March 25, 1949. Hon. Joe J, Newman Oplnlon No. o-79& County Attorney TrlnltJ County Rer The m~xlmum compenaatlo8 oi Cfroveton,Texss County AttorneT, Couuty Clerk, County Tax Assessor-Colleotw, and County Treasurer au& qubs- tions relating to the duties 0r County Treamrer. Desr Sir: You have requested aa opinion on several quos- tiOnB, the first tV0 of vhlch are: "1. Uhat Is the maximum compensaW3n that the County Attorney, County Clerk, and Count? Tax Collector-Assessor may retain as rees of orrlce in Trinlt~ County? Each of said officers vere alloved to retain the mm of Three Thousand Dollars in 1944. n2. What is the maximum amount 0r roes that the CoyAy Treasurer rsr retain In Trin- itg County? _. ,’ j , Trlnltq County has a population, aooordlng to the 1940 Federal CenSUS, Of 13,075 inhabitants. we -0 informed bg the Comptroller that the Commlssloners' Court ha8 placed all County and preclaet officer8 (vlth the exoe$&lon of the Sheriff and Constables, vha are on a ,Salary basis by virtue of Article XVI, Section 61 of the Texas Constitution) on a ree basis, Therefore, the COB- pens&ion of the County Attorney, County Clerk, and Couu- ty Tax Assessor-Collector is goveweb by the p~ovl8lon8 of Article 3883 and 3891, It vas held In Attorney Gen- eral** Opinion Boo V-13 that the nsximum compensation 0r such orrloers ia counties of 10s~ than 25,000 Inhabitant8 vas $3,7% The compensation or the County Treasurer of Trinity County Is govornod by the provisions of Artlolo ., :: . Eon. Joe J. %nnan, page 2 (V-792) 3943,~and your second question 58 ansvered by ittdrney Benoral's Opinion lo. V-231, a copy of wh5ch Is enclosed. Th5e Opinion, which construed H, B. 258, A&a of the ~' 50th Legislature, 1947, amending brtlole 3943, held that upon the effective date of that bill, .the 00``588i~6neP~' Court8 of thoeo Counties governed by the Act were au- thoriced to 5ncPease the max5mum amount of lavrul con- nirsion the County Treasurer.map retain in an additlanYl amount not to exdebd 25 per cant of the maximum 8um al- lovetiunder the lavafor 'the fircal yosr of 1944. Sin00 the maxImum compensation the County %easurer of !h-5n$ty in 1944 under the proVl8lOn8~of AP- . ,’ $2,000, hle maxislumcompeneatlon nov 513 ,. &ool* .I . Your third‘question read8 a8 r0iuhfai ." .a Hov are the above named officer8 paid,.ketheP by Patartion of foe8 or by voucher duly approved by tha order or the Coam.lss5~nersCotmt?" It val) held In Attortiy Oenbaltr Opinion lo. O-6360, a copy of vh5oh . 58 enclosodt . ?b&w the abovo ve'are forced to the 8onclas5o~ that all the tax money collected br the tax collector and U8088or for the Gnty *ireel.reserving his comm5riioa r0r leetor is paid ror-the ~ssewmeat of the tuoe out of the rirrt tax money collected, in aooordanoo vlth the statuto wblah former- 3~ applied only vblch lo *et out tax collector 5s oollooting the tax m&o7 oollieteb by him ia ~oocudame vith the stat&i rhioh, priar- t* the coamliaation or t& twwtu OffiOOB, led only to the tax oolfootor (Art1c4. '%IV answer to hour qia&n, thmwf&*, ir that the tu colleotor 8nd lmea a o rrhall . ,. Hon. Joe J. Hewman, page 3 (V-792) pay into the county treasury all the county tax money collected by him except such as he reserve8 as his commission for the sw of same, on the total amount collected, and that he has no authority of law to resewe any payment out of the tax money oollectod by him vhlch vould go to himsblr by va$ of com- pensation for hi8 aasossment 0r taxes. Therefore the Aasossor-Colleator may rotaln his commlssIons for the collection of county taxes and deposit the remainder of the tax money In the treasury, pueF cannot retain compensation due him for.asseeslng . Articles 2549, 3883 and 3890 provide: Article 2549: “As soon a8 ,saldbond be given and ap- roved by the CommIssloners Court, and the , an order shall be made and en- E omptlroller tered upon the minutes of said Court deslg- natlng such banking corporation, association or Individual banker, as a depository for the funds or said county until sixty (60) days after the time flx6d for the Wxt,se- lectlon of a depository; and thereupon, it shall be the duty of the county treasurer of said county Immediately upon the making of such order, to tranafep to said depository all the funda’belbnglng to said county, as well as all fund8 belonging to any district or other munlolpal .s~bdivlslonthereof not selecting Its ovn depository, and immedl- ately upon receipt of any money thereafter, to deposit the same with said depository to the credit of tiald~gounty,district and mu- nlclpalItle8. O e . Article 3883s ‘Except a8 otherwise provided ln this Act, the annual fees that may be retained by proclnot, county and district.officer8 mentioned In this Article shall be as fol- lows: * 0 *” Ron. Joe J. Bevman, page 4 (v-792) Article 3890: '%e amouuts alloved t6 each officer mentioned In Artlole 3883 may be retained out of the fee8 collected by him under ex- isting lave; but In no case shall the State or county be responsible for the payment of any sum vhen the fees Collected by any of- ficer are less than the'maxlmuiucompensation alloved by this chapter, nor be respon6f;ble for the pay of any deputy or assists&. In ~construing the above statutes the cOmQ158-- slbn of Appeals In Oreer v. Hunt county,
249 S.W. 831; stated: *When this statute (nov Art. 2549) la complied with, county funds are carried on the books of the depository in the name of the county, and the treasurer has no lntor- est In these funds f%rther than that he ha8 authority, by virtue of his official duties, to check on~the account to di8ChargO county warrants drawn by the proper authtirltlesand resented to hIdpror payment B.S. aPt. 2449 Pnov Art. 2554). This authority necesssrlly ceases, Ipso facto, upon the election and qualification of his successor0 Ho change Is required or made in the aCcount, as it remains In the name of the County, The treasurer upon suprendeplng hi8 office, 18 therefore not required to pay over or de- liver to his 8uccessor any county fund8 If he has complied vith the lav and deposited all moneys received to the account of the count From the exprees lenguage 0r Axtl- cle 2%*44 (nov Art. 2549) It would seem to be the duty of the treasurer to deposit to the credit of the county all sums collected by him. which would include his COULts58SlOn8~ be think the Intention of the depository statutes vas to require this to be done and to require the payment of the treasuPer'8 Comml8slon~ upon warrants regularly issued as In the case of other clalam against the county. It may be noted In this regard that article 3888 (nov Art. 38gO), wh5oh appears Hon. Joe J. Revman, page 5 (V-792) to bo the only statutory provision authori8-. lng aounty OffiCiS~S to retain their fees i';rntv collooted by them, expPossly.l5m- lvilege to the officers named 5n artlele 3IG1 (now Art; 38831, vhliehdoes not include the tr&asuPer. There Is'thoPeforo no oxprees authority for his dPav5ng on the depoeltory to’pay them vlthout a properly dravn varrant. . i:.* In vlev of thd SoPogolng the County ‘heasuror mU8t deposit all 8~88 oolloatod by him for the CoMty-, in the County Depdsitoryr Ze canndt vlthhold his com- mi88ion8, but mu&t be paid said comd.8sioa8 by varraatr Poguliwly 5ssued. The C&inty Attorne a&l County,Cl&k are authorlriodunder Artloles 3883,,$90 Snd 3891, V.C. S 0, to retain their foes room moneys .colloctodby them. we quote JOllPfifth snd Sixth queBtlOn8: "5. %at authority does the Count+ Treasurer hsve in lssulng cbeaks for cash without ehowlng authority or puPpoBe for tho same? "6. ' Does the County depository have authority to honor cheaks drawn by the county ‘heasursr payable to cash and not shoving by what authority OF for vhat pur- PO80 SO dl'.