- 224 c. s OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN QROVER SELLERS .** ArronNav GLIIEma. .___ j i 225 t E6 a.#eulmtkatiEt&?*1a?.Kit10n o\ltl%wd in yew qumtfon, the rmoti titlo to thr autciimbllo 8taA8 ia the mm of the deo8ped 226 Su.D.O.Omt-Pa-S : 227 (i _,- -_ . - -- The aboto pmvloloa of th6 Oorttfloato af Title Aot rloarlr indlwtao that It lo tlm lntemtion or the Lbglblrd~n that all oub- BiBQUa&% bd68 rfkr t&6 flPbb 04krO Of 4 BIOtOr v&dOlO h thib s&3tO shall bs A~ooaptloWl by d babtmr or tbo oortifloato ef title on woh motor vohiolo, end that 80 tltlo to my motor rehlole tie11 ano or vast until bwh tmaofor be &a lxoouho& Motioa 6S bi thbrAeP oloazl ostabllahor #to intoutioa b prolid that All 0al00 md0 la vi0 f ati0A of tllso Aat ohallk w i 4 had no 4 sflo aJ3.l pur utll t&apr~tlrioam af thib aot ?mv* hoa hem l&o& tlth. .$a tlw 0800 of a1106 T* Lbhm6n (air, App.) 168 5.K (aa f PM‘ the carrl OAlBt 1t lo t&rofon tho opluon or thlo a6pedim that it iB thb duty of tlw C!ortl?Soato of T&lo gdrloibn t@ wtcuo ths 1bbtmAeb or A oo&-tlfloato or t1uo ea4.r th8 fwtuol titwtioa 6utlllmu la Joiv wetloa Until Or aaloro i.af8m~tia bA# bee turniBh@ $0 the d-h- %eat ahowing A OAAt~AAOUb lVOH 0hAiA Of titb t0 the ldombllo la qubbtloa fnss ltb tirbt nlo i& t&i8 State tl, an4 iaolaU~$ the do- OeC&Od perbOA+ BBllo wo darn that the Wztlflecrto et FItlo M?l- 6iOn kUi8 wide dlb9mtioIUIrt p6WWb h aQtfl¶htering a0 plWviWien0 Of the CertifiO6ta of Tit&4 hot, and that in bad ea8eb It #my br tiffloult for 0urrirl~g hosro te ho0 all r0=0r awo0rb o r l rtatf~r , 229 certftioatt taf tiU6, 6nU until rwh hat been WOCq1156h6d 6nd t&e r4oord thereor appear6 la tR0 if166 of your drp6rtma8 rhowing an unbrclrea ohalc of title to thhr applloant, you would not bo ju6tifled in ismhg a m-6 csrtirioats or titilr to an applioanttm-4rm. QJ4stloa 3. "mlla w4 Ba oorreot b fQllmdng th# rOOOdUr0 ia 46666 Wham We h6W M OUt- th6 nun@ d #aeoa$ other #&A the M reqaert a prqar rssi@b 4r rhoal say 666 all 6ab60 mt cuBor untfL tit16 t0 th6 nOta V4hiOl4 $8 breug 5% ug te the ~eorarU p4rf3aw We b6M.400 th6t uu diuuulea and 8new4r to your quutlor me 8 6bbn 6a90w6x~ -6~ m -6tf08k PP. 81 6fkd it $0 tw0. rwaplt 0 Inlea thst~uadottab trotual 8ltuatloawflinu ir r00h qU66tiCHl t E at before fOU rOti& b6 jU68ifi.d in i60Uiin8 6 OOrf~b6t6 M title to the 6ppllOant thoretor, there nubt bo a oontinuoos ehaln or title or reoord in your dopar#mntto the aoter rotil6le in qua6- tioa Wld~nud by pr~@nr ua t Of tb. 06rtiflO6t4 at title trM 6ll rubrequ6at cwn4r6 to 66d the &orated pawen. @66tiOn 4. %I m6lty 666U them Uteri ha6 'bun no ldatnlrtntlea l ear %a thm @a%#gaqwt~.iaralroa uA them lCI slso Elmr ?wlr r t* 8a 8m* ¶a .r eluo o r t& motor mhiole dO66 not turtiria probatingthe *It&O, #Is &to protidod 6n 6rrldUit rot?6 t0 be enouted by CLBUX- ViYing 6oUSO When they 6re 6611.ing th4 &OtO? Y6hi618 to pay oQamdty d4bt6 aOld 611 ndrxw h6lin 6re list66 la riaao,but 16 8hera 6a9 way we earl iscrue tiuo &n the BM@ ot a 6unlrlag 6POU66 rher6 then are minor h6ire i6rctlvaU witheut +dtdnistretioa proo44dfngS or ui#oUt qu6litieetion at gwardhn or the mlnerr? %6tio requir6dia 6 ritilar CBBB, them Kerr em Binor htir6 involved aab the atofor ;zt;;z LB 6old but not ror t&e purpose or paying wnmunlty :. 230 Hon. b* 0. Gnu * Pam 9 AF8iOh6 5661) tbrOU#I Saw Or 8h6 R6Vi6u ClVu Blie8U806 o r TIPI, detornlna 8h orlghtr 6r 6laamnlty runlror with refer- MOO M oaarnualty pmpel%y in th1.seat.. la nfartlag te 6wh 8t&Ut66 t&O BqpW16 a0U.d Or lb60 In Yid@iity vni011h6Pr61iOO a-nay TO. mmhiar, 19s 8. 