Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1955 )

  •           TEE    ATTO-YCGENERAL
    May 24, ,1955
    Honorable Frank R. Ii@. Jr.       ,'OplnlonNo. S-157,
    County Attorney.    - -,          Re: 'Several quest~lons
    Starr C.ountg                          concerning author-
    Rio Grande City, Texao                 ity of Cotnmlsalon-
    era' Court to'hlre
    Road ComMsaioner.
    Dear Mr. Nyer
    You have requested an opinion on the following
    queetlona:                                              ,*
    "1. Is It lawful for the Commlasloners' Court
    to employ only one Road CommFsaloner for the
    whole County, and define his Dlatrlct a6 'all
    of the County'?
    "2. May a County Commissioner lawfully hold;,
    at the Bame time, the offices of Countg Corn-.
    mlesloner and Road Commlsaloner?
    "3. Hay a County have both a Road Commissioner;.
    when hle District encompaaaes all of the County,
    and a County Road Superintendent?
    "4. #ay the Auditor lawfully, approve.compen-
    aatlon of such a Road Commissioner?
    "5. If such a 'County-wide' Road Commlssloner's
    District, la not lawful, may the said Road Com-
    tilaeloner'b&paid his compensation for acting
    as Road Commisaloner for his Precinct, since hie
    Precinct wae Included In the 'Road Commiasloners
    District Number One'?
    "6. What le the salary of a Road C~tnmlseloner?"
    The employment of road cornmlsslonerti
    Is governed
    by the provisions of Articles 6737-6742,.Vernon'a Civil
    Statutes. Canales v. Laughlin, 
    147 Tex. 169
    , 214 S,Y. 451,
    455 (1948). The statutes confer the powers to b,ulldand
    maintain the county roads upon the commleeloners' court ae
    'a unit and the eommisaloners' co,urtIn discharging Its
    duties muat consider the needs of the county aa.a whole.
    --   ..
    ?rIWiKrh.kye,3r.   ?age #2.       S-157
    Canales v. Laughlin, aupra; Stovall v. Shivers, 
    129 Tex. 5b
    103 S.W.2d 363 
    366 (1937) Road commlaslonere as
    pro:lded for under Articles 6737-6742 are limited to'a
    compensation of only two doll&i p&r day. Canalea e.
    Lauahlin, aupra, Whenever a power is vested 'In the com-
    mlssloners' court, the authority must be exercised by the
    court as a unit and not by Individual commlssloners.
    Canalea v. Laughlin, ,supra;Stovall v. Shlvera, ,supr$j~.
    Rawan v. Rlckett, 
    237 S.W.2d 734
    (Tex.Clv.App. 1951).
    In Gusrra v. Rodriguez, 
    239 S.W.2d 915
    the court held that the control of county roads was limited
    to the follonlng methods:
    "Article 2351, Vernon's Ann.Clv. Stata.,
    places general control over all county roads
    in the CornmIssioners'Court, but varlo,ussta-
    tutes have provided special methods by which
    the court may perform or delegate there func-
    tions. Canales v. Laughlin, 147 Tex, 169, 
    214 S.W.2d 451
    , 457. (1) It may let the wQrk on con-
    tract to Independent contractors. Art. 6753,
    Vernon's Ann. Clv. Stats. (2) It may appoint
    an overaeer for each road precinct and deslg-
    nate all hands liable to work on public roada.
    Arts. 6718-6736, 6739, 6755* (3) It may em-
    ploy not more than fo'urroad commlssloners.
    Arta. 6737-6742. (4) It may appoint a road
    superintendent for the county or one for each
    precinct. Arts. 6743-6761. (5) Provided the
    county has forty thousand Inhabitants, the rnem-
    bers of the Commlssloners' Co,urtshall be ex-
    officio road commissioners of their respective
    precincts. Art. 6762. (6) It may employ a
    Co,untyRoad Engineer with broad stat,utory
    power8 in the event the county by an election
    determines to,adopt the Optional County Road
    Law of 1947. Art. 6716-1."
    In view of the foregoing your queatlons are ans-
    wered as follows:
    1. It his lawful for the commissioners' court
    to employ only one Road Commlssloner for the whole co,unty
    and define his District as all of the county. Canales v.
    Laughlin, aupra; Guerra v. 
    Rodriguez, supra
    2. A county commlssloner cannot lawfully hold,
    at the same time, the offlcea of county commlmiloner and
    road commia~loner. Article 6742, making members of the
    Honorable Frank R. Rye, Jr.   Page ,,#3.      s-157     I,
    commlasioners' coortex-officio road,coinmle.slonersof
    their respective precincts, doea,.notapply to Starr ,.
    County since it does not have a,population o.f40,.009
    Inhabitants. Cuerra v. Rodrlg,uez,s'upra.,
    3.  The county may have both a Road Corn&-
    eloner and a Co.untyRoad Superintendent. Guerra v.
    4.    The County Auditor may not approve corn-,
    peneatlon of   a person holding both offices of county
    commlseloner   and road commissioner In countles',havlng~
    a population   of less than 40,000 Inhabitants.
    5: Since Starr Co,unty,hasa popuIation.of.
    lees than 40,000 the county cotnmlsaionersdo not act
    aa road commlesloners.
    6.   Salary of Road Cotntnlssloner,
    under ArtI-~ "``
    cles 67X9-6742, is two dollars per day. Canales v.
    Laughlin, supra
    SUMMARY                     :'~
    The control of county roads by commissioners
    court la limited to the following methods: It may let
    the work on contract to Independent contractors; It may
    appoint an overseer for each road precinct and designate
    all hands liable to work on public roads; it may employ
    not more than fo,urroad commissioners; It may appoint
    a road superintendent for the co~untyor one for each
    precinct; provided the county has forty thousand lnhabl-
    tants, the members of the Commissioners Court shall be
    .   .
    Honorable Frank R. Nye, Jr.   Page #4.           s-157
    ex-officio road commissioners of their respective pre-
    cinctaj and it may employ a County Road Engineer with
    broad statutory powers In the event the county by an
    election determines to adopt the Optional County Road
    Law ot 1947. Guerra v. Rodriguee, 239 5-W. 26 915
    Yours very truly,
    APPROVED:                         JORN BEN SREPPERD
    Attorney General of Texan
    J. C. Davis, Jr.
    County Affairs Dlvlalon
    .L. P. Lollar
    Reviewer                                 Aaelatant
    J. A. Amls, Jr.
    Robert S. Trottl
    First Asalstant
    John Ben Shepperd
    Attorney General

Document Info

Docket Number: S-157

Judges: John Ben Shepperd

Filed Date: 7/2/1955

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017