Mitchel, Eric v. ( 2017 )

  •                                                                                         h
    Court No. 2
    TO:               Tim Curry Criminal Justice Center
    Tarrant County District Clerk's Office
    401 West Belknap Street
    Fort Worth, Texas 76196
    FROM:             EricV. Mitchel
    2123 Windcastle Drive
    Mansfield, Texas 76063
    RE:               Cause No. 1387867-1
    DATE:             November 13,2017
    Dear Clerk:
    Enclosed please find Petitioner's Inquest Order (attachments-8) please file thiswith the2"* District Court
    Judge and bring this o his/her attention.
    Please file this in your usual manner, and allow me to know of any ruling upon this inquest at my address
    listed above.
    Thank you for your assistance in this manner.
    Eric V. Mitchel
    UCC-1-308 Without Prejudice
    DEC      0 2017
    Deana Williamson, Clerk
    CAUSE NO 1387867-1
    ERIC V. MITCHEL, PETIONER                                    IN THE 2" DISTRICT
    VS                                             COURT OF
    STATE OF TEXAS                                               TARRANT COUNTY TEXAS
    Now comes Eric V. Mitchel, Petitioner pursuant to Texas Code of Criminal Procedure presenting his motion
    request to the court for Inquiry pursuant to Government Code §§S2.028(b) does not prohibit a governmental
    body from disclosing to an individual described by subsection [a] [1] or that individual's agent In this section
    [c] correctional facility means: [1] a secure correctional facility, as defined by section 1.07, penal code, [2] a
    secure correctional fiacllity and a secure detention facility as defined by section 51.02 family code; and [3] a
    place designated by the law of this state, another states or the federal government for the confinement of a
    person arrested for, charged with, or convicted ofa criminal offense.
    The requested documents are essential to the litigation of Petitioner's constitutional claims and the
    preservation of his constitutional rights under the Amendments to the Constitutional of the United States of
    America. Further, Petitioner is entitled to the requested documents under Texas Public Information Act.
    Michael Morton Act, Access to Court and the Interest of Justice. In support of his motion and for good cause.
    Petitioner will show the court as follows: [1]
    On November13,2017, Petitioner sent a "Letter of Inquiry" to the District Attom^'s office for Tarrant
    County Texas, requesting certified copies ofany contract(s) upon which the state relyin the presumption
    that the Petitioner ever waived his unalienable rights and agreed with Full Disclosureand knowledge that
    Petitioner ever agreed to be treated as a colorable person under military rule. Certified copiesof the
    instrument(s) upon which the state rely in STATE OF TEXAS prosecutionof Petitioner. (SeeAttachment)
    The District Attoniey responded on August 25,2017 in a short memo."In response to your request, please be
    advised that the TEXAS PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT does not require a governmental body (le. Tarrant
    county Criminal district Attorney's office) to comply with a requ^ for information form:"
    •    An individual who is imprisoned or confined in a correctional facility: or,
    •    An agent of that individual, other than the indhlduars attorney - when
    the attorney is seeking information that Is subject to disclosure under
    Chapter 552 of the TEAS GOVERNMENT CODE, SEE TEX.GOVT.
    CODE § 552.028(A) (VERNON 2016) OF THE ACT. (See attachment)
    Established the fact that Petitioner Is incarcerated at the O. L. Lutiier Unit (TJ>.CJ.) and this violation of the
    4"* and 14"* Amendment of theConstitution of the United States. Petitioner has never been provided with the
    certified copy of the instruments upon which the state rely in STATE OF TEXAS prosecution of the
    WHEREFORE PREMISES CONSIDERED, PETITIONER prays that this court consider this motion for
    inquiry and upon the facts listed therein grant him the documents that are needed.
    I hereby certified that on November 13,2017, that a true copy of the foregoing Motion for Inquiry was mailed
    out postage prepaid first class addressed to:
    Tarrant County District Clerk's Office
    401 West Belknap Street
    Fort Worth, Texas 76196
    Eric V. Mitchel - Petitioner
    UCC-1-308 Without Prejudice.
