Hon. Dudleg Davis Opinion Ro. V-1280 District Attorney 123rd Judiclal,District Re: Present composition Center, Texas of Joaquin Indepen- dent School District under the submitted facts respecting orders passed by the County School Trus- tees of Shelby Coun- Dear Sir: tY. We quote from your recent letter in part as follows: "The County School Trustees of Shelby County on October 1, 1949, passed an order by which said trustees undertook to form a county line rural high school district by annexing Jackson Common School District Ro. 77 and Fellowship Consolidated Common school District mo. 72 of Shelby County, Texas, and Eagle Mill County Line Common School District Ro. 36 of Shelby and Pen- ola Counties, Texas, to Joaquin Indepen- dent School District No. 38 of Shelby County, Texas, and to name the district which they thus undertook to create "Cen- tral Consolidated Rural High School Dis- trict Ro. 36 of Shelby County, Texas". Said Board also appointed trustees for the district. The validity of this order has been subject to litigation. The Sup- reme Court by Its majority opinion written b Justice Calvert and rendered on April 18 1951, held that said order was void an; those appointed trustees of said dis- trict by said order are acting as such without legal authority. State ex rel. Childress v. School Trustees of Shelby County,
239 S.W. 26777 (Tex. Supp. 1951). Motion for rehearing was denied on June 13, 1951. c . ” Hon. Dudley Davis, page 2 (v-1280) "On April 25, 1951, after the majority o inion in this case was announced on April l[ 1951, the County School Trustees of ShAlby County passed an order annexing Fel- lowship Consolidated Common School District No. 72 and Jackson Common School District NO. 77 to the Joaquin Independent School District No. 38 under Article 2922a, V.C.S., and enlarged Joaquin Independent School District under said statute and in accord- ance with the majority opinion of the case cited above. "The Legislature passed House Bill 814 which became effective on June 28, 1951, validating such school districts. Our case was not in litigation on June 28th, the effective date of the Act, since our request for rehearing was denied on June 13, 1951. Thereafter, on July 9, 1951, the County School Trus- tees passed an order by which they at- tempted to set aside and rescind their prior order of annexation of said dis- tricts dated April 25, 1951. "Please advise at the earliest pos- sible date your opinion as to the fol- lowing questions, to-wit: "1. Did the County School Trustees of Shelby County have legal authority to rescind the order of annexation of said districts by its order dated July 9, 1951? '2. Is the Joaquin Independent School District now an enlarged independent school district composed of the original Joaquin School District, Fellowship Consolidated Common School District and Jackson Common School District?" The county school board order, dated October 1, 1949, purported to annex the Jackson, the Fellow- ship, and the Eagle Mills Common School Districts to the Joaquin Independent School District and to declare such composftion a rural high school district. That c c Hon. Dudley Davis, page 3 (V-1280) order was held void in State ex rel. Childress v. School Trustees of Shelby County,
239 S.W. 28777 TTex. Sup. April 18, 1951). As a result of the in- validity of that order, the status of the four named districts was that of distinct, separate school district entities, as if the order of Octo- ber 1, 1949, had never been passed. However, on April 25, 1951, which was about one week after the Supreme Court decided the Shelby County case suora, the county school board passed a second order involving three of the named districts. You state that the county board, .act- ing under the annexation provisions of Article 2922a, V.C.S., attempted in Its April 25 order to act in conformity with Article 2922a as construed in the Shelby County case. That order annexes the Jackson and the Fellowship Common School Districts to the Joaquin Independent School District and de- clares the resultant composition as creating an enlarged Joaquin Independent School District. The annexation portion of Article 2922a, V.C.S., reads as follows: ,t. . . provided, also, that the county school trustees may annex one or more common school districts or one or more independent school dis- tricts having less than two hundred fifty (250) scholastic population to ~: a common school district having four hundred (400) or more scholastic p~opu-‘ lation, or to an independent district having two hundred fifty (25C) or more scholastic population.” Article 2922b, ,V.C.S., provides