Grant, Jaqualien ( 2015 )

  •       tXHliS
    NO.   14-13-01077-CR/
    )RiG!NAL              IN THE      COURT   OF
    mV 24 2015
    OF   TEXAS
    Abel Acosta, Clerk
    Abel Acosta, Cierk
    INDEX OF AUTHORITIES                                                   Ill
    STATEMENT REGARDING ORAL ARGUMENT. .                                   1
    STATEMENT OF THE CASE.                                                1
    STATEMENT OF PROCEDURAL HISTORY                                        1
    Was the evidence factually sufficient to support the jury's negative
    finding on voluntary release?                                     2/3
    Was the evidence sufficient to support the jury's negative finding on
    voluntary release legally?                                            4-6
    ARGUMENT IN SUPPORT OF GROUND NUMBER ONE                                   2,3
    ARGUMENT IN SUPPORT OF GROUND NUMBER TWO                                   4-6
    PRAYER FOR RELIEF                                                          6
    APPENDIX : Court of Appeals Opinion
    ( II )
    CASES                                                  PAGE
    Brown v. State 
    98 S.W. 3d
    . 187                         3,5
    Carreon v. State 63-S.W..3d. 37                        2,3,5
    Geesa v. State 
    820 S.W. 2d
    . 154                        5
    Harris v. State 
    790 S.W. 2d
    . 568, 587                  6
    King v. State 
    29 S.W. 3d
    . 556, 563                 *   4
    Lavarry v. State 
    936 S.W. 2d
    . 690                      2,3
    Nolan v. State 
    102 S.W. 3d
    . 231, 236-37                4
    Oestrick v. State 
    939 S.W. 2d
    . 239                     2
    Patterson v. State 
    121 S.W. 3d
    . 22                     3
    Posey v. State 
    966 S.W. 2d
    . 57, 63                     5
    Reyes v. State 
    938 S.W. 2d
    . 718                        5
    Smith v. STATE \§ S.W. 3d.134                          
    6 Taylor v
    . State 
    268 S.W. 3d
    . 571, 592....              6
    Teer v. State 
    895 S.W. 2d
    . 845                         2
    Wiley v. State 
    820 S.W. 2d
    . 401, 409                   2,5
    Williams v. State 
    718 S.W. 2d
    . 772                     2,5
    Woods v. State 
    301 S.W. 3d
    . 327......                  4
    Texas Penal Code 15.04 (C)(1)                          3
    Texas Penal Code 20.04 (d)                             3,4,5
    Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, Rule 44.2(a)       6
    ( III ),
    Oral argument in this case will assist the Court in appl
    ying the facts and legality of evidence without relying solely
    on the fabricated trickery of the state representative. The
    state should not be allowed the opportunity to cure the issues
    raised in the instant petition without the contingency for ap
    pellant to cross-examine him at a hearing. Therefore, petit
    ioner respectfully request oral argument.
    Appelant was charged with two charges of aggravated kidn
    apping and aggravated sexual assault. Both were alleged to have
    been   committed   on   December     13,   2012.
    Petitioner was found guilty of both charges by a jury on
    November 07, 2013, and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment for
    the sexual assault and life for the kidnapping following the
    jury's negative finding on the special allegation of Release
    In A Safe Place. Notice of appeal was timely filed.
    On August 25, 2015, The Fourteenth Court of Appeals affirmed
    the conviction/ sentence. Petitioner's appellate attorney did
    not file a motion for rehearing in the decision.
    ( 1 )
    GROUND FOR REVIEW NUMBER ONE:          Was The   Evidence Factually Suff
    icient To Support The Jury's Negative Fiimding On Voluntary Re
    lease? ( Appellant's Brief pp. 9, 11-19; RR; Vol..6 pp.13-15 )
    The trial records clearly demonstrates that the testimonial evidence
    supports the fact , in correlation with the physical evidence that the vi
    ctim was released in a safe place. ( RR:Vol.4 pp. 42[l-25]; 43[l-25];
    44[l-25]; 45[l-9]; 100[18-21; RR: Vol6 pp. 13[14-25]; 14[1,2,18-25];
    15[1,12-18] )
    The Court of Appeals failed to consult the trial transcripts to asc
    ertain the facts surrounding petitioner's contentions that he did, in fact
    release the victim in a safe place. The courts have ruled that " The ordi
    nary meaning of 'voluntary' in the phrase " voluntary release in a safe
    place •" includes action of oneself: not constrained, impelled, or influenced
    by another; resulting from free choice, without compulsion or solicitation."
    ( Oestrick v. State 
    939 S.W. 2d
    . 239 )
    In addition, " It seems appropriate that any judgment on finding re
    garding " voluntary release " must be viewed, weighed, and determined sol
    ely from the condition of the accused and not as to the possibilities
    within speculated grasp of the victim." ( Carreon v. State 
    63 S.W.3d 37
    The fact that the complainant... lived to testify at trial focuses our
    discussion solely on the question of whether or not complainant was volun
    tarily released in a safe place." ( Wiley v. State 
    820 S.W. 2d
    401, 409 j
    Voluntary release should not be weighed from a standpoint of physical con
    dition o$ a victim and that victim's ability to ultimately vacate or escape
    the immediate prevalence of the accused. ( id at 411 )
    Petitioner proved during trial that he released the victim in a safe
    place by handing her all of her personal belongings including her car keys,
    purse, identification, and clothing. Petitioner also walked her out of
    the apartment and said goodbye as he walked in the opposite direction.
