Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1957 )

  • Honorable Raymond W, Vowel1
    Acting Executive Director
    Board for Texas State Hospitals
    and Special Schools
    Austin, Texas
    Opinion No.   WW-249
    Re :   Whether the various State Hos-
    pitals may furnish food, lodg-
    ing and laundry to its employ-
    ees and charge therefor in
    accordance with Section 3 of
    Article II of House Bill 133,
    Acts 55th Legislature, Regular
    Session, chapter 385, page 925,
    and related question.
    Dear Mr. Vowell:
    Your request for an Opinion, dated August 20, 1957,
    submits the following two questions for our consideration:
    1, May "1State hospital furnish food, lodg-
    ing and laundry to its employees and charge for
    same in accordance with Section 3 of Article II
    of House Bill 133, Acts 55th Legislature?
    2.  If in your opinion the foregoing question
    should be answered in the affirmative, then Is
    that part of Section 3 of Article II of House Bill
    1339 which re-appropriates monies collected for
    these services to the item "other operating ex-
    penses" valid?
    Your letter points out that the Comptroller of Fub-
    lit Accounts has taken the position that the matter of furn-
    ishing and charging for meals by the various hospitals under
    your Board's jurisdiction is properly a subject for general.
    legislation and that the Board for Texas State Hospitals and
    special Schools obtains no authority with respect thereto by
    reason of a special provision in the Biennial Appropriation
    Bill for the ensuing Biennium. You further state that if the
    interpretation of the Comp,trollerof Public Accounts is correct
    Honorable Raymond W. Vowell, page 2   (W-249 1
    the entire hospital system of Texas will be deprived of ap-
    proximately $~OO,OOO,OO in operating funds during the next
    Section 3 of Article II of House Bill 1339 Acts 55th
    Legislature, Regular Session, Chapter 385, at page 925 (same
    being a part of the Biennial Appropriation Act) provides as
    "Services to employees and guests. In o:rder
    to reimbu,rseequitably ?he a;>roprla,Zo.nZ.?emsi:r
    this Article from which expenditures are made for
    services to employees and guests, the following
    reimbursement rates and rules shall apply:
    lsServ%cesfurnished by the inst~,tuticn::o
    s;ued at not !``ess
    employee shall be 'cc                 t!-.sn
    low$ng :
    $ 5 per month foz.~
    $I,5per -month~fcr1odgin2, excluding medical
    01 hospital system
    $15 per month per room for the first room for
    lodging of medical personnel of hospital
    system arm $10 per month ner room for
    fur ~er?~.Lces
    rendered employees
    and cc=;+s s':lail,
    je x&.y 5; a deuuction r'romthe re-
    cipiZntDs salad?;:
    or by ,:iis!l
    pa:yzentin advance.
    and othe:-receipts fc: ,tl:ese
    ices,frsm empl.oyeesand guests are hereby reappro-
    priated to the PO,t'ner
    Oper~atingExpenses' of the
    institutfon. Refunds 7;~:~excess coliections shall
    be made from the appropr‘iationto which the collec-
    tion was deposited.
    Wmployees   residing away from the grounds of
    the institutions in which they are employed shall
    Day cash for only s,uchmeals at the institutions as
    :::ayactaailp take9 ehd 'shireshall be no deduc-
    tions from the re;ular s:il,arypayment due employees
    af the respec-tfz :r:st::
    for institutional
    services or emoluments n,ctactually received by said
    Honorable Raymond W. Vowell, page 3   (w-249 1
    General legislation constitutes a separate subject
    and cannot be included within a general appropriation bill.
    Article III9 Section 35 of the Constitution of Texas; Moore
    et al v0 Shenuard, 
    144 Tex. 537
    192 S.W.2d 599
    ; Attorney
    General's Opinion WW-96 (S957)e  A rider attaehed to a general
    appropriation bill cannot repeal, modif-y 3r amend an existing
    eneral law. Conlev v0 Daughters of the Reuubiic, 151 S.W,
    877; Linden v0 Finley, 
    92 Tex. 451
    , 49 S,W. 578. See page 10
    of Attorney General's Opinion No. V-1254 for numerous Attorney
    General's 0pEn:ons so holding.
    We must first consider whether Section 3 >f Article
    II of the Biennial Appropriation Bill falls within the prohi-
    bitions of the foregoing rules.
    We agree with the Comptroller of'Public Accounts
    that the autho-fzsticn 'or Yne various state hospitals to furn-
    fsh the foregoing servkas and tc make charges therefor must
    be given by zenera law and cannct properly be covered by a
    rider to the general a:i;;ropriatfon
    bill. In this co'nnection,
    there fs no statutory c,rconstitutfonal provision which apecf-
    fically supplies such authorization. It remains for us to
    consider whether such authorization may reasonably be implied
    from the various general statutes concerning the establishment
    and operation of the affected institutions.
    Artkle 3'_'74bof Vernon's Civil Statutes creates the
    Board for Texas State Hospitals and Special Schools, and Sec-
    tion 2 thereof prescrtbes the duties of the Board in the fol-
    lowing terms:
    n0 D 0 Effective September 1, 1949, the con-
