Ryser, Drew ( 2014 )

  •                                                                      PD-1672-14
    PD-1672-14                      COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS
    Transmitted 12/29/2014 3:08:55 PM
    Accepted 12/30/2014 10:36:50 AM
    NO. ______________                                            CLERK
    NO. 01-13-00634-CR
    TRIAL COURT NO. 1268025
    Nicole DeBorde
    Bires Schaffer and DeBorde
    SBOT 00787344
    712 Main Street, Suite 2400
    Houston, Texas 77002
    (713) 228-8500 – telephone
    December 30, 2014                    (713) 228-0034 – facsimile
    Attorney for Appellant,
    Drew Ryser
    Pursuant to TEX. R. APP. PROC. 68.4(c), appellant requests oral argument.
    TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... ii
    INDEX OF AUTHORITIES.....................................................................................iv
    STATEMENT REGARDING ORAL ARGUMENT ..............................................vi
    STATEMENT OF THE CASE .................................................................................vi
    STATEMENT OF PROCEDURAL HISTORY..................................................... vii
    GROUND FOR REVIEW NUMBER ONE .............................................................. 6
    Did the Court of Appeals err in finding that Appellant did not suffer
    harm when the jury was aided by the definition of the word
    “mistreatment”, an undefined element of the State’s case?
    ARGUMENT ............................................................................................................. 6
    GROUND FOR REVIEW NUMBER TWO ............................................................. 9
    Did the Court of Appeals decide an important question of state law
    that has not been settled by the Court of Criminal Appeals when it
    created a distinction between the jury’s use of a standard dictionary
    and specialized references such as legal dictionaries or law books
    when determining whether the outside reference material consulted
    by the jury prejudiced Appellant?
    ARGUMENT ............................................................................................................. 9
    GROUND FOR REVIEW NUMBER THREE ....................................................... 13
    Did the Court of Appeals err by in finding that the trial court did not
    apply an erroneous legal standard when it stated on the record that
    denial of Appellant’s change of venue motion was predicated on the
    lack of statements from potential veniremen?
    ARGUMENT ........................................................................................................... 13
    GROUND FOR REVIEW NUMBER FOUR ......................................................... 17
    Did Bradford establish an absolute rule that self-defense is only
    relevant from a defendant’s perspective?
    ARGUMENT ........................................................................................................... 17
    GROUND FOR REVIEW NUMBER FIVE ........................................................... 18
    Did the Court of Appeals err in finding that a self-defense
    justification instruction was necessary to properly instruct the jury on
    the law of the case?
    ARGUMENT ........................................................................................................... 19
    PRAYER FOR RELIEF .......................................................................................... 21
    CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ....................................................................... 22
    CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ................................................................................ 23
    APPENDIX ........................................................................................................... A-1
    CASES                                                                                                                 PAGE
    Bradford v. Fort Worth Transit Company, 
    450 S.W.2d 919
    , 922 (Tex. App.—Fort
    Worth 1970, writ ref'd n.r.e.) .............................................................................17, 18
    DuBose v. State, 
    915 S.W.2d 493
    , 497–98 (Tex. Crim. App. 1996) ....................... 16
    Graham v. Connor, 
    490 U.S. 386
    , 397, 
    109 S. Ct. 1865
    104 L. Ed. 2d 443
    (1989) ....................................................................................................................... 19
    Guzman v. State, 
    955 S.W.2d 85
    , 90 (Tex. Crim. App. 1997) ................................ 16
    In re American Homestar of Lancaster, Inc., 
    50 S.W.3d 480
    , 483 (Tex. 2001) ..... 16
    Kniatt v. State, 
    239 S.W.3d 910
    , 912–13 (Tex. App.—Waco 2007, no pet.) ......... 16
    Lintz v. Am. Gen. Fin., Inc., 
    76 F. Supp. 2d 1200
    , 1204 (D. Kan. 1999) ..........10, 11
    Lopez v. Allee, 
    493 S.W.2d 330
    , 334 (Tex. Civ. App. 1973) .................................. 17
    Mayhue v. St. Francis Hosp. of Wichita, Inc., 
    969 F.2d 919
    , 922
    (10th Cir. 1992) ........................................................................................................ 11
    McQuarrie v. State, 
    380 S.W.3d 145
    (Tex. Crim. App. 2012) ................................. 9
    Phillips v. State, 
    701 S.W.2d 875
    , 879 (Tex. Crim. App. 1985) ............................. 14
    Renteria v. State, 
    206 S.W.3d 689
    , 709 (Tex. Crim. App. 2006) ............................ 15
    Ryser v. State, No. 01-13-00634-CR, 
    2014 WL 6678923
    , at *20 (Tex. App.—
    Houston [1st Dist.] Nov. 25, 2014, no pet h.)
    (emphasis added)........................................................................... 6, 7, 10, 13, 17, 18
    Sheppard v. Maxwell, 
    384 U.S. 333
    (1966) ............................................................. 14
    State v. Melton, 
    692 P.2d 45
    , 49 (N.M. Ct. App. 1984) .......................................... 10
    State v. Tinius, 
    527 N.W.2d 414
    , 417 (Iowa Ct. App. 1994)................................... 10
    Tennessee v. Garner, 
    471 U.S. 1
    , 11, 
    105 S. Ct. 1694
    , 1701, 
    85 L. Ed. 2d 1
    writ refused n.r.e.) (1985) ........................................................................................ 19
    TEX. CONST. art. I, § 19 ............................................................................................ 20
    TEX. JUR.2d § 26 at 669–72 (1961).......................................................................... 19
    TEX. PENAL CODE ANN. § 39.03(a) ........................................................................... 8
    U.S. CONST. amend. V ............................................................................................. 21
    U.S. CONST. amend. XIV ......................................................................................... 21
    This incident is alleged to have taken place on March 23, 2010. (C.R. 11).
    Appellant was employed by the Houston Police and was assigned to the Gang
    Unit, which was assisting another unit, the TACT Unit, with its investigation of an
    influx of burglaries in the Wellington Park area of Houston. (9 R.R. 83). The
    TACT Unit radioed the Gang Unit that a group of burglary suspects was driving
    toward its location.    (9 R.R. 85-86).      Two of the suspects, including the
    complainant, jumped from their vehicle and began to run. (9 R.R. 99). All four of
    the suspects were caught and arrested. (9 R.R. 128). The arrest was captured on
    video by surveillance cameras mounted on a nearby business and sparked
    controversy throughout the City of Houston. (6 R.R. 10). The video showed the
    complainant lying face down while the officers used force to effectuate the arrest.
    (6 R.R. 10).
    On June 23, 2010, Officer D. Ryser (Appellant) was indicted for the offense
    of Official Oppression alleged to have occurred on or about March 23, 2010. (C.R.
    11). The case was assigned to the 180th District Court. (C.R. 11). This case was
    later transferred to the 174th. On July 18, 2011, Appellant filed a Motion for
    Change of Venue, based on pretrial publicity and a dangerous combination of
    media coverage and commentary by influential persons, which was denied on
    August 23, 2011, after hearing. (C.R. 41).
    Appellant timely filed a motion for new trial on July 11, 2013, based on jury
    misconduct, which was denied after arguments by counsel for the State and
    Defense. (C.R. 301; 15 R.R. 15). Appellant gave timely notice of appeal.
    On November 25, 2014, the First Court of Appeals affirmed the verdict from
    the trial court. Ryser v. State, 01-13-00634-CR, op. issued November 25, 2014
    (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 2014, no pet h.). No motion for rehearing was
    filed.    Appellant now timely petitions this Honorable Court for discretionary
    review. Appellant presents five (5) grounds for review before this Honorable
    Did the Court of Appeals err by in finding that Appellant did
    not suffer harm when the jury was aided by the definition of the
    word “mistreatment”, an undefined element of the State’s case?
    Appellant was charged with official oppression, which was defined for the
    jury as follows:
    Our law provides that a public servant acting under color of his
    office or employment commits the offense of official oppression if
    he intentionally subjects another to mistreatment that he knows is
    That language is consistent with the language in the statute criminalizing
    official oppression. TEX. PENAL CODE ANN. § 39.03(a). Ryser v. State, No. 01-13-
    2014 WL 6678923
    , at *20 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] Nov. 25,
    2014, no pet h.) (emphasis added). The Court of Appeals went on to excuse the
    jury’s use of the definition during its deliberation and explained the term
    “mistreatment” defined as acting “roughly” or “wrongly” was compatible with the
    commonly understood meaning of the word and did not conflict with the trial
    court's instructions. 
    Id. at 21.
    On the second day of deliberations the jury foreman shared a definition of
    the term “mistreatment” with the rest of the jury after the trial court declined to
    provide it with a definition. (Supp. C.R. 13; 33). The jury returned a guilty verdict
    approximately 54 minutes after discussing the definition provided by the foreman.
    (Supp. C.R. 33; C.R. 288). The foreman referenced a general-use dictionary and
    found the term “mistreatment” defined as acting “roughly” or “wrongly.” The
    Court of Appeals held that Appellant “failed to show how reference to the
    dictionary prejudiced him.” 
    Id. at 21.
    “The [official oppression] statute does not define the term ‘mistreatment,’
    and neither did the jury charge.” 
    Id. at 20.
    This court and lower courts have been
    presented with numerous opportunities to define “mistreatment” but have declined
    to do so. However, the First Court of Appeals has, in a published opinion, now
    created a definition for the term “mistreatment” as “roughly” or “wrongly”. See 
    id. at 21.
    The words “roughly” or “wrongly” as used to define “mistreatment” is
    unworkable because an arrest is often naturally rough.              Arrests are often
    necessarily rough because every police encounter is an armed encounter because
    police officers are armed with weapons. If a suspect attempted to overpower an
    officer is successful, the suspect then naturally has control over that officer’s
    weapon. Police officers have a right and duty to protect themselves and their
    weapons.      The use of force is allowed under the law when a police officer
    effectuates an arrest. It is even possible that an officer could be so rough as to
    cause a suspect’s death, legally, under certain circumstances. What a police officer
    is not allowed to do is use excessive force and the term “roughly” does not
    adequately or accurately describe the phrase “excessive force”. Thus, if “roughly”
    is allowed to stand as the definition of “mistreatment” then Appellant was
    convicted of potentially legal conduct and any police officer charged with official
    oppression in the future also faces the possibility of being convicted of a crime for
    legal conduct.
    In addition, in this case, the juror looked up an actual element of the State’s
    case and used it to obtain a conviction against Appellant. The jury specifically
    asked the trial court for the definition and was correctly told to confine itself to the
    court’s charge. (Supp. C.R. 33). The jury did the exact opposite of what was
    instructed and turned to a legally inadequate and inaccurate outside source for
    guidance. The jury foreman essentially turned advocate against Appellant after the
    trial court declined to provide him with a definition. The record reflects the jury
    deliberated for a full day without success. (12 R.R. index-1; Supp. C.R. 13). The
    next day, the foreman brought in the definition and the jury reached a verdict a
    short time later. (C.R. 288; Supp. C.R. 33).
    The Court of Appeals erred in holding Appellant did not suffer prejudice as
    a result of the significantly harmful definition of “mistreatment”. Accordingly,
    review is warranted pursuant to Tex. R. App. P. 66.3(c) and this case should be
    remanded to the Court of Appeals or reversed and rendered.