9, (a) W8, statU a8 ra0-t ‘wothl&kthat it tt(chtr,goPnn,@ad l,.bf.i&l,L%?: “t%h%%i!~ m#lt mt7irot a-8 fired end dote nubbyportinuit rtatu L 8* without qwiurgtng undrr rnj 6t6tUt86 the 6urviplng rpeu66 ug rell the 4aramunityproperty ta py &i?aLnity debtr." raaln in the 0686 or &&ht, et al, T6a Tamehill BrOthar6 (civ. >.) la0 9. W. (81 SUe, the Court has the ioll6wing to say! “A 6WitOtOf 6 OmUJiity ha6 8Utbotity t6 13611 and usmey property or bhe emmalty ta order tie ad- u6t SaQ dinobrgo oammtity d1bt8 ulthout @ia& timmigb 6 rOrI& pr#O66 Or pOrieOti4 uO6UOu&ty8dtIhiBttiS~ tlm and giiri~ required boaarg In tha oa6e sr Grob6 t6. tir6t state B6llk0r Iilmhop (aup. 8upreom oouri or Texar, la dls- lUZ&OI t0 baDdL0OMBIMit~ rottbrgPrp000 0fwlryOcrpmgt “Tha SM~T6t in O-tit 16 6UtbPFit&, without qualltfing w&r any statute, L 6&l and marry om- amity rop6styrrpey6mntei6~t 4o?m rim@ oofamWey property derbondr rubbfeot 8e iobtr 6) Mm- Pluaityl6t6t6t" *where 6666t6 or o a u 4 iul re8ete sty are ia S66h thorn an no &6bt6 unpaid,tfnr. h6 been 1106dmlnl6&6- tion 0r tbr u8ete, and there 16 no n60666lty ra any, then upon d66t.h of either h-baa4 or wife, oemmnity 86tate VWt6 one-ha in surTiror St6 the other h6l.f la 231 St ma thu8rom rppu art the mnttus zwoated br 4orinltoly 4oolQotl br e ho rourtm of *bole atea, ati ax-4 thor4fom mm&ed aDJ*tltrvib,``*~k t? 1whiole 18 Ming Mid to P&f aanuQunlt7(0 F”tr to fswm tho ~sortiilcato of title o?on thou& There are throo mthodo provided by ota- tuto through vhiah the nwvivor oea take possooeion of the sawmaity es6atot (XI By tak3ng out edadnlotration ua6or pitlo 54 Artlolr St90 ot 68Q*, Fmlsed Cl~il Statutoa 19851 (0) By qwrjfying aa llUrd,OY $a 00mIounit~under Cbaptu 44 Tit10 54, A.rtio10565l lt mired USlil Statutoryand (5) ‘By bolu appointed gum&m %L •~s*M 0i the lnian aa0r 'Pith 59 mi0h 4108 et 00~ R479i06a oiw aktatsr, iom* Orebo ts* i’irrt. Stat* B&k oi B&p, Iupr& If the stir of tbo notor *ss101e by the owvlving 8$xuIo 18 not bei mde to pay a c+mmmlty debt *aQ thoro nro aim obilmn, St will% aehasary tar your doQartm& to be furnlohed 'Mdenoe that tbr sur*itbg I 0\100,be8 't&Ufied \mdu o&a ef tba aboto mtaod8 in orarr te WalMy tL 1 t&B1 tSt1.0~ lai*br ahMae. Qor bdng tur- nirhedwith We thea br authorino4 to imumew- tiflouto or title fro0 th*:ou.niting qbotrrr, when the rturlriag;1 U&OF efthrrof tPI mt&U rbon nBa ham po8ted Mitpiinabf $8, rrclpootiro rtatutrr, tit10to the motor to 011, would peso to the purohaeor tmm ruca mu+ riling qouse oven thou& the tuads derivbd irat the @ale WI, 6hl- t-d by thr atwnuity ~umlvor. In 6wh Went, th. ohildrw oould 3"Wtothobon& n&Uaotta thapumhaau (dtheeutersobile. m tid*litl wai= farUrtEO0 tb%pUQ’TO. BIttOtilU, IgPm, md XoFarlaad wee Beaten, ltd 6. If. 5nd 919, rtfigsd in 154 8. w. &a 1058, ea q mlna dl k r ea o n a m- lml utntmed a ifaotr fl altore wh lr hr ig h t br epwul *CMU in l rtioular 4am, wo baliovo that to propulr e.arry out una offootueo p he ” purposor of the lld0 aI rtato&.ln a&ion 1 .thomof rboroquad, df.etatrr thr veo of the pmoeduro hemlnabovr aet out underthr faatual rftuafloar prooontod, md eny lpplloaat aggrloywl by meh pre0edua-a 10 sdeqvntel~ protooted by Seation 39 of the Aat protfdiag fo rlppBal Yma the nfusnl of thr dqartment to iseuo the oortifi- oat4 of title mquerbed. 232 Bon. D. C. Qmer - Fnge 9 u-0 true that tha fongolag euffloiokrkly anmfU8 th4 qu*r- tloar w&h you ha70 pxwmta& DEB:djm c
Document Info
Docket Number: O-7481
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1946
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017