Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1950 )

  • Ron. Jim,W. Weatherby opinion No. v-1021. District Attorney 38th Judicial District Re: Legality of employing Kerrville, Texas a sixteen year old minor to sell beer and wine in a licensed re- Dear Mr- Weatherby: tall establishment. Your request for an opinion reads as follows: "It is desired that you give the under- signed your opinion as to whether or not a minor who is over sixteen years of age and under seventeen years of age may be employed in a place where beer and wine is sold, and who will sell beer and wine after such minor has been granted the right to work by the County Judge and in complianaewith Artiole 5181, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. "It is my opinion that suoh Infant would not be allowed to work in such place, although under Article 5181 the exceptions do not include the type of work which the minor is to pursue, and this opinion is based on the wording of Article 666-17, Section 5, Penal Code, which provides that an employee must be twenty-oneyears of age prior to selling, handling or dispens- ing liquor." Article 5181, V.C.S., provides in part: "Permit for Chlld to Work. Upon appll- cation being made to the County Judge of any county in which any chFld over the age of twelve (12) years shall reside, the earnings of which child are necessary for the support of itself, its mother when widowed, or in needy circumstances,or invalld father, or of other children younger than the child for whom the permit is sought, the said County Judge may upon the sworn statement of such Hon. Jim W. Weatherby, page 2 (V-1021) child or its parents or guardian, that the child for whom the permit is sought Is over twelve (12) years of age, that the said child has completed the fifth grade in a public school or Its equivalent, and that it shall not be employed in or around any mill, faotory, workshop or other place vhem dan- gerous machinery is used, nor in any mine, auarm or other place where explosives are &ed,*or where the moral or physical condi- tion of th hild is liable to be injw and that t:e'earningsof such child sre nea- essary for the support of such invalid parent, widowed mother or mother in needy ciroum- stances, or of younger ohildren, and that such support cannot be obtained in any other manner, and that suitable employmenthas been obtained for such child, which sworn state- ment shall be accompaniedby the certlficete of a licensed physician showing that such child is physically able to perform the work or labor for whiah the permit Is sought, is-. sue a pensit for such child to enter suah employment . . ." (Emphasis ours). Subsectiona 5 and 21 of Section 17, Article 666, V.P.C., provide: "(5) It shall be unlawful for any per- son to employ anyone under twenty-one (21) years of age to sell, handle, transport, or dispense or to assist in selling, handling, transporting or dispensing any liquor." "(21) It shall be unlawful for any per- son under the age of twenty-one (21) years to import or possess for the purpose of im- porting any alooholic beverage into the State of Texas. Any alcoholic beverage imported into or possessed for the purpose of importa- tion into the State of Texas by any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years or possessed in violation of Seotlon l'f'(20) la declared to be an illloit beverage and may be seized without warrant unless otherwise provided in this Act." The following provisions are found .inSection -_ 19 of Artiole 667, V.P.C.: Hon. Jim W. Weatherby, page 3 (V-1021) “The Board or AdmLnistrator may cancel or suspend for a perlo@ of time not exceed- ing sixty (60) days, after notioe and hear- ing, any license or any renewal of such license, upon finding that the lioensee has: “A. If a Retail Dealer’s Off-Premise License or Retail Dealer's On-PremiseLl- cerise:. . . “8. IWplo ed any person under the age of eLghteen (187 years to sell, handle, or dispense or to aasiat in selling, handling, or dispensing beer in any establishmentwhere beer is sold at retail to be consumed on the premises where sold; or . . . ,:< “B. If a General DiatributortsLicense, b-Local Distr’ibutor’s License, or Branch Dis- trlbutor’sLicense: . . . “12. l&ilo ed anj person under the age of elghtgen 7183 years to sell, deliver or distrfbute,or to as&at in selling, deliver- ing or distributingany beer; or . . .” Among'the “definitionsmade in the Texas Liquor Control Act are: “Art. 666-3a. “(1) ‘AlooholioBeverage’ shall mean alcohol and any beverage containingmore than one-half of one per cent (l/2 of 1%) of alcohol by volume which Is oapable of use for beverage purposes, either alone or when dtluted. “(5) ‘Liquor’shall mean any alcohollo beverage containing aloohol in excess of four (4) per oentum by weight, unless otherwise indFcated.‘-Proof that an alcoholicbeverage is alcohol, spirtts of wine, whisky, liquor, wine, brandy, gin, rum, ale, malt liquor, tequila, mesoal, habanero, or barreteago, shall be prFma faole evidence that the same is liquor as herein defined. .- Hon. Jim W. Weatherby, page 4 (V-1021) "Art. 667-l. ,~:. "(b) The term 'beer; means a malt bev-. erage.containingone-half of 1% or more of. alcohol by volume,~andnot more than 4% of' alcohol by weight, and shall not be inolu- sive of~any beverage designated by label or otherwise by any other name than beer;" Under the provisions of the Liquor Control Bat, the Liquor Control Board or Admlnlstratoris authorized to cancel, or suspend fore period of the not exceeding sixty deys, after notioe and hearing,;the license of any person authorizedto sell beer upon finding that the'li- oensee has employed any person under the age of eighteen years to sell, handle or dispense or tomassist in sell- ing, handling or dlapensirig beer in any establishment where beer is sold at rata11 to be consumed on the pre- mises where sold. It is our opinion that the granting of a work permit to a minor by a County Judge under the provisions of Article 5181 will not prevent the exercise of the authority granted to the Board or Administrator -. in Article 667-19 of the Penal Code. The former is a general statute; the latter Is specifio and will con- tpo1. With reference to beer, the oontrolllngage is eighteen years. Wine ia included in the definition of Ilquor under the terms of the Liquor Aot. We think that the provisions in Artiole 666-17 apply to the selling and handling of wine. The controllingage with refer- enoe to wtne is 21 years. In Opinion No. o-4536, written in a former ad- ministrationof this office, the questton of the right of an employer to hire a married female under eighteen years of age to handle beer was considered. Thhisoon- siderationwas made in view of Article 4625, Vi.C.S., which provides: "Every female under the,age of twenty- one years who shall marry in aooordanoewith the laws of this State, shall, fromland af- ter the time of such marriage,be deemed to be of full age and shall have all the rights and privileges to which she would have been entitled had she been at the time of her marriage-.offull age." The followingwas stated in that opinion: Hon. Jim W. Weatherby, page~'5 (V-1021) "It is apparent,we think, that the Leg- islature intended thatno peraon under the age of 18 years could be employed to sell, handle or dispense or to asslat in selling, handling, or dispensingbeer in any eatab- lishment where beer is sold at retail to be consumed on the premia8s where sold, regard- less of the marital status of such person. We think that by analogy the principles con- trolling the decisions abaa mentioned should have spplioetionhere. Therefore, we respeot- fully answer the above stated question in the negative." We adhere to the principle 8nLnXlat%d In the above opinion. Copies of opiniona Ros. O-4536 and O- 5088 are enclosed. SWMARY A person may not be legally employed to sell, handle, or dispense beer, or to assist in selling, handling, or dispensing saoh bever- age, if under 18 years of age. Nor may a per- son be legally 8SiplOy8dto sell, handle, or dispense wine, or to SsSist in S811ing, han- dling, or dispensingwin8, If under 21 years A permit issued by a County Judge to i’m%i under th8 provisions o? Art1018 5181, V.C.S., will not legalize suoh employment. YOUPS V8FJrtidy, PRICE DARIRL APPROVRD: Attorney General Red McDaUi81 State Affairs Division Charles D. Mathews Rx8outivs Assistant CBK:mw

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1021

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1950

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017