- OFFICE OF THE AmORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN gonorablc C. K. c'avm?es state Auditor &uM.n, Tccaf3 Dear Er . Cavnoset We eoknorl6~iige reo tter aekfng for 8 1eglllopmion of thle Depart tea in the fallas- %ng quotation therefrom: Nos. o-19& verago pro- 8 Corperation for county, road distriots 823 trict Pmls. these tW0 0@1iOn8 lsrrsallasituations on and maintannnee of we request your opinion ined hewn. is a list of the State Schools sity of Texas - B;ainCollege - Schciol of U.nas 3nr3 W3tallurgy - El PZLSO, Texas kertical Drancfi - Galveston, Texas John Scaly iiOspit81 - <;alVestOn, Tt?Xas *Bf;ri.CUltUX'irland kl002mniGa1 College - College Station, Tesas *branchesg Honorable C. ti.I;avnese- page 2 Worth Texas Agrioultural College - Arlington, Texas John TaMeton Agricultural College - Stephenville, Texas Brairie View State Normal Collage - Prairie View, Texas *Texas Technological College - Lubbook, Texas 'Texas aollege of Arts and Industries - Xingsville, Texae *Texas State College for Women - Denton, Tf3x88 *State Teaohers Collegeeei East Texas State Teachers College - Cmemeroe , Texas North Texan State Teaohera College - Denton, Tex88 Sam Houston State Te8oher8 College - Buntsrllle, Texao southwest Taxes State Tetiher8 College- San Marcos, Texae Stephen F. Austin State Teachers College - Nacogdmhos, Texas Sul Ross State Teaohere College - Alpine, Texas West Texas Stste Tesohers Oollege - CanyoU, Texas *Bearing in mind that the Ualversity of Texas ati the Agrioultural arxlYechanioal College both maintain Bramh Colleges which were oreated and which fun&don differently from the State Teachers Colleges , eta., we ask your opinion as to whether each of'the bank aacouuts maintained by the University of Texas and aa& of its Branuhes, by the Agrieul- tural aad bieChaniC81College and eaah of its Branches and by each of the other l3tateSchools are proteoted in the amount of the Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. In this conneation there may be instances where the Ma%n College and one or more of its Branches deposit moneys in the same bank, which would naturally have a bearing On the queetion. "To be a bit more explicit, eaah of,these inotltu- tions maintains frem one to fifteen bank accounts, the most usual titles of which are: tionorabloC. ii.Cavness - page 3 "1. Oeneral Operating Fund '~2. P'3ttyC8Sh puad .3. Dormitory Sink& Fund v4. Student Loan Pund fl6.Plant Fund '6. Agency Fund.9 We 8re Of the OpilliOnyour questions as answered iu our Opinions Nos. o-1948 and o-lQ49, together with the further exposition contained in the euocseding paragraph, will meet your various situations. Rvvonthough an aououut is oarried in the name of 8 legal entity, nevertheless, if the 80eount shows to be a trust account, legally charged with 8 speoifla use or for a definite purpose, it is 8 separate acaount, within the con- templation of the P. D. I. dot from one crarrlecl by the en- tity in its own right, the deposit being by the institution or entity in 8 separate oapaeity from that of Its general illdividil81 right. This ObseXV8tiOn is pertinent to your enumerated *Fund* Accounts, oarried by the various institutions men- tioned by you. A separate fund in the sense that it is 8 trust, when deposited by the Lnetitution, ia a separate 8tsomt. If, however, the breaking dam of the deposit into VlWiOUS depOSitS Of SO-08llSd fU!lIiS iS llISl't3ly 8 lUSt- ter of oonvenienae to the institution, then the rule just announed would, Of aourse, not 8pply. This opinl.onis, to be sure, general in its nature, but it is neaessarily so, sinoe your inquiry is general. If a more spe~ifio opinion i8 required by you at any time, upon a presentation of the speoific case, we will be glad to advise further. vsry truly yours ATTORHi33GZNSRAL OF TEXALB OS-M
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4871
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017