Orlando Salinas v. State , 426 S.W.3d 318 ( 2014 )

  • Appellant’s En Banc Rehearing Denied; Majority Opinion and Concurring
    and Dissenting Opinion of December 5, 2013, Withdrawn; Affirmed and
    Substitute Majority Opinion and Substitute Concurring and Dissenting
    Opinion filed March 6, 2014.
    In The
    Fourteenth Court of Appeals
    NO. 14-12-00378-CR
    ORLANDO SALINAS, Appellant
    THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee
    On Appeal from the 228th District Court
    Harris County, Texas
    Trial Court Cause No. 1313253
    I concur with the majority as to the resolution of appellant’s first two issues.
    However, I would find section 133.102(a)(1) of the Texas Local Government Code
    to be unconstitutional on its face. Specifically, I would find that none of the funds
    mentioned in the statute meet the Carson test, despite appellant’s attempted
    concession on appeal, and the court costs cannot be reallocated. Because the
    majority holds otherwise, I respectfully dissent.
    Consolidated Court Cost
    In addition to the numerous assessments associated with the actual cost of a
    convicted person’s trial; see, e.g., Texas Code of Criminal Procedure sections
    102.001-102.022 and Texas Government Code section 102.021; the Texas
    Legislature has, in section 133.102(e), assessed a “sin tax”—a standard fee to be
    paid by all convicted criminals. This fee, denominated as a “court cost,” applies
    regardless of any costs actually expended in the trial. The statute requires the
    consolidated cost to be allocated according to the percentages provided in the
    statute. Tex. Loc. Gov’t Code § 133.102(c).1 Appellant contends that the trial
    court’s assessment of a “consolidated court cost” against him violated the
    The version of the statute relevant to this case listed the recipient funds and their
    required allocation percentages as follows:
    (1)    abused children’s counseling                               0.0088 percent;
    (2)    crime stoppers assistance                                  0.2581 percent;
    (3)    breath alcohol testing                                     0.5507 percent;
    (4)    Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute        2.1683 percent;
    (5)    law enforcement officers standards and education           5.0034 percent;
    (6)    comprehensive rehabilitation                               9.8218 percent;
    (7)    operator’s and chauffeur’s license                         11.1426 percent;
    (8)    criminal justice planning                                  12.5537 percent;
    (9)    an account in the state treasury to be used only for the
    establishment and operation of the Center for the Study
    and Prevention of Juvenile Crime and Delinquency at
    Prairie View A&M University                                1.2090 percent;
    (10)   compensation to victims of crime fund                      37.6338 percent;
    (11)   emergency radio infrastructure account                     5.5904 percent;
    (12)   judicial and court personnel training fund                 4.8362 percent;
    (13)   an account in the state treasury to be used for the
    Establishment and operation of the Correctional
    Management Institute of Texas and Criminal Justice
    Center Account                                             1.2090 percent;
    (14)   fair defense account                                       8.0143 percent.
    separation of powers clause of the Texas Constitution. Tex. Const. art. II, § 1.
    Appellant further contends resolution of this case is governed by the Court of
    Criminal Appeals opinion in Ex parte Carson, 
    143 Tex. Crim. 498
    159 S.W.2d 126
    (1942). I agree. The majority suggests that Carson “cannot bear the weight”
    of appellant’s argument, see ante p. 12; however, I believe that Carson, though
    imperfect, is binding precedent on this court. Cf. Reed v. Buck, 
    370 S.W.2d 867
    870-871 (Tex. 1963) (explaining that because certain cases had “not been cited in
    recent years[, the lower court] was of the opinion that these ancient cases, like old
    soldiers, had just faded away. [But these] are decisions of this Court and unless
    there is some good reason for overruling them, they should not be disregarded.”).
    The fee which the Carson Court held unconstitutional, as neither necessary
    nor incidental to the trial, was a $1 library fee to be collected in certain counties
    expressly for the creation and maintenance of law libraries in those counties to be
    made available for judges and 
    attorneys. 159 S.W.2d at 127
    . In discussing its
    reasoning, the Carson Court unfortunately did not cite any particular provision of
    the constitution that it found to be violated by the law library assessment. The
    Court, however, called the $1 assessment a “tax” and noted that there was a
    conflict among other jurisdictions regarding whether such charges could be
    considered legitimate costs of court. 
