Reed, Rodney ( 2015 )

    No. AP-77,054
    IN THE _
    Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas
    V .
    On Appeal from the 213t J udicial Distl'ict Court, Bastrop County, TeXaS
    40 Worth St.
    NeW York, NeW York 10013
    (212) 364-5340
    (212) 364-5341 (fax)
    A_ndrew F. MacRae
    State Bar No. 00784510
    1101 S. Ca,pital of Texas Highway
    Building K, Suite 125
    Austin, Texas 78746
    (512) 637-8565
    (512) 637-1583 (fax)
    Attorneys For Appellant Rodney Reed
    County of New York )
    State of New York
    Bryce Benjet, of lawful age, being duly deposed and sworn, states that:
    My name is Bryce Benjet. l am an attorney licensed to practice in the State of
    Texas and counsel of record for Rodney Reed. I am over the age of 18 and
    otherwise competent to give this affidavit
    On January 13, 2014, I sent a letter to the Bastrop County District Attorney, Bryan
    Goertz, asking for his agreement to conduct comprehensive DNA testing on the
    evidence collected in the investigation of the murder of Stacey Stites. I provided a
    detailed explanation of the reasons why this testing could prove innocence and
    offered to conduct this testing at the expense of the Innocence Project. A true and
    correct copy of the letter is attached as Appendix A to this Af_fidavit.
    Soon thereafter, l spoke with Mr. Goertz, who informed me that he agreed that
    DNA testing should take place in the interest of justice, but referred me to the
    Attorney General’s Office to negotiate the details.
    I had several conversations with staff from the Attomey General’s Office over the
    next few months. Frustrated with the slow progress of these negotiations, I
    suggested We expedite the process by agreeing to the testing of some items on an
    interim basis While the Attorney General’s Ofiice continued to consider other
    evidence. A true and correct copy of the e-mail I sent making this offer is attached
    as Appendix B.
    Based on my initial conversation with Bastrop District Attorney, Mr. Goertz, and
    until the end of April 2014, I had believed that the State was going to agree to
    conduct DNA testing on all relevant evidence lt was not until the end of April
    that l learned from Assistant Attorney General Matthew Ottoway that the State
    was not inclined to agree to test any evidence that did not fit within the Attorney
    General’s narrow definition of biological material. This would be limited to
    already identified biological fluids, rape kit samples, and hairs. I was surprised by
    this position based on my initial conversation with the Bastrop County District
    Attorney, Mr. Goetz. Mr. Ottoway informed me that no final decision could be
    made and that we would have to wait until his supervisor returned from vacation
    in mid-May. We planned to speak on May 15, 2014, but the Attorney General’s
    Office asked for more time, as shown in the May 15, 2014 e-mail of which a true
    and correct copy is attached as Appendix C. The final decision from the Attorney
    General’s Office limiting the scope of the agreed DNA testing was not announced
    to me until late May 2014. At this time I was working on the Petition for Writ of
    Certiorari seeking review from the denial of federal habeas corpus relief, drafting
    an order reflecting the agreed DNA testing, as well as drafting Reed’S motion for
    post-conviction DNA testing in advance of a scheduled hearing to set an execution
    date. '
    6. After the State filed its response in opposition to DNA testing, I wrote the trial
    judge on October 7, 2014 asking that a hearing be seton the merits of DNA
    testing A true and correct copy of this letter is attached as Appendix D. In
    advance of that request, I discussed the hearing with Assistant Attomey General
    ()ttoway. He asked that any hearing that was to be scheduled take place at least a
    week after his return from a vacation spanning most of the month of 0ctober, and
    that later in Novernber would be better. I accommodated this request with the
    understanding that it would not be used by the State against my client.
    75?549-W]1SR01A - MSW
    7. On Monday, January 26, 2015, l received a CD via Fed Ex from the Attomey
    General’s Office. On this CD are two audiotaped witness interviews containing
    information that is helpful to Mr. Reed and requires additional investigation In
    particular, one interview describes an internal and previously undisclosed
    investigation of limmy Fennell by the Giddings Police Department, which was
    known to Nathan Lapham. Mr. Lapham was a witness called by the State during
    Mr. Reed’s last habeas hearing, but, he did not mention this investigation At the
    hearing, Mr. Reed’s counsel was expressly precluded from questioning Mr.
    Lapham more broadly concerning Fennell and the Stites murder.\ The State has
    previously taken the position that the Giddings Police Department was not
    involved in the investigation Another interview concerns what may have been an
    eyewitness account of a heated argument between Fennell and Stites around the
    time of the murder.
    Further affiant sayeth naught.