    Did the Court of Appeals decide an important question of state
    law that has not been settled by the Court of Criminal Appeals
    when it created a distinction between the jury’s use of a
    standard dictionary and specialized references such as legal
    dictionaries or law books when determining whether the
    outside reference material consulted by the jury prejudiced
    While the Court of Appeals correctly concluded the definition that the jury
    foreman obtained from Webster’s Dictionary of the term “mistreatment”
    constituted an “outside influence” under McQuarrie v. State, 
    380 S.W.3d 145
    (Tex. Crim. App. 2012), the conclusion that the error did not require reversal of
    Appellant’s conviction compels the granting of this petition. Ryser v. State, No.
    2014 WL 6678923
    , at *19 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] Nov.
    25, 2014, no pet h.).
    The Court of Appeals looked outside this jurisdiction for guidance on
    determining the proper manner in which to conduct the harm analysis. Relying on
    Tinius and Melton, the Court of Appeals made a distinction between “a jury's use
    of standard dictionaries and more specialized references such as legal dictionaries
    or law books in determining whether a defendant is prejudiced by the use of
    outside reference materials.” 
    Id. The distinction
    turns on whether, in the Court’s
    view, the definition encountered by the jury was “fairly innocuous” in that it
    “neither conflicts with the legal concepts included in the jury instructions nor
    contradicts any other aspect of the jury charge.” 
    Id. (citing State
    v. Tinius, 
    527 N.W.2d 414
    , 417 (Iowa Ct. App. 1994) (stating that dictionary definition “was
    fairly innocuous”); State v. Melton, 
    692 P.2d 45
    , 49 (N.M. Ct. App. 1984) (noting
    that definitions of words “control,” “keep,” and “possess” that juror found in
    dictionary “did not vary from the usual ordinary meaning of those words, or from
    the meaning contained in the trial court's instructions.”).
    In Lintz v. Am. Gen. Fin., Inc., the Court explained:
    It is well settled that a jury's exposure to extrinsic
    information gives rise to a rebuttable presumption of
    prejudice. See Mayhue v. St. Francis Hosp. of Wichita, Inc.,
    969 F.2d 919
    , 922 (10th Cir. 1992). As the Tenth Circuit has
    recognized, however, a trial court “will rarely be able to
    ascertain the actual prejudicial impact of a jury's exposure to
    external influences because a jury cannot testify regarding
    the subjective effect of such influences during a Rule 606(b)
    hearing.” See 
    id. at 923.
    Therefore, the court must confirm or
    rebut the presumption of prejudice by objectively weighing
    all of the facts and circumstances of the case. 
    Id. at 923–24.
                In that regard, the Circuit has cited a number of factors
    relevant to determining whether the presumption of prejudice
    has been rebutted when a jury consults a dictionary without
    authorization. They are as follows:
    (1) The importance of the word or phrase being defined to
    the resolution of the case.
    (2) The extent to which the dictionary definition differs from
    the jury instructions or from the proper legal definition.
    (3) The extent to which the jury discussed and emphasized
    the definition.
    (4) The strength of the evidence and whether the jury had
    difficulty reaching a verdict prior to introduction of the
    dictionary definition.
    (5) Any other factors that relate to a determination of
    Lintz v. Am. Gen. Fin., Inc., 
    76 F. Supp. 2d 1200
    , 1204 (D. Kan. 1999) (citing
    Mayhue v. St. Francis Hosp. of Wichita, Inc., 
    969 F.2d 919
    , 922 (10th Cir. 1992)).
    The Court of Appeals opted to place a higher burden on Appellant by
    creating a distinction between the type of extrinsic material improperly consulted
    by the jury, subjecting Appellant to an unfair and unworkable standard. Instead the
    Court of Appeals should have opted to utilize the approach taken in Lintz. In Lintz,
    the Court explained that the inquiry should start with a presumption of prejudice.
    76 F. Supp. 2d 1204
    . The court’s analysis should then be focused on either
    confirming or rebutting the presumption of prejudice by objectively weighing all of
    the facts and circumstances of the case and applying the factors set forth. 
    Id. In addition,
    Appellant asserts in this court, as he did in the Court of Appeals,
    that his Sixth Amendment right to a trial by jury and due process rights were
    violated because the harmful outside influence did not come from the witness
    stand, Appellant did not have the full protection of the right to confrontation, and
    the right to cross-examination by counsel.       The delivery of the definition of
    “mistreatment” by the jury foreman to the rest of the jury denied Appellant the
    right to a fair trial by an impartial jury.    The harmful outside influence was
    deliberately and improperly brought to bear on the rest of jury with the specific
    intention of using it to attempt to convince an undecided juror to change her vote to
    guilty and succeeded in doing so.
    In opting to utilize the “fairly innocuous” standard, the Court of Appeals
    has, in a published opinion, decided an important question of law that has not yet
    been, but should be decided by this Court such that discretionary review in this
    matter is warranted pursuant to Tex. R. App. P. 66.3(b). Accordingly, review is
    warranted pursuant to Tex. R. App. P. 66.3(b) and this case should be remanded to
    the Court of Appeals in order for a proper harm analysis to be conducted.
    Did the Court of Appeals err by finding that the trial court did not
    apply an erroneous legal standard when it stated on the record that
    denial of Appellant’s change of venue motion was predicated on the
    lack of statements from potential veniremen?
    The Court of Appeals erred by finding that Appellant “has not established
    that the trial court employed an erroneous legal standard in analyzing his change of
    venue motion. Ryser v. State, No. 01-13-00634-CR, 
    2014 WL 6678923
    , at *16
    (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] Nov. 25, 2014, no pet h.). In Henley v. State, 
    576 S.W.2d 66
    , 70 (Tex. Crim. App. 1978), the Court of Criminal Appeals reversed the
    judgment of the trial court when it “predicated its denial of appellant’s motion
    solely upon the successful qualification of a jury panel” resulting in the court
    “confus[ing] the grounds for change of venue with the grounds for juror challenge
    for cause.” (emphasis added). In this case, the trial court confused the grounds for
    change of venue by predicating denial of Appellant’s motion to change venue on
    the lack of any statements from potential veniremen. (3 Supp. C.R. 65). The trial
    court should have instead used the test established by the U.S. Supreme Court and
    adopted by the this Court to determine whether outside influences affecting the
    community's climate of opinion as to Appellant were inherently suspect. Sheppard
    v. Maxwell, 
    384 U.S. 333
    (1966); Phillips v. State, 
    701 S.W.2d 875
    , 879 (Tex.
    Crim. App. 1985).
    At the conclusion of the change of venue hearing, the trial court summed up
    its decision to deny the motion as follows:
    THE COURT: All right. Having heard yesterday and today motion of
    the defense for a change of venue in this case and having heard the
    numerous witnesses including the mayor, the chief of police, and the
    other people who are involved in this case thus far including Mr. X, I
    at this time have heard everything from the defense and from the
    people, but I have not heard -- I'm looking for it right now -- any
    statements from potential veniremen who would be seated in this
    particular case except for the evidence which has come out of some of
    those witnesses. At this time, having not heard or examined any of
    such public knowing -- noting that in this county there are 30 states
    who have more population than this county, so, at this time, I deny the
    motion for change of venue.
    (3 Supp. R.R. 65).
    The Court of Appeals explained in reaching its decision that Appellant
    “overstates the significance of that statement” and that “[i]n context, the trial court
    explained that its conclusion to deny the venue motion was reached in light of all
    of the evidence presented at the two-day venue hearing . . . . ” 
    Id. The trial
    court did in fact state that it heard from numerous witnesses and
    also explained that Harris County is diverse. However, the trial court specifically
    stated that it had “not heard -- I'm looking for it right now -- any statements from
    potential veniremen who would be seated in this particular case except for the
    evidence which has come out of some of those witnesses. At this time, having not
    heard or examined any of such public knowing . . . I deny the motion for change of
    venue.” (3 Supp. R.R. 65). The trial court did not state on the record that it has
    analyzed whether outside influences affecting the community’s climate of opinion
    as to a defendant are inherently suspect, which is the proper legal standard.
    Consequently, that statement is indisputable evidence that the trial court applied an
    erroneous legal standard.
    The Court of Appeals’ reliance on Renteria v. State, 
    206 S.W.3d 689
    , 709
    (Tex. Crim. App. 2006) is misplaced and entirely distinguishable. In Renteria, this
    Court explained that the trial court did not abuse its discretion when “[t]he
    introduction of the various witnesses' testimony at the hearing on the motion to
    change venue presented a factual dispute for the trial court to resolve-whether
    appellant could receive a fair trial in El Paso County.” 
    Id. In that
    case, the trial
    court denied the change of venue motion and the record supported the finding. 
    Id. However, that
    case does not address what legal standard the trial court applied. In
    this case, the trial court explicitly stated on the record what its analysis was and
    how it came to its decision.
    Finally, the fact that individual voir dire was granted by the trial court has no
    bearing on this issue.      The Court of Appeals explained Appellant had the
    “opportunity to question any venire members who might state that they were aware
    of the pre-trial publicity, to inquire about the publicity's effect on their suitability to
    serve as jurors, and, if necessary, to raise the issue again if the venire members'
    answers indicate that publicity tainted the jury pool.” Appellant filed the change of
    venue motion, conducted a hearing, and obtained a ruling. Therefore, the error was
    preserved and Appellant was not required to “re-preserve” this issue.
    Although trial courts have a wide range of discretion failure to apply the
    correct legal standard is an abuse of discretion and warrants granting review.
    Kniatt v. State, 
    239 S.W.3d 910
    , 912–13 (Tex. App.—Waco 2007, no pet.) (citing
    DuBose v. State, 
    915 S.W.2d 493
    , 497–98 (Tex. Crim. App. 1996), overruled on
    other grounds by Guzman v. State, 
    955 S.W.2d 85
    , 90 (Tex. Crim. App. 1997); see
    also In re American Homestar of Lancaster, Inc., 
    50 S.W.3d 480
    , 483 (Tex. 2001)
    (holding that the trial court's failure to analyze or apply the law correctly is an
    abuse of discretion.). In finding the trial court did not apply an erroneous legal
    standard, the Court of Appeals has, in a published opinion, decided an important
    question of state or federal law in a way that conflicts with the applicable decisions
    of the Court of Criminal Appeals or the Supreme Court of the United States such
    that discretionary review in this matter is warranted pursuant to Tex. R. App. P.
    66.3(c). Accordingly, review is warranted pursuant to Tex. R. App. P. 66.3(c), and
    this court should reverse the decision of the Court of Appeals.
    Did Bradford establish an absolute rule that self-defense is only
    relevant from a defendant’s perspective?
    The Court of Appeals erred by holding that Bradford v. Fort Worth Transit
    450 S.W.2d 919
    , 922 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 1970, writ ref'd n.r.e.),
    does not establish an absolute rule that self-defense is relevant only from a
    defendant’s perspective. Ryser v. State, No. 01-13-00634-CR, 
    2014 WL 6678923
    at *9 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] Nov. 25, 2014, no pet h.).
    Since 1970, the case law concerning self-defense has stated that self-defense
    must always be viewed form the standpoint of the defendant.           Bradford, 
    450 S.W.2d 922
    ; accord Lopez v. Allee, 
    493 S.W.2d 330
    , 334 (Tex. Civ. App. 1973
    writ refused n.r.e.). However, with little to no analysis the court has overruled this
    longstanding principle.
    The court conducted no specific analysis other than to cite Bradford itself
    and a secondary source, which suggests the exact opposite of the court’s
    conclusion. The court rationalized its decision by stating “the rule is that self-
    defense must be viewed from the relevant actor’s perspective, taking into account
    his knowledge at the time he acted, and not the viewpoint of the jury that has the
    benefit of hindsight in evaluating whether the actor actually was in danger.” 
