OFFICE OF -l-HE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS-: I'- ':.z AUSTIN '.> i 1 -_y yit18Vera V. Fogg County Attorney Hardernan County QuaMh, Texas war Xi88 Foggr n1n other viorile, doaa the RighrcayDspartment have authority under Pow36 Bill mo. .97%,to re- quire registration of motor vehicles and display _,.~. or 194% tabs, and authortty to enforce this rs- quirement? APPRCWED 11” 405 a88 vsn v. FOgg, Pegm 2 “QmsTIoN no. 2: Doe8 HOU~Q Bill NO. 278, requliing ratantlon of 1942 lloansa platoa, ra- peal the prorlrdonr of sec. 7, Art. 807b, Penal Code, rhloh prohibit8 dlrplay of llaenao plate8 rap:any preodlng year7 uguItSTIOm10. S: Exactly rhat 'In8the or- r00tIr0 aata or Hour* Bill no. 27s7* "(Art. 6675a-1s. Numbor P&tom) "Th9 Dapartmont 8hall I88uo or oau80 to be 18mue4, one lloonro numbor plmte ior leoh motor- of010 road-treotor, trailer or 8mml-trailer, and two l~oexur numbor plater ior any other vohlolr regfrterod un&or thlr Aot. Z’n oe88 one nurbor Plato 18 ardyled to a rohlola, It 8hall ba at- taohad thereto at the rear thornor; and In oano two lr8 a88lgnad, one 8hall bm attaohad at tha front ana one at thr xwir. Bald plater 8hall be koph olrarly vlrlblr and raouroly attaohod dudry the par ror lhloh thry are lrausd. Lioanra num- bar plata8 lrrued foe tehlolea required to be nglrtrmd under the prmldam of thlr Aot rhell not be atteohad thereto barora the beginning or tha oalandar year for uhloh they am lrrued; end provldod that 8aI6 lIaon8a manbor platoa 8hall bo mmnufaoturetlend produtmd at the State Fwnltontlary at RuntsrIllo, Toxae. Provldod further, that the State Penltentlary ohall bo authorized to manurao- ture all 8taal or metal road 81gn8, and provided rurthrr, that, at thm dlrontlon of the state Elghway Ca&mIs8ion, the Stetr PonIt@ntlary may maka or manureotura road algnrnedr of woodon material. (Aot8 1929, 4let Lag., 2nd C1 S., p. 172, oh. 88, 8 1%. a8 amended Aots 193s. 4Srd. Lee., p. 547, oh. 178, $ 1.)" “(Art. 6875a-1%&. P8nltintIary to iurnI8h lioanse plater and road rlgn8) *On proper requl8itlon from tha Stat0 Righwap Dapagtmant, tha Stata Board or Control rhall order the drrlgnetd quantity ot lloanra plates end road signs from the Stata Panltantlary. The State Board 406 )ribr# VOre VI FOgit,Page 8 0r aontrol 8hall datarmlna and mat the price t0 ba Qb8rg.d fC@ laoh itan. (AOtS lQ%S, 4Srd L.6. * p. (117, oh. 178 0 a)." Tba abwe Artlola authorlra an4 dlnot the stata Ei&hM~ D@POFtiMBt to 188Ua W OaRa. t0 ba iS#Uurd 11OarJSO platoa for Mgimterad rahiolar and prwlda ior the nwbar of plakr to ba attaohad to la o hragl8taradrahlola and tb pbO0 an4 mumor whan SuOh plate8 ahall ba ltta o h o and d how tha mama 8hall ba kept atteobd. $a14 ~rtlola alro provider thmt ada p&to8 shell be manufaoturad at thq State Ponltan- tiary at B\mtS*illO TOXaS, ani that tb8 Stat0 Bomrd af OOB- t-1 011p-par raqUi#itiOB frOIR th8 Stata Highwa Department Shill 0l'd.Tthe da#l#iatad quantity ot 1fOanSa pIata from tha Stata Panitantiary. "Art. 8078. Oporatlon 0r Motor vahiolam without lloanma numbar plat.8. Any parson who 0p~r8t.8 a pamm- u&r%‘h*a ocmarolal rahlola or truok- tnotor upon the publio highways of this Stata any tlmo during any month ab a motor rehlole ragl8tratlon yaar without barlw displayed tharaon, and attaohad thmrato, two (2) lioan8o numbar platar, on. plata at tha frOBt and OBa et tha roar, whloh ham bean duly and lawfully a8d ad ror Said rohlola sor the ourrmt raglm- tratY on yaar, shall be gul1lty 0r l mimdamoanor~ . . . . "Se0. 