    Bryce Benjet
    Subscribed and sworn to, before me, a Notary Public, this 30th day of January 2015 , by
    Bryce Benj et who is personally known to me or has shown adequate identification:
    Notary Public
    MADELINE H. deLO“'
    No£ary Pubtfc, State Ot Nev§ ibrk
    eni-itt 122353157225
    _ _ _ _ or '
    _Commtssion Expires Marcl(iki[é?tgo /‘? t
    Maddy deLone, Esq.
    Executiva Direetor
    j Newvork, Nv10013
    Tel 212.364.5340
    Fax 212.364.5341
    January 13, 2014
    Hon. Bryan Goertz
    Bastrop County District Attorney
    804 Pecan St.
    Bastrop, Texas 78602
    Re: Proposal for Agreed Forensic Testing
    Dear Mr. Goertz:
    I am writing on behalf of my client Rodney Reed to ask for your agreement in conducting DNA
    and other forensic testing on evidence retained in the case. There have been significant advances in
    the science of DNA testing since Mr. Reed's 1998 capital murder trial for the murder of Stacey Stites.
    These advances allow us to detect the DNA profile of a person from even a few skin cells left during
    this violent strangulation murder_vvhereas the technology available in 1998 was limited to larger
    samples of tissue or bodily tluids. By utilizing the new technology in DNA and other forensic testing,
    we are now capable of providing dispositive answers continuing Mr. Reed:s consistent claim of
    innocence The cost of this agreed testing Will be paid for by the Innocence Project.
    I have attached a list of evidence that Was collected in the case that I believe is (1) suitable for
    DNA or other forensic testing and (2) capable of producing results that can prove Mr. Reed’s
    innocence See Appendix A. This evidence includes:
    o 'l"he belt used to strangle Ms. Stites
    o Biclogical samples taken from Ms. Stites’ body
    v Relevant areas of Ms. Stites’ clothing
    Benjamin N. Cardczo Sch col cf Law, Yeshiva Un|\rersity
    |nnocence Pro]ect, |nc.
    January13, 2014
    Page 2
    - Hairs found on Ms. Stites’ body and clothing
    0 Ms. Stites’ name tag left by the perpetrator on her body
    ¢ Iterns on the ground near truck
    0 Condoms found near Ms. Stites’ body
    l Fingerprints found on Ms. Stites’ truck and other items
    l White T-shirt found near body
    The Texas legislature recently enacted a law requiring § suitable evidence collected in a
    capital murder prosecution to be subjected to DNA testing. See Tex. Code Crim. Proc. art. 38.43(i).
    Especially where Mr. Reed has consistently claimed innocence and legitimate questions have been
    raised indicating a third party’s guilt, it is appropriate to conduct the same level of forensic testing that
    Would be done in a current capital murder prosecution Conducting this post-conviction testing by
    agreement and in the interest of justice will conserve judicial resources and that of our respective
    offices which would otherwise be spent on contested litigation under Chapter 64 of the Code of
    Criminal Procedure and other available remedies. Expeditious DNA testing by agreement now will
    also ensure protracted litigation under chapter 64 does not interfere with the course of the pending
    habeas proceedings
    New DNA and Other Forensic Testiug Cao be Pert``ormed on the Evidence
    DNA testing has come a long way since 1998. At the time of the trial, forensic DNA testing
    was geared towards bodily fluids such as blood, semen, and saliva. The increased sensitivity of
    today’s DNA tests allow profiles to be obtained from only a few cells that are Shed during a struggle or
    rough handling of a body or item. Flurthermore, certain DNA technology is now designed to obtain
    results from degraded and contaminated samples that would not have been suitable for testing in the
    past. Y-STR testing looks only at male DNA, allowing miniscule amounts of a male perpetrator’s
    DNA to be detected when it previously would have been masked by a female victim’s prolile. And
    finally, mitochondrial DNA testing can be used to obtain DNA profiles from hairs that have, to date,
    only been examined microscopically.
    There are a number of items that have never been subjected to DNA testing that could produce
    dispositive results. Items that were tested in 1998 can also be subjected to the considerably more
    advanced and sensitive DNA techniques described above.
    |nnocence Project, lnc.
    January 13. 2014
    Page 3
    Forcl'bly handled or grabbed items
    The most obvious items for testing are the pieces of the belt used to strangle Ms. Stites
    _ and portions cf Ms. Stites’ clothing that were forcefully grabbed The perpetrator certainly
    `` handled Ms. Stites’ belt with enough force to both strangle her and break the belt in two.