    Id. 17 (citing
    450 S.W.2d 922
    ). The court went on to cite Texas Jurisprudence
    as added support and stated that in Bradford, “the question whether the killing was
    justifiable is not to be viewed in the light of later events, but by what the defendant
    reasonably believed at the time.” Ryser, 
    2014 WL 6678923
    , at *9 (quoting 28 Tex.
    Jur.2d § 26 at 669–72 (1961)) (emphasis added). The secondary source cited by
    the court suggests exactly what Bradford stands for: the perspective is what the
    defendant reasonably believed at the time.
    The Court of Appeals erred in finding that Bradford does not establish an
    absolute rule that self-defense is relevant only from a defendant’s perspective
    decided an important question of state or federal law in a way that conflicts with
    the applicable decisions of the Court of Criminal Appeals or the Supreme Court of
    the United States such that discretionary review in this matter is warranted
    pursuant to Tex. R. App. P. 66.3(c). Accordingly, review is warranted pursuant to
    Tex. R. App. P. 66.3(c) and the decision of the Court of Appeals should be
    Did the Court of Appeals err in finding that a self-defense
    justification instruction was necessary to properly instruct the jury on
    the law of the case?
    The Court of Appeals incorrectly concluded that a self-defense instruction
    was necessary to present fully the law on law-enforcement justification. Ryser v.
    State, No. 01-13-00634-CR, 
    2014 WL 6678923
    , at *7 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st
    Dist.] Nov. 25, 2014, no pet h.). The State asked for the instruction in response to
    Appellant’s request for an instruction to the jury explaining the “law enforcement”
    Id. A self-defense
    instruction is a justification instruction limiting criminal
    responsibility. In this case, there was no criminal responsibility to limit because
    the instruction was provided from the perspective of the complainant. To include
    such an instruction constitutes an impermissible comment on the weight of the
    evidence.    Further, whether the complainant was defending himself made no
    difference to the juror’s evaluation of an objective officer in Appellant’s shoes, the
    only appropriate evaluation. Tennessee v. Garner, 
    471 U.S. 1
    , 11, 
    105 S. Ct. 1694
    85 L. Ed. 2d 1
    (1985); Graham v. Connor, 
    490 U.S. 386
    , 397, 
    109 S. Ct. 1865
    104 L. Ed. 2d 443
    (1989). Inclusion of the instruction essentially shifted the
    burden to Appellant to disprove self-defense. Moreover, including the self-defense
    instruction functioned as a limit on Appellant’s “law enforcement” justification
    defense. Finally, not including an application paragraph caused harmful confusion
    to the jury. The jury could not get away from what was wrong with the charge
    once they read it because once they believed the complainant was acting in self-
    defense the assumption is that Appellant must be guilty, or at a minimum, that such
    a conclusion must be relevant to Appellant’s guilt. If the instruction was correctly
    included, the jury should have been told what to do, to do nothing and disregard its
    conclusion on this issue, if it believed the complainant’s self-defense theory. By
    not including an application paragraph the trial court shifted due process
    entitlements over to the complainant, in violation of the constitutions of the State
    of Texas and of the United States when the only person entitled to due process in
    the courtroom was Appellant. U.S. CONST. amend. V; U.S. CONST. amend. XIV;
    TEX. CONST. art. I, § 19.
    The Court of Appeals erred in finding that a self-defense instruction was
    necessary to properly instruct the jury on the law of the case and has, in a
    published opinion, decided an important question of state or federal law in a way
    that conflicts with the applicable decisions of the Court of Criminal Appeals or the
    Supreme Court of the United States such that discretionary review in this matter is
    warranted pursuant to Tex. R. App. P. 66.3(c). Accordingly, review is warranted
    pursuant to Tex. R. App. P. 66.3(c).
    WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Appellant prays that this
    Honorable Court grant this Petition for Discretionary Review. Following the grant
    of review, Appellant prays that the judgment of the Court of Appeals be reversed
    and rendered, or reversed and a new trial ordered, or the case remanded for further
    Respectfully submitted,
    /s/ Nicole DeBorde
    Nicole DeBorde
    Texar Bar No. 00787344
    712 Main Street, Suite 2400
    Houston, Texas 77002
    (713) 228-8500 – Telephone
    (713) 228-0034 – Facsimile
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    Attorney for Appellant,
    Drew Ryser
    Pursuant to Rule 9 of the Texas Rules Appellate Procedure, the undersigned
    counsel of record certifies that the Petition for Discretionary Review contains 4,353
    /s/ Nicole DeBorde
    Nicole DeBorde
    I hereby certify that a true copy of Appellant’s petition for discretionary
    review has been either personally served upon or mailed by U.S. Postal Service
    certified mail, return receipt requested, on December 29, 2014, to the following
    Devon Anderson
    District Attorney
    1201 Franklin, Suite 600
    Houston, Texas 77002
    State Prosecuting Attorney
    P.O. Box 12405
    Austin, Texas 78711
    Respectfully submitted,
    /s/ Nicole DeBorde
    Nicole DeBorde
    Opinion issued November 25, 2014
    In The
    Court of Appeals
    For The
    First District of Texas
    NO. 01-13-00634-CR
    DREW RYSER, Appellant
    THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee
    On Appeal from the 174th District Court
    Harris County, Texas
    Trial Court Case No. 1268025
    Houston Police Department Officer Drew Ryser’s use of force while
    arresting a burglary suspect, C. Holley, led to a police department internal
    investigation, termination of Ryser’s employment, and criminal charges against
    him. A jury convicted Ryser of the Class A misdemeanor offense of official
    oppression.1 The trial court assessed punishment at six months’ confinement but
    suspended the sentence and placed Ryser on community supervision for two years.
    Ryser contends that there was insufficient evidence to support his
    conviction. In four other issues, he also contends that the trial court erred by
    (1) charging the jury on the law of parties and self-defense, (2) denying his venue
    motion, (3) refusing to dismiss a juror he describes as sleeping during trial, and
    (4) denying his motion for new trial based on jury misconduct during deliberations.
    Finally, in his sixth issue, Ryser argues that the cumulative effect of multiple errors
    requires reversal.
    We affirm.
    Ryser was employed by the HPD and assigned to its divisional gang unit,
    which was assisting another unit, the tactical unit, with its investigation of some
    burglaries in the Wellington Park area of Houston. The tactical unit radioed the
    gang unit that a group of burglary suspects was driving toward its location. Ryser’s
    team encountered the burglary suspects on a nearby street. Two of the suspects,
    See TEX. PENAL CODE ANN. § 39.03(a)(1) (West Supp. 2014) (providing that a
    public servant acting under color of his office or employment commits an offense
    if he “intentionally subject another to mistreatment . . . that he knows is
    Id. § 39.03(d)
    (West Supp. 2014) (stating that offense of official
    oppression is a Class A misdemeanor, with one inapplicable exception);
    Id. § 12.21
    (West 2011) (specifying punishment for Class A misdemeanor to be
    fine not to exceed $4,000, confinement in jail for term not to exceed one year, or
    including 15-year-old Holley, jumped from their vehicle and began to run. All four
    of the suspects were caught and arrested.
    The arrest report prepared by Sergeant H. Sanchez states that the burglary
    suspects resisted arrest by kicking and using closed fists. The report does not state
    that the police officers used force during the arrest or that they damaged any
    property during the encounter. No supplemental report was filed by any of the
    other officers involved in the arrest, including Ryser.
    Sometime later, an employee at a local business noticed damage to a fence
    along the edge of the property. She reviewed surveillance video to determine the
    cause of the damage and saw that a police vehicle had struck the fence. The video
    further showed that, just before the vehicle struck the fence, it collided with a
    person running along the fence line and knocked him to the ground. On the
    videotape, which was admitted into evidence and played at Ryser’s trial, the
    suspect, Holley, is seen lying on the ground, not moving, with his hands near his
    head. A group of officers then surround him and begin kicking and striking him.
    Within minutes, the suspect is handcuffed and the officers disperse.
    The business owner gave the videotape to the police department, and an
    internal investigation was begun. A local community activist, Quanell X, obtained
    a copy of the videotape and released it to a local television station. It aired multiple
    times, which led to news articles, town meetings, and a news conference by then
    District Attorney Pat Lykos, Houston Mayor Anise Parker, and Houston Chief of
    Police C. McClelland. At the news conference, the city officials announced that
    Ryser and several other officers who participated in Holley’s arrest were being
    terminated from employment with HPD and charged with a crime due to their use
    of force against Holley. A number of other persons in Harris County also made
    public remarks regarding the incident depicted in the videotape.
    The officers jointly moved for a change of venue based on the negative
    publicity from the airing of the videotape, the statements made at the news
    conference, and other media coverage related to the arrest. The trial court heard
    from 13 witnesses, including Quanell X, the mayor, and the police chief. While
    Quanell X, the mayor, and the police chief all testified that the officers could
    receive a fair trial in Houston, defense attorneys called as witnesses by the
    defendant-officers testified that they could not. The trial court denied the motion,
    and the officers were tried separately in Houston.
    At trial, Ryser admitted that he struck Holley in the head and performed four
    “knee strikes” on Holley’s shoulder. He gave two justifications for his use of force:
    (1) to obtain Holley’s compliance with another officer’s verbal commands and
    (2) to gain control over Holley’s hands because Ryser believed that Holley had a
    gun in his waistband and might try to access it during the struggle.
    A senior police officer, T. Jefferson, testified that the use of force displayed
    on the video is not consistent with the methods taught by HPD. Police Chief
    McClelland agreed that the officers violated department procedures. He described
    the officers’ actions as “an egregious use of force” that “made me sick to my
    The jury found Ryser guilty of the offense of official oppression. The trial
    court assessed punishment at six months’ confinement but suspended the sentence
    and placed Ryser on two years’ community supervision. Ryser timely appealed.
    Insufficient Evidence
    In his fifth issue, Ryser asserts that there was insufficient evidence to
    support his conviction for official oppression.
    A.    Standard of review
    We review Ryser’s challenge to the sufficiency of the evidence under the
    standard enunciated in Jackson v. Virginia, 
    443 U.S. 307
    , 318–20, 
    99 S. Ct. 2781
    2788–89 (1979). Brooks v. State, 
    323 S.W.3d 893
    , 894–913 (Tex. Crim. App.
    2010). Under the Jackson standard, evidence is insufficient to support a conviction
    if, considering all the record evidence in the light most favorable to the verdict, no
    rational factfinder could have found that each essential element of the charged
    offense was proven beyond a reasonable doubt. See 
    Jackson, 443 U.S. at 317
    99 S. Ct. at 2788–89; Laster v. State, 
    275 S.W.3d 512
    , 517 (Tex. Crim. App.
    2009). Evidence is insufficient under four circumstances: (1) the record contains
    no evidence probative of an element of the offense; (2) the record contains a mere
    “modicum” of evidence probative of an element of the offense; (3) the evidence
    conclusively establishes a reasonable doubt; or (4) the acts alleged do not
    constitute the criminal offense charged. See 
    Jackson, 443 U.S. at 314
    , 318 & n.11,
    320, 99 S. Ct. at 2786
    , 2788–89 & n.11; 
    Laster, 275 S.W.3d at 518
    ; Williams v.
    235 S.W.3d 742
    , 750 (Tex. Crim. App. 2007). We consider both direct and
    circumstantial evidence and all reasonable inferences that may be drawn from that
    evidence in making our determination. Clayton v. State, 
    235 S.W.3d 772
    , 778
    (Tex. Crim. App. 2007).