    ( RR: Vol. 6 pp. 14[15-25] and 15[1-21] ) ( RR: Vol. 4 pp. 42[19-25];
    43[l-25]; 44[l-25]; 45[1-10] )
    For the prosecution to contend that because this was the same place
    where victim was abducted automatically makes it an " unsafe place " is a
    conflict of law as the courts have decided " the state argued that as a mat
    ter of law , a place cannot be safe if a portion of the crime occurred there,
    we cannot agree with the state's analysis." ( Williams v. State 
    718 S.W. 2d
    772 ) ( RR: Vol 6 pp. 23[5-25] and 24[1,2] ) In other words, just because
    a crime was alleged to have been perpetrated at a particular location or
    neighborhood does not automatically render that place less safe.
    Defendant voluntarily released walking away from victim
    in her car, even if defendant did so under fear of police apprehension;
    thus, aggravated kidnapping by definition was second degree, not first
    degree felony since he released victim in a safe place. ( Lavarry v. State
    936 S.W. 2d
    690; Teer v. State 
    895 S.W. 2d
    845 )
    Therefore, the evidence is not sufficiently factual to support the jury's
    negative finding on voluntary release, but on the contrary, the evidence
    is factually sufficient to support apositive finding on voluntary release.
    ( 2   )
    The victim in the instant case knew she was free from captivity and free
    to leave, free to utilize her cell phone to contact a trusted friend, and free
    to drive a short distance to receive assistance. The courts have ruled " in
    aggravated kidnapping prosecution, in order for defendant to avail himself of
    the mitigating factors that he voluntarily released victim in a safe place,
    defendant must have performed some overt and affirmative action that brings
    home to the victim that he/she has been fully released from captivity, and such
    release must occur in a place and manner which realistically conveys to the
    victim that he/she is now free from captivity and is now in circumstances and
    surroundings where .aid is readily available." (Carreon v. State 
    63 S.W. 3d
    . 37)
    The prosecution consistently attempted to divert attention away from this
    very obvious mitigating factor of voluntary release by referring to the vict
    im's claim that she promised defendant she would not go to police, but, in fact,
    the Court of Criminal AppealsAthatTnat very promise is incentive for a suspect
    to release victim in a safe place ( Lavarry v. State 
    936 S.W. 2d
    . 690 ).[Vol.6
    pg. 21(9-21) ]
    The Texas legislature did not define the term " voluntary " within section
    20.04(d). Under a " broad interpretation " an act is voluntary " only if it
    was the spontaneous product of the actor's free will, uninfluenced by ano
    ther's persuasion, coercion, or solicitation." ( Brown v. State 
    98 S.W. 3d
    187 )
    The Court of Criminal Appeals explained that this broad interpratation
    is inconsistent with the plain laguage of section 20.04(d), which provides an
    incentive to kidnappers to release their kidnap victims... and instesd ado
    pted a narrow interpretation... in Texas Penal Code 15.04 esp. (C)(1)
    ( Patterson v. State 
    121 S.W. 3d
    22 )
    In conclusion, this case should be granted a discretionary review be
    cause it is petitioner's contention that the Court of Appeals' decision con
    flicts with other court of appeals' decisions on the same issue and the Cou
    rt of Appeals decision also conflicts with applicable decisions of the Court
    of Criminal Appeals on the same issues that were resolved in favor of the
    petitioner. Petitioner has demonstrated that the jury's negative finding was
    not in accordance with the factual evidence presented to them and that they
    were ultimately wrongly influenced by the prosecution with faulty instruc
    tion on the definition of " Voluntary Release ".
    ( 3   )
    ellant's Brief pp.        9, 10,   21-29 )
    The appellate records will clearly illustrate that the trial court and
    the Court of Appeals missed an opportunity to ensure that the appellant's
    rights as a matter of law was afforded him by overlooking the mitigating fac
    tors of legal standing.that he released the victim in a safe place.
    The entirety of proving release in a safe place was on the defense and
    never shifted to the State ( RR: Vol. 6 pg. 13[18-25]; pg. 14[1,2] ) " as a
    threshold matter for review, appellant contends that once he introduced some
    evidence of voluntary release in a safe place, the burden of pursuasion then
    shifted to the State " to convince the fact-finders that the place where the
    accuse left his victim was not safe." " " Appellant is incorrect. The plain
    language of the statue places the burden of proof on the accuse ( Penal Code
    § 20.04 (d) ). " At... punishment phase the defendant may raise the issue as
    to whether he voluntarily released the victim in a safe place. If the defen
    dant proves the issue in the affirmation by a preponderance of the evidence,
    the offense is a felony of the second degree." Furthermore, this court has
    held that the defendant, indeed, has the burden of proof to show voluntary
    release in a safe place." ( Nolan v. State 
    102 S.W. 3d
    . 231, 236-237 )
    The greater weight and preponderance of the evidence does not support
    the negative finding of the jury. The fact that the victim was able to walk
    to her car, drive away without further harm, utilize her cell phone, arrive
    at a nearby location to receive help, demonstrates by her own testimony that
    she felt safe and.was in fact safe enough to do so. ( RR: Vol. 6 Pg. 42
    [19-25]; Pg. 43[l-25]; Pg.44[l-25]; Pg. 45[1-10]. ) As the court ruled in
    King v. State 29. S.W. 3d. 556, 563 " we must decide if, after considering
    all of the evidence relevant to this issue at hand, the judgment is so against
    the great weight and preponderance of the evidence so as to be manifestly
    At no time does the State have the burden of proof to show that the
    Petitioner did not release victim in a safe place. The trial court did
    just that by allowing the prosecution to mislead the jury into believing
    their misstatement of the law in violation of the law as cited by Wood v.
