848 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN tionorubloC. J. iiilldo County Auditor, X~ooer County Corpua Chrlatl, Tsxas _.- ihar Sir: of thla depart- a~ r0n0w8: beroto find oopg OS lot Lor fr0.aCity Singer, addrossod to C. 3. Hilde, Nuooos County Toxarrwhich sets forth Nuoaas County rhould gay to tbs City 1 tbo mm or fifty oonta for eaoh b:rth ed tn tho offiae oi the City “negletrar, Corpus Chrlsti, Torar. “Thir offiuo is of the oplnlon that rhfle tho ordinanos as passed by tho City Council oi Corpus pristi did not spscirically sst forth a stipulated - salary nor zrorido any ooaponaatloa for ths City Ragilltrbf,would not tho oonolu6ioa be, that ths CO&t- penaatlon aa Citg Socrotarp was such aa to make lt utmocoreary? Or would Rule !%A whioh reads, *Unlas8 J,ocalRegistrar should ba sating as Rselstrar of Births and Deaths in aa inoorporstod City *hero tba oompeau- tlon of the Registrar is otherwlsa flxad by City Ordln- an00 , ’ >e ccnstrwd as :xmi~y tk;t tke .:c~n;:e2s2tion reoeived :;3 City &crat:,ry should co-7;)t~‘~:t-s fcr the Qu’ti``s perf.:.rtaed 4s Legistror oi !;irtt,cr Y. d ikqths, snd for thl; reason no CO.apen8~ltiOn ma set out in the ordinance. "In the oveot gOilTOpinion was that the City of Corpus Chrlsti is oAtitlad to 6 fee or rirty cant8 for eaah of the above roglst.ratlOm, shsuld gayneAt be ado ior such registration &or to Bebru,lry 9, 1943 the date said ordinance was pseaed by the City Coumil, also be:w- ing in mind that the 0rdina:Loodid nothing racrothan arwte the 0rfib0 0r City Registrar 0r Vital m%i?%Ts? alw would the payslsntbo made (if a+, all) to the Local Registrar or to the City 0r Corpus~ Christ;, aosuaing ttmt tho nogloot of mentioning ~8 sp~o1~io aal- ary was for tho roaaon thut tho 8alary paid tho City Seorstary ua8 considered eurrlolant to take car8 of the duties ad ircegistrar oi Vital %atiaticr?* Rule 36ii0r ,Artfcl64477, Vornon*a ;InuotatedCivil bororo bolng azonded by Rouse Bill !?o.821, Hcta of Litututa(l, the 47th Legislature, 1941, Regular Soosion, mad as Pollows: "For the purpose of this +?t tho Stlto shall he divided into prt?laryregistration dlstriots aa followa: 'Taoh justice of the peace preoiaot and eaoh Zncorporated town of twenty-five hun\irodor more population, aooordlng to the United Statea Census, shall ccnstituto a primary registration diatrtct, provided the Jtato Board of Xealth say oosbfne two or more registration districta, or may divide tho primary registration dietriet ihto two or mre part@ 80 as t0 faoilltato reglstratioae, and in citfes of We&y-rive hundred or raoro, aeoordinq to the last United States Cemx`` roQOrt. where births and deutbs aso re,@stared in aowrdaucc with the oity ordinance not to ooAfllot uith thin Aot, tho City Clerk shall bo the looal registrar of b1tih.saad deaths. *It is hereby doolared to be tho duty of tho ju+tior,Of the peaoo and justice of tho peaoe preoinct, and tho olty olork or aity 8ooretsry in a oity 0r trentg- V- 850 Honorable c. J. Mlde, p~ige3 t five hundred or mom population to iaeaum a oom- pletr rooord of rash birth and death that oooura wlthfn their reepaotive juriedfotion, and fe re- quired by thir Aoli* Xodse Bill 20,
621, supra, beoaae effeotivr June 17, 1941, and prOvfdW,iA part,64 fol10Ws: *That Srotlon 3 of Benate Bill No. 46, Chapter U, page 116, Aots Of the 40th L6gielature, lQmt Called &mpI@n, a8 amoaded by Senate Blll No. 20, Chapter 4, ago 7, Aot8 of the 4lrt Lagielature, Plret Called SeeaPon, be unended 80 as to hereafter reed ea fOllO~r,8 *3*0. 3. POT the urp08a of thlr A& the State shall be divided into grPmery rrglstratlon dietriatr ee r0110wrr Vaoh justice of the peace preolnot and eaoh inoorporetsd town oi two thousand five hundred (2,!500) or aore population aooording to the la& United Stats8 Cenew ahall ooastitute a primary re~iefratlon dlstriot, provided the Stat@ Board of Xealth may oomblne two or more registration dfstriots, or map ditide a primary rrgietratlon dlrtriot into two gr more partr, so aa to faOilltato re2lstratlon. and in the justior of the peeoe preoinot the jwtioo o? the psaoa 8hall be looal registrar, and in oitiss of two thousand five hundred (2,500) or more, aooordlng to the lest WAfted States Consus Feportr, the oitl olerk or olty reoretary shall bo the looal registrar of birthr and deaths, “It is hereby deolared to be the duty of the jwtlor of the pesos or the juetioe of the peace pn- oinot, and ths oity olerk or oity 8eOretary in a Oity of two thousand five hundred (2,800) Of mr. ~PUlStiOA, - to aeouro a ooaplrtr reoord oi oaoh birth anb death that oooura within their respeotive jurisdiotlon, and hsvr aSa reoorded iA the OOUAty alerk’8 offior in their rea~sotiva aountisa on or before the 10th of the fol- lowing moath.n iionorubleC. J. Nildo, pago 4 851 _ Rule 32&, .