    Furthermore, Ms. Stites was partially disrobed by the perpetrator and carried out of the truck
    and into the brush The handling of Ms. Stites’s jeans was so forceful as to have broken her
    zipper. The belt and areas of Ms. Stites’s clothing that were grabbed by the perpetrator during
    a struggle or while dragging the body will contain skin cells that can now generate a DNA
    profile The same may be true for items handled by the perpetrator during and after the violent
    struggle such as Ms. Stites’s nametag and items found outside of her truck. Findiug the DNA
    prcEle of a third party on these probative items (especially if the same profile is discovered on
    multiple items) will be powerful evidence that the source of this DNA is the perpetrator of this
    crimc, and not Mr. Recd.
    There were a number of unidentified fingerprints collected in the case, including from
    Ms. Stites’ truck and items likely handled by the perpetrator. It is unclear whether these prints
    were entered into the IAFIS data base where they are compared against known offenders or
    other unidentified forensic samples Further, fingerprints arc known to contain skin cells from
    their source. DNA testing of latent lifts has been found capable of detecting at least partial
    DNA profiles in some cases.
    Bodily fluids
    Althougll some of the items that could contain relevant sexual assault evidence were
    likely rooted lo 1998,1 the advances in DNA roohoology warrant additional zoning or lois
    evidence Testing should be done on any remaining portions or extracts of sexual assault
    evidence and the oondoms collected from the scenc. Although the condoms were discounted as
    “cld” at trial, DNA testing that shows a mixture of the victim’s DNA and a third party on the
    coudom would contradict this assumption and implicate the third party in the crime. The fact
    that the condoms may have been collected by a third party should not deter testing either-the
    method of collection cannot discount the potential relevance of the evidence See In re Michnel
    326 S.W.3d 634
     (Tex. App._Austin, 2010, no pet.) (DNA testing of bandana
    collected by relative of defendant resulted in exoneration of Merton and identification of actual
    perpetrator). Testing of sexual assault evidence from Ms. Stites can also reveal previously
    undetected amounts of semen or chemical lubricants left after intercourse With a condom.
    Arld finally, DNA testing of hairs can now be accomplished either through traditional
    DNA testing of the roots of the hair or specialized mitochondrial DNA testing of the hair shaft
    This can be done to identify the source of unknown hairs found on Ms. Stites’ body and
    1 Even if it appears that physical items of evidence Were fully consumed in prior tcsting, labs often retain unused extracts of
    DNA taken from the evidence Thcse extracts can be excellent sources for subsequent testing.
    Innocence Project, |nc.
    January 13, 2014
    Page 4
    DNA and Other Forensic 'I‘esting Can Exonerate Mr. Reed and Identify the Perpetrator
    Throughout the course of the investigation, there were a number of suspects identified
    including limmy Fcunell and David lawhon-both with a history of similar sex offenses DNA was
    collected from many other suspects as well. The DNA testing discussed above can both exclude Mr.
    Reed from crucial physical evidence in the case and generate DNA profiles for comparison to these
    and other known suspects Moreover, DNA profiles can be submitted to DNA databases to identify a
    perpetrator who has been previously overlooked
    Reteslr‘ng SexualAssault Evl'dence
    Retesting of the sexual assault evidence is particularly important in light of the
    inconclusive trial DNA results from the rectal,swab and the recent sworn statement by retired
    Travis County Medical Examiner Rcberto Bayardo, M.D. Although DNA testing at trial
    confirmed that the sperm found in Ms. Stites vagina was almost certainly Mr. Reed’s, the
    results of the testing of the rectal swab in this case was inconclusive Although the State’s
    retained expert testified that Mr. Reed could not be excluded from the single DNA marker
    detected, she was unable to provide any statistical relevance to that result Modern DNA
    testing has the capacity to identify a profile that is statistically unique to the population of the
    Furthermore, Dr. Bayardo has re-evaluated the case and now states that the forensic
    evidence suggests that Mr. Reed and Ms. Stites had consensual sex more than 24 hours before
    her death. While Dr. Bayado believes that Ms. Stites was anally assaulted at or near the time of
    her death, be concludes that this was done either with a foreign object cr by a person who did
    not ejaculate. Excluding Mr. Reed from the sperm fraction of the rectal swabs or finding a
    another man’s sperm in the sexual assault evidence or mixed with Stites’ DNA on the condom,
    for example, would corroborate Dr. Bayado’s sworn statement and demonstrate that the source
    of the foreign DNA is the likely perpetrator.
