Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1945 )

  • I OFFICE OF THE Al-I-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS lion.?. L..Himon, Jr. county Auditor ?‘Olkcounty Livingston, Texee lly oonslderrd you? re- tier,said r8quort bein& on the iO11OWil.4 ret3mm owlrd or’ nd oparatsa a 1942 Chevrolet or the Texas Bat0 Ouerd of the 66750-j of Vernonls Annotated 61111 fltatutes, Ownera of motar vehiolea, trailor and whiab are the property of, and ueed sxolusirely in the ~ervios of the United ctatos Oar- ernmant the %sta of Texas, or eny County, Uity or Ycthool&strict thereof, ehrL.1mpplp ammally to register all suah vehicles, but Shall not be required to pey the rsgistretioo fess herein prescribed, prop vidsd thst aftidavit 18 made et the tine of ryistra- tlon by a person who has the’prop&r authority that suoh vehfoles art the property or and uabd erolusiv~y in the servioe of the United 2tstes Oovernment , the 7tete of Texas, or Cou,nty or City or f!ohoolMotrlat tbtreor, as the oaaa msj be . . . .* F;on. : . i, . Iiirlwn, J’r., page 2 864 Artiole 667fie-gee of said f?tatutas, is, in part, as r0li0urs: V&tore the llellvsrgof liaense plater,to anyone engegd axclus~valy in the service of and operating vehloles whioh e~rethe property of the United States Oovarnment, or the %ata ot Texas, ox any countlea, or oitiea thereof, auoh applioa- tion shall have the approval ot the Sate Highway ?capsrtmantbefore aeM plates are iasuad to any auoh applioant, and if it appears that aeid'vehi- 01s was tranaterred to eny auoh agenay for the cola purpose of eveding the payment of reglatra- tion ieao, or thet tha aama we8 notrda in good raith, such plates ahall not be issued. Ii, arter the leeuanoa of auoh, mid vehiolea aae~eeto be, or em found to not be the property of aueh agaa- oiea, then auoh lioanae far reoolpt may be revoked, said platea may ba zeoalled, and taken into po8aeaalon by the State El&way Department. . . .* Ar$~&Jf91*, ceotlon 1 (a) or aaid Satuta, la, in part * as %;henevsr any part or the 13ationalguard of thin State la in lotive ?adarel aervioe, the Governa is heraby authorized to organize and maintain within this Steta during auah period, under auah regulationa as the Ssoretery of VJar of the United Ytstes may pre- s&m be for their orgenl%ntlon, standards of txsining, id rucrtionand dlsoipllna, auah military roroes aa the Covernormay deem naoeaaary to &fend this Bate. .....n Article 5891a. 900. l(a), la, in part, a6 follows: -Cuoh rorosa shall be a part or the eotive Prilitia and e component of the Yllitary Iroroasof Taxes and shall be additional to rnd dietinot from the lsletlonalGuard and shall be known as the Taxes State Ousrd. . . .” 865 Hon. E. 1:.Rimon, Jr. , page 3 Article 5765 of eaid “tatutes, reads, in part, es follows : *Th a militia or this %te shall be divided into two (2) olaasas, tb a lotlva end reserve nlliti&l. Tht aativa milltin shall oonsiat of organized snd unltormed military foroas of thia %eta v&ioh sh&il be known ea the Texas National Guard or tha Texas OctetsGuard aa the aeha nay be; . . . .* Artiole 5784 ot ssld Statutes, reeds se follows: Whenever any troop, bettary, oompany, eigml oorpa or band is mustered into the sctlva rcllltie or thia ntata bg the authority or the Gwernor, suoh troop, battery, oompany, signa oorps or band shall, tram the date of suah mater in, ba daamad and be held in law a body oorporate snd politio, with ;>owcriunderits corporate name to take, pur- ohesa, cwn I4 f.atii siqlc. hold, trclnSrar, moriigmga, pledge and oonvey reel or paroonal proparty to an amount in velua, et the time 0r its eoquisition, of two hundred thouaend dollers (provided thet the natural anhanaamant in value or eny property propar- ly aoqulmd~ by any auah aoml)anyshell not erfect the right of such c.oapsnyto hold or otherwise hsnd.la such property), and with like power under its oor- porate name to uue and be sued, plead and be lmpleeda6, and to prosecute end defend in the oourts of this ?tate or eloewSare; to have end use a oommon seal of aooh devloe 8s it znay Nopt; to ordein, astnblish, alter or amend by-laws for the governnmt and regule- tion O? V.c comphny s!:ieirenot lnoonsiatent with the Constitution end lews ot this State end of ihe United ~tntes, and th.e ordara end ragulstions of the Owarnor; end ganarally to do and psrrorm any end nil things neoassary and proper to be done in oerr:.-lng out an& parreoting the purpose or its organization, of wbioh the orricers, and in aase of a bend, the non-oommiasionad offiaers, shell be direot,ors,the senior the prasidant.w Eon. E. i. Hinoon, Jr., $86~ b It ia uaumn knowledge that the lbtionel 5uard of this Stats is in aoti+a ~a da r a ll erviaa; tharafon, the Ootargor fa luthorlcad undar the above quoted rtatutaa, to or(rclaiia and uialntain wl8hl.n hhia Stats the Taua Stat0 auara dutlng tho pariod tar Hational Cbuwd ia so an&gad. Aooordlngly, und~ar the taotr Stat86 br pu ana as author- lad ,bp the 8tatutaa haialnabova sot out, your quratloa is anawrrad in the afilrmatlva, and pu are adtlaad that the rahiola referred to $8 entitled to be ra6iatarad with- out thS r8gi8trSth rSo8 tm8Sn king 98i4 ~90n 0aplr~ii~S08 with tho pxwialona or Artioloa 667%-3 and 667Sa-3s~. I Tr u a tinfjt-h o t th i8 aat~afaotorll~ laawars y o ur taqulry , we r o nsin Vat-r truly pure, :rl! ;,(‘ ,’._~_, a,,, -- fS8. u. Baaaabt Aaaiatant

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6393

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1945

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017