OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY.GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon.ii. a. ivyche,Fag0E Smday of the suoceeding week to the State ai&- way Department, to@%+ with carbon copies or each license receipt issued hereumler &urln& the pIWed% week. He shall also on %xiday of saoh week remit to the Departnrent as now provldetl by Law, all transfer rses oml chaurfeurs* lleeuae fees oolleoted by him during the preceding veek, together with oarboo copies of allrsaaipts issued for said fees during the week. *He shall also ecUomp?iny au relaitteaow to the Rl@wey Departmntwith a eozaplete report of suoh oolleotlons made and disposition aade thae- 0r;the r0t-n end umttents or aald report to be presarlbed by the State Highway Dspartnmnt. xone of .thu monies so plaoea to the araait or the Road and Bridge Fund or a county shell be wed ta pay the salary or compensation of any County J e or Grmnty Comlssloner, but all eald WnleS ah %l be wed ror tho oormxuctlon and raemmawe oi late- ral roads in suah oounty underthe euper~lsien of the county l!in&me, If theme be one, end if tlwm ie no such engineer then the County C~sloaers' Court 6hd.l have authority to em the bervUe8 o? the Division En&iimec of the BtatO XlghwayDe- partmatfor the pur ose ofaupervlsiogtheoon- struotion and mlrve & of latmd. ma& in the* respeotlveOoMtiea. All run&s allooated to the oounties by the pravieions of this hot (Arts. ways 0r such aountiea imd dlstrlats therein: or the lmprovemnt or the roads ooqwlelng the Colmty Roail Systeww rfe ore inlorraed b the Gom.ptroller*s offloe #at Or County has a rpulatlon of %, 768 aaeomllng to the laf5tFedem a? oeww, anfl t et the 6ounty offiafal.5 of Gregg County art3 Eom- pensated on an ennual salary basis. seation 4 of &rtiole 39l80, R. C.~a,, readi as followsr *In all counties 0ithisStats Contain&3 a population of Zess thm one hundred and ninety thousand (lQG,OOG) inhabitants aoccrdiq to the last precedirq Federal. Csnmm whereta the OOUI&~ oc gmmlnct oltfioers ere 5empewated on a salary basis under the prodsions Of t”iS kot, them shall be meat@ a fund to be known as the oOiii- HOG. it. 6. Kyohe, rage 3 cerst sulary fund 0r county, Texas.' Suoh fund oh&l be kopt separate and cpurt from all other oounty funds, and shall be held and disbursed for the purpose of pww the salaries Of OrfleerS and the salarrie5 OS deputies, efmi~- tants and clerks of offlasrs who hre drawi,xq a oulary from csald rutic under tho provisions or this Aat, and to pay the authorized expenses OS their offices. Such fund shall be deposited in the aouuty depository and shall be protested to the ~tme extent a5 other aounty runds.m Seotion.6. or :ztfolo 3Qlee, R. C. 6., reads fn part as follow: "(a) In aouutles where&i the oounty affi- olals are on a salmy baal~, in addltlant6 the mo~&es deposited ts said Ofticers~ Salary Fuud or funds under the rovi0iow 0r 8eatione 1, 3 and 5 or this Acrt tl em shall be depo6it;ed tharb in gmrterly on the ffrrt day or January, kprll, July and October of eaoh year, such sums aa be apportioned to such oount umber the prowls Y or16 of this Aot, out of the aoa da ble appropriations m&de by the Ia@?#lature for suoh purposssr-d. howwer, that in uouutles tiersin the Co esloner6 * Coyrt is authorized to determine whether oomty of¶Xoers ehell be ooxupeasated on a salary basis, no apportloument. 6haJ.l be xwile~ to euoh aounty un- til the Comptrollsr of rublic kooounts shall have been notified or the order or the Cotiesloners* court that the oowty ofrioers 0r such ooltnty shall be oompensatsd on a salary basis for the fisoal year,'. . . . "(b) ao officer reaelting a salary shall hereafter reoeive any 8x off1010 a enimthn; psovided, however, the Cox&s5foners"p Court shall transfer irasa the General Fund of the oouuty to the orrforsrs* salary pund or fur+ or suoh aounty such run&a as may be neaess.ary to pay the sa.larles and other ala&m ahargezible a@.nat the sew wh8z~the manies; de ositd tber&- in are lnsuffielent to meetthe ala Ls guyable therefrom.w : brtiale
667Sa-10 supra, speoifiorill ep~road~thst none of the mnfes so g&aceji to the sredlt of ti Bridge Lund or the county shall be&e& to pay the SW er Hon.R. s. Kyche, Page 4 compensetion of cny county Jume or County Comisoioner, but all said monies shall. bo used for the oomtruoflon and malnte- name of lateral road6 in ouch oountles and that all funds allocdod to the counties by the provisions of the aet my bd used by the counties in the payment of obligations, l.f.e.ny, Zsaued and incurrod in the conatruation or the roveaent of 9 ee and din- ull roads, includiq State I?ighways of such oount trlcts therein; or the lmprwement of the roads oonprlslng tbo County Road Syrsttm. In riew or the forego statutes, you are reapeat- fully advlsed that It is the op 3 on of this department that the Commfsoioners~ Court does net have the authority to traru% rer nonibs reoeived from cute ro~lstrdkum to the Offioom* Salary Fuud, regardless of the rrtatua of the CeneralIlrtn4. Yours very trdLy M=i'OMm CEN&iAL OF T.XAS APPROVEDAUS 28, 1939 L e, 77h-L-u ,ATTORNEY GENERAL Or'TEXAS
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1161
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017