    Jurors are the exclusive judges of the facts, the credibility of the witnesses,
    and the weight to be given the witnesses’ testimony. Penagraph v. State, 
    623 S.W.2d 341
    , 343 (Tex. Crim. App. 1981); Jaggers v. State, 
    125 S.W.3d 661
    , 672
    (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 2003, pet. ref’d). “[R]econciliation of conflicts in
    the evidence is within the exclusive province of the jury.” Wyatt v. State, 
    23 S.W.3d 18
    , 30 (Tex. Crim. App. 2000) (quoting Losada v. State, 
    721 S.W.2d 305
    309 (Tex. Crim. App. 1986)). It may choose to believe or disbelieve any part of
    any witness’s testimony. See Davis v. State, 
    177 S.W.3d 355
    , 358 (Tex. App.—
    Houston [1st Dist.] 2005, no pet.).
    Thus, the Jackson standard defers to the factfinder to resolve any conflicts in
    the testimony, to weigh the evidence, and to draw reasonable inferences from
    “basic facts to ultimate facts.” 
    Jackson, 443 U.S. at 318
    –19, 99 S. Ct. at 2788–89;
    Clayton, 235 S.W.3d at 778
    . An appellate court presumes the factfinder resolved
    any conflicts in the evidence in favor of the verdict and defers to that resolution,
    provided that the resolution is rational. See 
    Jackson, 443 U.S. at 326
    , 99 S. Ct. at
    2793. If an appellate court finds the evidence insufficient under this standard—
    meaning that no rational factfinder could have found that each essential element of
    the charged offense was proven beyond a reasonable doubt—it must reverse the
    judgment and enter an order of acquittal. See Tibbs v. Florida, 
    457 U.S. 31
    , 41,
    102 S. Ct. 2211
    , 2218 (1982); 
    Jackson, 443 U.S. at 317
    –19, 99 S. Ct. at 2788–89.
    B.    There is legally sufficient evidence of all elements of offense
    Ryser contends that his conviction must be reversed because there was
    legally insufficient evidence that he intended to assault Holley when he used force
    against him.
    A person commits the offense of official oppression if he is a “public servant
    acting under the color of his office or employment” and “intentionally subjects
    another to mistreatment . . . that he knows is unlawful.” TEX. PENAL CODE ANN.
    § 39.03(a)(1) (West Supp. 2014).
    Mistreatment is not defined by statute. However, the indictment and jury
    charge listed specific acts that the State asserted were acts of mistreatment by
    Ryser against Holley, including that Ryser kneed him, kicked him, struck him with
    his hand, or pushed his head with his hand. Based on those descriptions, for this
    Court to affirm the judgment, there must be legally sufficient evidence that Ryser
    intentionally mistreated Holley—by kneeing him, kicking him, striking him with
    his hand, or pushing his head with his hand—with knowledge that doing so was
    unlawful. See 
    id. § 39.03(a)(1);
    State v. Edmond, 
    933 S.W.2d 120
    , 127 (Tex. Crim.
    App. 1996) (requiring that defendant know that his conduct is unlawful).
    “Unlawful” means “criminal or tortious or both and includes what would be
    criminal or tortious but for a defense not amounting to justification or privilege.”
    TEX. PENAL CODE ANN. § 1.07(a)(48) (West 2011). Therefore, there must be
    legally sufficient evidence that Ryser knew his mistreatment was criminal or
    tortious or that it would be criminal or tortious because his defense was inadequate
    to establish a justification. See Norris v. Branham, 
    557 S.W.2d 816
    , 818 (Tex.
    App.—El Paso 1977, writ ref’d n.r.e.) (noting that definition of unlawful
    recognizes defense of justification).
    It is undisputed that Ryser intended to knee and strike Holley during the
    Ryser:       I—the first thing I did was I reacted and I popped
    him in the nose. . . .
    Attorney:    Why did you try that? I mean . . . .
    Ryser:       It work[ed] when my brother popped me on the
    nose as a kid and it’s worked on suspects before.
    . . . .
    Attorney:    When that wasn’t effective, what did you do?
    Ryser:       I attempted to perform knee strikes on his
    Attorney:    What are knee strikes?
    Ryser:       Striking with my knee in the shoulder intending to
    cause pain.
    Ryser conceded that this method of force was not something that he was taught to
    do at the police academy. When asked whether he made contact with Holley
    during the “knee strikes,” he responded:
    Not like I hoped . . . I was slipping in the grass. I couldn’t keep
    my balance. And I ended up just kind of landing on his shoulder
    as opposed to actually striking his shoulder. So I reached over
    to grab the fence to try to get my balance, too, so I could deliver
    a good one. And I wasn’t able to do so.
    While Ryser readily admits he intended to strike and knee Holley, he denies that he
    intended to mistreat him in doing so. According to Ryser, his use of force was
    necessary to complete the arrest and was justified.
    The law provides a justification defense to police officers, permitting the use
    of force to complete an arrest, but there are limits. Cf. Daugherty v. State, 
    176 S.W.2d 571
    , 575 (Tex. Crim. App. 1943) (“We disclaim any intention to say . . .
    that an officer has a right to approach a party whom he wishes to arrest and beat
    him into submission . . . .”). Section 9.51(a) of the Penal Code provides that a
    peace officer “is justified in using force against another when and to the degree the
    actor reasonably believes the force is immediately necessary to make or assist in
    making an arrest . . . .” TEX. PENAL CODE ANN. § 9.51(a) (West 2011). If an officer
    uses more force than is reasonably necessary, he exceeds his statutory authority
    and may be subject to criminal liability.
    For a conviction on the charge of official oppression, the Penal Code
    requires that Ryser knew his mistreatment was unlawful. 
    Id. §§ 1.07(a)(48),
    39.03(a)(1). Thus, the jury must find that Ryser knew that he was kneeing or
    striking Holley with more force than was immediately necessary to make or assist
    in making the arrest. See 
    Edmond, 933 S.W.2d at 127
    . Direct evidence of Ryser’s
    mental state was not required. Hooper v. State, 
    214 S.W.3d 9
    , 14–15 (Tex. Crim.
    App. 2007). The jury could draw reasonable inferences from the evidence to find
    the requisite knowledge. Id.; Rabb v. State, 
    434 S.W.3d 613
    , 617 (Tex. Crim. App.
    The videotape of the arrest showed Holley being struck by a police car,
    falling immediately to the ground, then lying there with his hands motionless next
    to his head. Ryser and several other officers are then seen encircling Holley. Ryser
    kneed him four times as at least five other officers held, kicked, and stomped on
    him. At trial, Ryser provided an explanation for the amount of force observed on
    the video, but other witnesses, including the chief of police, testified that his use of
    force violated department procedures and was “egregious.” The jury, as the
    factfinder, was charged with evaluating the credibility of the witnesses and
    weighing the evidence. 
    Jaggers, 125 S.W.3d at 672
    . When viewing the evidence in
    the light most favorable to the verdict—including the arrest videotape—we
    conclude that there was legally sufficient evidence from which the jury could have
    concluded that Ryser intended to knee and strike Holley and that he knew he was
    using more force than was immediately necessary to effectuate the arrest, i.e., that
    he knew his mistreatment of Holley was unlawful.
    Ryser’s fifth issue is overruled.
    Jury Charge
    In his first issue, Ryser argues that the trial court erred by instructing the
    jury, over his objections, on the law of the parties and self-defense.
    A.    Standard of review
    In analyzing a jury-charge issue, our first duty is to decide if there was error.
    See Almanza v. State, 
    686 S.W.2d 157
    , 174 (Tex. Crim. App. 1984); Tottenham v.
    285 S.W.3d 19
    , 30 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 2009, pet. ref’d). Only if
    we find error do we consider whether an objection to the charge was made and
    analyze for harm. 
    Tottenham, 285 S.W.3d at 30
    ; see Warner v. State, 
    245 S.W.3d 458
    , 461 (Tex. Crim. App. 2008) (“The failure to preserve jury charge error is not
    a bar to appellate review, but rather it establishes the degree of harm necessary for
    reversal.”). If the error was properly preserved, reversal is required if there is
    “some harm” to the defendant. 
    Almanza, 686 S.W.2d at 171
    . However, if the error
    was not properly preserved, the error must be “fundamental,” meaning that it was
    “so egregious and created such harm that the defendant ‘has not had a fair and
    impartial trial.’” Barrios v. State, 
    283 S.W.3d 348
    , 350 (Tex. Crim. App. 2009)
    Almanza, 686 S.W.2d at 171
    B.    Law-of-parties instruction
    “A person is criminally responsible as a party to an offense if the offense is
    committed by his own conduct, by the conduct of another for which he is
    criminally responsible, or by both.” TEX. PENAL CODE ANN. § 7.01(a) (West 2011).
    A person is criminally responsible for the conduct of another if, while “acting with
    intent to promote or assist the commission of the offense, he solicits, encourages,
    directs, aids, or attempts to aid the other person to commit the offense . . . .” 
    Id. § 7.02(a)(2).
    “Each party to an offense may be charged with commission of the
    Id. § 7.01(b).
    Therefore, under the law of parties, the State is able to
    enlarge a defendant’s criminal responsibility to include acts in which he may not
    have been the principal actor. Goff v. State, 
    931 S.W.2d 537
    , 544 (Tex. Crim. App.
    “In general, an instruction on the law of parties may be given to the jury
    whenever there is sufficient evidence to support a jury verdict that the defendant is
    criminally responsible under the law of parties.” Ladd v. State, 
    3 S.W.3d 547
    , 564
    (Tex. Crim. App. 1999). The law-of-parties instruction may be included in the
    charge—even if the indictment alleges only that the defendant acted as a principal
    actor—if evidence has been presented at trial to support the theory. Marable v.
    85 S.W.3d 287
    , 288 (Tex. Crim. App. 2002) (“[I]t is well-settled that the law
    of parties need not be pled in the indictment.”); Hayes v. State, 
    265 S.W.3d 673
    678–79 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 2008, pet. ref’d). To determine whether
    the evidence supports submission of the instruction, the trial court may consider
    evidence of events that occurred before, during, and after the commission of the
    Goff, 931 S.W.2d at 545
    Ryser contends that a law-of-parties instruction is erroneous if there is
    sufficient evidence to allow a jury to convict the defendant as a principal actor. But
    submission of one theory does not prohibit the submission of the other. See 
    Goff, 931 S.W.2d at 545
    . Even if there is “strong” evidence to support a conviction of a
    defendant under the theory that he was the principal actor, so long as there also is
    evidence that would support the alternate theory that he acted as a party to the
    offense, the prosecution may submit both theories and the trial court may include a
    jury instruction on the law of parties. Id.; Perry v. State, 
    977 S.W.2d 847
    , 850
    (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 1998, no pet.).
    The videotape evidence played for the jury shows a group of officers
    approach Holley, encircle him, and kick and stomp on him. As the video played for
    the jury, Ryser identified himself as one of the officers in the group and detailed
    his use of force during the arrest, which included four knee strikes and a “pop” to
    Holley’s head with his knuckles.
    Ryser testified that he did not give Holley any verbal commands during the
    arrest. Instead, he used force to assist the other officers to gain Holley’s
    compliance with their verbal commands. He explained, “I was trying to cause pain
    so he would comply with the commands the other officers were giving him.” Ryser
    testified that, at the time of the arrest, the other officers were just “blue blurs.
    They’re not a threat to me, so I’m not paying attention to what they’re doing.” As
    he watched the arrest video from the witness stand, Ryser stated that there were “a
    lot of good examples of kicking on this video to look at,” but he maintained that he
    had not kicked Holley and was not aware that the other officers were doing so at
    the time.
    Police Chief McClelland characterized the officers’ actions as more
    coordinated, saying that “it just appears to me it’s a group mentality and no one is
    doing what they’re trained to do.”
