Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  •                                                                          140
    Honorable    L.   is.   %oode
    Stkt,eSuperintendent of Public InstructJon
    Awstln.     Toxiq
    prorid by law'
    tmt1on, Who80
    sd or eleote4 in
    authority and
    b, Seotion 1, prorl4ae.aefollows:
    "*There ie hereby oreateb the @&to Boer4
    tion. Said Boar4 #hall aoa8fet or
    of isduca
    nine members to be appointed by the Governor,
    with the advioe snd oonmnt or the Senate.*
    ";%rtlcle2675b,,Zection           3,   remde a8 follows:
    cjrthe Board.* (EPrphaeZ.8
    ~&lo16         3663~reads 46 iollowe:
    "*The Sate Suuperinten4ent ohall it16 all
    reports, doeuumte an4 paper8 transmitted
    to &la and the          St6te        Bosrfi by eotuity or
    0itg       60h00r   0rfi06r~,         ~6     ma        611   0tm
    eourues       pertelningto publio eohool8,and
    keep d 6cmp~ete index or the 66~6.'
    *s60tion        s 0r    n.    B.   80.     859,    6n Aat    or,&he
    Thirty-eighthLeglelature,                                 8eeelon    19SS. reed6
    a6 rOliOVt6f
    "'The State B6erd of BQuaatlon ie hereby
    de6ig6eted a6 the L3t6t6 BO6rd Or Voeatioeel
    Education,with               neoerewy        authority       and   porrrrr
    t6     6oop6rate       with    the    B'ederel
    Board of Vsae-
    tioti        Xduaatlon,        68 ptsVfde6           en4 rrquilwl
    b;     said AOt
    the                     of C6si&re66,         in the a&&ri%6-
    tration or the previfbioae
    0r eald AOtt end
    to do 8x1 thinngewceeeary to entitlethe
    &ate to reoei+ethe full beaetitethereof.*
    *The state Boer6 or Eduaetlonlkte'follow#       the prae-
    ttae or tokizq     en oath 0r orrio ,8eI6 reqtlired   or all
    state orrloialE     and boar4 menbere,  whlah 08th i8 fil6d
    with the Beerutary     0r State. In additioato thie oath,
    t.hereI6 tlleQ with the Stete 8ioperinteadent~ot      Pub110
    Iaetructlonae 6~ 0fr ia leoretary 0r the Board 66
    oath a8 prescribedin AztiOleSWSb, Sekotlon         e af the
    korleedCivil Statutea that       the board meabere are not
    lsooaiated rith the textboek      indqetrgia &nr of the
    oapaoiti68  68 are mentioae&  in ,tbis et~6tat.e.   Wuber6
    of the date   Board ter V0oat10ae.l Xduaatfon     have never
    t*icen an 06th of orrioe~ 88 loob.
    “In four reoent    0pLnlon Ho. 0-Wle, you held that
    th6 State Booaril of. Esiuaation and the &ate D6partm6nt Of
    Iiduo ntio werentwo lepeirateentltiee of goveraaent. The
    gueation hae.arieen as to whethnr th6 8tate~BOard,oi
    odua&ion und the State Bad        ror  Vaaetional Ed~uoet.ion
    are two separate entiCise oi 6overnmnt, or whether tho
    Stat6 Bonrd Gf Eduoation ha8 be6n given additional d&L
    ties   by   the LsgioLaturefnoident                      to   the aQminietretion    ~
    of,stat6 and        Federal      Voortton%l          fun&.