in part: 11 . . provided that all indepen- dent school districts enlarged by the annexation thereto of one or more corn- mon school districts, as provided for in Article 2922a shall retain its sta- tus and name as en Independent school district, and shall continue to oper- ate as an independent school district under the provisions of the existing laws and the laws hereafter enacted governing other Independent school districts, except as otherwise pro- vided herein.” Hon. Dudley Davis, page 4 (v-1280) ThsSupreme Court records reflect that mo- tion for rehearing in the Shelby County case was denied June 13, 1951, Ehat no subsequent9=3 mo ion was submitted, and that mandate has been issued and sent to the trial court. Thus, the status ~of the school districts involved in that case ~were’not in litigation therein on June 28, 1951, the effective date of the school validation Act, House Bill 814, Acts 52~ Leg., 1951, ch. 504, p. 1488. House Bill
814, supra, provides in part as follows: “Section 1. All school districts, including any . . . independent school districts . . . and all other school districts, or parts of districts, wheth- er established, organized, and/or created by vote of the people residing In such districts, . . . or by action of the county school boards, . . . and hereto- fore recognized by either State or coun- ty authorities as school districts, are. hereby validated in all respects as though they had been duly and legally established in the first instance. “All acts of the county boards of trustees of any and all counties in . . . annexing . . . any and allysuch school dqstricts, or incnoasing or decreasing the area thereof, . . . or in creating new districts out of parts of existing districts or otherwise . . . are hereby In all things validated. . ,... “Sec. 3. This law shall not apply to any district which 1s~now Involved in litigation in any district court of this State, the Court of Civil Appeals, or the Supreme Court of Texas,,in which litigation the validity of the organiza- tion or creation of such district or the consolidation or annexation of territory In or to such’district is attacked. . . Provided further, that this Act shall not apply to any district which has here- tofore been declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction of the State f . . Hon. Dudley Davis, page 5 (~-1.280) c or which may have been established ,and which was lat;r returned to.Its original status. . . . ,, _~ The so-called Central Consolidated Rural’. High School District No. 36.of Shelby County, pur- ,, ported to be created by the’aforementioned order dated October 1, 1949, of course, was not validated by House Bill
814, supra. Section 3 excepts from its provisions any district heretofore declared ln- valid by a Texnr’court of competent jurisdiction, But the Joaquln Independent School District as en- larged by the county~school board order dated April 25, 1951, does come within:and was .vall.datedunder the provisions of Rouse Bill 814. We,are not ap- prised that the etatus of ‘the district enlarged ‘by, the order of Aprils25~was in l~itigationprior,to June.28, 1951, ‘the.effect.ive date of.,.thatbill, and’ we assume It was not. _’ Therefore, un1es.sthe county school board order dated July 9,.1951, can be given the legal effect of rescinding the annexation order ,ofA.pril 25, thereby restoring the three lnvolved~districts~ to their former status, it follows that the Joaquin < Independent School District as enlarged by the order of April 25,an,dcomposing the area of .the former Jackson and Fellowship commonsdistricts and the Joa- quin independent district exists as an enlarged in- de endent school district validated by House Bill 81$ The question,becomes: Does .author%ty.,- lie’l.%%&nty school board to’rescind its former order creating a valid enla~rgedschool:distrlct under the annexation prov~is@Ls of.Article 2922a~?,:“.? swra, or,validated .~ hy subsequent .~., legislation? ; .