    We also consider evidence of events that occurred after the arrest in
    determining whether the law-of-parties instruction was improper. See 
    Goff, 931 S.W.2d at 545
    (holding that reviewing court should consider evidence of events
    before, during, and after commission of crime to determine whether evidence
    supports submission of law-of-parties instruction). Houston Police Department
    Sergeant H. Sanchez, who prepared the arrest report, did not actually witness
    Holley or the other suspects being taken into custody; he was focused on
    recovering jewelry and other stolen items around the arrest scene. He testified that
    he asked the arresting officers at the scene whether it would be correct to include in
    the offense report that all of the burglary suspects were resisting arrest with “closed
    fists or kicking.” According to Sergeant Sanchez, the arresting officers nodded and
    told him, “Yeah, you can say that.” Sergeant Sanchez conceded at trial that it was
    “pretty obvious” from the videotape that Holley had not swung at the officers with
    his fists, contrary to the submitted report.
    Sergeant Sanchez also testified about the police department’s use-of-force
    guidelines, which require officers to supplement their offense reports any time they
    use force on a suspect or suspect is injured. Ryser testified that he was aware of
    that policy and likewise aware that his use force on Holley was sufficient to require
    him to submit a supplemental use-of-force report. Yet he testified that neither he
    nor any of the other officers involved in the arrest submitted supplemental reports
    to disclose that they had used force while arresting Holley. He stated that every
    officer in the group “forgot.”
    The evidence regarding the events during and after Holley’s arrest, including
    the videotape, supports the submission of a law-of-parties instruction based on the
    State’s alternative theory that Ryser intended to assist the other officers and
    encouraged or aided them in their unlawful mistreatment of Holley. Accordingly,
    the trial court did not err by including the law-of-parties instruction.
    C.    Self-defense instruction
    Ryser next asserts that the trial court erred by including a self-defense
    instruction in the jury charge. The State counters that the self-defense instruction
    was included as a general instruction on the law applicable to the case and was
    necessary to present fully the law on law-enforcement justification.
    1.     How the defenses raised at trial relate
    Ryser was charged with official oppression based on an allegation that he
    used excessive force against Holley while arresting him. See TEX. PENAL CODE
    ANN. § 39.03(a)(1). Ryser raised, as a defense to his prosecution, the “law
    enforcement” justification defense and requested an instruction to the jury
    explaining that police officers are justified to use force to the degree the officer
    reasonably believes is immediately necessary to make an arrest. 
    Id. § 9.51(a).
    instruction was included in the charge.
    In response, the State requested an instruction explaining to the jury that law
    enforcement’s justification in use of force is not without limits. The State requested
    an instruction that criminal suspects are justified in their “use [of] force to resist an
    arrest” if, before offering any resistance, the police officer uses or attempts to use
    “greater force than necessary to make the arrest” and the suspect uses only the
    degree of force he “reasonably believes” to be “immediately necessary to protect
    himself” from that excessive force. 
    Id. § 9.31(c);
    Daugherty, 176 S.W.2d at 575
    (stating that, “when aggression of the officer in making the arrest exceeds
    what is reasonably necessary to effect the arrest, the right of self-defense inures to
    the party assaulted.”). The self-defense instruction—meaning Holley’s use of self-
    defense against the arresting officers—also was included in the charge.
    In this context, the law-enforcement justification defense was raised as a
    defense to prosecution, but the self-defense instruction was not. According to the
    State, the self-defense instruction was requested, not as a true defense but, instead,
    to instruct the jury correctly and fully on the law applicable to the case.
    2.     The burden of proof when justification defenses are raised
    Section 2.03 of the Penal Code sets forth the burden of proof for justification
    defenses raised as a “defense to prosecution.” TEX. PENAL CODE ANN. § 2.03 (West
    2011). It provides that, when evidence of a justification defense is admitted and
    that issue is submitted to the jury, the trial court is required to charge the jury that a
    reasonable doubt on the defensive issue will require that the defendant be
    acquitted. See 
    id. This provision
    fixes the burden of proof on the State to prove
    every element of the offense, including disproving the justification defense. See
    Assiter v. State, 
    58 S.W.3d 743
    , 746 n.3 (Tex. App.—Amarillo 2000, no pet.)
    (explaining that burden of proof remains on State to prove every element of
    offense and to disprove any Chapter 9 justification defenses with proof beyond
    reasonable doubt (citing TEX. PENAL CODE ANN. §§ 2.03(d), 9.02 (West 2011))). A
    jury verdict of guilt is an implicit finding rejecting the defendant’s justification
    defense. Saxton v. State, 
    804 S.W.2d 910
    , 914 (Tex. Crim. App. 1991).
    Here, the justification defense raised by the defendant, Ryser, was the law-
    enforcement justification defense. TEX. PENAL CODE ANN. § 9.51(a). The State had
    the burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Ryser’s actions did not qualify
    as a justification defense. 
    Assiter, 58 S.W.3d at 746
    n.3. The State sought to meet
    its burden by admitting the arrest videotape and arguing that Ryser’s justification
    defense did not authorize the high degree of force observed because, to the extent
    Holley may have been resisting Ryser’s actions, it would have been in self-defense
    and in direct response to the officers’ excessive force. TEX. PENAL CODE ANN.
    § 9.31(c) (setting forth self-defense justification in context of resisting arrest). That
    was the State’s burden to prove, and the jury’s verdict of guilt carries with it an
    implied finding rejecting Ryser’s defensive theory. See 
    Saxton, 804 S.W.2d at 914
    3.     Self-defense instruction necessary to properly instruct on law of
    the case
    The trial court included in the charge the law-enforcement justification
    defense; therefore, it was required to charge the jury correctly on that issue. TEX.
    CODE CRIM. PROC. ANN. art. 36.14 (requiring trial court to deliver to jury written
    charge distinctly setting forth “law applicable to the case.”); Delgado v. State, 
    235 S.W.3d 244
    , 249 (Tex. Crim. App. 2007) (holding that trial court is “ultimately
    responsible for the accuracy of the jury charge and accompanying instructions.”).
    Because excessive force by the police can, in turn, justify a limited use of force by
    a criminal suspect in self-defense, an instruction was necessary to accurately set
    forth the law of the case regarding the law-enforcement justification defense. The
    instruction also aided the jury in its evaluation of Ryser’s testimony that a suspect
    cannot lawfully resist excessive force.2
    4.     Ryser’s other arguments challenging the self-defense instruction
    Beyond Ryser’s general argument that the self-defense instruction should
    not have been included, he makes three specific arguments that the trial court erred
    in its instruction because (1) the self-defense instruction should have been
    submitted from the perspective of the defendant; (2) Holley did not testify at trial
    and there was no other “testimony” suggesting that Holley was acting in self-
    defense; and (3) the charge failed to include an application paragraph telling the
    jury to acquit Ryser if the burden of proof was not met on the issue of self-defense.
    We consider each of these arguments in turn.
    a.     Submission of self-defense from another’s perspective
    Ryser argues that the law of self-defense must always be viewed from the
    standpoint of the defendant. Ryser relies on Bradford v. Fort Worth Transit
    450 S.W.2d 919
    , 922 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 1970, writ ref’d n.r.e.),
    which states that, “[u]nder the law of self-defense it is basic that the attack be
    viewed from the standpoint of the defendant. This rule has long been followed in
    the criminal jurisprudence of the State of Texas.” 
    Id. But the
    appellate court goes
    on to explain that it would be incorrect to consider a claim of self-defense from the
    Sergeant Sanchez also testified that he believes suspects never have a legal right to
    resist arrest. Neither witness’s testimony correctly states the law.
    “viewpoint of the jury as they see it subsequent to the homicide. Defendant has a
    right to have his side submitted as he viewed it at the time of the transaction.” 
    Id. at 922–23.
    Bradford does not establish an absolute rule that self-defense is relevant only
    from a defendant’s perspective. Instead, the rule is that self-defense must be
    viewed from the relevant actor’s perspective, taking into account his knowledge at
    the time he acted, and not the viewpoint of the jury that has the benefit of hindsight
    in evaluating whether the actor actually was in danger. See 
    id. (“The question
    whether the killing was justifiable is not to be viewed in the light of later events,
    but by what the defendant reasonably believed at the time.” (quoting 28 Tex. Jur.
    2d § 26 at 669–672 (1961))). The actor whose law-enforcement justification was at
    issue in Bradford was the defendant, but here it was Holley. We conclude that
    Bradford does not support Ryser’s argument.
    b.     Meeting burden without testimonial evidence
    Next, Ryser argues that the “State cannot use the claim of self-defense when
    it has not been raised by the complainant himself” and testimonial evidence from
    Holley or another witness was required to meet the State’s burden. In support of
    these arguments, Ryser relies on VanBrackle v. State, 
    179 S.W.3d 708
    App.—Austin 2005, no pet.).
    In VanBrackle, the defendant—who did not testify—requested a jury
    instruction on self-defense, which was denied. See 
    id. at 712–13.
    The State’s
    position was that a self-defense instruction is not warranted when a defendant
    offers no evidence of his state of mind. See 
    id. at 713.
    The appellate court held that
    any evidence that the actor was acting in self-defense—even weak evidence—
    warrants the submission of a self-defense instruction. 
    Id. at 712.
    The court noted
    that there was evidence that the defendant responded to the aggression against him
    by “grabbing the pistol, pushing it away, and calling for help. This was an
    ‘observable manifestation’ of appellant’s belief that it was necessary to defend
    himself . . . .” 
    Id. at 713–14.
    Here, the jury reasonably could have concluded that the videotape
    demonstrated an “observable manifestation” of Holley’s belief that he needed to
    use self-defense against the police’s excessive use of force. Thus, testimony from
    Holley regarding his state of mind was not required to meet the threshold for
    submitting the instruction.
    c.     Application paragraph on self-defense issue
    Ryser’s last argument concerning the self-defense instruction is that the trial
    court was required to instruct the jurors that they “must acquit [Ryser] if they had a
    reasonable doubt on the issue of self-defense as required by [section] 2.03(d) of the
    Penal Code.” He contends that “there should have been an application paragraph
    instructing jurors on what to do if they believed [Holley] acted in self-defense.
    Without a proper application paragraph the inclusion of the jury instruction on self-
    defense was error.”
    Section 2.03(d) requires an instruction to the jury that it must acquit if it has
    a reasonable doubt of a justification defense asserted as a “defense to prosecution.”
    See TEX. PENAL CODE ANN. §§ 2.03(a), (c) (establishing burden of proof if defense
    is submitted to jury); 9.02 (“It is a defense to prosecution that the conduct in
    question is justified under this chapter.”); 9.51 (“A peace officer . . . is justified in
    using force against another when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes
    the force is immediately necessary to make or assist in making an arrest . . . .”); see
    Assiter, 58 S.W.3d at 746
    n.3 (explaining burden of proof on justification
    defenses). Therefore, the trial court was required to include in the charge an
    instruction that the jury must acquit Ryser if it has a reasonable doubt concerning
    his justification defense, i.e., the law-enforcement defense. The charge included the
    following instruction:
    Therefore, if you find and believe from the evidence beyond a
    reasonable doubt that . . . [Ryser] intentionally subject[ed] [Holley] to
    mistreatment that the defendant knew was unlawful . . . but you
    further find from the evidence, or you have a reasonable doubt
    thereof, that [Ryser] reasonably believed that force was immediately
    necessary to make or assist in making an arrest . . . then you will
    acquit the defendant . . . .
    Thus, the paragraph setting forth the burden of proof on a justification defense, as
    required by section 2.03(d), was included.