    “xrticlo     M75b, Seotloa 3, whioh I h;ivequote4
    ab:~e,   has 4esl~ato4 the State     Supedntanderit   be a
    orriclo   aoordarl    of tha &State Board or Eduoatloa.    I
    woald l&11*to know whether the Stat0 Ziuperlntendont
    of Yublio Instructionie ex ofiioio aeoretmry or the
    State Board for Vooatlonal Muaatlon by virtue of the
    mt that the       8wkw statute nhioh  Craates  the Stat0
    i+rd   of Bduaetion    also detrigmtea the State Eiupcria-
    tendett a8 it8 ax 0rrioi0 reorstaryor roilether the
    &ate Boar4 for Vooatlonal Bbuaation an4 State Board
    or JCduo~tioaare tro aeparatr eatltlea 0r gotemnmt
    nod whether the etatate rhioh aontrola tbe mmbsrehlp
    of the &ate Board of fduoation and deelgnstor It8 ex
    orrioio reoretarg la not epplloable to the &ate Boar4
    tar Vooatlonal  Eduoatlon and whether the State Bawd
    r0r vocationalEduoatioonay replace the    ex orrid
    aeoretary by a board order.”
    Art.iolc7, seotion 8, state Oonstltutlon0r 1876,
    read    as follower
    “The~CbV4zPOlp, Oomntrolloran4 SeamtarT 0r
    state ehall~oonstltutea Bqasrdor Eduoation,who
    shall diotribute rraldrun40 to the several oountfee
    an4 perform euoh other duties oonoemins publla
    8ohools a6 map be preooribed by law.* (gmphamir oura)
    By general eleotion he~ldNovember a, 1928, said seotlon
    or     eaid Article wae amended to read a8 r0u0nt3:
    "The Legielatureehall provide by 'Lawfor a
    State Boer4 of Mlueatlon,whose membere shall be
    appolated or 'aleat. in suah manner and by auoh
    authority   en4 ehall eerve ror suoh term as the
    Legislature shell preeoribe not to exoeed six gears.
    The mid board ahall perform euah duties ae sitiy  be
    preiaoribed  by law."
    (1)   :   (Creating Boar4    0r   hducatloa and   State   Board 0r &ducatlon):
    Before the adoptionof the above aamdaent    to            our
    Constitution,.theLegieleture,   by Art1018 e644, Vernon’s              Anmo-
    tats4 Statutes,  9rovlded that;
    “The Uovernor, Searetary or Ytste end Oomp-
    troller shall aonstltutea State Board oi Eduoatioa
    whloh shall hold its eeeeIone at histIn.  The Governor
    shall be ex otiIOIo preeI&ent Of the board. The State
    Supertatendentehall’be ex orilolo eeoretery or tbs
    (Bmpheeln ours)
    Since the above emen4ment was adopted as aioreeald,the
    &e”sgielature hae providedror the oreation0r the present State
    .'   mm-dor Educetlon, ooneIetIngor alne members to ba appointed
    by the Uovernor,   with the advloe eml aoneent of the Senete.The~; ‘.
    e the tlret boar4 ammbereshell.be appointed for SIX
    luo o eeeo r to
    ear terme, three membere to retire on January let, bIennIally.
    Iheir qualIiIeatio~I3,  llIgibllIty,powers, duties and ooqenea-
    tlon are al80 fIxed. gate 19%9, Uet Lea., 8nd 0. S., 9. la,
    ,Chap.10..(Arts. E67Sb-1 to 3675b-10,   V.ki 0.9)
    iirth$.e    &676b-3, Vernon’s   Annotated    Ulrll Statutee,
    provl4ee     as r0u0w8:
    *The &tat8 Soerrdor Zdueatlon shall organlee
    by the 8lsptiOntf one Of It8 msbere a(1preeldent,
    an4 the State juperlntendentof Publlo Instruction
    shall be~%elo       eeerettiy or the Board."
