OFFICE OFTHEATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN (ic#w.cl c.MANN w 24, 1939 &rrau’r ..I- Eon. Sidney Lcq, Xay 24, 1939, Page 2 w1tM.n two zill.oQ.The inspectormay then rb quite the driver or operator to unload lmed- iately such portion of the load as ma;rbe no- oessaryto deareasethe gross weight ot euoh V6hio~ t0 the FLOSS Snrirsllt U0i@t I#peoified by this Act." The oourte or Texas have held that the above section conferring auttmrlty upon lioanse tutaweI&& inn- speotors of the State Highway Depsrtmentto require MT- ers and operators of motor vehioles to have thdr trueka end oontents weip;hbd,does not oonfer any suoh authority uponaonstablesandother peaoe otiloeraofthe 8tat., La. aeputy 8hePlff 8herlff, aounty hl&my offSoaP* deputy ocmatableaad oounty attorney. ImhD (I,8ThTE (lssl) 96 9Ri(sa) 9Euj DesHmo xorox BEIm Lmm INC. T* tzopHBs, ET AL(l9w) 99 m (zd)lo& Se halo been tomb& to find addltlaoal authori- ties onthsMttW,blItthOtUO 446#86P@fS~tO~bmO aPe eJapl0authority ior the'propo8ltion8et iorth thePelala Vo rish to eaU attent%on espsoklrj to the r4- maPk6ofJllaga``lnthe~lnlonaaIMtlaofotPshelDP- krg in the aaae oilBaa to State, 8upra, arongu!&~& la the follawingt .Ufhe Ia&lature ahould dasmthaautbrrc lty mated lo the 64 offlo~or8 unde ths 3&u quotedln our or o~ioa to be too rertrlotlvoend aanolub that the righti oonfe``%d m add offioer ahaal.6 .be extendad to pea90 Of- floengenerally thaDth4 Ia&ie&tUro~ 10 prorid.;but until the Zwr a8 nm nfttar i8 ohaaged, wethtiktba moreroaamable owirtrrro- tiar Is wmtplflosdupaa.lt in ourorlglnIaopin- icm thciti8,thrtthm Leglalkturepropoaedto limit tha rIght8 therein eonfmred upon the of- fioera named as being eepeoially equip&d aitd trained to properly do the tblnb;stherein authe isad.' B vicar of the above holding, the en aounty twfflo oSS%aers in hrtiole 6099, Bon. Sidney Me, Eay 24, 1939, Page 9 not:.tcdCivil St&&es, as amended * to enforce the tfghway laws of t&is state regulatl\gthe uee of the public hi&ways by motor vel~loles', oammt be extended to include the authority to neigh loaded vehicles when they heve ronson to believe th:)tthe gross weigt of such v~hlalx3slsunlawiul. It Is our ~pinim that a oounty trafrla offl- cer etnployadunder artiole
6099, supra, does not possess a logal right to neigh trucks for purposes of aseertain- In6 whether they kdereloaded in exoesa or 7,003 pound8 in violation of Artiols 827a, Vernaa*6 AaaotatadW cods. Trusting thattheabovdfullysnsw``yourin- p;iiPy,we aP0
Document Info
Docket Number: O-757
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017