=tlole 4477, Vernon’s motetad Civil Statutes, pertalna to fees for 10081 registrars. It providea: -That euoh loo61 raglatrar shall be paid the sum of fifty (AC$) oeata for aeoh birth e8d death oartlfloata properly cud oompletely made out and r8- glaterad with him, end oorreotly recorded end prompt- ly returned by him to the State Buraau of Vital Statis- tloa, es required by this Aot, ulesa auoh looal regla- trer ahell be eotlng aa a registrar of bfrtha and deatha in an lnoorporeted olty where the OompeAaetlon of tha raglatrer la othermlrraflxad by olty ordhenoe. *The 3teto R~egiatrarshall annually oertlfy to the oounty oommfaaio~era~ oourt or oounty auditor, es tb aeaa aey k, thr mmber of blrtha and death osrtl- floater filed by aaoh local raglatrer at tha rata ilxad herein, and provided that tha State Registrar may ran- dar auoh atetemanta monthly or quarterly at tha dlaore- tlon of the State Bok?U o? Haalth, end the oommlssloners* oourt or oounty auditor, as tha oesa map bo, shall audit auoh atetament and tha oouaty traeeurer~ahell pay auoh faaa aa are approved by the oozmlaalonara~ aourt or the aourrtyaudbtor, et the timb auoh atetsmnt la laauad. “ad provided further, that the juetloa of tha praoe, olty olerk or seorrtary, and thr appointed local reglatrcrr ahell aubalt to tha comlaalonera~ court or oounty auditor, aa tha ease may bo, a true and aoourate oopy of saoh blrth end death oartltloate riled with him, and auoh oo~lsa shall baar hi8 ill8 data and aignatura $A'!t$ell b8 depoalted 1A the OOUAty olerk'a ~Pficr. Ii tha City of Corpus Chriati he8 aotuelly p&l tha City augTa, th8A Nueoea County Heglatrer the teea provided by Rule 3;Jiz, la not liable to the local rsglatrat or tha City of Corpus Chrlatl for tha raglatratlon fear. Thla proposition la disouaaad in our Opfnfon No. 04594,a 00~7 of whloh ia 8Attloeed for your oonvenfenoe. Xowover, 'if the City R8gletrer hea not been paid the feea provided by Hula X3.4,and ha8 logally asrved LLS10061 regla- trar under tha provlalona of Artiolr 4477, thrn the aounty i8 liable to aald local raglatret for auah fees. In no event 18 the county liable to the City of Corpus Christ1 for said fees. The compansetlon paid to the city olerk or seoretary who aota 88 Ronorsble C. J. Wilde, pnge 3 looel registrar, does not oompraaet0 him for his esrvicea 88 looal re&atrer under Artiole 4477. The duties and obllgatloaa oP a olty olerk or oeoretary are esperato and diatlnot ordlnerlly Prom those of a looal registrar, although not neosssarily laoom- patlble and oonillotlngr Purthermore,the statute la explicit on the point that eaoh looal re&fatrer shall be paid the mm oP fifty oenta for each birth and death oertlPloeteproperly and completely made out and registeredwith him, and oorreotly rb- aorded and promptly returned by him to the State Bureau of Vital Statlstloa, unless he comes within the eroeptlon oontaifiedIn Rule 3U. Prom the PaOtS stated in your letter aad the letter ot the City i\ttorAoy,it la apparent that the alty olerk or aeoretary arnln6 08 registrar of Vital Ytetlatioa reorlvea a Plxed salary. Thld salary la preawmbly oompeneatlonPor the perfonnanoe of duties and obllgatlonl,of the ofiloe of olty olerk or leoretary. Them la no mention 0r oompenmtion iA the form o? salary or fees to the olty olerk or reglatrar Portha performmoor of duties and obligations OS a reglatrar ot Vital 3tetlatloa. This belAg true, as above stated, it la our opinion that the oouaty la liable to said rs~atrer Por fees provldod by Bulo BSA lu#ra, where auoh reglatrar performs all duties and re- qulremen~a imposed upon him as looal registrar by rrtiole 4411. ?or a more detalled dlaousalon of this pmpoaltlon we rePer you to our O~IAIOA Ho. O-2308, a oopy of whloh la en- oloaed. Yours very truly ATTORNEY GImERRhLOP 'pExU3 Br Jii?A`` nrdell Wlllla5a &aalataAt AU:IsP Enala.
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5985
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1944
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017