. . I TXXEA~TORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS I AUlSlWJ. TExAa m3vll April 4, 1974 The Honorable Henry Wade Opinion No. H- 270 District Attorney Dallas County Government Center Re: Whether the respondent in Dailaa. Texas 75202 a cause filed under the Uni- form Reciprocal Support Act Dear Mr. Wade: is entitled to a jury trial You have aeked our opinion on the question of whether a respondent in a cause filed under the Uniform Reciproca! Enforcement of Support Act is entitled to a jury trial. The Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act hae been enacted 81 Chapter 21 of the Texas Family Code. It derive8 from Art. 232&3b-4, V. T. C. S., enacted by the 59th Ltgirlature in 1965, and from e8rlier similar legislation. We considered a similar question in opinion No. H-218 but confined our reply to contempt proceeding6 brought under the Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act where an obligation to support had already been validly fixed by another court and in which enforcement by contempt of court war the only iaBue. Opinion No. H-218 was written in rerrponee to an inquiry by the Honorable Tom Hanna, Criminal District Attorney of Jefferson County, Texas, and he, like you, haa requested that we broaden the opinion and state “whether a respondent in a Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act to net the amount of child support is entitled to c jury trial.” This opinion is intended aa an anrwer to Mr. Hahna’ inquiry 81 well as to yours. Ae indicated in Mr. Henna’6 supplemental inquiry a court in a Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act proceeding hre autho- p. 1264 The Honor8ble Henry Wade, page 2 (H-270) rity to set the amount of child support. Other issues which might come before the court in such a proceeding 8re the need for child support, the duty to contribute, which would involve prrenthood, 8nd other rel8ted issues. We believe thrt such proceedings rre controlled by $11.13 of the Tex8a F8mily Code which provide6 8s follows: “(a) In 8 suit 8ffecting the parent-child ret.- tionrhip, except 8 suit in which adoption ia nought, 8ny p8rty nuy demand 8 jury trial. “(b) The verdict of the jury ie binding on the court except with respect to the iaeueo of nunaging conaerv.torclhip, poesersion, 8nd support of and 8cceae to 8 child, on which the verdict ir rdviaory only. provided, however, the court may not enter 8 decree that contravene8 the verdict of the jury on the ir#uer of managing coneervatorrhip, porresaion of, or 8cceaB to 8 child. ” We believe that the 8dvinory jury specified in 0 11.13(b) i6 8vailrble in Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act proceeding8 and thus, in answer to Mr. Hanna’r supplemental inquiry, such rn 8dvirory jury would be available where the court is setting the amount of child support in such 8 proceeding. The right to 8 jury concerning other issuea would be governed by the terms of § 11.13. Accordingly, while 8 jury ie not avrilrble to 8 respondent in 8 contempt proceeding filed under the Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act to enforce 8 previous valid order of child support [see Attorney Gener81 Opinion H-218 (1974)], the provisions of 0 11.13 of the F8mily Code, making 8 jury avril8ble in suit6 affecting the p8rent-child relrtionahip, are appliuble to other leg81 irauea which might arise in Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act proceeding8 in rccordrnce with the term8 of s8id 0 11.13. p. 1265 . . The Honorrble Henry Wade, page 3 (H-270) SUMMARY A jury ir available to a reopondent in non- contempt Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act proceeding0 if one of the ieauer rpecified in 8 11.13 of the Family Code ir before the court. Very truly yourr, A?& JOHN L. HILL Attorney General of Texrr P DAVID M. KENDALL, Chairman Opinion Committee p. 1266
Document Info
Docket Number: H-270
Judges: John Hill
Filed Date: 7/2/1974
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017