¶Vn?" Artlclo 1713 provides: "The aounty treasurer 8hall not pay any money out of the county treasury except la pUr8UMCe 0r a certificate or varrant':trom some'offlcer author58ed by law to 588~ the same; and, ir Buah'tPoasuror shall~have any doubt-of'tho legality or propriety of any order, decree, certlflcato or varrant prossnt- ed to him for payment, ho shall not ay the same, but shall make report thereof eo the comm5ssloners oomt for the5P coneldoration and dlrectIon." It was hold In the oaso of Gu8sett V. llueaos County; 235's. Y. 857: Hon. Joe J. Revman, page 6 (V-792) * . payments by a county treasurer for thi ienerit and purposes of the couuty in pursuanob 0r his deslgaatlon and capacl- ty a8 puPcha85ng agent, made under order of the ooms58810nerat court or upon the re- qU585tiOA Of the COUJZIty jUd@ OP~COrmriSSiOU- dr8, 5netead of in pursuance 0r certiri- cates or vamanta, are poper credits In fa- voiror'eueh trbasuPor, lr.thereaftoP, In duo COUPBe, they be approved and rbtlfied by the @XWml58S10~P8 COUPt. Or, in other voPds, pose: and. that bolna true. ve think it could ratify the manner ln~which they vere made That I t d fads like these, the co&t"l%$f?o~d corro0t any IrregulrYIltlesIn the manner of,payment by approving the expenditure ltter, and ratlfy- lng the troa8urer1a action. It va8 held In Attorney General's Opinion go. 0-2807: * unless the county treasnror snd 00mln58&4P8’ couct or the county judge have acted In the manner as above stated, the county treasurer cannot lawfully pay money out or the oouu$y treasury e5theP for corn- mlssIons due himself or for principal and ln- terest paymonta,on bonds, vlthout first ob- taining vsrrants or cer~lflcates as required by Artlole
1713, supra. In viev 0r the foregoing it is our opln5on that the County 'PreasuPerdoe8 not have authority to le- sue check8 fO* a&y purpose except iA pUPBUam0 Of a CeP- tlflcate or wafiant from some officer authorlxed by lav to 58sU61 the same as required UAdOr &tiCle 1713. This doe8 not mean, hovever, that such authority nIU8tappear on the face of the check. If, hovever/the Couutr,De- posltory ha8 any doubt &S to the authority Of tke COUU-~ ty tieasurer 5ssu5ng BUph check, the'county Doposlt,ory ha8 the right and it la its duty to check to 8ee whether Hon. Joe J. Hewnan, page 7 (V-792) the check 5s dravn In pu~suanoe of a cortlflcate or war- rant from 808~ officer authoriced by lav to issue the MIfIebofoPe honoring eaid cheek. Your seventh, olghth, ninth, and tenth.qUe8- tlons are as follows: "7. Uhat 5s the meanlng or,Artlcle 2554 relative to the depOBitOPy making a monthly report to the hmmi88ioners Court advi8hg such court as to the dally balances ror th8 preceding quarter,of the var5ous oounty fund87 "8. Should the depository Bend its monthly statements vlth its oancelled ohecks to the county %!easurer QP to the &nIIIIiS- aloners Court ror the Comm58sloner8 lnspec- tlon under srtlcle 25541 “9. thder the eXiBthg EtatUt does ths County Treasurer have any authority to refuse to eubmit cancelled checks to the Corn- mlssloners OouPt foP their inspection? "10. In the event ho should Pefu8o to submit such cheeks for their 5nSpOtMon by the Comm5ssloners Court vhat action 08n be taken by the Commls8loners Court?' Article 2554, V. C. S., proiid68: " It shall be the duty Of 8\lch do- posltoiy*& make a detailed monthly statement to the Comm5sslonor8 C&uPt at each regular term of said Court shoving the dally balanoos to t% credit of each of the f%lnd8on deposit. . . . we