    ?6mphaele our;01
    By irrtiolea678b-5,VeMoate Annotated OIvIl Statutes,
    *ai& ;itste      Bonrd 0r d4uoatIonGas lsgmwend and dIreat*&to Ia-
    .,mdlat.ely t&se over and Qlech~rga al.1dutlea Iapose4 by law upon
    the 3omd or Educotlon then In exletence at the.tIrPasaid new
    -ot t;ok erreat. (de Art. MM          to 8475-1, V.A.C.S.,   ror member-
    ship and duties or Board then In l     xleteaoe). In a44ltIon to
    aaId dutlae,    It le therein   providedthat  said tit&toi&ard or
    aduuation    “iilallWHOM      eubh other duties am mar fwm time to
    tlq* be prrreoribed by the &gIelatur~.w      In difltioa   to th8 fore-
    UOI~U. eald &ate Boar4 0r lMuaatIon Se epeelrIoellrrequired to
    -erf%m        those    duties   set   forth   Ik   lub4IvIofon8    (a) ,-   (b)   i (a), (a),
    (i), and (6) or said mtlole SNlbb-5, cab in kmtlelee Bdlsb-f3
    Vernon*8 imeotnted Civil Statutes. (~~eie  ok
    (2)-     (Providingtot Vocatloonal
    By kieotlon3 or the SmIth+u@iee              hot   (nor     3eotlon    16,
    Chapter8, Title e0, U.S.C.&), approved Pebruery’&$,1919, Congress
    provided as           rououet
    Vhat      In order    to leaure     the be~erlte    of the
    approprIatIoneprovidedror in 88otIone two, three
    an4 rour or this Act, any State shall, through the
    1egielatIveautborlty thereor. aoeept.the provlelone
    or~~thieAot and deal at0 or iareate a State Board
    eoneletina 0r nod&an        tmmber8~.       an4 hair
    ia6 all n~oeeeary power to cooperate  as h&da   pro-
    vided.,with the Federel Board for Vooatioael B;duoa-
    tlon In the ldaIaietratIonor the prorIelone0r tble
    aot .  The state Boar4 or %duoatIon, or other board
    herin o&s&e 0r the admlnletratlon0r any.rtied0r
    rooatfoeel edueatlon In the S.tate,me
    ma lleot,  be 5eeI ate4 es the State
    purpose or~(EppheeIe               ~ow~~:‘,*“‘~“”
    thetlon lZ3 of said Smith-RughemAot (notiSection 23,
    Title a0, U.S.C.a), requires any Strtte,In order to reoelre the
    Fe4erel ap+sopriatloneprovlbed for thsreunder,to epjolnt, by
    Its leglelatlveauthority, its Atate Treasurer as ~uetodlan 0r
    said ye&em1 appropplietlone.
    H. B. 239, 33th Leg., Chap. 131, which provider
    for vooationaleduoatlon ln Texas, end the aoceptanoe of
    benefit8 under the Smith-Hughe Aat,   we8 approved Yarah 24,
    1923fand became eirratire aase date. This 3. B. 2S9 alw
    valldntee prevloua acoeptenoe8by the Stnte of mob benerltr,
    titerthe Steto Treasurer  a8 ourtodien  of all fund8
    :;;:a             atate
    .'    rrolpapproprlutlonr under said f,ot.
    3aotlon 3 or said H. B. 2S9 reads as rollowrr
    *The &ate ibard Of SduCatlOn i8 heroby
    deel~ated 88 tke 3tato Doerd or Vooatlonal
    Eduoatlon, with nooossary authorityand power
    to moperet wlth tho Fodoral Board of Voo8tloael
    Education, a# provltladmd required by the 8ald
    riot 0r congre88, in the adminlrtratlonor tho
    pro~l8lon8Oi said AOt$ and t0 d0 au thing8 ,IlbOO8-
    wry to entftlotho 8titst8 to noolvo tho full beao-
    rit8  therwi.* (bpha810 Ourl)
    Whllo 8aid B. B. gf9 do88 not appsar in our Rot1806
    Clvll Ytatotes, it ha8 been kept in iOr00 and Oris& in Texar by
    3aotlon b or.tho i%n8l, Tltlo thereof.
