Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1965 )

  •               E             NEu     GENE
    Honorable Steve Latham                     Opinion No.   C-378
    County Attorney
    Hill County                                Re:   Whether a County
    Hillsboro, Texas                                 Attorney may rep-
    resent himself in
    the trial of a
    misdemeanor charge
    filed in another
    Dear'Mr. Latham:
    Your letter concerning the above captioned question
    reads in part as follows:
    "In accordance with Article 4399 of
    Vernon's Civil Statutes, the opinion of the
    Attorney General is requested on the follow-
    ing question:
    "May a County Attorney of one County rep-
    resent himself on the trial of a misdemelanor
    charge filed in another County?
    "The following facts are pe~rtinent: The
    undersigned County Attorney of Hill County has
    been charged with a misdemeanor game violation
    in Mason County."
    Article 32 of Vernon's Code of Criminal Procedure
    provides as follows:
    "District and County Attorneys shall not
    be of counsel adversely to the State in any case,
    in any court, nor shall they, after they cease
    to be such officers, be of counsel adversely to
    the State in any case in which they have been
    counsel for the State."
    Hon. Steve Latham, page 2 (C-378)
    We are not deciding whether a District or County Attor-
    ney who represents himself on the trial of a misdemeanor charge
    is "of counsel" as that term is used in irticle 32, supra, but
    for the purpose of this opinion, even if such attorney is "of
    counsel", it is our opinion, based upon the following authori-
    ties, that such Article should be construed so as to except
    from its prohibition the right of such attorneys to represent
    The legislative power which has been vested in our State
    is plenary and complete except as that power is limited by the
    State Constitution or by the Federal Constitution.  Ferquson v.
    114 Tex. 85
    , 263, S.W. 888 (1924); Terre11 v. King,
    118 Tex. 237
    , 14 S.N.2d 786 (1929).
    Ye believe that Article 32, Vernon's Code of Criminal
    Procedure, is generally sound and serves a legitimate legis-
    lative purpose. Were it not that its terms seem to prohibit
    absolutely a county or district attorney from defending him-
    self against any criminal charges lodged against him, ex-
    cept upon resignation from office, its constitutionality
    would not be open to doubt.
    However, the freedom to participate in the preparation
    of one's own defense is a fundamental right guaranteed by
    both the State and Federal Constitutions.   U. S. Const. Amend-
    ment VI: Tex. Cnst. Art. I, Sec. 10; Anselin V. State, 160
    s .%. 713 (Tex. Crim. 1913).
    Although public office iS a privilege and not a right,
    a person cannot normally be barred from public office for
    exercise of his constitutional rights.   "...we need not pause
    to consider whether an abstract right to public employment
    exists.  It is sufficient to say that constitutional pro-
    tection does extend to the public servant whose exclusion
    pursuant to a statute is patently arbi,krary or discriminatory."
    Wieman v. Updeqraff, 344 TJ.S. 153 at page 192, 
    73 S.Ct. 215
    97 L.Cd. 21G (1952): II. . .that a person is not compelled to
    hold &zblic office cannot possibly be an excuse for barring him
    from office by state imposed criteria forbidden by the Consti-
    tution.   . . ." Torcaso v. Watkins, 
    367 U.S. 488
     at pages 495,
    81 S.Ct. 1680
    , 7 L.Ed,2d 982 (1961).
    Moreover, even if some compelling reason may be shown
    Hon. Steve Latham, page 3 (C-3781
    for restricting the exercise of constitutional rights, the
    burden is on the State to show necessity and that no al-
    ternative forms of regulation not restrictive on constitu-
    tional rights would suffice.   "In a series of decisions
    this Court has held that even though the governmental pur-
    pose be legitimate and substantial, that purpose cannot be
    pursued by means that broadly stifle fundamental personal
    liberties when the end can be more narrowly achieved.    The
    breadth of legislative abridgment must be viewed in the
    light of less drastic means for achieving the same basic
    purpose." Shelton v. Tucker, 
    364 U.S. 479
     at page 488, 
    81 S.Ct. 247
    5 L.Ed.2d 231
    In its desire to guard the public against improper
    administration by district or county attorneys, the Legis-
    lature appears to have deemed it proper to forbid disloyalty
    by enactment of Article 32 to strike down all possibly dis-
    loyal acts, rather than attempt to separate the harmless and
    the harmful.
    In most cases this would be within the Legislature's
    power since it is normally neither necessary nor desirable
    to permit county or district attorneys to act in two capa-
    cities in their normal dealings with the State. Article 32
    would become unconstitutional only if it infringes on the
    constitutional right to defend oneself against criminal pro-
    secution when the public welfare does not require such
    stringent protection. We think it clear such stringent pro-
    tection is not required under the fact situation about which
    you have inquired. However, we wish to reemphasize the consti-
    tutionality of Article 32 generally and stress that we express
    no opinion with respect to fact situations which go beyond
    the one here involved.
    The Supreme Court of Texas has declared, 'I. . .it is a
    well settled rule of statutory construction that where the
    language of a statute is broad enough to cove,r matters with-
    out, as well as within, the power of the Legislature to en-
    act, courts should construe, the statute, in a restricted man-
    ner , as applying only to matters lying within the legisla-
    tive power. This rule should be applied in all instances
    unle,ss the statute itself clearly indicate,s otherwise.  + F .'I
    Waco v. Landinqham, 
    138 Tex. 156
    , 157 S.W.Zd 631 at page 633
    Hon. Steve Latham, page 4 (C-378)
    Pursuant to the above, we conclude that Article 32,
    Vernon's Code of Criminal Procedure, must be construed so
    as to except from its prohibitions the right to defend one-
    self against a misdemeanor charge brought in another county.
    Any other construction would render it unconstitutional in
    violation of U. S. Const. Amendment VP, and Texas Const.
    Art. I, Sec. 10.
    Article 32, Vernon's Code of Criminal Procedure,
    should be construed so as to except from its prohibi-
    tion the right of a county attorney to represent himself
    on the trial of a misdemeanor ~charge brought in another
    county. Any other construction would render it unconsti-
    tutional in violation of U.S. Const. Amendment VI and Texas
    Const. Art. I. Sec. 10.
    Very truly yours,
    Attorney General
    L, J. (Larry) Craddock
    W. V. Geppert, Chairman
    Howard Fender
    Malcolm Quick
    Kerns Taylor
    James Strock
    BY: Stanton Stone