    Section 2.03(d) does not require a similar paragraph with regard to self-
    defense here because it is not a “justification defense” that was raised as a “defense
    to prosecution.” What is required is that the additional instruction on self-defense
    not improperly relieve the State of its burden of proof. We conclude that it did not.
    The charge instructed the jury:
    [I]f you have a reasonable doubt as to whether or not the defendant
    was justified in using force on said occasion and under the
    circumstances, then you should give the defendant the benefit of that
    doubt and say by your verdict not guilty.
    This language maintains the burden of proof on the State, consistent with the
    application paragraph quoted above, by instructing the jury that it should acquit if
    it has a reasonable doubt whether Ryser’s use of force was justified.
    Having overruled Ryser’s contention of charge error with regard to the law-
    of-parties instruction and the self-defense instruction, we overrule his first issue.
    Change of Venue
    In his second issue, Ryser contends that that the trial court abused its
    discretion in denying his motion to change venue because (1) there was strong
    evidence that he could not receive a fair trial in the venue and (2) the court used an
    erroneous legal standard by confusing the grounds for change of venue.
    A.    Required showing for change of venue
    Every defendant in a criminal case is guaranteed the due process of a fair
    trial by an impartial jury under the United States and Texas constitutions. U.S.
    CONST. amend. VI; TEX. CONST. art. I, § 10. A change in venue may be granted on
    a criminal defendant’s motion if supported by the defendant’s affidavit and the
    affidavits of two other credible residents of the county if, within the county, there
    is either (1) “so great a prejudice against [the defendant] that he cannot obtain a
    fair and impartial trial” or (2) “a dangerous combination against [the defendant]
    instigated by influential persons, by reason of which he cannot expect a fair trial.”
    TEX. CODE CRIM. PROC. ANN. art. 31.03(a) (West 2006). The movant has the
    burden to establish either of these bases for a change of venue. See DeBlanc v.
    799 S.W.2d 701
    , 704 (Tex. Crim. App. 1990).
    Change of venue is a remedy designed to ensure the defendant a fair trial
    when extensive news coverage has raised substantial doubts about the
    effectiveness of voir dire for obtaining an impartial jury. Beets v. State, 
    767 S.W.2d 711
    , 742–43 (Tex. Crim. App. 1987). To justify a change of venue based
    on public attention sparked by media, a defendant must show that the “publicity
    was pervasive, prejudicial, and inflammatory.” Gonzalez v. State, 
    222 S.W.3d 446
    449 (Tex. Crim. App. 2007); Salazar v. State, 
    38 S.W.3d 141
    , 150 (Tex. Crim.
    App. 2001). “The mere existence of media attention or publicity is not enough, by
    itself, to merit a change of venue.” 
    Gonzalez, 222 S.W.3d at 449
    ; accord Renteria
    v. State, 
    206 S.W.3d 689
    , 709 (Tex. Crim. App. 2006). Even extensive knowledge
    of the case in the community is not sufficient if there is not a showing of
    prejudicial or inflammatory coverage. 
    Gonzalez, 222 S.W.3d at 449
    . The defendant
    “bears a heavy burden to prove the existence of such prejudice in the community
    that the likelihood of obtaining a fair and impartial jury is doubtful.” 
    DeBlanc, 799 S.W.2d at 704
    (quoting Nethery v. State, 
    692 S.W.2d 686
    , 694 (Tex. Crim. App.
    To determine whether the publicity was inflammatory and prejudicial, the
    court can consider evidence presented at the change of venue hearing and
    statements made by venire members during voir dire if the trial court rules after the
    voir dire process. 
    Gonzalez, 222 S.W.3d at 451
    . Factors a reviewing court may
    consider when a defendant appeals the denial of his venue motion include: (1) the
    nature of the pretrial publicity; (2) the connection of government officials with the
    publicity; (3) the length of time between the publicity and the trial; (4) the severity
    and notoriety of the offense; (5) the area from which the jury panel was to be
    drawn; and (6) any factors likely to affect the candor and veracity of the
    prospective jurors during voir dire. See 
    Gonzalez, 222 S.W.3d at 448
    Henley, 576 S.W.2d at 71
    B.    Standard of review
    Denial of a change of venue request is reviewed under the abuse of
    discretion standard. 
    Gonzalez, 222 S.W.3d at 449
    . We give great deference to the
    trial court, which is in the best position to resolve issues involving conflicts in
    testimony and to evaluate the credibility of the witnesses. 
    Id. at 452;
    Brooks, 323
    S.W.3d at 899
    . If the trial court does not make explicit findings of fact, a reviewing
    court will assume that the trial court made implicit findings of fact that support its
    ruling as long as those findings are supported by the record. Montanez v. State, 
    195 S.W.3d 101
    , 106 (Tex. Crim. App. 2006); State v. Ross, 
    32 S.W.3d 853
    , 855 (Tex.
    Crim. App. 2000). As long as the trial court’s ruling is within the zone of
    reasonable disagreement, the trial court does not abuse its discretion in denying the
    venue motion. See 
    Gonzalez, 222 S.W.3d at 449
    C.    The trial court’s decision is within the zone of reasonable disagreement
    There were 13 witnesses who testified at the officers’ joint venue hearing.
    The witnesses included defense attorneys with high profile case experience,
    assistant district attorneys, jury consultants, and media experts, as well as
    prominent members of the community, including Houston Mayor Parker, Police
    Chief McClelland, and Quanell X.
    Many witnesses testified that they did not believe that Ryser could receive a
    fair trial in Harris County. For example, defense attorney George Parnham spoke
    of the mayor’s and district attorney’s initial efforts to prevent the videotape from
    being disseminated exactly because it might affect the officers’ ability to obtain a
    fair trial. Parnham then opined that the subsequent release of the videotape to the
    news outlets removed any possibility of a fair trial in Harris County. Others
    concurred. Richard Haynes, another defense attorney, testified that the widespread
    display of the videotape “poison[ed] the atmosphere” so that Ryser could not get a
    fair and impartial jury.
    Ryser also offered evidence that an online search produced 203 print stories
    about the incident, most of which contained the words “beating” or “brutality.” He
    further claimed that there were 700,000 households that watch the local news
    stations, which were continually playing the arrest video.
    On the other hand, Chief McClelland, Mayor Parker, Quanell X, and two
    Harris County assistant district attorneys all testified that Ryser could receive a fair
    trial in Harris County. Mayor Parker testified that the community reaction
    following the incident was much more focused on the general issue of police
    brutality and the city’s efforts to ensure proper conduct than on the facts of this
    particular case or on these officers’ pending charges. Further, it was noted that the
    hearing occurred two years after the video was released.
    1.     Publicity that is pervasive, prejudicial, and inflammatory
    Ryser first argues that the inflammatory and prejudicial nature of the
    coverage required a change in venue.
    Because the videotape would be admitted as evidence and viewed by the
    jurors at trial, we cannot conclude that the earlier publication of the video was, by
    itself, so prejudicial and inflammatory that a change in venue would be required.
    Gonzalez, 222 S.W.3d at 452
    . Jurors need not be “totally ignorant” of the facts
    of a particular case in order to hold a fair trial. 
    Renteria, 206 S.W.3d at 709
    Furthermore, Mayor Parker, Chief McLelland, Quanell X, and two Harris
    County assistant district attorneys all unequivocally testified that Ryser could
    receive a fair trial in Harris County. Specifically, Mayor Parker testified, “It’s
    actually been months since anybody has raised the issue of the tape or this
    particular incident.” She said she had “been, frankly, surprised that it so quickly
    disappeared off the radar.” Mayor Parker also testified that, within six months of
    the video airing, the issue had gone “stale” and was no longer a matter of public
    discourse in her opinion. The trial court was within its discretion to believe these
    witnesses’ testimony. See 
    Renteria, 206 S.W.3d at 709
    Regarding the reach of the publicity, there was testimony that the Houston
    Chronicle has a readership of 2.2 million and that the nightly news has a
    viewership of over 700,000 households in a 19-county viewing area. But, there was
    a significant lapse of time between when the video aired on the news stations and
    when the members of the community were contacted to serve as potential jurors in
    this case—two years. See Skilling v. U.S., 
    561 U.S. 358
    , 383, 
    130 S. Ct. 2896
    , 2916
    (2010) (considering that four years had elapsed between media storm and trial in
    denying defendant’s motion to change venue); Stanley v. State, 
    664 S.W.2d 746
    754 (Tex. App.—San Antonio 1983, writ ref’d) (finding significance in fact that
    publicity occurred over 30 months before trial). There was no expert testimony
    regarding media attention closer to the time of the venue hearing or more recent
    online traffic accessing the older news stories.
    Finally, the trial was set to occur in Harris County—by any measure a large
    region with a diverse jury pool. See 
    Skilling, 561 U.S. at 382
    , 130 S. Ct. at 2915. In
    Skilling, a high profile case with widespread media attention, the Supreme Court
    commented on this particular venue, stating that, “Houston . . . is the fourth most
    populous city in the Nation . . . . [M]ore than 4.5 million individuals eligible for
    jury duty reside[] in the Houston area. Given this large, diverse pool of potential
    jurors, the suggestion that 12 impartial individuals could not be empaneled is hard
    to sustain.” 
    Id. In denying
    Ryser’s venue motion, the trial judge likewise
    commented that Harris County is larger than the populations of over 25 states in
    our country.
    This court affords great deference to the trial court to determine venue
    motions. See 
    Gonzalez, 222 S.W.3d at 452
    . “When pretrial publicity is at issue,
    ‘primary reliance on the judgment of the trial court makes [especially] good sense’
    because the judge ‘sits in the locale where the publicity is said to have had its
    effect’ . . . .” 
    Skilling, 561 U.S. at 386
    , 130 S. Ct. at 2918 (quoting Mu’Min v.
    500 U.S. 415
    , 427, 
    111 S. Ct. 1899
    , 1906 (1991)).
    Based on the testimony of numerous witnesses that Ryser could receive a
    fair trial in Harris County, the length of time that had elapsed between the video
    airing and the trial, and the size of the county from which the jury would be
    empaneled, we conclude that the trial court’s decision to deny the venue motion
    was within the zone of reasonable disagreement and, therefore, the trial court did
    not abuse its discretion in denying the motion based on Ryser’s publicity argument.
    See TEX. CODE CRIM. PROC. ANN. art. 31.03(a) (setting standard for change of
    Gonzalez, 222 S.W.3d at 449
    (noting high standard for change of venue
    and deference given to trial court’s ruling on matter).3
    2.     Dangerous combination
    Ryser next complains that the trial court abused its discretion in denying his
    motion to change venue because there existed a “dangerous combination” of
    “media coverage and commentary by influential persons.” The basis for sustaining
    The trial court granted the defendants’ motion for individual voir dire. The
    individual jurors were found to be acceptable to the defense to serve on the jury.
    a change of venue challenge based on a dangerous combination “comes not from a
    widely held prejudice but from the actions of a small but influential or powerful
    group who are likely to influence in some manner the way in which the trial
    proceeds.” 42 Tex. Prac., Criminal Practice And Procedure § 30:11 (3d ed.); see
    also Hussey v. State, 
    590 S.W.2d 505
    , 506 (Tex. Crim. App. [Panel Op.] 1979).