    (a)- (Providingtar VoootlonalRobebilltatlon)r
    The pmmotlon or vooatlonalkehabl1ltatlon    we8 rlr8t
    provldod ror by en i;Otof Dongro88 approved June 2, 1920. Said
    irat aa amended ‘jU.3.C.II.,Tltlo 19, Chap. r-iha8 rocontly   beon
    &mendOd by Publle  law 113, 7Sth CO?h3088, Chap. 190, tit 68881On
    0r   sala   COzigre88,      approrod   July   6,   194s.
    rioetioa3 or sald orlginsl act or Juno 2, 1920 (now
    jdotlon S4, a8 esendod, of Tttlo 29, U.3. C. A.), oentainl,
    among otherr, tho foll.owlngprovl8ion8r
    “hr   ordor
    to secure the benefitsof the appto-
    priatiOA8  authorlsod by 80OtiOn 31 Ot thi8 title
    (seotlon  1 0r said orlgfnaldiet)ary 8tato shall,
    throu&  tho Iegl8latlvoauthority thereor, (1) ao-
    oept th% ~rov1~10ns or seotions 3144 or *hi8 title;
    woperrrto as heroin providedwlth tho
    Fed&l Security rgenay ln the adminlstr~~tlon  at
    the qroviSion8 Ot 8OOtiOll83144 Of thl8 title;
    l *  (5) appoint e8 oustodl~qf+orsaid appropria-
    tlone its Ytato Troasuror,      ; Provided, that
    any State whloh, prior to Juno 50, 1939, ha8 ao-
    oeptod and otherwise oompllad with tho provision8
    of WOtiOIl8 S1-44 Or thi8 tit10 8h811 be deowd
    to hare aooopted and aoaplled wit& tho provisions
    Or this 8OOtlOlI." (Eaphe8i8Our81
    By irat8Or l!m, 4i8t kg., i8t c. S., Q* 57, aa
    23 (now iirt.iZb75-1,                   . a. C. s. 19E5), the %’f518-
    tiOotiOn81 and 8,
    latw or TCxua, aaoeptod tho provirlon88na bOnefit         Of ssld
    original R&abllitatlon txotof COA~~O~?, a8 th8a amndod Juno
    5, 1984, and authorlaedand lapowerod the Troerurer ai Toxa8 to
    reoelvo 8aid Fodaral tutIdS,8.nd* + * "to 58~ dl8buE8UaUIt8
    therefrom upon tin order 0r the Stat0 Board tor'V.ooatioml .'
    liduoation.*      Said  State Bo&rd of VooatloaalEduoatlon*a# llw
    *empoweredawl lnatruotod      to oooperato with th8 teras end eondl-
    tiOn8 UPFO88ed itIthe Act Or cuJUrO88 &fO~~Said."
    lz~C’l?S DISCU6WD
    ,Thg8,m 800 that the Board 0r Eduoatloa, as orlgim8lly
    protfdod for in OUT ~ll8titUtiOll;     *88 OOaW8d   Or O&V three B-
    par8, ri~crthe Ooverwr,     Secretary or 61tateend Comptroller. Tho
    8tatUtO   (Art. 8664, V.A. GA.) provided that *the Governor 8hall
    be OF oiiioio   pre8idont ot the board.”     The 8amo statute air
    provided   that *the Stats  Superiatrnbont   rhall be ox 0rri0i0  liooro- .
    tary 0r the Board gd 8hall kesp 8 0otmlete rooor6 ot all it8
    roooodln a whloh rhab be 8lgaed by tho presldont end atto&d
    wy t o Beorotary." (~h~sls         our8)
    i&tot Seotlaon8 or lirtlole7 ot our Oon8titutlonwe8
    awndod 01). ETovomber 6, 1988, a8 herolnabovoItotOd,a aew Stat0
    &mrd of Pduoetlon, oompo8od ot nine m~abera, ~88 areated .bytho
    bgialature, tandwith oertaln power8 and datieo hemln pMViOU81J
    referred to.     El.B. 79,~AOt8 Or 19i29,~
    418t Leg., 2nd G. 8.. p.