quote the rollovlng from Attorney Oeneral's Opiaion MO. O-6459: "Artlole 2554 of Qe~non's huotated Civil.Statutos roqulros the County Deposlt- ory to make to the.Colnsriislon~re* Court monthly statement8 at each regular tollnof said court showing the dally balancJo8to the &n. Joe J. Hewman, page 8 (v-792) credit of eaoh or the funds on deposit. Ac- cordingly, It Is our opliilon,In ansver to our secoiidquestion, that the Commlselonera~ E ourt Is authorized to consider the bank's statements iesued by the Beposltory &mk as evidence upon which to base Its aotlon In approving the County 'Piieasurer'sSnd County hdl~or~a report8 as to the cash on hand, . . . In vie; of the foregoing It Is our opinion that it Is the mandatory duty of the County Depository to make to the CosnUssloners' Court monthly statement8 at each regular term of said Court shoving the dally balances to the credit of each or the funds on deposit. There is no provision requiring that the cancelled cheeks of the County accompany said statemente. There- fore, the Couuty D%posltory may send such MAC8lled ohecks to the County Treasurer to aid hIa in his report to the Comm58sloners~ Court as required by Article 1711, v. c. s., vh5oh provides: 'He shall render a detailed report at ovary PegU&;tarterIII Of the COdBBiOAerB COW% of hi8 county of all the moneys received and disbursed by him, of all debts due to and from his county, and of all other prooeodlngs In his office, snd ~shall exhibit to said court at every such term all his books and accounts for their Inspection and all vouch- ers rel&dng to the 8ame, to be audited and allowod. . . ." It Isour opinion that v&n the County Depoa- ltory deliver8 the csncelled check8 to the County 'i+ea- surerthey become a part of the County RedsWer'a re- cord &nd subjeot to inspection by the Colpmlsaloners~ Court. Since the County Treasurer Is required to ex- hlblt,his records to Inspection by the C0nrmi8810ner8~ Co-t, it la presumed that suoh office@ will not refuse to perform a etatutory duty, and vo therefore deollno to ansver your tenth question at this time. . Bon. Joe J. Revman, page 9 (v-792) s- The maximum oomponaatlon of the County Attorne County Clerk, and County Tax As- seasoP-Es ollector in Countioa under 25,000 in- habitants, vhere the County officials, vith the exceptIon of Sheriff8 and Constables, aro compensated on a fee baBi8 la $3,750. hti- cles 3883 and 3891; A. 0. 6plnlon Ho. Q-13. The maxlmum compensation of the County Rea- 8uPer In said countlee 18 $2 500. Article 3943; A. 0. Opln5on Q-231. 4he County ‘boa- swer cannot withhold his o6mm5sslons, but mwt be paid b warrants pegal- laeued: Greir v. Hunt Eounty (Comm App 3.249 S.W. 831. The Tax Assessor-Coll;ator'IPsy retain his comm58slon for the collection of county taxes, but he csnnot retaln'oompeaaatlon due him for assessing taxes. A. G.~Oplnion Ho. O-6360. The CoiantyClerk and County Attor- ney are authorlsed to retain their feea.and money aollectod by them..'Articles 3883, 3890, 3891. It i8 the mandatory duty of tho County Depository to lMk8 monthly statements to the Commlsa50ners1Court at each regular term of said Court, showing the dally bal- ances to the credit of each of the funds on, deposit. It may, hovevor, send the Wincelled check8 to the county 'measurer to aid him In his report to the CommissionerB* Court, and the County Treasurer must submit Said oan- celled checks to the Comm5sslonere1 COtAPt’S ln8pectlon. h=tiGleB’25!%, 1711, Q.C.S.; A. 0. Opinion Ho. O-6459. Yours very truly, APPROQED ATTOBllEPGHUERAL OF TEXAS %42--L@ IRST ASSISTLLBT ATTORWA3! Gl?ZiERAL JRtbh
Document Info
Docket Number: V-792
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1949
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017