    Testl``ug the Belt, Clothing, and Other Irems Harldled In the Struggle
    Modern DNA testing can detect a DNA profile that is unique to the population of the
    planet from a microscopic amount of skin cells or other biological material. We know that the
    belt, Ms. Stites’ clothing, and other items Were handled forcefully by the perpetrator timing the
    commission of the crime and the disposal of Ms. Stites’ body. DNA testing of these items can
    now detect the profile of the perpetrator where the technology in 1998 could not.
    It is reasonable to assume that the source of a foreign DNA profile on the ends of the
    belt used to straugle Ms. Stites, for example, would be significant evidence of the guilt of the
    person associatedl This would be more powerful if the same profile was found on both halves
    of the belt_despite being left in separate locations and collected by different people.
    Innocence Project, Inc.
    January 13 2014
    Page 5 ‘
    The relevance of finding a foreign DNA profile becomes stronger as this profile is
    found on more probative items. lf, for example, the same DNA profile is found on (1) both
    halves of the belt used to strangle Stites, (2) the shirt alleged to have been used to wipe for
    prints, (3) the waistband of Stites’s jeans by Which she Was dragged into the Woods, (4) the
    name tag placed by the perpetrator between Ms. Stites’s legs, and (5) other items strewn
    outside of the truck; then it likely that the source of the DNA is the perpetrator. Indeed the
    Court of Crirninal Appeals recognized the importance of this type of redundant DNA evidence
    when it authorized DNA testing in the Darlie Routier casc. See Rontier v. State, 273 S.W.Sd
    241, 257-58 (Tex. Crim. App. 2008).
    The importance of such evidence would be increased even more if DNA profiles
    obtained from handled evidence matched the DNA detected from testing the hairs or the sexual
    assault evidence or was consistent with a person identified from fingerprints
    Matching Know Suspect or Kncwn Ojfender in DNA Database
    DNA results, like Hngerprints, can be used to positively identify an unknown suspect
    through a database search or comparison to a known suspect ln this case, Jimmy Fennell is the
    most likely alternative suspect While it would be expected to find Mr. Fennell’s DNA in his
    truck or even on Ms. Stites, finding Fennell’s DNA on areas directly linked to the crime such as
    the ends of the belt cr areas of Ms. Stites’s clothing forcible handled by the perpetrator must be
    seen as evidence of Fennell’s guilt The presence of another known suspect’s DNA in these
    areas would likewise have no innocent explanation And linally, a DNA profile obtained from
    the evidence can be uploaded to the state and national CODIS DNA database. This comparison
    could reveal the profile of a previously unknown suspect as it did in the recent Texas
    exonerations of lnnocence Project clients Michael Morton and Randolph Arledgez. Roughly
    50% of the 300+ DNA exonerations in this country have resulted`` 111 the identification of the
    actual perpetrator.
    For the reasons stated above, DNA testing can provide powerful evidence that both exonerates
    Mr. Reed and identifies who really committed this crime. The State did not have the benefit of current
    technology when it prosecuted Mr. Reed in 1998. And if Mr. Reed were prosecuted today, Texas law
    Would require all of the DNA testing requested in this letter to be performedl
    Therefcre, l respectfully request that you consider performing this testing by agreement as an
    alternative to litigation under Chapter 64 and/or other available rcmedies. The Innocence Project will
    pay for all agreed testing at a mutually agreed independent and accredited laboratory.
    2 Morton was proven innocent after a search of the CODIS database identified Bastrop resident Marlr Allan Norwood who
    was later convicted of a similar murder in A.ustin. Mr. Arledge was shown innocent after a CODIS search of evidence from
    a multiple stabbing murder matched David Simms who worked near where the victim disappeared and who had been
    convicted a few years earlier of another multiple stabbing. Ex Parte Arledge Nc. AP76-974 ('I``ex. Cri.rn. App. 2013}.
    lnnocenee Projeot, lnc.
    January 13, 2014
    Page 6
    Please dc not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about this proposal or need any
    additional information l look forward to working with you on this matter. t
    Sincerelyil :
    Bryce Benjet
    Staff Attorney
    cc. Mark Chehi, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
    Amirew MacRae, Levatino Pacc, LLP
    4/23/95 Sgt.WalkeI/' White On 4/23/96 / Item latent Prints DNA Sec.
    BPD paper ground #26 Pdntstemen !Neg. DPS Lab
    napk:in near truck Semen
    4/23/96 Sgt.Walker/ Piece of On 4/23/96 / 111-4 Match to belt Positive Crim. Sec.
    BPD Blue ground from scene lD/torn not DPS lab
    Braided near truck cut
    4/23/96 Sgt.Walkerf White On 4/23/96 l Item Latent Prints Prints DNA Sec.