    In particular, Ryser references a press conference jointly held by the district
    attorney, mayor, and police chief. During this press conference, it was announced
    that Ryser and other officers were being charged with a crime arising from
    Holley’s arrest and simultaneously were being terminated from employment with
    the HPD. Ryser contends that those conducting the press conference, as well as a
    number of other influential people, made inflammatory statements, including, for
    example, State Representative Garnet Coleman, who is quoted as saying:
    I’m appalled and deeply disturbed by the actions of the officers shown
    in the video. The kicking and stomping of a 15-year-old boy by these
    officers was brutal, unwarranted, and shameful. It is especially
    disturbing when those charged with keeping us safe so blatantly abuse
    their power and violate their trust. These individuals are not above the
    law and must be appropriately dealt with.
    Ryser suggests that these individuals qualify as a “small but influential or
    powerful group” who had the ability to “influence in some manner the way in
    which the trial proceeds.” At the hearing, defense witness Christopher Tritico, a
    criminal defense attorney, explained:
    Well, look, it’s one thing to have public officials come out and call for
    justice. All right? That’s not piling on to that specific defendant. What
    we have here was instead of a call for justice, a call for calm, which
    we would expect from our leaders, we didn’t have a call for calm, we
    didn’t have a call for justice. We had a call for vengeance, in my
    view, from our public leaders. And that’s why this case has been
    tainted in Harris County.
    Tritico specifically referenced the mayor’s statements, describing them as
    “caustic” and reflective of her belief “that the defendants should be tried and
    Although we recognize that there was a combination of influential people
    who attended the initial press conference (the mayor, police chief, and district
    attorney), Ryser did not show that they acted in a way that amounted to a
    “dangerous combination” so that he could not “expect a fair trial.” The mayor’s
    statements that the community was no longer talking about the case and that it had
    been “off the radar” for many months before the trial began counsels against a
    view that influential people were acting to impede the fair-trial process. Cf. Myers
    v. State, 
    177 S.W. 1167
    , 1169 (Tex. Crim. App. 1915) (involving allegation that
    fast speed with which case moved from arrest to trial indicated dangerous
    combination but concluding that speed indicated only that leaders “acted promptly
    in what they considered the performance of their duty”).
    Further, while statements made at a news conference by community leaders
    may have influenced the views of some individual community members, there is
    no indication that, in a venue the size of Harris County, the personal views
    expressed by these city officials created a coercive governmental force that could
    influence the trial proceedings to obtain a conviction without regard to Ryser’s
    constitutional right to a fair and impartial jury. Cf. Cortez v. State, 
    69 S.W. 536
    538 (Tex. Crim. App. 1902) (concluding that a dangerous combination of
    influential persons existed where influential people contributed financially to hunt
    for and arrest defendant, no local attorney would agree to defend him but many
    volunteered to prosecute, and defendant had to be given additional physical
    protections due to fears of mob violence).
    Finally, the primary evidence in this case was the videotape, which provided
    direct evidence of the amount of force used to arrest Holley as he lay prone on the
    ground. The jurors were able to assess that evidence themselves, untethered to the
    views others may have had when they first viewed the tape or sought indictments.
    Thus, we conclude that the trial court did not abuse its discretion in
    concluding that Ryser failed to demonstrate that there was a dangerous
    combination against him led by influential persons from which he could not expect
    a fair trial. To the extent the evidence could have supported a contrary conclusion,
    we hold that the matter was within the zone of reasonable disagreement and, thus,
    within the trial court’s discretion.
    D.    The trial court did not apply an erroneous legal standard
    Ryser next contends that the trial court applied an erroneous legal standard
    in denying his venue motion “[b]y predicating denial of [his] motion to change
    venue on the lack of any statements from potential veniremen” that they were
    influenced by the publicity.
    A trial court’s failure to analyze or properly apply the law is an abuse of
    discretion and would support a reversal. See Kniatt v. State, 
    239 S.W.3d 910
    , 912–
    13 (Tex. App.—Waco 2007, no pet.). The proper method for a trial court to
    analyze whether publicity is pervasive is through a hearing on the motion to
    change venue and, if voir dire is held before the trial court rules, consideration of
    the venire members’ voir dire statements. 
    Gonzalez, 222 S.W.3d at 449
    . Here, the
    trial court held a venue hearing and ruled at the conclusion of that hearing. The
    voir dire occurred at a later date.
    Ryser quotes a statement made by the trial judge when his venue motion was
    denied, in which the court notes that it did not hear from any potential venire
    members at the venue hearing. But Ryser overstates the significance of that
    statement. In context, the trial court explained that its conclusion to deny the venue
    motion was reached in light of all of the evidence presented at the two-day venue
    hearing, including the 13 witnesses who did testify (many of whom stating that
    Ryser could receive a fair trial) and the fact that Harris County is large and diverse.
    The record does not support Ryser’s conclusion that the trial court denied his
    motion under an erroneous legal standard that would have required venire
    members’ input.
    We conclude that Ryser has not established that the trial court employed an
    erroneous legal standard in analyzing his venue motion. See 
    Renteria, 206 S.W.3d at 709
    (concluding that various witnesses’ testimony at hearing stating that
    appellant could receive fair trial supported court’s denial of motion to change
    venue). Further, after denying the venue motion, the trial court granted Ryser’s
    motion for individual voir dire. Thus, even without proving that the media
    coverage was pervasive, prejudicial, and inflammatory, Ryser was provided an
    opportunity to question any venire members who might state that they were aware
    of the pre-trial publicity, to inquire about the publicity’s effect on their suitability
    to serve as jurors, and, if necessary, to raise the issue again if the venire members’
    answers indicate that publicity tainted the jury pool.
    We overrule Ryser’s second issue.
    Sleeping Juror
    In his third issue, Ryser argues that he was denied due process when the trial
    court refused to dismiss a “sleeping juror” or grant his motion for mistrial on that
    On the second day of trial, Ryser informed the trial court that one of the
    jurors appeared to be asleep “most, if not all, of the day.” The trial court
    interviewed the juror on the record, outside the presence of the other jurors. She
    stated that she was not sleeping, that she “thought [she] was paying good
    attention,” and that she has a “tendency” to look down but that she is listening and
    will try to “look more up, I guess.” She explained that she often looks down in
    church as well, but she is listening. The juror confirmed that she did “understand
    this is important” and that those involved in the trial “don’t want to have to redo it
    all over again . . . .” Defense counsel was allowed to call the bailiff to testify about
    his conversation with other jurors on the issue. He testified that three jurors told
    him that the juror was sleeping.
    Ryser later moved to have the juror dismissed. That motion was denied.
    Ryser moved for a mistrial, which also was denied. Ryser did not move for a
    mistrial again over the course of the week-long trial.
    A.    Standard of review
    We review a trial court’s denial of a motion for mistrial for an abuse of
    Ladd, 3 S.W.3d at 567
    . A mistrial is an appropriate remedy in “extreme
    circumstances” for a narrow class of highly prejudicial and incurable errors. Ocon
    v. State, 
    284 S.W.3d 880
    , 884 (Tex. Crim. App. 2009). Whether an error requires a
    mistrial must be determined by the particular facts of the case. 
    Ladd, 3 S.W.3d at 37
    567. The movant has the burden of proving the allegation of juror misconduct. See
    Hughes v. State, 
    24 S.W.3d 833
    , 842 (Tex. Crim. App. 2000). “The trial court
    should consider whether ‘the sleeping juror missed large portions of the trial or
    [whether] the portions missed were particularly critical.” Menard v. State, 
    193 S.W.3d 55
    , 60 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 2006, pet. ref’d) (quoting United
    States v. Freitag, 
    230 F.3d 1019
    , 1023 (7th Cir. 2000)). “However, a court is not
    invariably required to remove sleeping jurors, and a court has considerable
    discretion in deciding how to handle a sleeping juror.” 
    Id. (quoting Freitag,
    F.3d at 1023).
    An appellate court views the evidence in the light most favorable to the trial
    court’s ruling. Webb v. State, 
    232 S.W.3d 109
    , 112 (Tex. Crim. App. 2007). The
    ruling must be upheld if it was within the zone of reasonable disagreement. 
    Id. When reviewing
    the denial of a motion for mistrial, determinations of historical
    fact and assessments of witness credibility are left almost entirely to the discretion
    of the trial judge; when there is conflicting evidence, there is no abuse of discretion
    if the motion is overruled. 
    Hughes, 24 S.W.3d at 842
    B.    The trial court did not abuse its discretion
    The juror expressly denied, on the record, that she had been sleeping.
    She explained that she lowers her head often but that she is continuing to listen and
    pay attention. She confirmed that she understood the importance of the proceeding
    and that she would, if needed, raise her head more often. The trial judge found the
    juror’s testimony credible, explaining:
    I talked to the juror and the juror has assured me she’s paying
    attention. That’s the way she pays attention in church as well. She said
    although she does tend to put her head down, but it doesn’t mean
    she’s sleeping. She’s paying attention. She gave her assurance to me.
    The trial judge was in the courtroom; he could observe the juror’s behavior
    and determine her credibility. We hold that the trial court was within its discretion
    to believe the juror’s testimony and, therefore, did not abuse its discretion by
    denying the motion for mistrial on this basis. See 
    Hughes, 24 S.W.3d at 842
    We overrule Ryser’s third issue.
    Denial of Motion for New Trial
    In his fourth issue, Ryser contends that the trial court erred by denying his
    motion for new trial. He moved for a new trial based on the allegation that one of
    the jurors engaged in misconduct by allowing an outside influence to alter jury
    deliberations. Specifically he contended that a juror looked up the term
    “mistreatment” in the dictionary before the second day of jury deliberations began
    and shared that definition with other jurors as they deliberated. He also contended
    that the same juror reassured the other jurors that Ryser had a new job, had moved
    on with his life, and would, in effect, “bounce back.”
    The affidavits of four of the jurors, including the one who looked up the
    term “mistreatment,” were submitted to the trial court. One of the jurors averred
    that the definition of “mistreatment” that was brought into the jury room included
    the terms “roughly” and “wrongly.” The juror who looked up the term admitted in
    his affidavit that he wrote down some definitions of “mistreatment” from a
    Webster’s Dictionary and shared them with the other jurors. The two other juror
    affidavits confirm that this occurred. Following a hearing on the motion, the trial
    court denied Ryser’s motion for new trial. Ryser asserts on appeal that the trial
    court erred in denying his new-trial motion based on his contention that a juror
    presented a definition of misconduct to the jurors during jury deliberation. 4
    A.     Standard of review
    To warrant a new trial based on jury misconduct, the movant must establish
    not only that jury misconduct occurred, but also that it was material and probably
    caused injury. Bogue v. State, 
    204 S.W.3d 828
    , 829 (Tex. App.—Texarkana 2006,
    pet. ref’d).
    The trial court’s denial of a motion for new trial is reviewed under an abuse
    of discretion standard. McQuarrie v. State, 
    380 S.W.3d 145
    , 150 (Tex. Crim. App.
    All other allegations of misconduct were contested, including that one of the jurors
    said Ryser had moved on with his life. The trial court does not abuse its discretion
    in denying a motion for new trial based on allegations that are disputed where the
    resolution of the new-trial motion requires consideration of witness credibility.
    Thomas v. State, 
    699 S.W.2d 845
    , 854 (Tex. Crim. App. 1985) (“Where there is
    conflicting evidence on an issue of fact as to jury misconduct the trial judge
    determines the issue and there is no abuse of discretion in overruling the motion
    for new trial.”).
    Salazar, 38 S.W.3d at 148
    . We do not substitute our judgment for that of
    the trial court, but simply determine whether the trial court’s decision was arbitrary
    or unreasonable. See 
    Salazar, 38 S.W.3d at 148
    ; Holden v. State, 
    201 S.W.3d 761
    763 (Tex. Crim. App. 2006). The trial court is the sole judge of the credibility of
    Salazar, 38 S.W.3d at 148
    . “Where there is conflicting evidence on an
    issue of fact as to jury misconduct, the trial judge determines the issue and there is
    no abuse of discretion in overruling the motion for new trial.” 
