August 8, 1963 Honorable Henry Wade Opinion No. C-124 Criminal District Attorney Dallas County Re: What la the legal definition Dallas, Texas of an emancipated minor and related questions. Dear Sir: Your opinion request poses three questions, the firat of which Is as fol&ows: "QUESTION NO. 1. What la the legal defini- tion of an emancipatedminor? Speclflcally,when may a minor algn their own operative permit or permit8 for their own children? May a wife who has attained her majority sign an operative per- mit for hetihusband who has not attained his ma- jorlty?n We understand from your letter that the term "operative permit" as used In your request means a permit authorizing a phy- sician to perform an operation. Article 5921 of Vernonta Civil Statutes reads a8 follows: "Minors above the age of nineteen years, ihere it shall appear to their material advantage, may have their dlsabllltlesof minority removed, and be thereafter held, for all legal purpoae8, of full age, except as to the right to vote. Article 4625of Vernon's Civil Statutes reads as followe: "Every female under the age of twenty-one years who ahall marry In accordance with .. the ._ laws - of this State, shall, from and after cne clme or such marriage, be deemed to be of full age and shall have all the rights and privileges to which -614- Ron. Henry Wade, page 2 (c-124 ) she would have been entitled had she been at the time of her marriage of full age.“ The term “minor” Is defined In Section 3 (t) of the Texas Probate Code In the following manner: "lMlnorstare all persons under twenty-one years of age who have never been married, except persons under that age whose dlsabllltlesof mlnor- lty have been removed generally, except as.to the right to vote, In accbrdance with the laws o'fthis State." the Coul't``l``~;f~,'~t~;```` g; ````*:``;````~;"``~* out in the Texas Probate Code was not limited to the Probate Code but applied to all legal actions. The Court held further that a boy under the age of twenty-onewho is married Is an adult. It hekessa?lly'followsthat an ensnclpat.ed minor may sign their own operative permit or permits for their children. If for any reason the husband Is lncapaclt+ted~soas to be unabl,e to sign his ‘own opera$lve~,p~ermlt his wife,may slgti same. In View of ~theabove quoted'titkttites, an'timankpkted minor Is a person under the age Of twenty-oneyeare..whoIs or has been married or h&s had his'or her dlsabllltles.remo~edtinder Article 5921. The Cdiar%s'have'also held thata ~wo~an~,~uhd.er:.:~the.'~ag of twenty-one'yearswho has been married Is not a ml’%. Klnser v. HIi
275 S.W.2d 847(Tex.,Civ.App.1955)r~ "QUESTIONNO. 2. Must 'adeath certificate be signed by a doctor fully licensed to practice medlclne,lnthe State of Texas?” Rule 40a of Article 4477,Vernon's Civil Statutes, sets out the requirementsfor death certificatesand read? In part as follows: - "A certificateof each.death which &curs In this State shall be filed with the local reg- 1stra.rof the district In which the death oc;- c'urred., . .Except as otherwise provided, the "' medical certificationshall be made by the &- slclan,nlfany, last,ln attendance on the deceased . . . . (Emphasis addend). %~ -615- Ron. Henry Wade, page 3 (C- 124 ) Article 4510, Vernon's Civil Statutes, defines the practice of medicine as follows: "Any person shall be regarded as practicing medicine within the meaning of this law: "(1) Who shall publicly profess to be a physician or surgeon and shall diagnose, treat, or offer to treat, any disease or disorder, mental or physical, or any physical deformity or Injury, by any system or method, or to effect cures there- of; (2) or who shall diagnose, treat or offer to treat any disease or disorder, mental or physical or any physical deformity or Injury by any system or method and to effect cures thereof and charge therefor, directly or Indirectly,money or other compensation;,. . .w ~, Article 4498 of Vernon's Civil Statutes requires the licensing and registrationof persons practicing medicine In the State of Texas. Under Articles 4498, 4510, and Rule &Oa of Article 4477, the term "physician"meansone who Is lawfully authorized to engage In the practice of medicine in Texas, and In order to lawfully engage In the practice of medicine In this S,tate,a person must be licensed by the State Board of Medical Examiners. Therefore In order to sign a death certificateas a physician, the person must be licensed to practice medicine In accordance with the laws of the State 'ofTexas. Provision Is made In Rule Ala of Article 4477for a death certificate . when the death occurred .w%th&zt medlcaL.~attendtinae. "QUESTION NO. 3. Does the law recognize any special status for a prisoner being held on a felony charge by local or county authorities who refuses to accept medical treatment?" It Is well settled that a physician cannot treat or operate on an adult patient without the patient's consent. Nor can he treat or operate upon a minor wlthout,:the consent of318 parent or legal guardian. In emergency cases, when the patient Is unconscious a physician may be justified In applying treat- ment which Is reasonable and necessary for the preservation of hls life or limb. w
222 S.W. 225(Tex.Comm.App. 1920). The fact that a.person is being . . -held .- on a felony charge or is legally under arrest on any crlmlnal cnarge does not deprive him or his civil rights. 'As stated In Texas Jurisprudence,"A -616- - -- Hon. Henry Wade, page 4 (C- 124 ),. person who Is confined ln,jalI to answer to a criminal charge Is not thereby deprived of any of his civil rights, except ln- sofar as the detention Interfereswith his -liberty;. . .a con- vict can dispose of his property by will or deed, can sue for personal Injuries received during his imprisonment,. . .' 33 Tex.Jur. 781,Prisons and Prisoners,Sec. 12. In answer to your third question, a prisoner may re- fuse medical treatment,ifhe so desires and the sheriff or law enforcementofficer who has custody of the prisoner maynot com- pel him to accept treatment or consent to the treatment for him. SUMMARY Atiemancipatedm$nor Is a person under the age of twenty-oneyears who Is or'haa been married or has had his or her dlsabllltlesremoved under Article 5921 of Vernon*8 Civil Statutes. A death certificatemust be signed by a physician, If any, la& In attendance'onthe deceased, who Is fully .llcensedto practice medicine In the State of Texas. A prlsouer being held by local or.county authorities ``~. has:-theright to refuse t-&accept medical treatmint. Yours very truly, WAGGONER CAiR ,AttorneyGeneral 2&.\4 Jack G. Norwood JGN:wb:mkh Assistant APPROVED: OPINION I. COMMITTEE W. V; Gep&rt, Chairman Harry Gee Al10 Crow Bill Allen Pat Bailey APPROVED FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL BY: Albert P. Jones -617-
Document Info
Docket Number: C-124
Judges: Waggoner Carr
Filed Date: 7/2/1963
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017