    Foot Notes
    Rodriques v.Ray Donavan (U.S. Department ofLabor) 769 f. 2s 1344,1348
    (1985) "All codes, rules andregulations are forgovernment anthorities only,
    not human/creators in accordance with God's laws. All codes, rules and
    regulations are unconstitutional andlacking dueprocess..."
    PEOPLE - are supreme, notthestate. (Waring v. theMayor ofSavanah);
    Thestatecannotdiminish rights ofthe people. Hertado v.California, 110
    The right to beletalone isthemost comprehensive ofrights andthe rightmost
    valued bycivilized men. Toprotest that right, every unjustifiable intrusion by
    the government upon theprivacy oftheindividual whatever the means employed,
    must be deemed a violation of the Fourth Amendment "[Olmstead v. U.S..277
    U.S. 438,478 (1928)].
    use 18§ 241 - CONSPIRACY AGAINST RIGHTS: If two or more persons
    conspire to injure, threaten, or intimidate any person inany state inthe free
    exercise or enjoyment ofany rights they shall befined under this title or imprison
    ed not more than ten years or both.
    under color ofany law, statue, ordinance) regulation, or custom, willfully subjecte
    any person inany STATE to be deprivation ofany rights shall befined under this
    title or imprisonednot more than one year, or both.
    use 18 §2076 - CLERK IS TO FILE: whoever, being a clerk wiUfulIy refuses
    or neglects tomake orforward any report, certificate, statement, ordocument
    as required by law, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one
    year, or both.
    use 42 §1983 - CIVIL ACTION FOR DEPRIVATION OF RIGHTS: Every person
    who, under color ofany statue, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, ofany state
    subjects, orcauses to be subjected, any person withm the jurisdiction thereof to the
    deprivation of any rights, privileges, orimmunities secured by the Constitution and
    laws, shallbe liable to the party injuredin an action at law.
    or more persons inany state or territory conspire for the purpose ofdepriving,
    either directly or indirectly, any person's rights, the party so injured ordeprived,
    may have anaction for the recovery ofdamages against any one or more ofthe
    "Where rights secured by the constitution are involved, there can be no rule making
    orlegislation which would abrogate them." [Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S..436,491]
    Consent To INDICT - The Fifth AmendmentStates: "No person shall be held to
    answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentmejrt of
    indictment of a Grand Jury..."
    UnderU.S. code 42and 18, when youare detained, without yourconsent, for violating
    a statue, youhave just been kidnapped and if the judgesetsa bail,he just set a ransom
    and when theprosecutor confirms thecharges, he becomes part oftheconspiracy and
    can put the conspirators in jail and sue them for damages.
    ATTACHMENTS-8 vases
    United States ofAmerica
    TO:             District Clerk/Criminal District Attorney
    RE;             STATE ofTEXAS v. Eric V. Mitchel,District Court #2,
    CASE No. 1387867-1
    Dear District Clerk/CriminalDistrict Attorney Sharen Wilson:
    Please provide the foUowmg information pursuant to Eric V. Mitchel's, hereafter Aggrieved Party, right to redress
    of grievance as stipulated in the Constitution for the United States of America. This request is further made
    pursuant to Title 42 U.S.A. §1986, §1985, §1983, and Title 18 U.S.C. §1621 as it applies to Oath of Office of
    each Officer of Oath/Affirmation who comes to know ofthis request.
    Please provide certified copies of the instrument (s) upon which you rely in State of Texas prosecution of
    Aggrieved Party.
    Please provide certified copies of the instrument(s) upon which you rely in your presumption that Aggrieved
    Party ever waived his unalienable rights, and agreed with fuU disclosure and knowledge that Aggrieved Party ever
    agreed to be treated as a colorable person under military rule of District of Columbia(s) corporate franchise
    You are hereby granted 10 days from August 21, 2017, plus three days for maUing to provide the document(s)
    identified aboye.