    301 S.W. 3d
    . 327 " It is incumbent upon the state to prove beyond a
    reasonable doubt that defendant did not perform this affirmative act allowing
    ( 4   )
    mitigation under Penal Code 20.04(d). [ Wiley v. State 
    320 S.W. 2d
    - 411 ] [ Reyes
    v. State 
    938 S.W. 2d
    . 718] [ Williams v. State 
    718 S.W. 2d
    . 772 ] [ State's Reply
    To The Applicant's Supplimental Brief, pg. V ]
    Furthermore, this case should be granted review to determine the justifi
    cation of Petitioner's request to have the conviction/ sentence reversed bec
    ause the trial Court failed to give a proper detailed jury instruction on defi
    nition of voluntary as requested by defense counsel. ( RR: Vol. 6 pp. 18[l-25];
    19[l-22]; 20[12-18]; and 21[5-8] This failure confused the jury into believing
    they could consider the prosecution's " version " of the definition, which, in
    turn, confused the jury, but ultimately prejudiced the Petitioner.
    According to the Court.of Appeals ruling, voluntary release is "—even if
    induced by the victim falsely promising not to report crime to police." ( Brown
    v. State 
    98 S.W. 3d
    . 180 ) The State mislead the jury by stating that the rel
    ease was not voluntary " because she promised not to go to the police." ( RR:Vol.
    6 pg. 21[23-25]; pg. 22[1,2]; Appellant's Brief pp. 12, 13 )
    In order to be entitled to such an instruction, a defendant must object to
    the absence of such an instruction or otherwise bring the matter to the att
    ention of the trial court, and the evidence at the punishment stage must raise
    the issue ( Carreon v. State 
    63 S.W. 2d
    . 37 Citing Posey 
    966 S.W. 2d
    . 57,63 ).
    Petitioner fulfilled this requirement when defense counsel " requested such an
    instruction on two different occasions. We hold he sufficed to bring the matter
    to the trial court's attention meriting appellate review. Failure to submit in
    struction. jury in any case where burden of proof requires jury to find
    guilty beyond reasonable doubt is automatic reversal." is the holding by the
    Court of Criminal Appeals in Geesa v. State 
    820 S.W. 2d
    . 154, which created an
    absolute system requiring that instruction be given in all such cases ( citing
    938 S.W. 2d
    . 718; Wiley 
    820 S.W. 2d
    . 411 )
    In conclusion, criminal convictions are so serious in their consequences
    that it is felt that an accused person should be freed, if there is any fair or
    reasonable doubt about his guilt, even though there seems to be considerable
    likelyhood that he did commit the crime ( Black's Law Dictionary under Greater
    Weight Of Evidence; " not necessarily established by the number of witnesses
    testifying to a fact but by the evidence that has the most convincing force;"
    Superior Evidence; ( superior evidentiary weight ) " though not sufficient to
    free the mind wholly from all reasonable doubt, is still sufficient to incline
    a fair and impartial mind to one side of the issue rather than the other";
    Preponderance Of Proof; "balance of probability."
    ( 5   )
    Under Texar, Rules of Appellate Procedure, a substantial right is effected
    when the error has.a substantial and injurious effect or influence ( Rule 44.2(a)
    [ Taylor v. State 
    268 S.W. 3d
    . 571, 592; Smith v. State 36 S.W.3d. 134; Harris
    v. State 
    790 S.W. 2d
    . 568, 587-88 ]
    In conclusion, the forementioned fact of law renders this petition elig
    ible for review and ultimately to be assessed a reversal and remand back to the
    trial court for retrial/ re-sentencing. Namely because petitioner has
    shown that the Court of Appeals'        decision conflicts with other de
    cisions and rulings of matters pertaining to the very issue he
    asserts in his petition.
    Wherefore,   all premises considered,          Petitioner humbly prays
    that this honorable Court grants review of his petition and
    reverse the conviction/ sentence as demonstrated by case law.
    ( 6   )
    August 25, 2015
    (Pje iKnurteentfj Court of Appeals
    JAQUALIEN GRANT, Appellant
    NO. 14-13-01077-CR                         V.
    NO. 14-13-01078-CR
    THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee
    This cause was heard on the transcript of the record of the court below.
    Having considered the record, this Court holds that there was no enor in the
    judgments. The Court orders the judgments AFFIRMED.
    We further order this decision certified below for observance.
    Affirmed and Opinion filed August 25, 2015.
    In The
    iffourteeuth, Court of Appeals
    NOS. 14-13-01077-CR
    JAQUALIEN GRANT, Appellant
    THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee
    On Appeal from the 185th District Court
    Harris County, Texas
    Trial Court Cause Nos. 1386096 & 1386097
    In three issues, appellant Jaqualien Grant appeals his convictions for
    aggravated kidnapping and sexual assault. Appellant challenges the legal and
    factual sufficiency of the evidence to support the jury's finding that he did not
    release complainant in a safe place. Appellant further contends that the trial court
    abused its discretion in admitting evidence of prior extraneous offenses. We
    Appellant was indicted separately for aggravated kidnapping and sexual assault. The
    Complainant lived in Pasadena, Texas. She testified she became lost driving
    in Houston, so she pulled into an apartment complex to check her cell phone's
    GPS. As she sat in her car, a tall man opened her car door and ordered her to
    "listen or [he would] hurt [her]." The man had one hand in his pocket, and
    complainant thought he might have had a weapon. She turned off the ignition, and
    the man grabbed her arm and led her to an abandoned apartment. Another man
    waited in the apartment.
    After taking her purse and demanding her ATM pin number, the men
    ordered complainant to undress. She complied, and they locked her in a closet.
    Both men then took turns sexually assaulting her. After the assaults, the men
    forced complainant to wash herself repeatedly. Complainant believed the men
    would not let her go. The tall man told complainant to give him a reason to let her
    go. She told them that she would not call the police because she had worked as an
    escort and did not want to involve the police. She also told the tall man that she
    had a boyfriend waiting for her at home who would call the police if she did not
    make it home on time.