8. An pornon aontlotad ab a ml&do- manor ror riolation or Seotlon 6, saotlon 6 or Saotioa 7 or this Aot shall ba tinad in an #aa not axooadlng Two NRWIMA Dollan ($2OO,OC3 . (AOt8 1954, 4srd La&, f&idC. S., p. S, oh, Z4.)" HOUS. Bill HO. 273 PaadS a8 tO110~8, to-Wit: *Saotlon 1. Tht Oheptar 88, Rousa ~111 no. ~6,saotlon 13, ~atm or tha rorty-rlrrt Lagl8labun, Saoond Called SaSSiOn, a8 tmanded by AOtS 6?ftha Party-third Legislature, Ra@lar Saarlon, Ohapter 407 MiO8 Vu8 V. Pogg, Ua:crga 4 178, saotlon 1, ROuma Bill No. 459, be auendad to haraaitar read 88 rOlhW8: -'Sootloa w. Tha State 3i@hway Departsoat 18 harabp authorized to lmaua r0r the 1943, 1944 nnd 1945 motor raMala rag.lrtratlonpars a 4a l ptita or pht68 mtal w othu rtarial, of ryabola, tabs, or other Amrloa8 whloh rhan lttaohoA to a Mtm rahlolaberlnq bean duly Mgi#tm&d tar tlw maoadlaw SW&iStrStiO0 yaar aball Yor the parQom of thi8 .A0t bo doanad to be the Irgal raglmt?atIon lnmiguia ror the ra~lmtntlon year ror *hioh 188~@4.~ *8*0. t. U&Wi4myR8Bt 0? th8 jWOribad r&&S- trOtion fee by l for motor rahl0la regi#tm- tiOB, the State Wpartnnt is luthorlrad t0 iSSU& through tb6 l%UBtJ, WS A88& 88O~8~O~& OtOF 8 l llnala plata OI plOta or metal OT other satarial, 8yBbolr, tabs fm other darloaa, to ba attaoha6 ta a motor rahleia ha+loe duly lu#o r l88d lloanrap&t&, plater or otbrf llul~al8 Sor the paoadin~ roglrtra- tlon par. Motor vahlela8 not pr0tloumlf ra&*tara6 ur ba l8auad a ragulm mat01 liaanaa plOta or plataa iS muoh be lrallabla of BII be lame6 lyabol8 tabs, (u other darioam WIioh -11 be da8mad to be iha legal ragl8tratlw Inrl@a ror the ro&8trotion f&u lo whloh the tahlola is ragl8tarad. T3ao. S. The owaar af aaoh motor rahlola r&re&i#t&rad tha 1942 rO~I8tratlon year is ror hereby dlra0ta6 anA required to rotain la plwa ln4'in Use an ruah rahlala the plmta or plater is- 8uSd tar the Zw~irtMtion yaar 1942 in adAitIon to tb8 Mt61 tab8 186Ud iOr thO 1963 - i#tMtiOB In the 1944 anA 1948 rsglrtratf0n yura tha izt:i tcgletratlou in8Ignle lmeua6 by th 2tat.O ?Ii&hwayI?&pa~Mh through t& CouBty 'farA$#- 8Or8-cOlleOt~8 #h&l be attaohad t0 the t&hiOh in plaoa or plmOa8 pra80rlbad by tha Stat@ Righway Dapnrtaeut in woh 8iam1aram to be OlOarly rl8lbla. rirr Vera V, Fogll, P&e* S That Chapter lT8 Uoura alll Ha. 469, i%io~*2, hots a? the Fo&-third ~a(rimt- t-6, R*pUlar Sa88loB, be rnandad to hrraattar MIId a8 rOiiW8: "'*otIOa A. Thm Mate nl&lwny m$8rtuaBt rball prapmrm the Aarlgn8 and 8paoltlaatlan8 tar the mingle plate or plataa of rrtal or ethar ant- or OtXkOr 46tlOOe rrlaotd t0 be ?A806 60 tb nqtlimltion an6 puMha#O of the SUY 8ball be Albdtt8d to tb skta Board al Control firl ppwml.* *SW. 5. Ii aEr 86Ot~OD 8""OB~aO``t``, elawa or p&au clp tbir AOt I8 fOl'8 u0&~8titutiOM~, x the U@OoBStit0ti06a ty tM,rrOf #ball aot aftnot tha validit d the mini tion oi thl* bat. The l.*~datan banby dfgz’ that lb rculd bat& pa888d tM AOt anb woh 86Otim, 8ubraotiorr, sentan0a olauma, anA uhra8a tharwt, lrra8peotlra CS the hot that one farPore H the I&OtiOB#, #Ub8~0tiOM, 8~t~l%O&8, OkU8.