Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1963 )

  •                    October 22~,1963
    Honorable J. W. Edgar                 Opinion No. C-166
    Commissionerof Education
    Texas Education Agency                Re:   In view of the three-
    Austin, Texas                               year llmltetl,onset out
    in Article 2781, Vernon's
    Clvll Statutes, whether
    the teacher contract In
    question Is a valid con-
    tract, under the faots
    and circumstancesout-
    Dear Dr. Edgar:                             lined.
    We quote from your letter of October 4, 1963, In which
    you requested an‘oplnlon es~follows:
    "This Agency has been requested by the
    board of trustees of an Independent school
    dlstrlct to obtain en opinion from your of-
    flee on a submitted teacher contract situation.
    The Independent school district Involved does
    not now, nor In current pest years has it had
    e soholastlc population of 5,000 or more net.-
    essary to authorize issuance of teacher con-
    tracts for periods exceeding three years.
    Article 2781, Vernon's Civil Stetuteo.
    "Admlttedlg,X holds a valid teacher con-
    tract dated Deaember 8, 1961, whloh tiploys him
    foi.the period beginnl aaly 1, 1961, (for w61-
    $41962-63   and 1963-68  and terminatingJune 30,
    "After having served one year (1961-62) under
    that three year contract, then In the early pert
    of its aeaond year on Deoember 4, 1962, the sahool
    Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 2 (C-166 )
    board awarded him a second contract to extend
    his tierviceswith the'district, wherein lt~pur-
    ported to contract him for an additional two
    years beginning July 1, 1964 (for 1964-65 and
    1965-66) and terminatingJune 30, 1966.
    'Mr. X Is now serving as superintendentIn
    the third and last year for which he was employed
    under the first contract.
    "Currentlythe time remaining to run under
    both contracts,assuming the latter Is but an
    extension of the former, does not exceed three
    years. But on December 4, 1962, when he purport-
    edly was contrac~tedfor two additional years,
    the total time then existing to serve out both.
    'contractsexceeded three years: VIZ., the remaln-
    ~lngpart of the 1962-63 year (seven months) and
    the 1963-64 year covered In his first contract;
    the .years1964-65, 1965-66 covered in his .second
    'In view of the three-year limitation set
    In Artlole 2781 and In the light of the
    decision ln.Lynch v. Crockett I.S.D., 
    244 S.W.2d 564
    (Tex.Clv.App.1951, no writ), an opinion Is
    requested on the following submitted lnqulry:
    "Whether the teacher con&act dated December
    1962, Is e valid effective contract,under the
    facts and clrcumstancesherein outlined.
    Article 2781, Vernon's Civil Statutes, which Mntrols
    the length of time the Independent school district Involvedmay
    contract with e superintendent,reeds In part es follows:
    '?he Board of Trustees of.any city or.
    town or any Independent school district may
    employse superintendent,prlnolpel, teacher,
    or other executive offlaers In the sahools
    therein for a term not to exoeed three years,
    . . .I'
    The provisions of this Article prohibit any contract In
    excess of three years, and It Is clear that any contract In ex-
    cess of the time specified by Article 2781, Vernon's Civil Statutes,
    Is void. Lynch v. Crockett Independent &ho01 District, et al.,
    244 S.W.2d 5b
    4 (Tex.Clv.App.1951).
    Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 3 (C-166                    )
    By entering Into the second contract on December 4,
    1962, the Board of Trustees of the Coleman IndependentSchool
    District contracted for a total time, on that date, ,underboth
    contracts, In excess of'three years. The obvious legislative
    Intent cannot thus be obviated. This they are specificallypro-
    hibited from doing under the provisions of Article 2781, Ver-
    non's Civil Statutes; We think that the llmltatlons contained
    In this statutory provision lead to the Inevitable conclusion
    that the Legislature Intended to llmlt the total time of such
    employment dontracts to three years.
    We are, therefore, of the opinion that the Board of
    Trustees of Coleman Independent School District exceeded their
    statutory authbrlty on December 4, 1962, by entering Into the
    second contract which, when taken with the first contract resulted
    In a contractual obligation of the district In excess of three
    years. It Is, therefore, our opinion that the December 4, 1962
    contract Is void.
    ;:.                                                         .
    Article 2781, Vernon% Clvfl Statutes, prohibits
    the:Board of !l?usteesof an lndependent~school district
    from'contractlngwith a superintendentor teacher for
    more than three years whether one or more contracts
    are utilized.
    Yours very truly,
    ’ ``...                           Attorney Qenerel
    JB:wb:mkh                        .,
    OPINION COMMITTEE                      "~
    W. V. Geppert, Chalrmin
    FtiedD. Ward
    Joe Trlmble
    Norman Suarez                                    *z
    Pat Ball&y
    BY: Stanton Stone              .I

Document Info

Docket Number: C-166

Judges: Waggoner Carr

Filed Date: 7/2/1963

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017