    The men obtained her parents' contact information from her phone and
    threatened that if complainant went to the police, they would hurt her parents. The
    tall man returned complainant's, keys, phone, and purse, opened the apartment, door
    to let complainant out, and walked away. It was now dark outside. Complainant
    two cases were tried together. Appellant initially appealed only the aggravated kidnapping
    conviction. We granted appellant leave to file a brief raising any issues pertinent to the sexual
    assault conviction and postponed the original submission date. Appellant filed a supplemental
    brief asserting his issue regarding the extraneous offenses as to both convictions. Even though
    appellant was not pennitted to assert this new issue as to the aggravated kidnapping conviction,
    we analyze both, infra, and overrule the issue.
    Complainant did not identify appellant at trial because she said she never saw his face.
    She differentiated between her two assailants by referring to one as "a really tall man."
    walked back to her car and drove away. She called a friend, who told her to call the
    police. She drove to a McDonald's, called the police, and was taken by ambulance
    to the hospital. DNA from a vaginal swab collected from complainant showed that
    appellant was the source of the DNA to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty.3
    The State presented evidence at trial of extraneous offenses committed by
    appellant two weeks prior to the charged offenses. A woman was exiting a CVS
    Pharmacy when a man approached her and ordered her at gunpoint into her car. He
    got into the car and forced her to drive to a hotel. He took her to a room and forced
    her to undress. He took her ATM cards and phone and forced her to take off her
    clothes, make a video of their having intercourse several times, and sit in a bathtub
    with water and soap for hours to clean herself. The man went through her phone
    and took down numbers from people he believed to be family members. He said if
    she went to the police, her family would be in danger. The woman finally got
    away. She identified appellant in court as the man who kidnapped and sexually
    assaulted her. Also, DNA from a vaginal swab collected from the woman showed
    that appellant was the source of the DNA to a reasonable degree of scientific
    The jury found appellant guilty of aggravated kidnapping and sexual assault.
    In response to the jury question "Do you . . . find . . . that [appellant] voluntarily
    released [complainant] in a safe place?" the jury responded, "We do not." The jury
    assessed punishment at life imprisonment for aggravated kidnapping and 20 years'
    confinement for sexual assault.
    In three issues, appellant argues the jury's finding that he did not release
    3DNA was obtained from a vaginal swab, a tampon, and a swab of complainant's breast.
    The State's expert at trial confirmed that appellant was the source of DNA from the vaginal swab
    to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty.
    complainant in a safe place is not supported by legally and factually sufficient
    evidence and the trial court abused its discretion in admitting evidence of
    extraneous offenses.
    I.     Voluntary Release in a Safe Place
    In his first and second issues, appellant challenges the legal and factual
    sufficiency of the evidence in support of the jury's finding that he did not release
    complainant in a safe place. The punishment level for aggravated kidnapping is
    reduced from a first-degree felony to a second-degree felony if the kidnapper
    "voluntarily release[s] the victim in a safe place." See Tex. Penal Code § 20.04(d).
    Voluntary release in a safe place is an affirmative defense that may be evaluated
    for legal and factual sufficiency.4 See Butcher v. State, 
    454 S.W.3d 13
    , 18, 20 (Tex.
    Crim. App. 2015).
    In a legal-sufficiency review of an affirmative defense, we first assay the
    record for a scintilla of evidence favorable to the factfinder's finding and disregard
    all evidence to the contrary unless a reasonable factfinder could not. See 
    id. at 20.
    The finding of the factfinder rejecting a defendant's affirmative defense should be
    overturned for lack of legal sufficiency only if the appealing party establishes that
    the evidence conclusively proves his affirmative defense and no reasonable
    factfinder was free to think otherwise. 
    Id. In a
    factual-sufficiency review of a finding rejecting an affirmative defense,
    unlike in a legal-sufficiency review, we examine the evidence in a neutral light.
    id. We cannot
    overturn a finding rejecting a defendant's affirmative defense
    unless, after setting out the relevant evidence supporting the verdict, we clearly
    4 Affirmative defenses may be evaluated for legal and factual sufficiency, even after
    Brooks v. State, 
    323 S.W.3d 893
    (Tex. Crim, App. 2010), which abolished factual-sufficiency
    review as it applies to criminal convictions. 
    Butcher, 454 S.W.3d at 20
    articulate why the verdict is so much against the great weight of the evidence as to
    be "manifestly unjust, conscience-shocking, or clearly biased." See 
    id. The determination
    of whether a place is safe is fact-specific. See 
    id. at 16-19.
    The defendant has the burden of proof to establish the safety of the place of
    release. Nolan v. State, 
    102 S.W.3d 231
    , 238 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.]
    2003, pet. ref d).
    Appellant argues that the jury's finding was not supported by legally and
    factually sufficient evidence because complainant was released in a safe place.3
    Complainant was released after dark from the abandoned apartment where she had
    been held and assaulted. She had her cell phone and keys, and her car was in the
    parking lot of the apartment complex. She returned to her car and drove to a
    McDonald's where she called the police, and an ambulance arrived and transported
    her to the hospital. Appellant argues that because the apartment complex was along
    a major thoroughfare near businesses and complainant was able to drive away and
    call the police, the evidence conclusively shows she was released in a safe place
    and the jury's finding is against the great weight of the evidence.
    The State asserts that the factors articulated in Lavarry v. State, 
    936 S.W.2d 690
    , 696 (Tex. App.—Dallas 1996, pet. ref d), weigh in favor of the jury's finding.