    Id. at 127.2
    Still today, there exists a split
    among jurisdictions as to whether the “costs” for items not directly related to trial
    of a defendant’s case can be assessed against a defendant without violating
    constitutional clauses mandating the separation of powers among branches of
    government. Compare State v. Claborn, 
    870 P.2d 169
    , 171 (Okla. Crim. App.
    1994) (holding court cost not reasonably related to costs of administering criminal
    While noting the existence of a conflict among other jurisdictions, the Court in Carson
    did not cite, much less specifically discuss, any cases from other jurisdictions, stating they were
    all “more or less based upon an arbitrary 
    conclusion.” 159 S.W.2d at 127
    justice system renders courts “tax gatherers in violation of separation of powers”),
    and People v. Barber, 
    165 N.W.2d 608
    , 613 (Mich. 1968) (explaining legislature
    could not circumvent the explicit provision of the constitution by placing the label
    “costs” on items that were clearly not costs of court), with Broyles v. State, 
    688 S.W.2d 290
    , 292 (Ark. 1985) (holding that a cost charged to a criminal defendant
    convicted of driving while intoxicated to support programs relating to drunken
    driving, detoxification services, and alcohol and drug abuse rehabilitation was
    constitutional since funds go to agencies created to keep the highways safe from
    drunk drivers); and State v. Young, 
    238 So. 2d 589
    , 589-90 (Fla. 1970) (holding
    that a statute imposing a one dollar “court cost” for law enforcement on every
    person convicted of a crime was not a violation of the separation of powers
    doctrine because it is reasonable that one convicted of a crime “should be made to
    share in the improvement of agencies that society has had to employ in defense
    against the very acts for which he has been convicted”).3 It is therefore likely that
    the Carson Court based its decision on the same provision relied upon by appellant
    in the present case: the separation of powers clause contained in article II, section
    1 of the Texas Constitution.
    Regardless of the opinion’s legal underpinnings, the Carson Court clearly
    favored a strict definition of permissible “court costs” in a criminal case, stating
    that the opposing view,
    would lead into fields of expenditures which may as well include the
    cost of the court houses, the automobiles which officers use to
    apprehend criminals and even the roads upon which they ride. If
    something so remote as a law library may be properly charged to the
    litigant on the theory that it better prepares the courts and the
    By citation to these cases, I am not suggesting that courts in these jurisdictions would or
    would not find the consolidated court cost in this case constitutional or unconstitutional. I cite
    them merely to indicate that there is a lack of uniformity regarding how such costs are viewed.
    attorneys for the performance of their duties, it occurs to us that we
    might as logically tax an item of cost for the education of such
    attorneys and judges and even the endowments of the schools which
    attend. 159 S.W.2d at 127
    Applying the Court of Criminal Appeals’ strict standard to the statute at
    issue in the present case, I would hold that none of the fourteen programs funded
    by collection of the consolidated court cost from convicted defendants, pursuant to
    section 133.102, pass constitutional muster.5 Certainly, there is no indication in the
    record that any of the funded items represent actual costs incurred in appellant’s
    trial. More importantly, none of the fourteen is less remote in its relationship to the
    court proceedings in this case than was the funding for a law library to be used by
    judges and attorneys in Carson.6
    The majority holds that appellant failed to overcome the presumption of
    The Court of Criminal Appeals has recognized a distinction between fines imposed in
    Chapter 12 of the Texas Penal Code and court costs intended as nonpunitive recoupment of
    judicial resources expended in connection with the trial of the case. See Weir v. State, 
    278 S.W.3d 364
    , 365-66 (Tex. Crim. App. 2009). Under the analysis in Weir, costs assessed
    pursuant to section 133.102 are clearly nonpunitive in nature. The statute at issue in Weir, Texas
    Government Code section 102.021, and the statute at issue here, section 133.102, are drafted in
    very similar fashions. However, section 102.021 lists actual items of cost in criminal trials (e.g.,
    a fee for services of prosecutor and fees for executing or processing an arrest warrant), whereas
    section 133.102 attempts to fund programs less directly related, if at all, to appellant’s trial.
