Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • . OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ,O”rnI mmLL=m* It*“*.* .*“.a*& Dear sir 1 i “Ifs@ 18 noooooory ior tbr coull8~ Boar6 of sohoof Twtooo to Oeoura the OonBMt or ttn tnlotoro of the lndI+l4url aomn oohool dlrtrlrto boron the oouoty booti of who01 8ruotMo Oould arroop thea 0-n lohool-61mtr1.80 Involrod into l rural hi& oohool Uo8rIo8t In other wordo, df.4 tho oouotf boar4 o ilohool truotoro hors t&n 10~1 rilht to group tboo ofmmn oohool Uotrloto late l hi& l0tmo1 &lo- 8rIot without 8ho oonooas or a0 t2ti0h0 or tb OO~~O~~OO~~~O- trlotot '" Your Oonolwion umt in 8h# tonrt1oa of tlu dIotrlr8 lt was no8 arooorary ibr the Oount~ Bon14 of Tmotaro to obtai8 tha oonorat or th8 Tmote~o or tba owrro1 aomoa 0oh00i dlotrioto 18 amply #wtOInrd br th# lu8hOrItloo 01t.l l8 th. &let whIoh you haw lubmtttrd la amiaotlon titb your quartion. Art1010 2922o,Ymma~o Cltll Btotukr, proridoo: an mob or8onlwa oount~ k thlr bkk and In iny wontr whlrh shall harootkr by oqpniood, tha oountr lohOol two8too Oh011 horr thr lcr8horIQ to fora OILIor mom rOra1 hl&& sohO dlotrloto, b,) o o n8Quo aomoa oo lohool dlo8rlo8o furl4 fzF#!? n toor boadrr( rohototlo po lUoa la6 lndoporkdoat rohool dlotrioto hoti- !F 00 than two hundred ~6 tlf8 ooholOrtlo populotIon for 8ho purpose of ootab I lobI rnb o rotiu roral hm rohool#, provldrd tir that & oouatr rohOo1 8ruoto~o MV w on0 or more oomo8 s&+01 Us- trloto or OARor a8ro ladtpnAont #rho01 4lo8tio8o horliqj lror thOn two hundrd ld fiftr Hholrrt~o p0ptmt10n 80 0 (010ll00h00a abtrii8 ha4 iw h u nb n( or;mm0lobokotlo poppla8I*a Or 80 08 In- aopoobrnt alotrl@8 botlly 8m0 hua~*d ona flitt or 80rO robolmtlo popllrtlon up00 tlu rp rOv81 of tbr bOmda.or tmotroo of roob loh001 dlotr tot lfYo o 8dj ... :i . 3 Eon. John 0. Yarhuraor, h@O 3 UnAOrtho lbmo quoted 88etutOr~ protlolono, thrro ;?4~ uthodo by uhloh ?UrOl hQjh #Oh001UotrIoto my br 1. m YOUDV oon8Ig~ooo o mwa lohool AIotrloto (hatln~i loo than four hundred ooholr~- tie po latlon) and ln4oponAmt AlotrIoto brrla~ 8 lohor ootlo p o p o lo tio n OS looo thoa two laoh hundnd fifty ooholrotloo; 2. subjoe: 80 lpprorol or tho BoorA of 7Tuotrro of oroh AlotrIot atiootrd, br lnnautloq of one or more oomon oohool dIotrloto or ona or more InArpwiAont Sohool AIotrioto jio+In~ looo than two hun6wA fIf8y ooholro8Ioo to a won oehool AIotrlot horing mow thou four humlrrd loholoo8Ioo or by lm*IatIOn of ouoh AIo8rIoto to la lndrpond- ant lohool Alotrlot jwIa6 8 ooholartIo populatloa in ~~0180 of two hunAroA fltDyj Doll vs. Kirkland 41 8.; W. (24) 443 (Tex. Cit. App. error nfurrd) THORthe ltokmnt ooalioI~A In lour lottor, It lo lppannt that tha Oountl BOWA of Sohool Truo8oro of Fayatto County ln thr ro8obllohmont of the Alotrlot ln quortIon woo lxoroloInA thr flrot of the oboto AooorlboA powore, ~18, that of &roupItu tho orrrrol o-on soho Alotrlo8o In80 8 rural h ig h lohool AIo8rIot. T h ep o wo rto group so wo n lohool Alo- trloto harlly lroo thmr four hudrrd loholootloo lo o h IO wotod by law ln tha Oounty BOarA, and IO la no rloo ArpmA- oat u p o th n rlpprwol or oi ?ruoto8o of tha rffoo- tad AIotrloto. 21 6. u. (2A) 76 (TM. Clr. App., error ro rohal& (Tex. Clr. App.) 32 S. WI.(2~) 496 no u a tha powrr oonfarrrd on t& Oountl Board to group ouoh Alotr ‘1” 080 ora thooo nroribod by Artiolo 29220, Y~rnom’o Olvll dtatuteo. Thot ArtI s 0 pro- r:Aoo 8hat la tho lvoat a rural high oohool AIOtriOt 10 pro- poord to bo lotablirhod so 08 to sontale an arae In lxoooo of ono hrmdrod o~uon milro, tha ootlon of tho Ooaaty Borrd of TWO$WO mot bo luthOriaoA br a TOto Of a mJOrlt7 Of Oh8 lllflra toters or the ropoooA Alotrlotj MA la thr own: r lo propoord 80 lo8obl ! oh l rural hiAh oohoel AIotrlrt 8 4 Eon. John 0. Ylrburgor, Podo 4 oaMinina aora thurSOTORllo unto e188r1080~ r~ 8h0 propor RUB: b elpptotae br +ok or 0 wJorl8~ or tk qrulifiO4 v0:oro in 040h 0s th0 l lrarnlrr~ el0tri080 dtbin th* prop0004 rural hI& o~hool Alo8rio8. Solthor or tho00 llnl8otiono lo l~pllo- lblo to the oi8uotl0A dooOribod 1B you? lottrr~ fours nrt truly OIZW~RAL01 TPXAS Oofnor It0ne0il Aoolotoo8

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6001

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017