    The Court of Criminal Appeals recently has stated that courts of appeals may
    consider a list of factors similar to the Lavarry factors to determine whether a
    complainant was released in a safe place, but the Court noted these factors are
    "merely nonexclusive aids" to guide our analysis under the totality of the
    circumstances of each case. See 
    Butcher, 454 S.W.3d at 19
    5 Appellant also argues that the jury's finding was not supported by legally or factually
    sufficient evidence because he voluntarily released complainant. We need not address whether
    appellant voluntarily released complainant because we conclude appellant has not established
    that he released complainant in a safe place.
    Keeping in mind the Court of Criminal Appeals' admonition that these
    factors are only an aid in our analysis, we address the evidence—or lack thereof—
    of certain factors:
    Remoteness of Location. Complainant was released from an abandoned
    apartment. Appellant contends, however, that the apartment complex was located
    "in a populated area containing storefronts and businesses." Appellant relies on
    two photographs admitted at trial showing a pawn shop near the apartment
    complex. There is no evidence in the record of whether any nearby businesses,
    including the pawn shop, were open when complainant was released after dark or
    how populated the area was at that time or any other time.
    Proximity of Help. Appellant asserts that complainant "drove a short
    distance from the complex to a McDonald's where she stopped and called the
    police." But there is no evidence in the record of how far complainant's car was
    from the apartment where she was released or how far she drove to the
    McDonald's. In addition, there is no evidence that anyone other than complainant
    and her attackers were near or in the apartment complex at the time of her release,
    so there is no evidence of nearby help.
    Time ofDay. Complainant was released after dark at 7 p.m.
    Condition of Complainant. Complainant's physical injuries were minor, but
    she suffered mental and emotional harm as shown by her testimony that she "broke
    down" after calling her friend, was barely able to communicate with him, and
    resisted hanging up and calling 911 because she was afraid.
    Character of the Location and Surrounding Neighborhood. An officer
    testified that while the location where complainant was released was "not a
    dangerous part of town to be in," it likewise was "not one of the safer parts of
    town." He agreed with the prosecutor that it was a "high-crime, high-narcotics
    neighborhood." That complainant was forced to walk from the abandoned
    apartment through the parking lot to her car where she was abducted also supports
    an inference that the character of the location was not safe. See 
    id. at 16,
    (acknowledging that depending on the circumstances, being released where one
    was abducted can support an inference that one was not released in a safe place,
    particularly when the area was "desolate," among other things).
    Complainant's Familiarity with the Location. Complainant had pulled over
    in the apartment complex parking lot to consult her GPS because she was lost.
    After the assault, she had to be given directions to the McDonald's over the phone
    by her friend, and she was not very familiar with Houston in general.
    We agree with the State that these factors support an inference that
    complainant was not released in a safe place. She was released after dark from an
    abandoned apartment in a "high-crime, high-narcotics neighborhood" that was not
    familiar to her and drove some distance to a business to seek help. As she left, she
    "broke down," "was shaking," "was crying," and "was scared," and thus the jury
    could infer she did not feel safe when she was released. See 
    id. at 16.
    Appellant argues, however, that this case is like Storr v. State, 
    126 S.W.3d 647
    , 652-53 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2004, pet. ref d), in which we held
    that the defendant's attorney rendered ineffective assistance because he did not
    request a jury instruction on voluntary release in a safe place. In that case, we
    concluded the evidence conclusively established that the complainant was released
    in a safe place because it was at the post office where he had been abducted near
    his college, thus no conceivable trial strategy could explain counsel's failure to
    request the instruction. 
    Id. at 653.
    In contrast, the complainant in this case was
    released from an abandoned apartment after dark, and appellant presented no
    evidence that any surrounding businesses were open at that time. See 
    Butcher, 454 S.W.3d at 19
    . Moreover, in this case, the jury found that complainant was not
    released in a safe place, whereas in Storr, the issue was not presented to the jury.
    Storr, 126 S.W.3d at 653
    . Accordingly, Storr is distinguishable from this case.
    In light of the totality of the circumstance of this case, we conclude appellant
    failed to establish that the jury's finding was not supported by legally or factually
    sufficient evidence.6 The record contains more than a scintilla of evidence to
    support the jury's finding that the place where appellant released complainant was
    not safe. See 
    id. at 20.
    Accordingly, appellant has not conclusively proved that he
    released complainant in a safe place such that no reasonable factfinder was free to
    think otherwise. Likewise, the jury's finding rejecting appellant's affirmative
    defense was not so against the great weight and preponderance of the evidence as
    to be manifestly unjust, conscience-shocking, or clearly biased. Accordingly, the
    evidence was legally and factually sufficient to support the jury's finding that
    appellant did not voluntarily release complainant in a safe place.
    We overrule appellant's first and second issues.
    II.    Admission of Extraneous Offense Evidence
    In his third issue, appellant complains that the trial court abused its
    discretion in admitting evidence of his extraneous offenses of aggravated
    6See, e.g., Simmons v. State, No. 05-13-01590-CR, 
    2015 WL 534447
    , at *3 (Tex. App.—
    Dallas Feb. 9, 2015, no pet.) (mem. op., not designated for publication) (holding evidence was
    sufficient to support jury's finding that complainant was not released in a safe place when the
    defendant pushed her out of a van at a gas station during nighttime business hours even though
    the gas station was located off a main highway near other locations that were also open); 
    Nolan, 102 S.W.3d at 238
    (holding defendant did not establish safety of place of release when
    complainant was released at a middle school between 4:20 and 5:00 p.m. and evidence did not
    show, among other things, character of neighborhood on day in question, safety of surrounding
    area, whether release was during school hours or at a time when school activities were ongoing,
    whether people were in the area or victim was familiar with campus, or whether surrounding area
    was "generally safe or crime-ridden").
    kidnapping and sexual assault. Appellant argues the evidence was inadmissible
    under Rule of Evidence 404(b), as evidence of other crimes is generally
    inadmissible, and under Rule of Evidence 403, because the probative value of the
    evidence was substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice. The State
    counters that the evidence was offered as an exception to the general rule of 404(b)
    to refute appellant's defense that complainant consented to the encounter and it
    was not unfairly prejudicial under Rule 403.