    trol ani managemen:'ofp;yf ;;;,;;Eh;sz pr;;i.$es,
    powers .$and d-2,tit
    Texas State BospLtjl? and Specfal Schools which
    are now vested fn and exercised by the State Board
    of Controlsshell be transferred to, vested in, and
    exercised by the Board for Texas State Hospitals
    and Special Schools. 0 0 -I'
    Section 5 of said Article provides:
    " 0 0 0 The Board shall have the authority to
    prcmulgate sucn rules and reg,ulat.ions
    as it deems
    proper for the efficient administration of this Act.
    0 0 DII
    An examinatfon of the various legislative enactments
    providing for the establishment and operation of the several
    Honorable Raymond W. Vowell, page 4   (WW-249)
    institutions now under the jurisdiction of the Board reveals
    that such statutes generally do little more than to set forth
    the purposes of each institution in the most general terms.
    It is readily apparent that if the Board in the administra-
    tfon of the affairs of the various fnstitutions was restricted
    to the exercise of only those powers specifically enumerated
    by general legislation, it would be wishout ;jo\:?rto s ttain
    its statutory purposes. The Legislature has vested “control
    and management of, and aES ri;ti:s.,
    privileges, powers and du-
    thereto” in sa1.dioard. yi--i
    tfes %ncl,den,t                            ; ‘;,
    ,;1 cl,~a,indi-
    intent tha,?the 9~:s “3r Teyis State
    cation of leg.IslatzKve
    HospSta1.sand Special School:
    s should be vi ?ted with authority
    to determine, by the exercl,
    =a of sound 3.5Tcrationin the light
    of prevailing circumstances, wkiatpowe’:smust,be exerci,sedand
    duties performed by sa,IdBoard in t’re;:“c??rand e?fjcient
    accompl.ishmentof the Z.egds9ativeman?: ‘,a9g’::
    bze,ct: y t~ile
    ffcatfon that ,th-?re
    must be a reasonab:.e r-z;,:2tir,r,s
    the activity undertaken and,the statutrq pu,roo>ejo? the par-
    ticular institution.
    It is our un~?er;:h         t ii‘?furnL.shingof meals,
    laundry, services, etc,, ,tc -2’i:!lcyess
    .:uestsis not treated
    by the Board e,sa commercia: ::’profit-maki,ngventure B but to
    the contrary, it is underta5 ‘bas F function incidental to and
    reasonabl,yn,ecessaryfor-th5 + 7,er i.clmlrri~,tra
    tion of the state
    hospital system. As you have pointpa out in you? letter, many
    of the state hospitals are many mfl,ss ::“?mtowel,and prl.vate
    facilities which su.ppEythe questioned:.j?rv:icesaxe not con-
    veniently avail.abln
    3 ‘T ri 0-c c?piniontkat Sec-
    tfon 3 1~:ArtSc,;e11 0;”t;-ege’rT,:?rb,;
    ,Gionact, 13 in
    all respects .aI+il+,i,``?
    te and co‘st;tut%c:::,.3
    exercise of leg-
    islc~;f,wauthority, ;y& A.:;+,hf~riaa
    h,- ‘,..eBo,ard::,rTsxas
    State Hospitals snd Special Schc,ols“,of:l,i
    sk the questioned
    services ‘toerqdoyees and guests is not derived from this sec-
    tion of the general appropriation bill.,‘butfrom the general
    laws 9 as above set forth, pertaining to the operation of the
    state hosp9tal.s. In fact, the general.appropsiation bill does
    not purport ?‘~3.+e+?c sou.r”e6f s-wt.aLitho.!:i.ty9
    but to the con-
    trary, we think tha.tthe language u.sedtherein indicates recog-
    nition by the .Legislat?zr4that such author.“ltyexists independ-
    ently of said provision.
    We believe t!:atun~;nrthe circumstances, Section 3
    of Article IL9 ey[:.;
    %e amount to be charged
    for each item of :;ervfcear& rea.pproprfatetrleamount collected
    to the “Other Operating Expenses” of the particular institution
    involvedD Although the latter are matters not cove~redby gen-
    eral law, we thh& same are clearly m..attersnecessarily connected
    _   .   “.
    Honorable Raymond W. Vowell, page 5      h”d-249 1
    with and incidental to the appropriation and use of the funds
    and do not conflfct with or amount to general legislation.
    Conley v. Daughters of Republic, m0
    You are Lherefore advised:
    lo Tnat the ;~cspital,sunder the supervi,slcrand con-
    trol of ,theBoard fo:%Texas State Hospitals and Special Schools
    may furnish food, l=dgi,ngand l,aundryto its employ’ees9where
    the Board in tnneexerci,::e
    of sound,disere,t-i.on
    that the furnfshfng of such szvices is incidental ?G aridrd3-
    sonabQ necessary f .z the proper and effici,entadmini,scratioc
    rnsgectfve hospitals. Charges shall F+
    and functioning of ,tk:e
    made for such services and the funds realized tkzrefr;m re-
    approprlrted and used in acccrdanee with Section 3 cp &tide   II
    of House Bill.X33,0
    That port$o;lof Sccti,Dn3 of Article II of House
    Bill ;,33$ whi’s:l
    re-apprsprfates monies collected for
    these services to t1heitem fsOtherOperatSng Expenses”
    is valid.
    Very truly yours,
    General of Texas
    LP:Jl nwb
    BY   Leonard Passmore
    Honorable Raymond W, Vowell, page 6   (W-249)
    H. Grady Chandler, Chairman
    Howard Mays
    Sam Lane
    James W. Wflson
    BYs         GPO~ P, Blackburn

Document Info

Docket Number: WW-249

Judges: Will Wilson

Filed Date: 7/2/1957

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017