Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • 1     ,.
    7                                                    AUSTIN
    Al-?wl”CI acwr”C‘
    Honorable D. C. Weer
    State Hlghvay Engineer
    Texas B   way Department
    Austin 2? Texas
    ..-_ .~
    .?’ -~.
    Dear Sir:                             opinion a;, .Q-6di6 !:
    Rer Is a not?+~         kequlred
    .....$ohave regular baa lloeme
    .‘, plqten where thtqp@Berate
    frm an lnoorporated  tovn
    .’ tca&arr4ycamporwarplant
    ‘?:,apid@en gobg to or from
    ._ ,~”
    .._&he.@ two points It 18 neo-
    ea#ary to pass through the
    .,‘~ ..\     ‘.., a$ty limit8 of another in-
    ‘..      .._,oellporatedtovn and related
    ,.. .’                 yues~lcms?
    Thmiai1Llr..@okno&ds8:reoelpt of your letter, dated
    ky    24, 1944, vhlch rqadr, $n *rt, as follcusr
    ‘:, .~
    “&I reoe& moth< v&‘~harehad several quaa-
    ..&onsartae rega%@ng ~.the1loensLng or registra-
    i~it$& oimotQr buss’es-izansportingpermms for
    c.,c’qnrpensatlom  hire. Moat of there questions
    of 80 many var plants and
    ‘,oan+ about’-..byt.~son
    ~iyyyunp~~.,belhgsituated ln Texar.
    \ ,, ,I”
    ;r;, .A’
    me questions we would like to have you
    clarify for ut3are as follow:
    "1. Ia a motor bus required to have regu-
    lar bus lloense plates vhere they op-
    erate from an lucorporated town to an
    amy camp or war plant and when going
    to or from these two poInta it la nec-
    eaeary to pass through the city limits
    Honorable D. C. Greer, Page 2
    of another Inoorporated tovn? For
    example, a bus operator hss a permit
    from the Railroad Commia~ion   to trar?e-
    port persons for compensation or hire
    from   Tovn A to Plant C; and from these
    two points It la necessary that he
    p888   through the city limits of Incor-
    porated Town B but he 18 not perrmltted
    to tranrport passengers from Town A to
    Town B or from Tovn B to Plant C nor
    the reverseb The only reason he passes
    through the city limits of Tovn B la
    because the hlghvay on which he travels
    is   looated through the olty limit8 of
    that tovn.
    "2. A Bus Ccanpanyhas     a peimlt from the
    Railroad Comml~~Ion to service a group
    of war plant8 and air fleldr, all ait-
    uated together from three Inoorporated
    town8.   In rendering thin 8ervIoe, the
    bue operator8 are not permltted to han-
    dle passengers frcm one of these towns
    to anothar bqt only from theae towns
    and IntermedIate point8 de8tIned to
    one of the var plants or air fields an&
    from the plants and air field8 to either
    of’ the tovns and Intermediate  points,
    However,  In rendering this servloe, the
    bus operate8 to and through each of the
    three Incorporated towns. Should these
    bu88es be licensed uith regular   bus
    plater because they operate in and out
    of these Inoorporated towns to the war
    plants, or should they have regular
    paeaenger plates slnee   they,do not do
    s.ny Inter-city business?
    “3I.   On the Texas and Mexico Border a Bus
    Company, whose resldenoe la in Mexico,
    .operates to a town ln Texas and In this
    operation they,do not travel outside of
    the city Unite of the Texas Town. Their
    Honorable D. C. Greer, Page 3
    bUBineBB   in   Texas   iB   Btl’iOtl~   inter-
    national BinCO they do no intra-oity
    or intra-state service In Texas. The
    Tovn ln Mexico Is Immediately across
    the river and haB lte own munl~lpal
    government and ir, Incorporated. Since
    this ,BlAS~Ompsny’B OpelatiOnB 80 far
    as Texas Is oonoerned is wholly vlth-
    in the limits of an Incorporated town,
    ve would like to know should they have
    regular bus license or passenger ll-
    come as is used on city busses in
    other Texas tOmE?
    "4. Another Bus Company operating from a
    Texas Border Town to a I4exIooBorder
    Town and owned by a resident of Texas
    operates over several miles of hlgh-
    wag before reaohIng the lQx100 Border
    but doe8 not pa88 through any other
    lnoorporated town In Texas. The Tom
    In Xexloo Immediately aorta88 the border
    Is Incorporated. Since there Is only
    one Inoorporated town In Texas Involved,
    should these bwsO8  have   regular bus
    lIoen8e or passenger llcelue?