    We review a trial court's ruling under the Rules'of Evidence for an abuse of
    discretion. Martin v. State, 
    173 S.W.3d 463
    , 467 (Tex. Crim. App. 2005). If the
    ruling was correct on any theory of law applicable to the case, in light of what was
    before the trial court at the time the ruling was made, then we must uphold the
    Id. We will
    uphold a trial court's ruling on the admissibility of evidence
    as long as the ruling was within the zone of reasonable disagreement. 
    Id. Evidence is
    relevant if it has any tendency to make the existence of any fact
    that is of consequence to the determination of the action more probable or less
    probable than it would be without the evidence. Tex. R. Evid. 401. Evidence of
    other crimes, wrongs, or acts is not admissible to prove the character of a person in
    order to show action in conformity with the character. Tex. R. Evid. 404(b).
    However, this evidence may be admissible for other purposes, such as proof of
    motive, opportunity, intent, preparation, plan, knowledge^ identity, or absence of
    mistake or accident. 
    Martin, 173 S.W.3d at 466
    (citing Rule 404(b)). This list is
    illustrative, not exhaustive. 
    Id. Accordingly, a
    party may introduce extraneous
    offense evidence if (apart from character conformity) it logically serves to make
    more or less probable an elemental fact, an evidentiary fact that inferentially leads
    to an elemental fact, or defensive evidence that undermines an elemental fact. 
    Id. Moreover, relevant
    evidence may be excluded if its probative value is substantially
    outweighed by a danger of, among other things, unfair prejudice. Tex. R. Evid.
    403. Extraneous-offense evidence is admissible under both Rules 404(b) and 403 if
    the evidence is relevant to a fact of consequence in the case apart from its tendency
    to prove conduct in conformity with character and the probative value of the
    evidence is not substantially outweighed by unfair prejudice. 
    Martin, 173 S.W.3d at 467
    A. Defensive Theory of Consent Raised by Appellant
    Extraneous-offense evidence is not inadmissible under Rule 404(b) when it
    is offered to rebut an affirmative defense or a defensive issue that negates one of
    the elements of the crime. De La Paz v. State, 
    279 S.W.3d 336
    , 343 (Tex. Crim.
    App. 2009); Casey v. State, 
    215 S.W.3d 870
    , 879 (Tex. Crim. App. 2007). As an
    initial matter, we decide whether appellant raised the defensive theory of consent at
    trial.7 During the State's direct examination of complainant, she testified that she
    had previously worked as an escort but stopped doing so approximately six months
    prior to the incident in question. Appellant's cross-examination of complainant
    focused on her past as an escort. Appellant introduced an exhibit of online
    advertisements for escort services in several Texas locations, including Houston,
    all containing pictures of complainant along with her pseudonym. In response to
    the State's relevance and Rule 403 objections to the admissibility of the exhibit,
    defense xounsel. explained: "[0]ur theory of the case is . . . she .was working as an
    escort in Houston when this incident happened. . . . They're relevant as to consent.
    They're relevant as to our theory of the case that. . . there was a consensual act
    between her and the defendant at a certain time at a certain location." The trial
    7Appellant was not given permission by this court to raise in his amended briefthe new
    issue of extraneous evidence in his aggravated kidnapping conviction. As a matter of judicial
    economy, however, we will analyze the admissibility of the evidence as to both sexual assault
    (lack^.of consent to participate in sexual act is an element of the crime) and aggravated
    kidnapping (restraint without consent is an element of the crime).
    court admitted the evidence with the photographs of complainant redacted.
    The State then offered extraneous offense testimony regarding the other
    aggravated kidnapping and sexual assault committed by appellant to rebut
    appellant's theory that complainant consented to the encounter with appellant.
    Defense counsel objected, arguing that he had not opened the door to the issue of
    consent because he never asked complainant if she engaged in consensual sexual
    relations with appellant. He also argued that he had offered the evidence regarding
    complainant's being an escort to rebut the idea that she had been kidnapped: "I'm
    trying to show that possibly she went to that apartment as an escort." The State
    argued that appellant's line of questioning regarding complainant's profession put
    consent at issue as to both charged offenses. After a hearing outside the presence of
    the jury, the trial court determined that the extraneous offense testimony was
    admissible to rebut the defensive theory of consent.
    On appeal, appellant argues that the State, as the proponent of the extraneous
    offense evidence, did not demonstrate that appellant raised the issue of consent
    through his line of questioning related to complainant's status as an escort.8
    Considering the arguments and evidence elicited by appellant at trial, we conclude
    the trial court did not abuse its discretion in determining that consent was his
    defensive theory as to both offenses. See, e.g., Fields v. State, No. 03-04-00422-
    CR,-2005 WL 1650985, at *6 (Tex. App.—Austin July 14, 2005, pet. ref d) (mem',
    op., not designated for publication) (considering defendant's opening statement
    and testimony elicited during cross-examination to determine whether defendant
    opened door by implying complainant consented to sexual activity).
    The State also argued below that appellant opened the door to the extraneous offenses
    by raising the issue of fabrication, i.e., that complainant was working as an escort at the time of
    the incident in question.