    BPD HEB lnk ground #27 DPS lab
    Pen near truck
    4/23/96 Sgt.Walker/ Carbon On 4/23/96 litem latent Prints LI,LM DNA Sec._
    BPD copies of ground #28 (23¢), LR Of DPS lab
    checks near truck Fennell
    4/24!96 Wardlow Gas Pass. side 4!24/96 Item #2- latent Prints Unknown DNA Sec. DPS
    Emereen¢t door 35th rerun lab
    b°°k ecket
    tex #36) 13
    4/°24/96 Sandifer latent Pass. side 4/24/96 by TS Compare to Unknown Latent Sec.
    finger in parties result DPS lab
    print Window
    (ex #373.) gl§s
    4/24!96 Wardlcw Pulse On seat 4/24/96 Item #2- latent Prints Unknown DNA Sec. DPS
    Withdraw below 38b/TS result lab
    al slip (ex armrest
    4/24/96 Wardlow Bridal Center 4/24[96/Item #2- latent Prints Unlmown DNA Sec. DPS
    Shop drink 39/'[``8 result lab
    Receipt holder
    (ex. #39
    4/214/96 Wardlow Green Center 4/24/96/Item #2- latent Prints Unlrnowu DNA Sec. DPS
    Cigarette drink 40/TS result lab
    lighter holder
    (ex. #40)
    4/24/96 Wardlow Meial Center 4/24[96/Item #2- latent Prints Unknown DNA Sec. DPS
    Box drink 4lfl’S result lab
    Cutter holder
    (ex #41)
    4/24/96 Wardlow Pack of Front 4/24/96/Ite1n #2- Latent Prints Unknown DNA Sec. DPS
    Big lied floor- 42/TS result lab
    (ex. #42) board
    4/24/96 Wardlow Wal-Mart Front 4/24/96/Item #2- latent Prints Unlmown DNA Sec. DPS
    receipt ashtray 43c/I'S result lab
    ex. #43c)
    4/24/96 Wardlow Business Sunglass 4/24/96/Item #2- Latent Prints Unknown DNA Sec. DPS
    card: compart- 44/TS result lab
    R. ment<
    Kavieff =
    (ex #44)
    4/24/96 Wardlow Blue/ Bed of 4/24/96/Item #2~ latent Prints Unknown DNA Sec. DPS
    Yellow pick-up 45/TS result Lab
    plastic truckl
    bag '
    tex #45) _
    4/24/96 Wardlow Gold Frontl 4/24/96/Itern #Z- latent Prints Unknown DNA Sec. DPS
    hoop floorboar 48/TS result Lab
    earring d
    (ex #48)
    4/24/96 Wardlow Knife in Rear 4/24/96/113111 #ll- Body No DNA Sec. DPS
    scabbard floorboard 54/wY&Ts nuids/rscen: fluids/one lab
    (ex #54) (“fas Prints Result
    Sntes} _
    4/24/96 Wardlow Blue Bed of 4/24/96 by Kept for NIA DNA Sec. DPS
    nylon pick-up Wardlow comparison lab
    rope truck
    (ex #55)
    4/24!96 Wardlow Brown Bed of 4/24/96 Wardlow Kept for N/A DNA Sec. DPS
    rope pick-up comparison lab
    (ex #56) truck
    4!23/96 R. Wa.rdlow Breided Edge of 4/24/96/Item Cornpare to belt Physically Crirne Sec.
    belt roadway #III-S/GL from school matched DPS Lab
    (ex #18) two pieces
    4/23!96 R. Wardlow White T- In shrubs/ 4/23/96/[tem #I- Trace No Crime Sec.
    shirt brush SIGL evidencebedy evidentiary DPS Lab
    (ex #8) fluids stains/dirt
    on shirt
    4/23/96 Wardlow/ Strand left sock 4/23/96/Item Compare to Not Crirn. Sec. Reporr
    Blakely of (ex #3) #1-3/GL Y &. involved consistent DPS lab (5“17~97
    Hair SR parties With by_ SR_
    Fennel, m,d this
    Barton or halt ms
    victim. lmch
    Somewhat with
    similar and vic¢im)
    to Comer
    4/23/96 ``V\frirrilow,l Strand Back of 4/23/96/Item Compare to Similar to Crim. Sec.