    NOTICE: Any response tothis inquiry must be sent toAggrieved Party as follows:
    Eric Mitchel
    c/o Erma Mitchel
    2123 Windcastle Drive
    Mansfield, Texas 76063
    "Silence can only be equated with Fraud where there is a legal and moral duty to speak where an inquiry left
    unanswered would be intentionally misleading." U.S. v Tweel, 
    550 F. 2d
    .297-300 (1977).
    Your failure to provide the documentation requested herein above shall be prima f^ie evidence by tacit
    agreement that no such authority ordocumentation exists, and that the Criminal Distnct Court ofTarrant County,
    Court No. 2, Case #1387867-1 is a 'Traud," void ab initio. That theongoing imprisonment of Aggrieved Party,
    Eric V. Mitchel iswithout authority oflaw, and any and all damages caused Aggneved Party, Eric V. Mitchel, by
    the "STATE OF TEXAS" corporation's fraudulent seizure and imprisonment ofAggrieved Party are due and pay
    Executed this 18th day ofAugust, 2017.
    Eric V. Mitchel,
    Aggrieved Party
    August 18,2017
    Please find enclosed selfstamped address envelope and second letter to be return with stamp ofreceipt.
    Thanking you in advance.
    DATE:           August 25, 2017
    TO:             Eric Mitchei
    c/o Erma Mitchei
    2123 Windcastle Drive
    ^.aflansfieid,-jX-7S8S3:". .
    ViA i^EGULAi^ MAIl
    FROI^:          lyiark Kratovil, Assistant Criminal District Attorney
    Criminal District Attorney's Office - Civil Division
    (817) 884-1233; (817) 884-1675 - Facsimile
    RE:             Your Public Information Request
    This memo is writtento inform you that we are in receipt ofyour publicinformation request directed
    to the Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney's Office. In response to your request, please be
    advised that the Texas Pubuc Information Act does not require a governmental body [i.e.
    Tan^nt County Criminal District Attorney's Office] to comply with a requestfor information from:
    "     an individual who is imprisoned or confined in a correctional facility: or,
    •     an agent of that individual, other than the Individual's attorney - when the attorney
    is seeking information that is subject to disclosure under Chapter 552 of the Texas
    Government Code.
    See Tex. GovTCode §552.028(a) (Vernon 2016) of the ACT.
    XS. ??wT rOA 3/
    Criminal District Attorney                          PH S L
    'M illSI                                5?c.40'
    ••;ooii«9i:9i5AU!:;' "s -O'i'
    Tarrant County
    401 WestBelknap
    Fort Worth, Texas 76196
    c/o Erma Mitchol
    2123 Windcastl^' Dnve
    Wiansfieid, TX 7^63
    3^   CiHH-
    DATE:          August 28, 2017
    TO:            EricMitchel
    c/o Erma Mitchel
    2123 Windcastle Drive
    Mansfield, TX 76063
    FROM:          Mark Kratovil, Assistant Criminal District Attorney
    Criminal District Attorney's Office - Civil Division
    (817) 884-1233; (817) 884-1675~ Facsimile
    RE:            Your Public Information Request
    This memo is writtento infonm you that we are in receipt ofyour publicinfomiation request directed
    to the Tanrant County District Cleric's Office. In response to your request, please be advised that
    the Texas Public Information Act does not require a governmental body [i.e. Tarrant County
    Criminal District Attorney's Office] to comply with a request for information from:
    •   an individual who is imprisoned or confined in a conrectional facility; or,
    •   an agent of that Individual, other than the individual's attorney - when the attorney
    Isseeking information that is subjectto disclosure under Chapter552 ofthe Texas
    See Tex.