    My analysis in this case should not be considered a reflection on the relative merits of
    the programs funded under section 133.102. Moreover, I recognize that making convicted
    criminals pay for certain programs, rather than obtaining funding through other means of
    revenue, may seem an attractive, expedient, and fair option. Nonetheless, this intermediate
    court of appeals is bound to follow the precedent established by the Court of Criminal Appeals.
    See Tex. Const. art. V, § 5(a); Purchase v. State, 
    84 S.W.3d 696
    , 701 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st
    Dist.] 2002, pet. ref’d).
    The State suggests that the consolidated court costs assessed in this case are
    constitutional because they totaled less than the true costs of appellant’s prosecution. Even if
    there were evidence to support the State’s position, Carson does not sanction such an analysis.
    As discussed, the Carson court held that a $1 court cost was unconstitutional because it was
    “neither necessary nor incidental to the trial of a criminal 
    case.” 159 S.W.2d at 127
    section 133.102’s constitutionality because he failed to establish what the funds
    designated in section 133.102(e) “actually do” beyond the statutory language, that
    is, the titles given the funds by the Legislature. However, if the meaning of the
    statutory language is unambiguous, we must adopt the interpretation supported by
    the plain meaning of the provision’s words. See Sowell v. Int’l Interests, LP, No.
    416 S.W.3d 593
    , 596 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] Aug. 29, 2013, pet filed)
    (citing St. Luke’s Episcopal Hosp. v. Agbor, 
    952 S.W.2d 503
    , 505 (Tex. 1997)). I
    would hold that appellant has met his burden concerning whether the fourteen
    funds meet the Carson test of “necessary or incidental.”7
    In his reply brief, appellant provides a fairly detailed analysis of each funded
    item, including references to governing statutes where discernable. Appellant
    concedes on appeal that amounts collected and distributed to two of the programs
    listed in section 133.102—number 12, regarding the judicial and court personnel
    training fund, and number 14, concerning contribution to the “fair defense
    Appellant presented the trial court with a newspaper article exposing the collection of
    tens of millions of dollars from convicted criminals for use on programs wholly unrelated to their
    trials or crimes. See Eric Dexheimer, Hard-up defendants pay as state siphons court fees for
    unrelated uses, Austin-American Statesman, March 3, 2012. The majority does not suggest what
    else appellant could have done apart from discussing the language of the statutes themselves and
    the published results of investigative reporting. Requiring a defendant to divine the inner
    workings of fourteen different governmental programs in order to contest a $133 fee is an
    onerous burden and one that practically guarantees the unconstitutional statute will go
    unchallenged. I do not view the appellant’s burden to be so great.
    The language of section 133.102 itself proves its own undoing, providing funding for
    abused children’s counseling (although there is no allegation of such abuse in this case), crime
    stoppers’ assistance (even though there is no indication of crime stoppers’ involvement in this
    case), breath alcohol testing (although there was no evidence of any such testing occurring in this
    case), driver’s licenses (although no issue related to driving was involved in this case),
    establishment of a center to study juvenile crime (even though no juvenile was involved in this
    case), and an account for emergency radio infrastructure (even though there is no hint in this case
    that such was at issue here). Most of the remaining funded programs are clearly related to the
    training and education of judicial system officials and employees, in direct contravention of
    Carson. Perhaps these are all laudable programs, but they are improperly and unconstitutionally
    funded through section 133.102.
    account”—may be sufficiently related to the operation of courts as to not violate
    the separation of powers clause. While I agree that these may be the two programs
    most closely related to the court proceedings and I understand why appellant’s
    counsel would want them included in the distribution of costs, I do not agree that
    these items should be excepted. Regarding the training fund, as the excerpt above
    illustrates, the Carson Court specifically discounted the notion that funds for court
    training can be a legitimate cost of court to be charged to a convicted 
    defendant. 159 S.W.2d at 127
    (“If something so remote as a law library may be properly
    charged to the litigant on the theory that it better prepares the courts and the
    attorneys for the performance of their duties, it occurs to us that we might as
    logically tax an item of cost for the education of such attorneys and judges . . . .”).