    Id. A trial
    abuses its discretion in denying a motion for new trial only if no reasonable view
    of the record could support the trial court’s ruling. 
    McQuarrie, 380 S.W.3d at 150
    Holden, 201 S.W.3d at 763
    B.    Outside influence
    With regard to an allegation of juror misconduct, Rule 606(b) allows a juror
    to testify on whether “any outside influence was improperly brought to bear upon
    any juror.” TEX. R. EVID. 606(b). However, a juror may not testify as to any matter
    or statement occurring during the jury’s deliberations, the effect the matter had on
    any juror’s mind or mental process, or how the matter influenced the juror’s
    decision-making.5 See 
    McQuarrie, 380 S.W.3d at 153
    –54. Thus, when testifying
    The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals explained this prohibition against “delving
    into deliberations” as an effort to keep jury deliberations “private to encourage
    jurors to candidly discuss the law and the facts.” 
    McQuarrie, 380 S.W.3d at 154
    Further, the effect of Rule 606 is to “limit ‘the role jurors may play in attacking
    about outside influences, a juror’s testimony will be limited to “that which occurs
    outside of the jury room and outside of the juror’s personal knowledge and
    experience,” meaning information that “originates from sources other than the
    jurors themselves.” See 
    id. at 151,
    153 (quoting Golden Eagle Archery, Inc. v.
    24 S.W.3d 362
    , 370 (Tex. 2000)).
    Until 2012, the prevailing view in Texas was that the phrase “outside
    influence” did not include “anything that is communicated to the jury by one of the
    jurors, regardless of the origin of that information.” See 
    McQuarrie, 380 S.W.3d at 151
    . Under this view, Rule 606 would prevent a juror from testifying that another
    juror injected outside information if that information was communicated to the
    jurors by one of their own. See 
    id. But the
    Texas Court of Criminal Appeals altered
    this view with its holding in 
    McQuarrie, 380 S.W.3d at 154
    In McQuarrie, a defendant who had been convicted of sexual assault moved
    for a new trial based on juror misconduct. See 
    id. at 148–49.
    The defendant alleged
    that one of the jurors had done independent research on the effects of date rape
    drugs. See 
    id. at 148.
    After the trial court denied the defendant’s motion for new
    trial, the court of appeals affirmed, holding that the information was not an outside
    influence because it was introduced to the jurors by another juror. McQuarrie v.
    the validity of a verdict.’” Colyer v. State, 
    428 S.W.3d 117
    , 123–24 (Tex. Crim.
    App. 2014).
    State, No. 13-09-00233-CR, 
    2011 WL 1442335
    , at *6 (Tex. App.—Corpus Christi
    2011) (mem. op., no designated for publication), rev’d, 
    380 S.W.3d 145
    Crim. App. 2012).
    The Court of Criminal Appeals held that the definition of an “outside
    influence” used by the court of appeals was overly narrow, undermined Rule
    606(b)’s stated exception allowing jurors to testify about outside influences that are
    improperly brought to bear, and could lead to absurd results. 
    McQuarrie, 380 S.W.3d at 151
    –52. The Court emphasized that juries are only to “use the law, the
    evidence, and the trial court’s mandates as [its] ultimate guides in arriving at
    decisions as to guilt or innocence and as to punishment.” 
    Id. at 153
    Granados v. State, 
    85 S.W.3d 217
    , 235 (Tex. Crim. App. 2002)).
    Using the “plain-meaning interpretation” of the term “outside influence,” the
    Court held that research on the effects of date rape drugs in a sexual assault trial
    was an outside influence:
    The internet research occurred outside of the jury room and outside of
    deliberations—the juror conducted a private investigation at her home
    during an overnight break. In addition, the information obtained
    originated from a source on the internet, a source other than the jurors
    themselves. The internet research constituted an “outside influence.”
    Id. at 154.
    Here, the juror admitted that he consulted “Webster’s Dictionary,” obtained
    definitions of a term contained in the jury charge from that dictionary, and shared
    that information with the jury during deliberations. We conclude that the
    definitions were an “outside influence,” as that term is now understood in light of
    C.    Harm analysis
    Outside influences do not result in automatic reversals. “An ‘outside
    influence’ is problematic only if it has the effect of improperly affecting a juror’s
    verdict in a particular manner—for or against a particular party.” 
    Colyer, 428 S.W.3d at 129
    . Consistent with the mandate that we not “delve into [jury]
    deliberations,” we review the possible harm caused by the outside influence using
    an objective, “hypothetical average juror” standard, without consideration of the
    actual effect that the influence had on these particular jurors. 
    McQuarrie, 380 S.W.3d at 153
    Thus, the question before us is whether—given that the juror consulted a
    dictionary to obtain definitions of the term “mistreatment” and then shared those
    definitions with the deliberating jury the next day—there is a “reasonable
    possibility that it had a prejudicial effect” by impacting the verdict, which we
    answer using the objective standard of a hypothetical average juror. 
    Id. at 154.
    Until recently, Texas courts have not reached the point of analyzing harm in
    connection with a juror’s reference to a dictionary because, until McQuarrie, doing
    so was not considered an “outside influence.” Many other jurisdictions, though,
    have long held that referring to a reference book is an outside influence and, thus,
    have analyzed when doing so can be considered prejudicial. See, generally, Jean E.
    Maess, Annotation, Prejudicial Effect of Jury’s Procurement or Use of Book
    During Deliberation in Criminal Cases, 35 A.L.R.4TH 626 (1985) (accumulating
    cases from many jurisdictions on issue). Courts distinguish between a jury’s use of
    standard dictionaries and more specialized references such as legal dictionaries or
    law books in determining whether a defendant is prejudiced by the use of outside
    reference materials. See 
    id. This is
    because the danger in a juror’s use of a
    reference book is that the jury will use it “to construct their own definitions of
    legal terms which do not accurately or fairly reflect applicable law.” United States
    v. Birges, 
    723 F.2d 666
    , 671 (9th Cir. 1984) (emphasis added). But that danger is
    greatly reduced when the word is one taken as a matter of common knowledge
    which the jury is supposed to possess. State v. Cummings, 
    576 P.2d 36
    , 37–38 (Or.
    Ct. App. 1978).
    Thus, when a juror refers to a dictionary and encounters a “fairly innocuous”
    definition that neither conflicts with the legal concepts included in the jury
    instructions nor contradicts any other aspect of the jury charge, courts have
    generally found the jury misconduct to be harmless. See, e.g., State v. Tinius, 
    527 N.W.2d 414
    , 417 (Iowa Ct. App. 1994) (stating that dictionary definition “was
    fairly innocuous”); State v. Melton, 
    692 P.2d 45
    , 49 (N.M. Ct. App. 1984) (noting
    that definitions of words “control,” “keep,” and “possess” that juror found in
    dictionary “did not vary from the usual ordinary meaning of those words, or from
    the meaning contained in the trial court’s instructions.”).
    In cases in which a juror looked up a legal term and the dictionary definition
    did conflict with the jury charge, prejudice has more readily been found. See, e.g.,
    Alvarez v. People, 
    653 P.2d 1127
    , 1130–31 (Colo. 1982) (where juror looked up
    terms “reasonable,” “imaginary,” and “vague,” to evaluate whether State met
    burden of “beyond reasonable doubt,” court found jury misconduct was
    prejudicial); Marino v. Vasquez, 
    812 F.2d 499
    , 502, 505 (9th Cir. 1987) (definition
    of “malice” found in dictionary, defined as “active or vindictive ill-will,” differed
    greatly from definition of malice included in court’s charge, could have resulted in
    guilty verdict based on “ill-will alone,” and was prejudicial).
    Ryser was charged with official oppression, which was defined for the jury
    as follows:
    Our law provides that a public servant acting under color of his
    office or employment commits the offense of official
    oppression if he intentionally subjects another to mistreatment
    that he knows is unlawful.
    That language is consistent with the language in the statute criminalizing official
    misconduct. TEX. PENAL CODE ANN. § 39.03(a). The statute does not define the
    term “mistreatment,” and neither did the jury charge. Thus, the jury was to use the
    ordinary meaning of the term—not a special legal definition—and that definition
    was found in the dictionary used by the juror.
    “When words are not specially defined by the Legislature, they are to be
    understood as ordinary usage allows, and jurors may freely read the statutory
    language to have any meaning which is acceptable in common speech.” Teer v.
    923 S.W.2d 11
    , 19 (Tex. Crim. App. 1996); see TEX. CODE CRIM. PROC.
    ANN. art. 3.01 (West 2005) (“All words, phrases and terms used in this Code are to
    be taken and understood in their usual acceptation in common language, except
    where specially defined.”); TEX. GOV’T CODE ANN. § 311.011(a) (West 2013)
    (“Words and phrases shall be read in context and construed according to the rules
    of grammar and common usage.”).
    Instead of a definition, the jury charge provided four variations of
    mistreatment for the jury to consider. The charge asked whether the jury found
    from the evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Ryser subjected Holley to
    “mistreatment that the defendant knew was unlawful” by (1) “kneeing Holley,”
    (2) “striking Holley with his hands,” (3) “pushing Holley’s head with his hands,”
    or (4) “kicking Holley with his foot.”
    The juror referenced a general-use dictionary and found the term
    “mistreatment” defined as acting “roughly” or “wrongly.” That definition was
    compatible with the commonly understood meaning of the word and did not
    conflict with the trial court’s instructions. Even if a hypothetical average juror
    would have applied the dictionary definitions to read “mistreatment” as “wrongly
    [or] roughly,” the jury charge still required that the juror find that the State proved,
    beyond a reasonable doubt, that Ryser kneed, struck, pushed, or kicked Holley, that
    that action was unlawful, and that Ryser intentionally engaged in such conduct. By
    requiring that Ryser acted intentionally and that he knew his conduct was unlawful,
    the jury charge placed additional requirements for conviction beyond a mere
    conclusion that Ryser acted “wrongly [or] roughly.” Given these other required
    elements of the offense, Ryser has not demonstrated how application of these
    dictionary definitions was harmful.
    Regarding the trial court’s denial of Ryser’s new-trial motion, we will
    conclude that the trial court abused its discretion in denying a new trial only if no
    reasonable view of the record could support the trial court’s ruling. 
    McQuarrie, 380 S.W.3d at 150
    Holden, 201 S.W.3d at 763
    . Ryser has not met that burden
    here. He has failed to show how reference to the dictionary prejudiced him. To the
    extent it did at all, it was within the zone of reasonable disagreement and,
    therefore, within the trial court’s discretion to deny the new trial. See 
    McQuarrie, 380 S.W.3d at 150
    Accordingly, we overrule Ryser’s fourth issue.
    Cumulative Error
    In his sixth and final issue, Ryser contends that the combination of errors
    that occurred in his trial resulted in cumulative error that denied him due process.
    Because we have concluded that there was no error, there can be no cumulative
    error or harm. See Chamberlain v. State, 
    998 S.W.2d 230
    , 238 (Tex. Crim. App.
    1999) (“It is conceivable that a number of errors may be found harmful in their
    cumulative effect. But, we are aware of no authority holding that non-errors may in
    their cumulative effect cause error.”).
    We overrule issue six.
    Having overruled all six of Ryser’s issues, we affirm the judgment of the
    trial court.
    Harvey Brown
    Panel consists of Justices Massengale, Brown, and Huddle.
    Publish. TEX. R. APP. P. 47.2(b).