    SHAKEN WILSON               Xi; Pi=?S7 FCH B,
    Criminal DistrictAttorney                       .©SSEP^ T17     II      I'n             ' " i        I'   ITi   '   li'l3
    Tarrant County                             W31           lii                                                       B
    401 West Belknap                                         *11
    ill w'
    i- '                  i"
    Fort Worth, Texas 76196                                                        isim            T
    n       /
    Eric ilflitchel
    do Erma S^itohel
    2123 Windcastle Drive
    Mansfield, TX 76063
    DATE:             October 2,2017
    TO:               Mark Kratovil, Assistant Criminal District Attorney
    Criminal District Attorney's Office - Civil Division
    FROM:             ERICV.MrrCHEL
    c/o Erma Mitchel
    2123 Windcastle Drive
    Mansfield, TX 76063
    RE:               My Public Information Request
    STATE of TEXAS v ERIC V. MITCHEL, District Court m
    CASE No. 1381867-1
    I received the corr^pondence dated August 28,2017, which is in r^ponse to my Letter of Inquiry
    dated August 18,2017. Your letter (response) quotes Vemon's Texas Code Annotated §552.028 (a)
    (1) and (2). Upon further examination into §552.028 section (b), it states:
    "This section dora not prohibit a governmental body from disclosing to
    an individual described by Subsection (a) (1), or that individual's
    agent, information held by the government body pertaining to that
    Therefore, by the wording of Subsection (b) it clearlystates that the governmental body can release
    information, including public information, to the individual listed in (a) (1) being an inmate
    incarcerated as long as it pertains to that individual. Allthe information requested in the "Letter
    of Inquiiy" pertains to ERIC V. MITCHEL (the accused). So, I request that this information be
    fakfln into consideration, and the "Letter of Inquiry" be carried out and any and all information
    requested in the "Letter of Inquiry" be provided.
    Again, thanking yon in advance,
    eric V. mitchel
    UCC 1-308 Without Prejudice
    Court No. 2
    TO:               Tim Curry Criminal Justice Center
    Tarrant County District Clerk's Office
    401 West Belknap Street
    Fort Worth, Texas 76196
    FROM:             EricV.Mitchel
    2123 Windcastle Drive
    Mansfield, Texas 76063
    RE:               Cause No. 1387867-1
    DATE:             December 17,2017
    Dear Clerk:
    Enclosed please find Petitioner's WRIT OF MANDAMUS and second copies of Inquest Order (attachments-
    12) and cover letter. Please file thiswith the2'"* District CourtJudge and bring thisto his/her attention.
    Please file this in your usual manner, and allow me to know of any ruling upon this inquest at my address
    listed above.
    Thank you for your assistance in this manner.
    Eric V. Mitchel
    UCC-1-308 Without Prejudice
    DEC 20 2017
    Deana Williamson, Clerk
    Cause No. 1387867-1
    IN Re                                       §                            IN THE TEXAS COURT
    §                                      OF
    ERIC V. MITCHEL                             §                            CRIMINAL APPEALS
    Comes now, Eric V. Mitchel, relator in the above numbered cause. Pursuant to this court's original
    jurisdiction, Relator prose submits this Motion For Leave To File an Application Writ of
    Mandamus, and in support of this motion relator wUl show the court the following:
    Generally, Mandamus Reliefis available if the trial court violates a duty imposed by law or clearly
    abuses its discretion, either in resolving factual issues or in determining legal issues, when there is
    no adequate remedy at law. Citing In re Moreno, 4 S.W-3d 278 (Tex. App. Houston [14*'' Dist.]
    At trial Court abuses its discretion, and Mandamus may thus issue, when it does not follow guiding
    rules and principles and reaches an arbitrary and unreasonable decision. In re Nestle USA-
    Beverage Div.. Inc.. 
    82 S.W.3d 767
    (Tex. App. - Corpus Christi 2002).
