Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • ^ .,4 HonorableJ. H. O'Ball' countyAttorney SwirherCounty' Tulia,Texas Dear Mr. O*Iieallr OpinionHo. O-6002 Re: Does CountyCoxaissionerof SwisherCountyhave to file itm- ized verifiedamount each month in order b be allowedtraveling expemss under Ark. 2350(T), V.&S. W ha-wemoeived your reoeat o~catiomt in uhioh you ciui&t the above quebtioa,togetherwith the additionalqueriesas to whether such travelingexpemrssare allmbbls now fbr pas+ months, duringwhiah no itemizedverified~aocouatswere filed, and whether or not the Con&s- siasrs' Courtm&v,le&ly pass a generalorder allowingthe flat sum of Twsnty-five(t25.00)Dollvs to each oommissionereach monty for such trawling expenses. As SwisherCountyhas a populationof.6.528,accordingto the 1940 FederalCensus,the provisionsof Article2350(7),V.A.C.S.,8re applicable. Said Articlereads as follows: %aid of countiesof this State having a populationof less than txenty-fivethousandtwo hundred (25,200),acoordingto the last preoedingFederalCensus,the Cozmd.ssioners*Court of'suohoouatiesis hereby authorizedto allow the coza&M.oners the sum of not more than Taenty-fivp(#26&O) Dollars per month for travelingexpanseswhile on officialbusinessi&said counties." We believethe above article contemplatesonly such tra~I.ing expensesas are neoessarilyand aotuallyexpendedby such ooarmission- er while he is on officialbusinessin said oounty. (See our Opinions &OS. O-5598 and O-5615, copies of 8-e herewithanolosed). Such Artfoledoer not expresslyprescribeaw formalrequIslt&s of a olaim for such travelingexpenses,but we belive it oc&emplates the filing of an itemizedaocounta8 in other olaimsin order that the Commissioners' Courtmay properlyaudit and determinethe validity thereof. - Hon. J. H. O'Beall- page 2 (O-6002) h-tide 2350(6)V.A.C.S.,whioh speoifioallyprovidesfor a sworn monthlyaocouzrtfor oertaintravelingexpensesof a ?ountycomais- siouer,&es not apply to SwisherCountyaad it aaunotbe used to oontrol the applicationof Art. 2350(7),supra,in argrrasped. Aa said Art. 2350(7)V.A.C.6. ( Seaate Bill 319, Chapter362, Acts of the 45th Log., 1943), beome offeotiveas a law ninety full days after Xay 11, 1943, date of adjourment, we see no reasonwhy such actual travelingexpensca,inourredsinoethe effeotivedate of said Artialeand umollsoted shouldnot now be allornble. Said Art. 2350(7)does not authorizethe Commissioners' Court to pass a generalorder allowingthe flat sum of Twenty-fiveDollars-toeach ocmmisaionereach month for travelingexpenses. Such sum is alreadyavail- able to each onmissioner by virtue of the law providedhe actuallyincurs such amount as contemplatedby statute. He oazmotbe oompemated for more than such mount inourredin any oae month but may incur less, and the aotual amount iaourredis the criterionwhich the Courtmust go by in issuingits order for oompennation. (See OpinionNo. O-5633,a copy of whioh io enclosed herewith.) Trustingthe above fully anme am your queations,rs Very truly yours ATTORNEYGE- OF TEUS By /s/Robert L. Lattimore,Jr. Roker$L. Lattimore,Jr. Assistant RLLn-t,egw APPROVBDJDBB 27, 1944 APPROVED cAct;;;~P. Blackburn I*/ OpinionComittee ByBWB AlTORBSYGEBBRALOPTEXAS Chainnm

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6002

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017