OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Dr. t. 0. siooko Dlrrotor, Toxao Forrrt aonfoo Cellogo Bttrtioa,Tour Dur 131rl 8a opiaioa on tho following qur withdraw euohl u&or tho Jurir of A. 4 u. 0011 aiLa bo fol- one of Artiolr IWb, Ll statuto8, em8 not rOdO888a?' , sOOt%OR it, vOr~kOl'8 hBOt&Oa mu 0 fOrO8t b~ad8 UL8 8Oib t0 th8 6teO Of -88, at ilit8r88t, pO&tF Ubd 0d qmI8t 8UOh id, a8 p~0Tid0d iA nOVt88a aidi stAtUtO8 0f ?81l8, lseb &I 88eIdOd b; AOt8’19g7, ?O'ortiOth bg%818tPrO, t1r8i otihd sO88i88, p-8 860, ch8ptOr w, sQOtiOa 1, ma a+ r0600r0a or r88Old a8 pr*vt(Ledin 88id Arti Dr. t. 0. 8Ieok8, P8go 2 7528, 8UOh land8 8ha11 be withdrawn from the urket ma rhll bo hold, pt00tra ana aaminlrtorraby the Board of DireOtOr8 of the Agrloultural 8nd Weoh8nIo8l Coll8gr 88 mate forertr; and thr Board of Dlreotorm rh811 have the power to eunage, ~88 and Improve auoh pine forest 18nclml e fully and to the marnoextent a8 In the oame of other foreet lands hold by It In rooordano8 with the law. Foreat landm, am u00a In thlm Aot, rhall Inoluae all 18!Ia8upon whloh Is growing pine timber of 8nf materIs value and dll qutover pine timber whloh uy reasonably be expeoted to produce bJ reamon of -turd, or other method6 of reforemtatlon, another growth of pine timber of any material value upon them." It will be noted from reading thlm mtatute that It lm very general In Itm nature, and, at most, seta out the polioy of the State to retain pine forest lands whloh harr been bought In by the Btate on tax malee.,under Artlole 7328, n. c. 0., am amended by tb,Aotm of 1927, 40th LegIml8ture, Cir8t Called Semelon p. 260, Chapter 99, Seotlon 1. The U88 of the phr88e ama not redeemed or remold 88 prodded In maid Artlola 7S28 much lands mhall be withdrawn from the market and mh~ll br held, proteoted ana admlnletcrsd by the Board of DIreOtor8 of the Agrioultural ana kIeohanIoa1Coil-egea8 State forertr' Ir 8omrwh8t oonflIotIng am it 8eemm to eon- template that the rbmrlff might rare11 the 18na after the redrmptlon period 8nd 8t the mame tI8r It pro+Idem that It rh~ll be withdrawn from the u&et giving no definite tiso for rroh wIthdr8w8l. :: It 18 the opinion of thI8 department In an8wor to JOPC flrmt quortlon, that pine forrrt landm may be oonmldered am not redeemed or remold at &nj time after the expiration of the redemption period of two yearm and 80 long thereafter am It remains unmold unarr Artlolr 7326. The St8tUt8 is rilent on the prooadure to be fob iowaa 8aa 88 to who lm to aetermIn.3what 1-a bought In br the State for taxer Im pine foremt ma. It 18, therefore, the opinion of thl8 arpartment in answer to your meoona quer- tlon t&t thore utter6 mumt be worked out between the Board of DIre8torm of A. k 1. and the mheriffm of the rarloum ooun- tIe8 where pine forest landm hare been bought In under Art1018 9322. Onor It ham been determined by them that a traot of . . Dr. t. 0. Slroko, Pym a land bought in unaor Artlolo 7320 rhoula be transferred under Artlole 2613, 6eotIon l2, the mherlff rhould tranrfrr the 8U8tOe and oontrol of ruoh land to the B-x-3 of Dlreotorr of the Agrloultural & Uoohanioal College by an ln8trPrrnt In w?&tMg<. to be reooraea In the de86 rroorar of the oounty mhero the land Is located, reciting that It wae being tlmne- ferred under the prorlmlonm of Artlole 2615, Ueotion 12. It Ie the opinion of this kbpart8ent that lour third quemtlon lhoula be answered~inthe negatlre am Artlole 734Sb, Vernon*e Texam Civil Btatutes,warn pamsed rubsequent to Beotlon 12 of Artlole 2613 and Artlole 7S45b i8 dIffmTent from Article 7328 and Inoluaem abdltlonal taxing unite. Yourm rerr truly ATTORNEY OENERAL OF TEXAE
27 Dall. D. Wahon A8818tAUt DDHrBT UPROVED m 5, 1941
Document Info
Docket Number: O-2871
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017