    A trial Court abuses its discretion, and Mandamus may thus issue, in the following ways: (1) when
    it attempts to exercise a powerthat it does not legally possess. (2) if it declines to exercise a powerof
    discretion vested in it by law when the circumstances require that the power be exercised. (3) if it
    purports to exercise its discretion without sufBcient information upon which a rational decision
    may be made, and (4) If it exercises its power of discretion by making an erroneous choice as a
    matter of law in the following way (i) by making a choice that is not within the range of choices
    permitted by law, (ii) by arriving at its choice in violation of an applicable legal rule, principle, or
    criterion, or (iii) by making a choice that is legally unreasonable in the factual-legal context in
    which it is made. In re Nestle USA - Beverage Div.. Inc. 
    82 S.W.3d 767
    (Tex. App. - Corpus Christi
    2002); Tn re Gncrra. 
    235 S.W.3d 392
    (Tex. App. —Corpus Christi 2007).
    Mandamus issues only to correct a clear abuse of discretion or a violation of a duty imposed by law
    when there is no other adequate remedy; In re Guerra. 
    235 S.W.3d 392
    (Tex. App. - Corpus
    Christi 2007).
    On August 18, 2017, Relator sent a letter of Inquiry to the District Attorney's office for Tarrant
    County Texas, Requesting Certified copies of any contract upon which the state rely in the
    presumption that the Relator ever waived his unalienable Rights and agreed with Full Disclosure
    and knowledge that Relator ever agreed to be treated as a colorable person under military rule.
    Certified copies of the instrument (s) upon which the state rely in State Of Texas prosecution of
    See (EXHIBIT -A, Letter of Inquiry attached).
    On August 25, 2017, The District Attorney responded in a short memo which did not satisfy
    Relator's request See (EXHIBIT - B, Respondent's Rely attached).
    Relator states that on November 13, 2017, that he sent a packet with all information that was
    possessed through this Letter of Inquiry to the Court to consider and bring forward said
    information listed in the Letter of Inquiry. See (EXHIBIT - C, copies of all information sent to
    court, the 2"^ District Court of Tarrant CountyTexas).
    Relator contends that since the trial court took no action and basicaUy ignored the Letter of
    Inquiry and took no actions on the production of the documents that is being requested, that
    Relator has no other adequate Remedy at law, and the Request is indisputable.
    To obtain Mandamus Reliefwith respect to judicial conduct, a Relator must show (1) a clear right
    to relief usually when a judicial conduct in question violates a ministerial duty, and (2) noadequate
    remedy at law to redress thealleged harm. State ExRel. Rodriguez v.Marquez. 
    4 S.W.3d 227
    Crim. Add. 1999).
    To be eligible for Mandamus Relief to compel the performance of a ministerial act, the Relator
    must have a clear and indisputable legal right to the relief sought, such that its merits are beyond
    dispute, and thus, the law must clearly spell out the duly to be performed with such certainty that
    that nothing is leftto the exercise of discretion ofjudgment. Relator has a clear right to the Relief
    sought. Hill v. Court of Appeals for FifthDist., 
    34 S.W.3d 924
    (Tex. Crim.App. 2001).
    WHEREFORE PREMISES CONSIDERED, Relator prays that this Texas Court of Criminal
    Appeals grant this Writ of Mandamus and grant him the relief that is requested and any other
    relief that the Court deems necessary and just.
    Respectfully Submitted,
    Eric V. Mitchel - Relator
    UCC 1-308 Without Prejudice
    I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the above and forgoing Motion for Leave to File An
    Application, Writ of Mandamus has been forwarded by United States Mail, postage prepaid to;
    Tim Curry Criminal Justice Center, The 2°'' District Court Judge, 401 West Belknap Street, Fort
    Worth, Texas 76196 [Tarrant County], Criminal District Attorney, Tarrant County 401 West
    Belknap, Fort Worth, Texas 76196 [Tarrant County] and Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, P. O.
    Box 12308, Austin, Texas 78711-2308

Document Info

Docket Number: WR-87,839-01

Filed Date: 12/20/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/25/2017