    Defense counsel did not present an, opening statement, but he cross-
    examined complainant extensively about when and where she worked as an escort
    and for how long. He then questioned her about the advertisements that the trial
    court had admitted outside the presence of the jury. She admitted that the
    advertisements included her pseudonym and that pictures of her had been attached
    to them. The latest advertisement had been dated approximately two weeks before
    the incident in question. As mentioned above, defense counsel argued successfully
    that the advertisements should be admitted because they were relevant to show
    "there was a consensual act between [complainant] and the defendant."
    Defense counsel also questioned complainant about how she paid her bills.
    Complainant had testified on direct examination that she owned a lingerie
    business. Defense counsel asked her how much money she made in that business
    and how much her monthly bills were, suggesting she did not make enough money
    through her lingerie business to pay her bills.
    He further asked complainant whether she had suffered any vaginal tearing
    from the incident. When defense counsel tried to retract his assertion to the trial
    court that appellant was relying on a defensive theory of consent to the sexual
    assault, the State argued that the question about vaginal tearing also was "designed
    to go towards the issue of consent."
    We agree with the State that appellant's cross-examination of complainant,
    standing alone, was enough to open the door for the State to present evidence
    rebutting appellant's defensive theory of consent because the gist of the cross-
    examination was that complainant was working as an escort when she went to the
    apartment and thus consented to the sexual encounter. See 
    id. Moreover, a
    consideration of the appellant's arguments, testimony elicited on cross-
    examination, and evidence presented at trial, affirms that appellant was attacking
    complainant's credibility as to consent.
    During his case, appellant presented testimony from his cousin that the
    month before the incident, the cousin saw the complainant in the parking at the
    hotel where appellant was staying, implying that she was there to see appellant. In
    his closing argument, defense counsel focused on the testimony from appellant's
    cousin. Regarding complainant, defense counsel also said:
    And what you know about her and the; fact that she was, from age 18
    to 22, a dancer and a [sic] escort where she'admitted going to hotel
    rooms and meeting guys but she doesn't remember the name of the
    man who set up all of her details, that's for you to evaluate if that
    means anything to you or not. . . .
    You have to decide, do you give her the same credibility you give the
    girl next door in the same situation. You have to weigh everything
    about her and make a decision based on her story.
    We conclude appellant raised the defensive theory that complainant
    consented to accompanying appellant and engaging in intercourse with him.9 We
    now address whether the State was entitled to put on the evidence of extraneous
    offenses to rebut appellant's defensive theory of consent.
    B. Extraneous Offense Evidence Similar Enough to be Admissible
    under Rule 404(b)
    Courts have recognized that a defendant's modus operandi—i.e., a
    defendant's "distinctive and idiosyncratic manner of committing criminal acts"—is
    an exception to the general rule excluding extraneous-offense evidence if the
    modus operandi tends to prove a material fact at issue other than propensity for
    committing crimes. See 
    Casey, 215 S.W.3d at 880-81
    . When a defensive theory of
    consent is raised, a defendant necessarily disputes his intent to do the act without
    9Consent likely was appellant's only available defense, as DNA evidence linked him to
    the crime.
    the consent of complainant. Rubio v. State, 
    607 S.W.2d 498
    , 501 (Tex. Crim. App.
    1980). Thus, modus operandi evidence has been used to prove lack of consent as a
    fact at issue when it is an element of the charged offense. See 
    Casey, 215 S.W.3d at 880-81
    Martin, 173 S.W.3d at 466
    -68; Rickerson v. State, 
    138 S.W.3d 528
    531-32 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2004, pet. ref d).
    In this case, lack of consent is an element of both charged offenses. See
    Martin, 173 S.W.3d at 466
    & n.l (noting lack of consent "is the essence of the
    offense of sexual assault"); Prudholm v. State, 
    333 S.W.3d 590
    , 598 (Tex. Crim.
    App. 2011) (listing elements of aggravated kidnapping to include "restrict[ing] a
    person's movements without consent"). Appellant argues the extraneous offenses
    should not have been admitted because they are not similar enough to show
    appellant's modus operandi.
    In Martin, the complainant testified that she became acquainted with Martin
    at a private club, where he falsely told her he was a deputy 
    sheriff. 173 S.W.3d at 464
    . She agreed to meet him at a mobile-home park several days later, but once she
    arrived, he took her to an unoccupied mobile home and forced her to have
    intercourse with him. 
    Id. Martin testified
    that their intercourse was consensual. 
    Id. at 465.
    The State called a rebuttal witness who testified that, several months before
    the alleged offense, she met Martin through a telephone "date line." 
    Id. She stated
    that Martin told her he was a detective. 
    Id. He later
    met her at her apartment and
    sexually assaulted her. 
    Id. Because Martin
    falsely claimed to be a law enforcement
    officer to "pick up" both the complainant and the extraneous-offense witness, both
    women agreed to meet Martin in a residential area, both women were assaulted on
    the first face-to-face meeting after initial contact, and both assaults took place in a
    residence, the court held that the extraneous-offense testimony was admissible as
    sufficiently distinctive modus operandi evidence. See 
    id. at 468.
    Likewise, the extraneous-offense testimony the State presented at trial is
    sufficiently distinctive and similar to the charged offenses to qualify as modus
    operandi evidence relevant to the issue of consent. See 
    id. These incidents
    within two weeks of each other. Both women were forcibly removed from their
    cars to a private location to be sexually assaulted. Both women were held for
    extended periods and sexually assaulted multiple times. In both instances,
    appellant went through the women's purses and took their ATM cards and also
    went through their phones for contact information. Appellant-also threatened to
    harm the victims' families if they reported the incidents to authorities. Both women
    were forced to wash themselves, and appellant expressed doubts that they were
    cleaning themselves well enough.10
    Appellant argues that these two incidents are not similar enough to support
    the trial court's finding of modus operandi because, in the first incident, appellant
    forced the woman to make videos and smoke marijuana, had a gun, and forced the
    victim to drive to a hotel. In the second incident, there were two attackers.