    Blakely of left leg #1-4/GL & SR involved Stites DPS Lab
    Hair (ex #4) parties
    4!23;'96 Wardlowf Strand On back 4123!96!ltem Compere to Not Crir.n. Sec. Report
    Blakely of near bra #1-6/GL involved consistent DPS Lab (6-17-97
    Hair (ex #6) parties with said
    victim, unsuit-
    Fennell, able for
    Barton or comp-
    Comer arison)
    4/23/95 WaIdloW/ Tape Pubic 4/23/96/Iten1 Tracc l head hair Crirn. Sec. Hajr"
    Blakely Lift Arca #I-ZO/GL & Evidenccf detectcd, DPS Lab similar
    (cx #20) WY DNA unable to and dis-
    extract similar
    DNA to '
    4/23/96 Wardlow Blue On victim 4/23/96/Item Trace Wool DNA Sec.
    cotton (ex #16) til-16wa & evid./Blood/ fibers/no DPS Lab
    pants GL Semen body fluids
    4/23/'96 Wardlow Black On victim 4/23/96/Item Trace Fabric/ DNA Sec.
    bra (ex #23) #I-ZS/WY & evidJBlood/ underwire DPS Lab
    GL Semen melted
    4f23/'96 Wardlow Green On victim 4/23/96!Item Trace Semen[DQ DNA Sec.
    cotton (ex #17) #1-17/ML & evid ./Blood/' alpha DPS Lab
    Panties GL Semen (#)
    4/23/96 Wardlow I-IEB In crook 4/23/96/Item Prints Unknown DNA Sec.
    plastic of right #1/TS results DPS lab
    name leg
    bag (ex #1]
    4/24/96 Bayardo Vaginal Victim’s ME Tox/Dps Process of Pos. (M``E) / DNA Sec.
    Swabs vagin_a #VI-l/WY Semen/DNA Pos. (DPS) DPS Lab
    4/24/96 Bayardo Rectal Victirn’s ME Tox/Dps Process of Neg. (ME)/ DNA Sec.
    Swabs anus/rectum #VI-S!”W y Semen/DNA Pos. (DPS) DPS Lab
    =l¢ $
    coLLEcTEn BY {s) sUBMIssroN? PRocnserG LocA'rroN
    4/29/96 Offlcer Piece of Michelle Not submitted NfA N/A BSCO
    Scoggins shirt, (2) Clifton Property
    condoms, Room
    piece of
    1130/2015 innocence Project, inc Nlail - RE: Phone call on Reed
    int nuts
    l l|l|liliili| illiiii ill
    RE: Phone call chile-ed
    1 message
    Bryce Benjet 
    Bryce Benjet  Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 9:28 AiVi
    To: iViattheW Ottowey , AndreW iVlacRae
    Tuesday is a better time, l can be in the office and much more useful.
    Andrew was in Bastrop last week and saw that the physical exhibits had been wrapped in paper. if these are
    ready to go, maybe we can do an interim order releasing these while we work out location of other evidence.
    This might give lab something to get started on to expedite.
    Have you heard back from other agencies on status of evidence and data/reports? if you have anything for me
    to review, please send it on.
    i‘d like to review the Cellmark file from Meghan Clement. With your permission, l will contact her, ccd to you for
    authorization to reiease. .
    Also let me know if you think the E| Peso order is a good template, and l can work it up for Reed.
    One topic l think we should discuss on the cell is whether any agreed order will be under Chapter 64 jurisdiction
    its not usually en issue in noncapital cases, but if a date is set, l think the order should cite Chapter 64 so that
    the court has authority to modify or withdraw if necessary.
    On Apr 17, 2014 9:07 AiV|, "Otloway, |V|atthev\i"  Wrote:
    Unfortunateiy, that time Won't vvor|< for me. Cen we try early next week-2:00 p.m. CT on Tuesday?
    From: Bryce Benjet []
    Sent: Thursdey,r Apri| 17, 2014 7: 19 AM
    To: Otl:oway, Matl:hew
    Subject: Phone cell on Reed
    Can we move today's call back to 3:45 your time?
    htl;ps:l/mai|.google.comlmailiu/‘ll?ui=2&ik=?OchfoSB&view=pt&|&as_sizeunit=s_s... 11'2
    1130/2015 innocence Project, inc lVlai| - RE: Phone callon Reed
    B ryce
    § This e-mai| message is intended only for the named recipient(s) above. lt may contein``contidentia| information that is privileged or
    l that constitutes attorney work product lf you are not the intended recipientl you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
    distribution or copying ofthls e~mai| and any attachment(s) is strictly prohibited. |f you have received this e-mail in errorl please
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    https:llm ai l .google.comlmai llul1l'?ui =2&ik=70ch0ff38&view= pt&as_to=matlhew.ottoway%40texasattorneygeneral .gov&as_sizeoperator= s_sl &as_sizeuniF s_s. . . 212
    1130/2015 innocence Prcject, inc Nlail - Rodney Reed -- Today's Phone Call
    Bryce Benjet 
    Rodhey Reed ;'-"'Today"s Phshe call '
    1 message
    Ottoway, Matthew  Thu, lV|ay 15, 2014 at 11:18 AlVl
    To: Bryce Benjet 
    Ed just got back yesterday and, as you can imagine, is having to play catch up. Are you available at either
    10:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m. on lVlonday or Tuesday of next week? Sorry for the late notice.