    12,   Oh.   10.   (The   first   tell   (lo,)   SOOtiOn   Of   said   hot   are   BOW
    tits. 2675b-1 to 2675b-10, v.A.c.6.). out StJtate
    ~Eduoaflon,as now oonatituted,oame into existenceby virtue
    or aald Act.
    Khile the Governor had been dsei.gnated  by the kgiS-
    lature (LBthe ex oif5050 prealdant of the old Board (:+rt.2664,
    V.A.C.  S.),   the new Board was empowered   Pnd dlreoted by the
    Le~5alBt!lre   to  *organ5m by the OleOtiOB Of one of its amber8
    aa prea+mt, and the State Superlntendbntof Pub150 Instruction
    shall be lx offlclo leoretary of the Boerd.a (Art. 267Sb-3,
    V.A.O. S.). Thus, while the BOW Board wae allowed to choose
    the president     thereof by eleoting 0110 of its memhera as such,
    the State.&ipM.nteadant of Pub156 IU6itrUCtlOB was .bystatute
    &ealgnatrd~.  ae the ex+f1050    seocetory  of said BOW Board, 08
    he had been ao dealgmted for t.heorlghal        Board.
    By t~haPl’OViSionS of IlrtiOle267fib-8,VbrBOB’S   ABBE-
    tated Civ,llStatutea,“it    le. made the duty of the Sgaw    Board of
    Bduoation, Orehted by this Let (arts: 26775b-1to -10,            V.
    A.   C.S.;. to tidlatslf take over ad diaoharue all duties im-
    paed    bf‘Dreaent laws ubon the Board oftEdkcation in ariatetme
    at the time this Act tak$~~~~~~~~ie.ot.W  ThereSore. raid new Boar&
    of nlqe ammbara has superseded the old Board of -thriemembers.
    (See Seotion    11 of aald-El.B. 79, wh59h provides that “all laws
    an& part*    of laws In Oontl5ot witb.rap provision  of this   Aot
    are hereby    repaaled.W) (Emphaalaours)
    ft should now be remembered that it wan the original
    three-memberState Board oi Bduoation.that was deaf
    the State Board or VooatlonalEducation. (ii.B.d%H               &. ,
    ,B. S. 192a, approved Maroh 24, 192s aBd effectire M&h        24,
    kiter   said origiptd Board had been io’previouely
    de85 ated &a the State Board of Voootional.Eduoatlon, said
    ,e             Board.    then Oon85at5ng.ofthree members, wae em-
    '@oWeredand lnetructed to promote Wtioatlonel   reheb5litationin
    Texas by oooparatlsgwith the term and aonditlonaot the Act
    of Cokgraaa providing for same. (Art. 2675-1, Sea. 2, V. A. C.
    8. - AOta of 1929, 4lat Leg., 1st C. 3,.  , p. 57,~Chap. ,22).
    It au& also be observed that, under~theprovisions
    oi'the Smith-KkgheaAot hereinabovereferred to, t.heLeglalatum
    either,designate or oreete
    ocdtild                          a State board of not .le.vs
    Eonoruble L. rl.isood8,+&e 9
    t&e8 PZ&PDbe.faas a State .BourdOr vOOe+tiOtial Bd+OatiOB.     It
    oreated DO @ew &oar&, ‘but d~~~:~~t~~~“,“du~~~~B~~~               2.
    ~uoation as the *ate Soar
    a5uoe added to said Soard*a duties the prom&Ion of vooational
    re~b~litatlon, as oloreaa56. Therefore, instend of oreotlng a
    new board of not leas thaa three nembera to promote vocational
    eduoation and vocational rahab5l5tationin Toxaa, euoh duties
    were alaply added to those already be$ng performed by the then
    ‘Board OS Eduoatlon. Furthermore.when’the new &ate Board of
    6duoatlon’waaoreated, and the Aot oraating it beoam erreotlve,
    as aSoreaa5d, it took over, by leg5aletlveaandate, all duties
    then lapooad ‘by law upon the OrigiBa1     Board. These duties in-
    eluded the promt4on of vooatlonal educatton and rooatlonal           re-
    habil5tat5o~in Texas.. I3y statute,       tha State   Superlntcadent
    of Publlo IBatrUOtioB  was dealguated the lx-ofi5olo aeoretary
    OS said new Board. (Art.   267Sb-5) .     Said statute has never
    born aaeadad or repealed.
