Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1949 )

  •                      EA~ORNEY                 GENEXCAL.
    FebPuaPj 11, 1949.
    Hon. M. E. Gates
    County AttoPney
    Wslkep County                  We8 The authopity of the Coun-
    Huntsville,  Texae                 tg AttoPney OP the Count7
    ClePk to take affidavits
    giving lnfomation    that a
    pePeon 16 ot unsound rind.
    Dear Sips
    RePePence Is made to your recent         Pesuest   which
    reads     in part a5 follows:
    '1 wish you would advise me whetheP
    OP not, un&eP the pPovislons     of APticls
    55614,    the County Attorney and the Coun-
    ty Clerk have the authopitf     to take the
    affldavlt   of the afflant  cxp Informant, to
    an 1nPoPmation c$sxging that a pePson is
    of l.Lnsoundmind.
    Section   1, APtlcle   5561a provides    in   paPt as
    follows    8
    "Section .__,l 0 If_ infpslnstion  in.wPit-
    _ _
    lng unae~ oats De given to 8ny county judge
    that any person in hls county, not cbapged
    with a criminal offense,        is a pePson of un-
    souuU mind, and that the welfare of eitheP
    such person OP any otheP person OP pepsons
    requipes that he be placed undeP peatpaint,
    and such county ju&ge shall belleve          such
    Information to be true, he shall fopthwfth
    issue a WaPPant for. the aQQPehen8iOn o?
    such pePson, OP, if such like InfoPmatlon
    be given to any justice        of the peace in
    such county, said justice        may fsaue a waP-
    rant fop the aQQPehenaiOn of said peP8011,
    making said complaint and warrant PetuPn-
    able to the county comt of said CountJ,
    Hon. M. E. Gates,         page 2 (V-770)
    ad Bald county judge in either      event shall
    fix a time and place for the hearing and
    determination   of the utter,   either in term
    tine or in vacation,   which place shall, be
    either at the court house of the county, or
    at the residence   of the person named, or at
    any other place In the county, as the coun-
    ty Judge may deem best for rueh hearla(l.     e
    . e
    The pertinent          porislons     of Article     26, V* C.
    S .,, are a8 follovr:
    “1 0 All o&ha, affidavits,  or afftima-
    tlons    made within this State may be admlnls-
    tered    and a certlricate of the ract given by:
    ‘a..     A judge, clerk,       or commissioner     of
    any court     of record;
    “be   A notsry    public;
    “ce   A justice    of the peace;     O ., **
    Therefore under the ~rovislons  of the preceg-
    ing Articles   we think it is clear that the County Clerk
    may administer the oath referred    to under Article 55618,
    It will be noted that the County Attorney is
    not included in Article   
    26, supra
    . Belther are we able
    to find any statute which authorizes  the County Attor-
    ney to admlnlster such an oath.
    Article 30 V, C. C. P. provides      that “for the
    purpose mentioned in the tvo preceding Articles,          di8-
    trlct    and county attorneys are authorized to administer
    oaths e ” The “two preceding Articles”       referred   to have
    to do with the issuance of a complaint where an offense
    has been committed or alleged;        they include misdemeanors
    and felonies e Similarly      Article   
    221 Va. C
    . C. P. pro-
    vides that “the affidavit      made before the D a . dlstplct
    OF county attorney is called 3 complsint if it charges
    the commission of an offense.          The oaths referred    to in
    Articles    30 and 221 relate   to criminal cases only.        It
    Is stated in 24 Tex. Juno 388 that:
    .       -
    Hon. M, E. Qatea, page 3 (V-770)
    "The procedure fer ldjudglmg oae sot
    chrrged with cPlme to be a pemmn of unsound
    mind and p~ovidfng for bitis  restraint is sole-
    ly through the County Courts.      And~although
    the state is a party to such an inqulpy,      the
    chaPactor of the proceeding is essentially
    In view of the foregoing    it is out opinion
    that the County Attorney may not administer such an
    oath in his official  ca acity,     However, it was held
    in A. G. Opinion Ro. 0- r 228 that:
    'You ape further advised that the couh-
    ty attorney and the city attorney are not
    prohibited  by law from holding the office of
    notary public while holding theiP qfflaes  of
    couuty attorney and city attorney.
    TherefoPe If the County Attorney has quall-
    .       fied as a liotaryPublic,  It is oup opinion that he uy
    admlnlster such an oath under the p~orl~ion~ of ArtI-
    cle 26, V, C. S., as a Rotary Public.
    The County ClePk may admlnlsteP the
    oath of one charging that a pepson 1s of
    unsouudnlud,     Art0 26, 71,C.S. The Coun-
    ty AttoPney may not admlnlster such an
    oath in his offlclal   capacity,   HoveveP,
    If he has qualified   as a Rotary Public,
    he may administer such oath.     Art. 26, V.
    C.S.; A.  G, Opinion  MO, o-4228.
    Yows   very tPuly,
    AP?ROVEl                      ATTOltMXT
    OIME       OF TIEUS

Document Info

Docket Number: V-770

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1949

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017