    |Vlatthew Ottoway
    Assistant Attomey Genera|
    Office of the Attorney General of Texas
    Phone: 512.463.7463
    Fax: 512.320.8132
    Email:!w1/?ui=2&ik=70ch0ff38&view=pt&q=ottoway%20after%3A2014%2F2%2F16%20before%3A2014%2F6%2F17&qs=true&search=... 1/1
    Hon Dou_g_ Shaver
    21st Dislr``ict Court
    804 Pecan St.
    Baslrop, Texas 78602
    Fax (512) 581-403.8
    Via fax and U.S. mail
    Re: Hearing on DNA Motio'n, Reedv. State, No. 8701
    Dear Ju``dge Shaver:
    l am writing to update you on the status of the case and to request sheeting 011 our pending
    DNA moho'n'. I have c theis avmlable for
    ' ~ Ottcway asked that
    any hearing he scheduled
    thn we discussed the case in chambers at this summer s heanag to set the execution date,
    1 had just filed M``r Reed*s )NA motion and the Coui't acknowledged that a hearing would be set oh
    the motion On September 12,21}1:'4,thel State tiled aresponse t'o`` 111eDNA.1:notion_, andl Will file Mr.
    Reed’s reply with evidence attached well' 1a advance ot`` any hearth5. Mr. 'R'eed“s caseis a factually
    and procedurally complsx, and the Cour_t will be asked to make findings oh contested factual issues
    and to rule on disputed questions of law. I believe that a full day setting is required because the Court
    will be called upon to consider and resolve contested testimony from expert Wihl_esses regarding the
    condition of the evidence and the capacity ofDNA teslihgi If the Court is not inclined to set a heating
    on November 24 or 25 as an administrative matter,_ple'ase let me know as soon as possible andl will
    tile a format motion.
    seem N_ causal school oftaw, rehire merely
    District Clerl<, Bastrop County
    - '_ \-~___ ``_,-..___
    lnnoc_enco Project, hic.
    Oclober 7, 2014
    Pags 2
    Update on Liniited Agreed DNA 'l``estilig:
    I filed Mr. Reed’-s DNA motion this summer after six months of negotiation with the° Attorney 1
    General’s O.ffice resulted' in only a limited agreement by the State to test sexual assault evidence iio``ni ,
    the body of the murder victim and a few hairs. Pursnant to that limited agreement and this Court’ s
    ' order, the evidence was forwarded to the Garland Texas DPS DNA lab for testing. 'I``hat evidence has
    since been inventoried and preliminary testing should be underway. I hope to be able to provide the
    Court with a further update on the progress of this testing at shearing`` m Novemher.
    Howevcr, the agreed testing does not include relevant ite:ns such as the belt used to sti'angle
    die .t..m~h°, arsg-lisitv- n,.,d, in‘e“~e'e“s=.i. -aadahestst`` inn itcn.isiin=shsdia-`` site -- ‘
    crime that are cmrently held by TXD``PS, the Attorney Genei'al’s evidence room, or the Distri'ct Clerk’s
    Otiice. The Iriiiooencs Project’s' request to have this additional evidence tested by a fully accredited
    Texas Laboratory that contracts with DPS at our own expense will be the subject of the hearing_.
