Aue-mn II. TrxM October 16, 1957 Dr. M. Ii.Crabb, M.D. Opinion No. W&278. Bearetary, Texas State Board of ::e: Corporationpraotlce In Me&ml Examlners, medicine, Fort Worth 2, Texas Dear Dr. Crabb: You have requested an opinion on the following questions: “1. Is a physician subject to having his license forfeited under Article 4505, Section 12, If he accepts employmentby a corporationon a salary or commission basis, and the corporationcharges for the services that he performs? “2. In a situation such as is described above, would the corpora.tion be considered as being engaged in the unlawful practice of medicine?” These questions have arlsen by virtue of a letter received by your office from an indlvldual licensed to prac- tice medicine in this State,ln which he states: “I would speclflcaliylike to know If there Is a Texas law und+r which a doctor forfeits hla license if he is cmplcyed, either on a salary.or commlss:lot~, iryan accredited hbspltal In which the hnyplcal collects the fees for the personal service8 cf i;hlsphysician.” Subdivision 12 of Artlcle’4505,Vernon’s Civil Statutes, prohibits the “permittingor allowing anothr,rto use Ns license or certificate to practice medlclne in this State for tne purpose of treating or offering to treat sick, lnjtrrcdor afflicted human beings”, and such conduct is made a &round 1’orthe suspension and revocation or cancellationof hi,sl.lcenseto practice medl- clne by the provisions of Article 4!506,Vernon’s Civil Statutes. DF. Pl,X, Crabb, Page 2 (UW-278 ). I) , . . Bp the pleadings of appellant, N8 tert5mOny, and the 6tipUlatlon6of the pUrtie6, it Via6 cOnClU65iWl~ e6tsbl56hed mats Appellant Y86 Clinic for a 6alary of "s $iiZe&Zy``ti he received nb Seer; the Cl5nic Was owned by Ralph C, Thom&ll,who wa6 not a medloal doctor and no mediual doctor owned any 5nterest In the clinic) appellant performed medical services for the clinic and th6 fee6 for such cervices were collected by the clinic. Such conduct on the part 6f appellant was In effect ‘permitting, or allowing, Mother to U6e h56 license or certificate to praotioe medlclne In th58 state, Sor the purpO66 of treating, or offering to treat, sItIt,injured, or affiliatedhuman beings’, wh5ch conduat is prohfblfad by the grovfslcrns oi Section 12 of Art. 4505, Vernonld Ann. Div. Stats., and is made a ground for the forfeiture of 6 license to racticc mdblne by the prw585ons of hrt. 4 5d , Vernon16 Ann. Clv. Statr. See Section 5, Art, 4505," Tex.
303 S.W.2d 376, the Supreme Court In -0 8x88 a b?%?e It t&validity of a corpo- rate praatice rule adopted by the Board of Examiner6 in Optoac- try, which rule state6 "that an optometristwho prcicfioeaopknae- tFy On the prem56eb of a tnercant5leestabl56~6nt 6hOUld observe 6ertain spacilied conditions regarding the 6eparatlon of his practice from the business operations of the uercantile estab- lirhment, and that proof of noncmplianoe with any of there conditionswill be considered prima facie e,yldenoethat the 1 optefaetz%st has placed his license at the disposal or In the service of 8.nUnlicensed person In vlolation of.Article 4563(i)". Subdiv56lon (5) of Article 4563, Vernon’s Civil Statutes, referred to In the aorporate practice r~lq 6bove quoted, pI’oVide6: "'(1) That said licensee lends, lea6es, rents or In any manner places his llaehse at the dl6posal or in the service of any per6On not licensed to Qraet5Oe optometry In th56 stats,'" Dr. H. H. Crabb, Page 3 (WW-278). In sustaining the corporate practloe rule, It was held: "The third rule attaoked--'theoorporate praotloe rule'--has for its stated purpose among other things the safeguardingof the optometrist-patientrelatlonshlpand the efieotive Implementationof the Legislature's prohibition against placing an optometrist'8 license 'In the service or at the dlapoaal of unlicensed persons. . . .I ,I . . . "The rule does not say that an optometrist cannot lease ofiloe.spacefrom a business or .meroantile 'establishment',but seeks to con- trol the relatIonshIpsbetween the optometrist and his lessor to the extent that confusion on the part of the public will not arise and the optometrist-patientrelationshipswill not be endangered. This end Is sought to be aocomp- llshed by means of a presumption which an optometristmay rebut If despite his violation of the rule, he can show that he has not placed his license 'at the disposal or In the service of any person not licensed to practice optometry.' Cr. Rookett v. Texas State Board of Medlcal Exam- Anera, Tex. Civ. App.,
287 S.W.2d 190, wr. ref. n.r.e. . . .I' In United States vs. American Medical Association,
110 F.2d 703, 714 (D.C.CIr. 1940, cert. den.) relied on by the Court In F.W.B. Rockett vs. State Board of Medical Exam-
iners, supra, It was held: "The practice of medlclne in the District of Columbia Is subject to licensing and regula- tion and, we think, may not lawfully be sub- jected ‘to commerolallzatlon or exploItatlon't As was well said In People v. United Medloal Service,
362 Ill. 442,
200 N.E. 157, 163,
103 A.L.R. 1229, the praotlce of medicine requires something more than the financial ability to hire oompetent persons to do the actual work. And 80 It has been held under varying condl- tlons, speaking generally, that where a corpo- ration operates a clinic or hospital, employs Dr. M. H. Crabb, Page 4 (``-278). ;he relationshipof doctor and patient, well recognized In the law, would,,be destroyed by such an arrangement. (Emphasisours). In view of the foregoing, you are advised that when- 'evera corporationemploys a licensed physician to treat patients and itself receives the fee, the corporationIs unlawfully engaged In the practice of medicine and the licensed physician 80 employed la violating the provisions of Subdlvl- sion 12, of Article 4505, Vernon's Civil Statutes, and Is sub- ject to having his license to practice medicine in this State canceled, revoked, or suspended by the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners. SUMMARY Whenever a corporation employs a licensed physician to treat patients and itself receives the fee, the corporation is unlawfully engaged in the practice of medicine and the licensed physlclan so employed Is violating the provisions of Subdivl- sion 12, of Article 4505, Vernon's Dr. M. Ii.Crabb, Page 5 (WW-278). Civil Statutes, and Is subject to having his license to practice medicine In this State canceled, revoked, or suspended by the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners. Yours very truly, WILL WILSON Attorney General of Texas John Reeves JR:wam:pf APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Geo. P. Blackburn, Chairman J. C. Davis, Jr. Ralph R. Rash :' Morgan Nesbltt Houghton Brownlee, Jr. E. M. DeGeurln REVIEWED FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL By: James N. Ludlum.
Document Info
Docket Number: WW-278
Judges: Will Wilson
Filed Date: 7/2/1957
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017