    “The irmpoaltlon’
    of add5t5onal du,tleaupon a~.
    existing 0ff504, to be performed under a d5tSarent
    title, doer not oonatftutrthe .enation oi a new
    ‘AB oSil& to whloh the duties of auodher are
    added remains ~te.cbnloally
    a ~olngleoifl.ee;it la
    not an orrloe under its own nau@ and title  and an-
    other under the naae of ‘theone whose datles are
    annexed to it.. Corpua Juria, Vol. 46, p. 934, par.
    See al60  Powe31 v. Ik’ilaon, 16 Tax. 69; Klnnig I. Zimplan&n,36
    T. 554; Allen v. U. S. Bideltty Co., ASS Ill. A 198 (affirm. 
    269 Ill. 234
    , 109 El.B. 1035); State v. Powell, lQ9 Ohio St. 983,
    142 N. Ji.401~ B~tf+5eldv. Ulngo 00. Ct., 80 Y. Va. 166, 92 S. IX. .
    245. Flret Bap. Ch. v. City of Ft. Worth, (Gem. App.) 26 S. W.
    (2&f 196; City or Hououston v. Stswsrt   (+ex   Sup. Ct.)87 9. W
    663i liucalinei&dloine Co. v. k%and&d Im: Co., (Tex. Civ.       A&.)
    25 3. W. (26) 259; Pr. Her.; Jones v. tilexauder,    59 S. W. (26).
    1080, 122 T. 328.
    EoBor&bie   L. A. koOSa, ‘pa&e 10
    se0 .alaotaxes tar Rer5su, Vol. lS,
    atruotive artlok and oltrtlo~8~inpolntiad
    Vol. 29, p. 376;,et seq., under *OS?5oera,~ Key lfo.30.
    Where oerbaln dutlaa are oonterred by the Lo#lSlatUm
    upon     a dea5gnated~fliobr, the &giulatrrrr lr the only authority
    uhetoby lald duties mr bo withdram or oonierrrbupoa others.
    By *oortainduties”       ir pcuI), of, eouxae, those dflgle8. uhloh the
    Iag5akture      has p0ver to 00&w.      Al%. 8, 8OOtiOB 1, COlUtitUtiOB
    of 'h&a; Bxown v. City of Galraatoa,97 T. 9, Tb 9. W. dS8; 27
    Tax. Jur.; p. 42s. par. 9.
    In    view   of   the   tongo5rrg,   th equestlaM   lubaitted
    in your ooauwmioatloaam anewaxed 88 foll~vrr
    *tat. The stat. Board
    by the Legla&turo, to
    tk                  of State and Fodetal toaatfonal
    adminlatratlaa                                            trtada.
    By rlxtw of the pxorl85on8~0$
    hxtiole              8695b-3
    Vernoa*a  i&otatrd Clvll Btatute8 the Mate ZWm9.atoBdent      iif
    Publio Inatntot5oa la t&a l r-ntflho   8eoretary of 8hr State
    Board of Ydueation irifho diaahnrge   of any and all of it8 du-
    ties,  regnfdlaeaor whether it iunotlona~ as the 8teto Board of
    Eduoatloa    OF .aa the State &ax& for Voaatilonal
    5.    The   State Board or Bduoatlon,wMt~ecrUE+OtiOBiae
    as auoh or as the atate Board t&r        v0Oational~PDhtoation, ir wlth-
    pnorab3.e L.,,+.Noode, prigs11
    out p&    or authority to r@aoe the State Superfntsadent
    of Publio Instruot’lon
    a8 ex-offioloSooratary of said Bosld.
    Very   truly   your8

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5828

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017