aaoh
    million   dollare,    or major portion       thereof   on tha
    aasasead valuation,       the annual salary        to be oorputad
    from the last approvad tax rolls;            said annuals salary
    from oounty funds shall not axoaad Three Thousand,
    Six Fiundrsd Dollar6       (#3,6OG).*
    In view 0r the fomgolng         statute8     you era
    respeotfully     advised that the annual salary of the County
    Auditor cannot be mora than the annual salary allowed or
    paid the amascior and oolleotor           of taxrr ln hlr oounty,
    and not lane than'tha        annual salary allowed auoh oounty
    aadltor    undsr the general     laws ~provldad in Artloia         1645,
    .Revlsed Civil Statutea,       au said artlola       axlsted   on Jan-
    ~4m-y 1, 1940. Suah ~ealary of tha oounty auditor to be
    fixed and detarmlnsd      by tha district      Judge or dlrtrlot
    judgas making suoh appointment          and having jurlrdlotlo~
    ln the oounty, a majority       ruling,    said annual aaiaria8
    to be paid mainly out of the ganarel           fund Of tha OOMty.
    It tha annual salary or~the oountyaadltor                was rlxad under
    tha provisions      or Artlola   1645, as said artlola         existed
    on January 1, 1940, aald salaryoaat             ba eompated from the
    last approved tax .rolls.at        tha~tlma tha salary was fixed.
    In oonnaotlon with the foregoing           you era further advl8ad
    that ii the annual salary or ,tho County auditor was flxad
    under the provisions       or Seneta Bill Ro. 
    119, supra
    ; the
    annual salary of the county auditor,            as above stat&        oannot
    I    ba more then the annual salary allowad .and paid tha assessor
    and oolleotor      of taxes lnhla      oounty, or~loes       than the an-
    nual salary allowed auoh oou&ty auditor under the grnrral
    law provided in Art.lola 1645; Ravlsed Olrll Statutaa,                 as
    said artlale    exlatad   OBJanuary 1, 1940. Cs Want to pOiut
    out that any lncreeee~1.n       the salary of the'oounty          auditor,
    over and above the annual salary allowed such oounty auditor
    under the general       law prorldeddln     Artltiia    1645, as said
    ertlole   existed   on January 1, 1940, shell          only be allowed
    or permitted     with the axpress      consent end approval of tha
    Honorable R. A. MoElrath, page 5
    oommlssion~ra oourt or the COMtYwhose auditor ie ar-
    fuotad.        the salary of tte COMtyauditor has barn
    i'imd by the distriot judge or district judgaa, uo ohangr
    In such salaries shall thereartsrbecome effsctlvs until
    the beginningof the next acsuing ris0al year 0r the county.
    Trusting that the foregoing   fully answers your
    inquiry,   we am
    Pours very truly
    krdell Williama

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4840

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017