(. ” A countg school‘board is a creature “of . statute. Art. 2676, V.C:.S -.It1~selementary that. it has only such~powers :.concerningthe:changing of school districtsor boundariesas have been expres- sly granted by.statute or which’may necessarily be implied ther~efrom. While .Article 2922a .does em- power a county school board to enlarge an indepen- dent or common schoolsdistrictsto the extent there- in prescribed, neither that statute nor any mother law of which we are apprised authorizes such board to diminish or change an enlarged district by re- scission of its prior order creating~the enlarged district. ., Hon. Dudley Davis, page 6 (v-1280) Article 2922a specifically authorizes a county board to abolish a rural high school district created thereunder upon presentation of a petition signed by the majority of the voters of each elemen- tary district composing the rural high school dls- trict. But no similar authority is granted therein to abolish an enlarged school district. An express grant of such power concerning rural high school districts would preclude,~we think an inference of such power In the board concerning enlarged dis- tricts. Article 2767,V.C .S., authorizes the .abol- ishment of certain independent school districts, but this may be accomplished only through a county judge acting on a proper petition requesting an election in the district wherein qualified voters of the dls- trlct may vote on the abolition proposition. Article 2742f, Section 1, V.C.S., authorizes a county school board to detach area from one district and attach it to another contiguous district. But again this au- thoritv is predicated upon the initiation of a peti- tion prescribed in that law, the presentation of which vests jurisdiction in the county board to act. The closest Texas case found in which is questioned the authority of a county school board to affect changes In the status of school districts or their boundaries by rescission order Is Weinert In- dependent School District. v. Ellis, 52 S .W.. 26 370 . Civ. A . 1932). I th t case a petition was prI:entsd to’:he Haskell bounty School Board pray- ing that a portion of Pleasant Valley Common School District be detached therefrom and attached to the Weinert Independent School District. On April 11, 1931, the county board passed the order prayed for. Thereafter, the said board rescinded the order en- tered, the rescinding order providing that the boundaries of both the independent and common school districts remain as they were prior to Aprll.11, 1931. The court held that the county school trus- tees had no authority to rescind their former action after adjournment of the session at which the action was’ taken, and quoted in support thereof from Cor- pus Juris, Vol. 56, p, 239, as follows: ‘After an order creating or alter- ing a school district or other local school organization has become final.a.nd effective It cannot be rescinded, except by following the procedure prescribed by Hon. Dudle;-Davis, page 7.(V-1283) stetute f'or d~issolvin;: or altering dis-. _. tricts, end subject to any restrictions'. thereby imposed." SEe also Kermit Independent School District v. State; 2'32S.W. ?d 717 (Tex. Civ. App. 1948);F,iathis Independent Pchoo!.District V. Odem Indeoendent School District
222 S.W.2d 273(Tex. C!.v.A!, . 1949);.Att'y Gen. Op.'V-'3"-(19&q). send 3-34?5 (lgl!l P. .' Accordi-ngly,we are of the.opinion that the county school board~ol:Shelby County did not have au- thority to rescind its order of annexation,,ofApril 25, lq[:l,'by its subsequent order dated~July 9, 1951. The rescindin,?order of July 9, 1951, is invalid in that it in no-way complies with the school laws rel- ative to changing the boundaries or composition Of school districts. SUNMARY The Joequin Independependent School District of Shelby County as enlarged by the annexation order of the county school boe~rddsted April 25, 1.951,actin& under Article 29?2a, V.C.S., is now an enlarged independent school district composed of the area of the former Joaquin Indegendent School District, the former Fellowship Consolidated Common School District, and the former Jackson Common School District. House Bill 814, Acts 52nd Leg., 1951, ch. 5Ok, p. 1488; State ex rel. Childrese v. School Trustees of Shelby,County,
239 S.W. 2d777 (Tex. Sup. 1951). The county school board order dated July 9, 1951, attempting to rescind its annexation order of April 25, 1951, is invalid and of no effect because it in no way complies with the school laws relative to changing the boundaries or comoosition of Texas school districts. Weinert Indenendent School District V. EL;l;is,
52 S.W.2d 573(Tex. Civ. App. 1932): Kermit Independent S:hool District ~;,:~",``D,``,``?S````; 'Iv ' c District v. Odem Ind. School.District,222 Hon. Dudleg Davis, page 8 (v-1280) S.W. 26 (
270 Tex. Civ. App. 1949); Att'y Gen. 0 s. V-877 (1949) and o-3445 (1941P . APPROVED: Yours very truly, J. C. Davis, Jr. PRICE DANIEL County Affairs Division Attorney General Jesse P. Luton, Jr. Reviewing Assistant &--&s.zfU BY Everett Hutchinson Chester E. Olllson Executive Assistant Assistant CEO:awo
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1280
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1951
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017