Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1943 )

  •                 OFFICE   OF   THE   ATTORNEY    GENERAL    OF   TEXAS
    Hon.v. a. Gooaman,
    Ploe-C%afrmsnof thp a05mtt30
    areatad by I?ouse Simple Reeolu-
    t1oo 232,
    ,..:                                                        ur letter at resent
    at on ~theabove
    d7lea    subject.                                  r letter 88 ~ollowar
    on es to thetlldlt~
    rim3   in Fort Korth
    They tell IPOthat Home
    n ZWie    noi    a valid reoolutlon tLt-
    re Em an opinion on riause3inlpleResolu-
    plezacntto Ecuas Simple Resolution E32,
    t a~go~rf~te~   $2,500.00 far the aon-
    s oo?a!!lttce. Th4y date the ~oxdlxq of
    the supplementciidnot awakeHouse Simple Reeolutlan 232
    vaua  in8O!htmii a8 ft &ass ae 8 basltafor the eppm#lr-
    tion ?c':,!.l~e xmp3.s 232.
    r9eson I wnnt t!i!eo,?inlonis that 8 greet
    4s~l of ar1tl.cI.m1~ aevelopirq?bemuse of t.*.eImotivity
    comittae. T%.Ipublic 1s crltlaizlni:
    or t.5.18                                     nll msm-
    hem of this  comfttee.   Xe are fiavlngto t&e this orit-
    iclopl beqauae the Cheirmanwill do aothlng about jt
    and lithis eontinnea, I shall be aompeled to nsk
    for dissolutionof thJs oommittee.
    *It 1s a shame thrrtthe Stata’s money should:be
    8pwnaerea in thi8 ``pmierana met o~pooifilly  th8t
    such D need lnoastipationIs not being Dade.
    *I will fqi~reoietayour opinion on t%e vdlia-
    ltp of this resolution. Personally,I do not be-
    lieve the aoaznlttaehas any authoritywhatsoever
    to aat after,ths Ss~sion. I want your oplnlcm in
    owe I cianxwt strai@ten tkis out and get some-
    .           thln5 done.*
    On.Xay 3   104pI,H3use Bimplo ResolutionRo. 8X:, pro-
    vtding fo'or
    a 60848
    itt4e to lnrcsiigatc tht sale of ecrtaln meet
    rrum deed, @aaeezous and other sick animals, WWJ offered ana
    adoptal by the House of Reprere&:t6tfrco. TM5 rerolutionap-
    earson pages EM3 and 362% al the Boua4 3~1~91 Tsxa4 &th
    e,gi8laturs. ,l!hiroandttes wae 4mp4wered to hoid lnrsstl
    t$ons, qnaui~narltneaeas,   eoaq!eltheir attendanue,punnisb$'or
    eoatempt, Jiafre
    taoir   OS,,
    &,&&&&,   ,rMe, of ..pmc.edura
    the #ytv &&&$on by hag :i ,i:~.
    Q,jyln;j,      ,~a&..
    *.port.:tbslr.  ~:~.
    fan. On the same day unanimousaonrent 148 @tmtcM
    future rresa
    to increase We melabers or the oonrmlttee  from fire to eight end
    the Speaker a? the Rouse appointed the meeabereof tba eomgitte=e.
    See page d639 of F&use J-1.
    OnMay 11, 1943, the eommltteaeppointoa by virtue of
    House Simple R&solutionNo. Z38, reportedto the House the work
    that had bsen.done   by the eomfalttae.Thlu report a .mara on
    pages SO61Co 9063 of the ZMise Jourrml, the cantan %8 of whlah
    attempted to show the as lotible oonaltlonaexlstlnF ~Snthe
    stookyardeanb 414umsAp        plants 0r IAlE state  ihe report
    ooneludedwith ths &eommendetlon thst the eomml~tee be ln-
    5tru6teQ tc ml4    rwther  lnveot~gationain en errort to for-
    mulate 'adequateJ.s&lotion thd ~111 etop the aal6 of dlseasd
    meat for humm oonsmptlon.      On the 8-e day, Rouse Simple
    R44oktioa fro.306 wan Sfcred and adopted. It ocean in part
    aa follbws~
    "Be It Resolved that en approprlati~:m of twen-
    ty-five hunarec!($&,500.00)Uoll~rre be agnpriatea
    Hon.   V.   6.    Qosdman,    p.    3
    out 0r the ormttnr&r.~ expense funO of t?,e?!wse of
    Kepr4aentdJvee             tar the    :~urpone or bermyinq         the a-
    Peres or aald ammittee %rtfr the 4:?t!l Legislature
    h88 adjourned, In order that aaid oommlttec, operat-
    in& under House Simple E;eaolut!onho. 232, map oon-
    tlnu4 to lnvostlgateand brire to ?ubllc attent~lon
    suah praotiaas,in order th:t such practice6 may be
    a0pp0e .*
    The Suprdae Court or Texas in tha aesa or Terr411 ve.
    zing, 113 Ter. e37, 14 3. '3.(26) 786, held thet elthar nouse of