# Or phrara8 bo da0lezwd unoonrtit0ti0nd. *sao. A. All laws or prtm 0r law9 in waillet F0z&y we hanby rapaala4 ta th al8ant of au& . *s*o. 7. Tha rhw8q6 Of rtael a8USaA by tha raqulruaatr tor Ok Uatlobwl Dafaau rai tha rb- eanoa d a auihbla an4 aooa4miaal rubrtitota for Staa1 iB tb MBUfDOttlrc,Of MtAU +&i#l& 11-8. plates oraeOn an emarganoy and ID im ratl.va vblio w668d8y th*s DbS otbB#~ihUbiOBd Ra!@0 r&QRi s4B& that btllr be read on tBr66 Hpar*ta A48 ip roh ROUH be and tiba sue is heroby 8ulptia&, wd them Aot 8hall tska lt~aot uad ba In toroe rr0r and lrtar it8 pa885g6, aridit lr a0 lnaotad. ~mmmod the Rwaa, Fabnury 19, 19431 Ye&r 119, any8 0; p8naA the 86n846, #*rob 4, 1942h Yeas 26, Bays 0. -up rwod Maroh b 194& -&etira XW-oh &, Mrs.- ti6s Vera v. Foee, Page 6 SeO. 5 of Art. 807b, P. 0. makes it a timdemeanor orrense for any person to operate a motor vehicle upon tb wblfo highways of thio State without having dimplayed thereon, aM attaohed thereto lioenae number platea and 8eo. 8 of arid AI%~O~J 897u, rhea the penalty for maid 0rr8n88. It is the oplnian or thla department that ~ouae fill lto. 879 la oumuletlre of the other statute8 relating to the reglatratlon of motor rehiolea an6 that the aam doom not repeal 8ea. 5 and Sea. 8 or Art. 807b, P. 0. Theraiore, tha answer to your rir8t queatlon la in tha arrirmatfve. ,The languaga of Rouse 8111 No. 875 la not vague, a8blguooa, Uoertaln or lndaflnita and the intent 0r tha La(gfa- lature la Vera plain in the word8 of the AOt. However, aaaum- Mg that the language or anid House ~111 r?o,g75 ia vague, a& biguoua unoertain and lndetlnite, we at111 lay that tha 8ama 18 oumuiatire or the other atatutaa relatl to the reglatra- tion of motor rehioler and in support or th 3 a oonolualoa we quote iron 59 0. J. pp 958,959,960 and 961, to-wit: while the Intent @ the Legislature la to be foundpilmarily in the language of the atatute wheze auoh language la vague, ambiguous or unoer- taln the Court may look, not only to the language but to the aubjeot matter of the Aot, the objeot to be aooonpllahed, or the purpore to be l ubaerved; it may alao look in this oonn@otion to the exped- ienoy of the Aot, or its oooaafon and neoearity, the remedy provided, the oonditlon or the oountry to k efteoted by the Act, the oonaequenoer iollOr- in6 upon itr rnaotment, are rarloua ertrlnaio mat- tera whioh throw8 aome light on the Leglalatura~a Intent. LO&C and round eoonomio prlnolplea may serve ag a guide to the Legialsture*s intent. *In oonetruing a statute to give OrrO0t to the Intent or purpose or the Legialature,ithe ob- jeot of the statute mu& be kept in mind,.and suoh ~,’ oonatruction plaomd upon It a8 will, ii possible, arreot its purpoea au3 rendor It talld,.evan though it be aomewhnt indetinite.s uiar Vera V. Fogg, Fege 7 It 18 the oplnlon or thiB b6partment that Hausa 81s !iio. 1!!72#luapnda See. 7,807b, v. A. P. u., for art. the prwent regirtratton year en& lo lon& a6 the Hi&way ~@aion may re,quirerotration of rcgie;tretioninalgala gf 8 prartou8 year under t’he tema of add nouae Bill. M th ~r ``n0~ to the ltieatira date, Hoare 9111 se. t75 lppaarr to have parse4 tb.e Eouae February 19, 194S w a ,tofe of 119 year to no nagrg and tc hare paaaa4 the wma9* YwOh 4 1943 by a rote & 86 yeas to no uaya~ and to hate been &ml bl the Covernor en6 approvedB?amh 6, 1945. It is *heretore tha oplnlon or thla department thet tha lifsetirr date oi lald EiillwmblB:a,roh 6, 1945.
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5480
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017