- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN iionoratle Tom L. Asauaholnp :~.carataryor :Xata AUStin, Taxas Duu,LUrt , be oaken into to bu oomplite4 Artlole 9034, RsvltmU Stnfateu lQQS, aa amen4eU kot6 1931, end Legisleture, 3. 441, Oh. ZQS, gea. 1, providsa that the Sranohlee tax of' corporntloes *b&U be baedd upon: t&et prepwtdon OS the aatntan4%ngaapitrl outetundlrig ba48, rmkrr aad 4obenti~o, other tkan tbe~s* smtttrlng in has than a year Srom Qatu af iunua . . . .* The ;?urposecf tf,c: Legisleture 12 addlu~ notes, bends mid debentures utturinp !n less thn Gne yWr from date or iSSue uss tc neucure the tax oc soliebasis so as to include the aatual pentauent capital Or the cor?oratlon, vihlcb hsd prevloualy bean exclwled In some Instances because of its form. However, in deter- lrin1n.g how this result isto be aacoepllshed we n;uctlook to the body 0r the uct itself. By ita express language, Article 7084,as an;snilaA, sxoapta notes mmuing in loss than a raar rrom date or lsbue, the sob orikria 1s the Smturity date. Ho qualifioation 16 ma& for note8 whloh mey be outatendlng and -paId after the maturity date or at the cloas oi,the corporate aooountlng year. Paper payable on dacand 18 due an4 aotlonablw isdiately afthout&uliaml. 6 Tu. Jur. p. 681, Sea. 96. Themrore, notam’: payableon asrnand rattare lee8 than a mar troa 64to 0r iuu8 ~*. oow rlthln the statutory uoeption. It was stated in Southam 'isaltyCorporationv. l6&&&., .:~..r .a (ccr t$h, 1933) 66 Ired.(3) 934s *The exoluslon or short-time loana, that le, thow ror l~sss than a year, is also not arbltraxy. Ii 6uoh .ara iotuelly repaid wlthln the Je8r, they have not bean ',:. oapltal employesl during the whole tai perlo& If roaeWi& thronghaut the year, they ay larve to ptivlde workig' oapltal just a8 thou& origI5aI.4 ror 0 yeor, but in truth they are no penuanent oapltal, but the indul&egioe la at the rlll of the orvditor end generally Rmw by a high rate 0r interast. A 11`` or slw+w s*~:;t~+~-', '(: proper to be made at some point, .Md one year, the ~period uhlob the tax is to oov6r. was not an unreqsonable pltioe t0 rix it.* filth rerem3oe to your 8eoon1Y tmestlon, we a6bumie that in each instance there la a bona iids renewal or ertenalon of the paper SO as to nifituro short 0r n year rrom tho aats ~0r~mnslril. ~rtiols 7084 makes no mention 0r rsnauala or sxtanaloaa. 'ho vlers lay be taken. Blrat, the original issue date may be taken as the *date of leaue* rcriarreato In the statute, and lf extended so that the seoond period plus the original $erlod 1s &Ore than ona year, the final natority date w0uld be mora than one year rrom the original *&at6 of lnsue*. ,On the other ha&, the posltlon lvay be taken that when the paper is extended or renewed, it la in raat end erroot a redssue or the paper ana when ROZ . Tox 1. Beauchamp, Irarch29, 1939, Page 3 ccuputlng the rreturlty actual "detc Z issue" referred tc in the statute. Bona fide reaewals cr extensions are no more ir:cmrlict wlth the express int?litlonof the L43gislatul-e findterrm or the Iict tban issuing 4eranQ notes rhicb the payee sufrers to run more than e year wlthout collection; issuing aotea Paturhg leas then a year rrcm date of issue but abloh are allowed to run for several yeara without renewal cr paymnt; notea),bonds azd debsotures which are oalled in end cancelled an6 new obligations aotually l#S?md. In each lostanae the indu&enOe 1s at the ~111 of the oro4oeor. Althollgh thl* POillt ru not. 8peolti8ally berore the oourt in the Southern R+elttyCorporatlomaaw quote6 above, the aot was ummlaad iram the 8taMpoiat af it8 validltq end we think the ruwnlng 0r the aourt 1s .soundwhen lpplle6 to the in6tuit 0880. m~Wxte ynothor bada for azmpuf+f$the tu woul& be to . : 90 U’O of the O&ion that uoh Of Joor QUO8tlone mhOUl6 ba aMwon ln the Mgat.iV~.
Document Info
Docket Number: O-598
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017