    the Leglalature by its own resolutionooul6 areato snd author164
    a ao6u&ttse to sit and aot after adjournmental the a4eslon. ws
    quote in part,from the dealsion aa follorasr
    *Sitme eaoh hous 4:~ntinuaa in exlst4noe after
    th4 end of n le(Zinlatlve neesion, a6 aet4tin4d in
    Brergoson v. Maddox, 
    114 Tex. 93
    , 95, 98, 
    383 S.W. 0W
    3, nna sin06  sach boufm le investedwith  inaepend-
    sat respoeeibllltiesana dutle6, and 1~ the a010
    ..~. ",     jad~d~or  Its ownrules of pmo4abr4, w4l$zinh the
    porrsrof eaoh houaa or or the Lsglelatureoannot
    be~aenled to nam4 oofilmltt446to sit, either dur-
    ing       sses1om     of    the   Leglelature   or   in   ro0e88~    ror   tb
    purposeof fiathorln~g         00mid4ree regul-
    ;:z;~or helpful t4 tnll6hteaedor 4~14lent legisla-
    Vhts authority of oaoh houao to use laglsla-
    tote 408dtt04s 0r inquiry sad invegt*tlon $8 af-
    finned in Cooley*s ConstitutionalUmltations (8th
    Ed.)   at page 275, where the author s4y6:
    **&ah hause mat also ba alLorrred to prooecd
    in Its oun way In the aolleotlonof such lnforme-
    tion a6 may aeam laportant to 6 proper diechar of
    Ena whenever It la deem44 daeirable
    that wftness46 should be 4xmufmC, the power and au-
    thority to a0 84 is very properly referred to a ooa-
    mlttes, with any power6 650* of rlnal l8&latlv4
    or judlclal aotion a6 may s4em neoessary or exped-
    lent in the prtloulbr                oese.*+
    This deaf&on ie also .4nexpra9sslon
    of the reoo@aiacsd
    tlve praotloe in Texas.
    Hsm. 8. Il.t&odmaB, p. 4
    In Opin. Ho. O-Q% thin depsrtarent  held thet s
    simple ho2sc resolutionmay create fico.mmittee    end eutborlz6
    it to At end mat after  adjoufna;ent of thc~ stmslon  but JUY-
    lr* the tsrm of 0CPice 0: the Legioletura,
    Rouse Simple R+solutlonNo..232 areetnd a aommlttee
    to make lnvestl~tlons into sales cf diseased meet for humsa
    OOllRQUlFtiOQ    BGd to report to the 49ttrS8ssl,onOf the Lc~lsls-
    turn or any hmme saasion. This Is +nd,iaative        of the fast thnt
    the oommltteeK'REempoweredta alt and aet after adjournment
    of the pressnt xasslon, esgeclallyso in vlcw of thfilimited
    time batwetr the crertlon of the sommitteeand the adjounment
    of the Le&iilaturs. Se art?thus of the opinion that gouse Simple
    RgeolutfonNO. h3% created a cotbafttee      wi:ichGOrilds:t ani?eat
    after the adjournmentof the i.ecislntureT
    Assuming the oommlttecacreeted by I&use SlmpLe Raeolu-
    ,tlonRo. 232 did erpirs upon the sdfoumacnt   of the 48th I.s&s-
    Aatum, although we belleve to the oontmry~ neverthslsss,thiu
    cWtt.ee wa8 revived by House Slmpla Reeolutlori Ro. So6 rhieh
    sxtendd the oommlttee arPetsd by !&use Slmpls ReeolutI.Cbn Be.
    Z3e to sperats after the adjournxaent of the 48th Legisiaturtband
    ~: U~plWJPiUtsd       8~ ‘OWtlkiB   (i-   MIt;   ~Oi   fhC~:,tdS@&tiC~‘cr*p~d``flld
    of the Gouse 0r liepreseatatlveagor the purpose of defrayln$ the
    mxpsnses af the oomudttee. 39%believe that a resolutionean be
    ravlved by a subsequent rwsolutionwith mrG?mEtIS 01&y toits
    tltls wititouta reeltfitj.nn
    of Its eontents ss requiredbf a law,
    ulnae the court.mdo make a dirtlnotlonbetween a'resolutlonand
    a law. We tioshelmv. Rollins, 79 8. &. (28) 678, writ of error
    It 16, ‘thawrors,       the oplnlon         or   thin depaWnt       that
    Rouse ~lmpls ResolutionNo. ~ZS?.,
    48th~&gislature, is a valid
    msolutlon and the aonm<tesoreated thereby may sit adl aot.
    after~the mdjdurnmentof the 48th Legislatureup to the aonveu-
    ing 0r th* 49th Ls&izleturs.
    Very truly yours
    BY /a/       Fred 0. CharidLer'
    By /a/          'Robert0. Koah

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5558

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1943

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017