    I thank you for accepting this appointment as a visiting judge and lending your time,
    experienoe, and judgment to this important matter. Arid I again ask that the Conrt set the matter for a
    hearing administratively or provide notice that aforrnal motion is required
    ryce Benjet
    Sta;E‘Attor'ney, lnnocence Proj set
    40. WQTth__:_St-',\ S\_lit€ "-'/'0_-1
    Nc-W Y_Q``t'i<, NY 100-13
    cc. Mait Ottoway, Assistant Attorney General
    1=11_ED 502%(
    DAT ``
    - Sara. 20/§[
    Dlsirlct Clert<. Bas'trop County
    \W,/ o,
    1."30/2015 13-70009 Docket
    Genera| Docket
    United States Court of Appea|s for the Sth Circuit
    Court of Appea|s Docket #: 13-70009 DOCkefedl 03/05/2013
    Nature of Suit: 3535 Habeas Corpus ~ Death Pena|ty Termed: 01/10/2014
    Rodney Reed v. Wi||iam Stephens, Director
    Appea| From: Westem District of Texas, Austin
    Fee Status: |n Fon'na Pauperis
    Case Type |nformation:
    1) Death Pena|ty wl Counse|
    2) State
    Originating Court lnformation:
    District: 0542-1 : 1:02-CV-142
    Court Reporter: Ariinda Lou Rodriguez, Court Reporter
    Originating Judge: Lee Yeake|, U.S. District Judge
    Date Filed: 03/05/2002
    Date NOA Filed: `` Date Rec'd COA:
    03/01/2013 03/01/2013
    Prior Cases:
    Current Cases:
    Panel Assi¢nment:
    Pane|: CDK EBC SAH
    Date of Hearing: 12/04/2013 Date of Decision: 011'10/2014 Date Comp|eted: 01/10/2014
    RODNEY REED Bryce Benjet, Esq.
    Petitioner ~ Appe||ant Direct: 212-364-5980
    Fax: 212-364-5341
    [COR LD NTC CJA Appointment]
    |nnocence Project
    Suite 701
    40 Worth Street
    New YoFk, NV 10013-0000
    |Vlark Stephen Chehi, Esq_
    Direct: 302-651-3160
    Fax: 302-651-3001
    [COR NTC Pro Bono]
    Skadden, Arps, S|ate, |V|eagher & F|om, L.L.P_
    900 N. King Street
    _ 1 Rodney Square
    Wi|mington, DE 19301-0000
    Nico|e Andrea DiSa|vo, Esq.
    Direct: 302-651-3027
    Ema``l|: ndisa|
    Fax: 302-434-3027 ``
    [COR NTC Pro Bono]
    Skadden, Arps, S|ate, N|eagher& F|oml L.L.P.
    900 N. King Street
    1 Rodney Square
    Wi|mington, DE 19801-0000
    Jason Michae| Liberi
    Direct: 302-651-3023
    Emai|: jason.|
    Fax: 302-434-3023
    [COR NTC Pro Bono]
    Skadden, Arps, S|ate, N|eagher & F|om, L.L.P.
    900 N. King Street§.uscour|!TransporfRoom 1/9
    1/30/2015 13-70009 Docket
    Terminated: 05/31!2013
    Respondent - Appe||ee
    Respondent - Appe|lee
    1 Rodney Square
    Wilmington, DE 19801-0000
    Andrew Fair|es N|acRae
    Direct: 512~637-8565
    Emai|: andrew@|
    Fax: 512-637-1583
    {COR NTC CJA Appointment]
    Levatino Pace, L.L.P.
    Bui|ding K, Suite 12
    1101 S. Capita| of Texas Highway
    Austin, TX 78746
    Robert A|an Weber, Esq.
    Direct: 302-651-3144
    Fax: 302-574-3144
    [COR NTC Pro Bono]
    Skadden, Arps, S|ate, |V|eagher& F|oml L.L.P.
    900 N. King Street
    1 Rodney Square
    Wi|mington, DE 19801-0000
    Stephen |Vl. Hoffman, Assistant Attomey Genera|
    Direct: 512-936-1400
    Emai|: stephen.hoffman@texasattomeygenera|.gov
    Fax: 512-320-8132
    [COR LD NTC Government]
    O|'“fice of the Attomey Genera|
    for the State of Texas
    P.O. Box 12548
    Capitol Station
    Austin, TX 78711-2548
    |Vlatthew Dennis Ottoway, Assistant Attomey Genera|
    Direct: 512-936-1400
    Emai|: matthew.ottaway@texasattomeygenera|.gov
    Fax: 512-320-8132
    [COR LD NTC Government]
    Of“fice of the Attomey Genera|
    Postconviction Litigation Division
    300 W. 15th Street - Sth F|oor
    Wi||iam P. Clements Bui|ding
    Austin, TX 78701-0000
    James Patrick Su!|ivan
    Emai|: jsu||ivan@ks!
    [COR LD NTC Govemment]
    Office of the Attomey Genera|
    Office of the So|icitor Genera|
    P.O. Box 12548 (NIC 059)
    Austin, TX 78711-2548§|eUTransportRoom
    1130/201 5 13-70009 Docket``
    Petitioner - Appe|lant
    Respondent - Appe||ee§.uscourts.govlcmecflservlet!TransportRoom
    13-70009 DOcl                            

Document Info

Docket Number: AP-77,054

Filed Date: 2/2/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/29/2016