    However, the similarities between the two offenses are striking and unusual. The
    appellant's preoccupation with the victims' ATM cards, looking through their
    phones and threatening their family members, and forcing the victims to wash
    themselves multiple times is significant. Given the remarkable similarities between
    the charged offense and the extraneous offense testimony in this case, .-we.cannot
    say the trial court abused its discretion in admitting the extraneous offenses unless
    the evidence was unduly prejudicial. See 
    Casey, 215 S.W.3d at 881
    ; Martin, 173
    10 Moreover, appellant apparently targeted women with a history of being escorts.
    Defense counsel told the trial court, "[W]e have been told during discovery that [the other
    victim] did advertisements in Georgia as an escort and I want to ask her about that." The trial
    court -sustained the State's objection to that line of questioning. The State also presented
    evidence of another extraneous offense involving another escort to the trial court in a' hearing
    outside the presence of the jury, but decided not to offer the evidence in the presence of the jury.
    C. Extraneous Offense Evidence Not Unduly Prejudicial under
    Rule 403
    We presume that the probative value of evidence substantially outweighs the
    danger of unfair prejudice from admission of that evidence. Cargill v. State, No.
    2014 WL 6477109
    , at *6 (Tex. Crim. App. Nov. 19, 2014). It is
    therefore the defendant's burden to demonstrate that the danger of unfair prejudice
    substantially outweighs the probative value. Kappel v. State, 
    402 S.W.3d 490
    , 494
    (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2013, no pet.). In reviewing the trial court's
    balancing determination under Rule 403, we are to "reverse the trial court's
    judgment rarely and only after a clear abuse of discretion." 
    Id. Determining whether
    the probative value of evidence is outweighed by the
    danger of unfair prejudice requires balancing the following factors: (1) the strength
    of the evidence in making a fact more or less probable; (2) the potential of the
    extraneous-offense evidence to impress the jury in some irrational but indelible
    way; (3) the amount of time the proponent needed to develop the evidence; and
    (4) the strength of the proponent's need for this evidence to prove a fact of
    consequence. Bargas v. State, 
    252 S.W.3d 876
    , 892-93 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th
    Dist.] 2008, no pet.). When the record is silent as to the trial court's balancing of
    these factors, we presume the trial court conducted the balancing test. 
    Id. at 893.
    Strength of the Evidence. The first factor weighs strongly in favor of
    admissibility because the evidence was relevant to the issue of intent. See 
    id. (holding extraneous-offense
    evidence was probative to rebut appellant's theory that
    allegations were fabricated). As set forth above, appellant put his intent to commit
    the charged offenses at issue by raising a defensive theory of consent. See 
    Rubio, 607 S.W.2d at 500-01
    . The testimony regarding the extraneous offenses rebuts
    appellant's defensive argument that complainant's testimony was not credible and
    that she consented to the sexual encounter. Because the extraneous-offense
    evidence was so similar to the charged offense, it was highly probative as modus
    operandi evidence to rebut the issue of appellant's intent to commit the offenses.
    Casey, 215 S.W.3d at 882
    ; Morgan v. State, 
    692 S.W.2d 877
    , 880 (Tex. Crim.
    App. 1985).
    Potential to Impress Jury and Time Needed to Develop Evidence. The
    second and third factors also weigh in favor of admissibility. The extraneous
    offense was no more heinous than the crime for which appellant was indicted, so
    the testimony was not likely to create such prejudice in the minds of the jury that it
    would have been unable to limit its consideration of the evidence to its proper
    purpose. See Taylor v. State, 
    920 S.W.2d 319
    , 323 (Tex. Crim. App. 1996). Any
    danger the testimony may have impressed the jury in a prejudicial way is
    overshadowed by its probative value. See 
    Bargas, 252 S.W.3d at 893
    prejudicial tendencies of extraneous-offense testimony in sexual assault case as
    outweighed by its probative value when it was used to rebut a defensive issue).
    Furthermore, the testimony took less than an hour of the two-day guilt-innocence
    State's Need for Testimony. The State's need for this testimony was also
    significant, favoring admissibility under the fourth factor. Appellant urges that the
    jury could infer a lack of consent from the facts that complainant called the police,
    went to the hospital, and had physical injuries and her personal identification was
    stolen. But none of this evidence tends to discredit appellant's argument that
    appellant voluntarily went to the apartment building as an escort. See 
    Casey, 215 S.W.3d at 884
    ("[W]ithout the benefit of the [extraneous offense evidence, the
    complainant's] testimony could have been easily discounted by the jury due to her
    intoxication and intermittent recollection of events."). Because appellant contested
    complainant's allegations on a theory of consent, the State demonstrated the need
    to counter that theory.
    Considering the above factors, we conclude the probative value of the
    extraneous-offense evidence was not substantially outweighed by unfair prejudice.
    The evidence was probative in assessing whether complainant consented to the
    sexual encounter. The State needed the evidence to counteract the defensive theory
    that complainant went to the apartment as an escort. The trial court did not abuse
    its discretion under Rule 404(b) or Rule 403 in admitting the extraneous-offense
    evidence. See 
    Bargas, 252 S.W.3d at 893
    ; see also Montgomery v. State, 
    810 S.W.2d 372
    , 391-92 (Tex. Crim. App. 1990).
    We overrule appellant's third issue.
    We affirm the judgment of the trial court.
    /s/    Martha Hill Jamison
    Panel consists of Justices Christopher, Jamison, and Busby.
    Publish —Tex. R. App. P. 47.2(b).
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