    By statute, the fair defense account may only be appropriated to (1) the
    Texas Indigent Defense Commission for the purpose of implementing Chapter 79
    of the Government Code, which governs administration of the commission, and (2)
    the office of capital writs for implementing Chapter 78, Subchapter B of the Code,
    which establishes the office. Tex. Gov’t Code § 79.031. Although it appears some
    of the funds that go to the fair defense account may ultimately help provide
    counsel for indigent criminal defendants, it does not appear that this is the sole use
    that can be made for these funds.8             See, e.g., Tex. Gov’t Code §§ 79.019
    (authorizing commission funds to be used to reimburse board members’ expenses);
    79.035 (requiring commission to collect information from counties and issue
    reports concerning various facets of indigent representation in Texas); 70.039
    (requiring commission to collect information from law school clinics and programs
    and issue exoneration reports). It therefore cannot be said that either the training
    Appellant additionally complains in his brief that funds intended for the fair defense
    account have instead been used to balance the State’s budget. I neither consider nor take a
    position on this complaint.
    fund or the fair defense account are necessary or incidental expenses in the trial of
    appellant’s criminal case. See 
    Carson, 159 S.W.2d at 130
    The majority suggests that even if funding certain of the fourteen items was
    determined to be unconstitutional, section 133.102 need not be stricken in its
    entirety because the $133 collected could simply be allocated to any remaining
    constitutional uses, regardless of the specific percentages identified in the section
    (see infra n.4). According to the majority, the specified percentages “set only a
    minimum or floor amount that must be distributed to particular funds.” See ante,
    p. 14. Although the majority is not explicit, it appears to base this conclusion on
    language contained in subsection (e), which provides “the account or fund may not
    receive less than the following percentages.” In this regard, the majority appears to
    misread what is not a model of statutory clarity.
    Section 133.102 actually provides different instructions for allocation,
    depending on whether the offense in question was committed before or after
    January 1, 2004. Under subsection (c), “The money collected under this section as
    court costs imposed on offenses committed on or after January 1, 2004, shall be
    allocated according to the percentages provided in Subsection (e).” (Emphasis
    added). Appellant clearly committed the charged offense after January 1, 2004, so
    the $133 collected from him pursuant to the section must be allocated according to
    the expressly listed percentages.10
    Code of Criminal Procedure article 26.05(g) allows the trial court to order a defendant
    to repay the cost of court-appointed legal counsel that the court finds the defendant is able to pay.
    Tex. Code Crim. Proc. 26.05(g). However, it does not appear in the present case that the trial
    court made a determination under article 26.05(g). See Cates v. State, 
    402 S.W.3d 250
    , 251-52
    (Tex. Crim. App. 2013).
    Under subsection (d), money collected on offenses committed before January 1, 2004
    is to be distributed using historical data so that each account or fund receives the amount it
    would have received had the “costs” for the accounts and funds been collected and reported
    separately. Subsection (e) actually repeats this language from subsection (d) before adding the
    Moreover, there is no provision in section 133.102 authorizing or otherwise
    supporting reallocation of funds intended for one program to another program.
    The section, in fact, contains no provisions for severability in the event sections are
    determined to be unconstitutional, and the majority errs in injecting inapplicable
    severability rules into the statute. Under the circumstances presented in this case,
    the statute requires $133 be gathered and distributed according to specified
    percentages.     Period.     Because the statute cannot be salvaged by severing
    constitutionally-funded programs from those not properly funded, the statute is
    facially unconstitutional even if certain of the listed programs could be
    constitutionally funded through court costs assessed against criminal defendants.
    Regardless, as stated, under the Court of Criminal Appeals opinion in
    Carson, none of the fourteen items funded under Local Government Code section
    133.102 constitute a cost necessary or incidental to the trial of a criminal case. 
    Id. These are
    therefore not legitimate items to be assessed against criminal defendants.
    Accordingly, I would sustain appellant’s first issue and hold that section 133.102 is
    unconstitutional and the $133 must be deleted from the trial court’s judgment.
    Because the majority did not so hold, I respectfully dissent. I concur in the
    remainder of the majority’s holdings and analysis.
    /s/       Martha Hill Jamison
    Panel consists of Justices Boyce, Jamison, and Busby (Boyce, J., majority).
    Publish — Tex. R. App. P. 47.2(b).
    clause on which the majority apparently relies: “except that the account or fund may not receive
    less than the following percentages.” This language, therefore, appears to refer to money
    collected on offenses committed before January 1, 2004, and not those committed on or after that
    date, as is the case with appellant’s offense.