    "5. A large Bus Company, whose residence
    IS out Of the state and vhone Opera-
    tlonB are through many Incorporated
    towns and BWeZV31 states before reach-
    ing Texas, operates to only tineInoor-
    porated tom In TOXa8 approximately
    tventy miles within the State. Sims
    there la only one Incorporated tovn
    thrcugh vhloh these buses8 operate In
    Texas but many others outside of the
    state in which they operate, ve would
    like to know If these busses should
    have regular Texas bus plates or Texas
    passenger car late8 for their opera-
    tions In Texasf This oompany operates
    a regular bus line, be-   pernltted to
    haul passengers originsting at any point
    and destined to any point and have no
    such reatrlotlon aa those in Questions
    One and Two."
    Honorable D. C. Greer, Page 4
    Article 6679-1, Sections a, b, j, m. and n, Ver-
    non’s Annotated Civil Statutes, respectively provide:
    “(a) ‘Vehicle’ means every device ln, or
    by vhlch any person or property Is or may be
    transported or drawn upon a public highway, ex-
    cept devices moved only by human power or used
    exclusively upon stationary rails or traokr.
    “(b) (Motor YehIole’ means every vehlole,
    as herein defined, that Is self-propelled.
    . . . .
    "(j) *Passenger Car' meana any motor ve-
    hicle other than a motor oyole or a bus, as de-
    fIned In this Act, designed or Used primsrily
    for the transportation of persons.
    . , . .
    “(m)   lPublIc EIghvay' shall Include any
    road, atreQt, way, thoroughfare or bridge in
    this State not privately ovned or controlled
    for the use of vehio~es over vhloh the State
    hss legislative jurirdiotfon under it8 poll08
    "(n) 'Motor BUS' shall inoludtievery ve-'
    hIole except those operated by muBcular power
    or exoluBIvsly on stationary rails or tracka,
    which 18 u8Od In transporting persons hetveen or
    through two or more lnoorporated oltles and/or
    tovna and/or villages for compensation (or hlreb)
    whether opirated over fixed routes or othervise;
    except such of Said vehloles as are operated ex-
    clusively within the 1ImItB of Incorporated olt-
    lea and/or towns or suhurhan additions to such
    And Article 6675.3-2, Vernon~s Annotated Civil Stat-
    utea, prOQide8, in part, as fOllOVB~
    Honorable D. C. Greer, Page 5
    "Every owner of a motor vehicle, trailer or
    Bed-tI¶SilOr   u8ed or to be u8Sd upon the public
    hlghvayr of this   State shall apply eaoh yew to
    the State Highway Department through the County
    Tax Collector of the county in which he I%sideB
    for the registration of each such vehicle owned
    or controlled by him for the enruIng or current
    calendar year or unexpired portion thereof; pro-
    vided that where a publla highway separates land8
    under the dominion or oontrol of the owner, the
    operation of a motor vehiole by suoh Owner, his
    agents or employees, across such highway shall
    not COnBtitUte   a use Of 8uOh motor Vehicle upon
    a pub110 hIghvuy of this State . . . ."
    You will observe that Seablon 
    n3 supra
    ,   provides
    that "(Motor Bus' shall include every vehicle . . . vhIoh Is
    UBOd in tlUBpOl’ting  pWBOll~ betVeOll OX't     h two or mere
    Incorporated . . . . towns.                        iB  iB the
    It follov8 in answer to your fIr8t two questions
    t&t       the bUBB~B in qUOBtiOll should have regular bUB liCWlBe8
    as      they PWB "through two or more Incorporated . . . tOVll8.”
    With reference to yOur third, fourth, and fifth
    ~WBtiOM,       We point Out that SeOtiOn 11,BUpm,  pffvider that
    Uotor.13uat shall lnolude every vehicle . . . . @=Ph-J1B
    ours) and that In Seation a, sup~~cle'             means eveF
    device . . . tran8ported or drawn upon a
    (IgrphaSiB    OWE)   "Public Highway" Is define
    BUDXVSa.   to "include any road, street, vag, thoroughfare or’
    bridge in th%s State     i , . i over vhloh~the St.&O has lOUis-
    latlve jurisdio~under         It.4polloe wver."   (Ei$Gi%s  .curs)
    It Is Our oplnIoac therefore, that the Legislatu~
    meant In Section n, supre, two or more Incorporated tovnp
    In %xas     It follows in answer to your third, fourth and
    kstion8,          that 8inOe the bu88e8 In qUeStiOn do not paBe
    "between or through two or more Inoorporated oitles and/or
    towns and/or villages" in Texas, they should be equipped with
    psaenger car ~Iaenaes. They fall within the definition of a
    *asenger car , Seotlon (j), supra.
    Honoreble D. C, her,      Page 6
    Trunting this    B~tiBf6OtOPi~~        ~8VO2’8       ~Olll’   f.ll-   .
    qulzy, we are
    Yours very       truly
    ATTORRBY IBSERAL            OF TXh0
    Fred C. Cbfindler
    _.- Aasiatant
    By                   .

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6046

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017