Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1960 )

  • *-   ..
    Itfm&D~lo;                         H. Doherty     qpinion #o. ww 785
    San Au&umtlnej Toxar                         .Re:   mother tht County Judge
    or ,DIet,rIct
    Judge 8ppolnte
    Spealal Oonnalrelonersand
    render6 Judgments In EmI-
    nent Domain Prodeedlngs
    Inmnneugu8tIne and Sablne
    ‘.   l
    Dea r    lb r ?    Do h e r fa w
    We .haveJrourletter In which you request an opinion 18
    mllow~r                               :
    ~%der S.& ‘Na.19,~ 56th iegialature;t&d, Cillod
    V.A~.C:S. Arty. 1970-310, ~cimcernlng~ eminentT
    domain proaedurea,``doea  th+ couilty judge or khe diatrlct
    judge .make the appointment  of the~apeoIal.conmIsaIoners .
    $n condemnation.Mttcm e,rtainlng.to the state hlghuayis,
    &nd IS the e0unt.y’
    judge,~niakOr  atiahappointment,Ia,the
    SInal decltilonof iuch ~aom&rlone~, wider existing.law,
    made the judgment o? the county or the,d,lstriotcourt?
    Stitsd~‘another’uay, Is the petItIon norrtatemant 19
    wrItIng oheking the appointment,?f such a board 4nd the
    aonaequent aondemation   hop. the rip-of-yay,  Slled with
    the.county or the dlatriat‘judge?
    The above msntloried.
    act la alro ,foundat Pages90 of the Acts
    OS the Seaond Called Session OS,the 56th LegIaLature (1959:) the,
    pertinent provlrlons of whlah~read ae’S~llo?rcI:
    “Section 1. !SheeoUnty courts of the Counties OS
    Sablne and San AquatIne shall retain and oontlnue-to
    have aad exercise the general arinclnaljurlsdlctlon,
    both orlgltil ah@ appellate, and the general jurladlc-
    tion of ,probstecourts, and ‘all jurledictlonother than
    in civil mattera, Including eminent domaIn~j&lsdlction
    OS which Ia,hers conies-redon ,thedistrict otirt Sor
    ~8aId countlee, now or hereinafter conferred upon such
    county oourts ,by the Constltutlonand ‘lawsof the state,
    and shall retain all juflsdlctlonand power to lpsue      .~.
    writs neoesaary to the enforcement 0s~thelr~jur5.ndlctldn,
    Hon. James Ii.Doherty Page 2 (w 785) .,
    and to punish contempt;'but,said bounty o&t8 shall            ``
    have no civil jurisdiction,except as to Mnal judgments
    reterred to In Section 2 hereof,
    "Section2. The district court OS tpe Firs+ Judl-
    clal District having jurisdictionIn said~Countlesof
    Sabi;neand San Augustine shall have and exercise jurls-.
    dlsGlon In matters of eminentdomain and In all other
    matters and cases OS a,clvll,.naturb,whether the same
    be OS original jurisdictionor OS appellate jurls~lctlon, .,
    over which, by the General Lawe,of the State of Te'xas
    now exlstlng and hereinafter enacted, the county courts
    of said count&es would have had jurisdiction; . . .'I'
    You state that lrlncethe above act'provldes only foi?a
    transfer of the jurladlctlonof the County.'.Court~
    and not of the
    County Judge, you have.doubt as to whether the District Judge has.
    authority to make the appointmentof the special commlss~oners.
    We presume that you have ref'erence~
    to the,generallaw (Art. 3264
    (2) R.C.S.) providing for Slllng eminent"domalriproceedingswith,
    and appointmentof special commissionersby, the county judge.
    You also statesthat ltiall the acts you haiieexamined which trank
    Per eminent domain proceedings.from's county-,courtto another
    court, you find that both the jurlsdlct$onof the county judge qnd
    that of the county court are transferred.
    The case of City of Dallas :v. Johnson,,.54-S.W.
    (Dallas C.C.Arj 19%‘) Involved the ~qusatlonralsed~by you,.the
    specific question there under review being whether the Judge of
    the County Court at Law No. 2 In Dallas County had the authqrlty'.
    to appoint special commissionersIn condemnationproceedings,the,
    contentionbeing made that the exercise of.such power ,restedalo
    In the county judge. The Court overruled,khlscontentionand he:  !r
    that the grant of jurisdictionover eminent domain proceedings to .,,
    the County Court at Law Included.authority In the Judge of that
    Court to appoint special commlssloneraand :saldz,
    "It appears, therefore,that the county court -~
    of Dallas county, the county court of Dallas county
    at law No. 1, and the county court of Dallas county
    at law No. 2 have concurrent jurlsdlctlon~over all
    matters that are prescirlbedby article 1970--3, as
    the jurisdictionOS the county court at law No. 1.
    This grant of jurlsdlct$onincludes the specific
    matter under review. ..,...'I
    In the later case of MIers v. Housing Authority & City OS
    266 S.W. 2nd
    487, (1954) b f     th       C  t s cl 11 ,.,
    ma,      the question was raised"thEt'%e J&iy!S g     Czuntyv
    .   -
    Hon. Jamee Ii.Doherty page 3 (WW 785)
    Court at Law No. 1 had no jurisdictionto try the can& because he
    was pot the County Judge. The Court disposed OS this question by
    one &hort paragraph reading as follows:.
    "Arts. 1970--3, 1970-4, 1970--16, have been
    Interpreted to mean that the County Courts of Dallas
    County at Law Nos. 1 and 2 have jurisdictionto try
    condemnationsuits. City of Dallas v. Johnson,_. Tex.-
    Clv.App., 54 S.W.2d lbia,‘iit.
    ibi&~tie overrule
    appellant’spoint one.”
    We also call attention to the emergency clause of the act
    In question which recites the fact that the judges of the county
    courts of the two counties of Sablne and San Augustine are bur-
    dened with business Including eminent domain proceedings.
    You ‘areadvised that in our opinion the District Court
    OS Sablne and San Augustine GountIes, and the Judge thereoi,.has
    comp1et.ejurisdictionover eminent domain proceedings In r%ld
    countie8. Therefore, the petitions or statements In coudelrma-
    tlon should be Sll,edwith, and the,apeolal commissioners;appolnttid
    by, said judgi, and the award OS the commlssloners,,In the abeenoe
    of objections,should be made the jadguient
    ,,,    of tt&Dletrlct Court.
    3uMNA.m     ”
    Under Chapter,7, A&s cif,  the ‘SecondCalled
    Seuslon of the 56th ,Leglslature,  1959,
    (V.A.,C.S. Art. 1970-310) In ,Sablneand San
    AugustineCo&t&es,, ,,petltlons  or statements
    In eminent domain prodeedlngs are to be
    Slled with,‘and appointment OS special com-
    misdionere  are to be made by, the District
    Judge, and the award of the special commis-
    sioners, in,the,aba@nceof objections, Is to
    be made the judgment of the District Court.
    ,Youravery truly,
    Attorney Qeneral    .   ,
    Hon. James H. Doherty page 4 (WW 785)
    W. V. Geppert, Chairman
    w. Ray scruggs
    Donald Bernard
    Charles Cabanlss
    Leon Pesek
    BY: Leonard Passmore

Document Info

Docket Number: WW-785

Judges: Will Wilson

Filed Date: 7/2/1960

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017