Rhino Contractors, LLC v. Vulcan Construction Materials, LP ( 2015 )

  •                                                                                                                                                FILED IN
    May 4,2015                                                4th COURT OF APPEALS
    JUDITH R. BLAKEWA    05/4/2015
    Y        1:52:20 PM
    Mr. Keith E. Hottle
    Fourth Court of Appeals
    Cadena-Reeves Justice Center
    300 Dolorosa, Suite 3200
    San Antonio, Texas 78205
    RE:           No. 04-15-00 117-CV, Rhino Contractors, LLC v. Vulcan Construction
    Materials, LP; in the Court of Appeals for the Fourth District of Texas at
    San Antonio
    Dear Mr. Hottle:
    Rhino Contractors, LLC, Appellant, submits this letter brief to call to the Court's
    attention certain misstatements of fact in the brief of Appellee Vulcan Construction
    Materials, LP. Contemporaneously with the filing of this letter, Appellant is also filing
    a motion for leave to file.
    In its brief, Vulcan alleges that "Rhino decided to appeal without a reporter's
    record, thus failing to preserve any of the arguments or points of error related to the
    sufficiency of its evidence or the insufficiency of Vulcan's." Appellee's Brief at 6.
    Appellee further contends, "In the absence of any request for the reporter's record,
    Rhino concedes that it produced no credible evidence on the issues of which it now
    Id. Appellee's statement
    is incorrect. Defendant requested that the reporter prepare a
    record and filed that request on March 4,2015. A true and correct copy of the request is
    attached hereto marked Exhibit A. Rhino followed up that request with numerous
    communications with the court reporter.         Those requests are attached hereto as
    Exhibits B, C, D and E. When counsel was unable to obtain any response from the
    court reporter, she contacted the clerk of the Court of Appeals on March 18,2015. The
    Strasburger         & Price, LLP
    1822.'511HlFHw~IO~!OSl:lllIn5Antonio, Texas 78215- 1157                     I    210.250.6000        tel   I    210.250.6100     fax    I   www.strasburger.com
    Austin   I   Collin County   I   Dallas   I   Houston   I   San Antonio   I   New York   I   Washington, D.C.   I   Mexico City - Strasburger & Price, SC
    Mr. Keith E. Hottle
    Clerk of the Court
    Fourth Court of Appeals
    May 4, 2015
    Page 2
    clerk contacted the court reporter and ascertained that no evidence was adduced at the
    "prove-up" hearing on the entry of the default judgment,
    Accordingly, no reporter's record of the prove-up hearing was filed because none
    With reference to the hearing on the motion to set aside the default judgment, the
    transcript of the hearing attached to Appellee's brief confirms that no evidence, other
    than that included in the clerk's record, was introduced at that hearing either.
    Accordingly, the judgment should be reversed and remanded for trial. In the
    alternative, because there is no legally sufficient evidence to support the damages,
    interest and attorney's fees awarded by the trial court, the judgment should be reversed
    and remanded for trial on those awards.
    Respectfully submitted,
    lsi Judith R. Blakeway
    State Bar No. 20424700
    edward. valdespino@strasburger.com
    Judith R. Blakeway
    State Bar No. 02434400
    2301 Broadway
    San Antonio, Texas 78215
    Telephone: (210) 250-6000
    Facsimile: (210) 250-6100
    1 823906.IISPSN36984/0   10 1/050415
    Mr. Keith E. Hottle
    Clerk of the Court
    Fourth Court of Appeals
    May 4,2015
    Page 3
    Pursuant               to E-Filing   Standing Order, I certify that on May 4, 2015, I
    electronically filed the foregoing with the Clerk of Court using the EFile.TXCourts.gov
    electronic filing system which will send notification of such filing to the following:
    Robert W. Wachsmuth
    Zachary J. Fanucchi
    Robert Wachsmuth & Associates, PC
    9311 San Pedro Ave., Suite 707
    San Antonio, Texas 78216
    Telephone: (210) 342-2707
    Facsimile: (210) 342-2701
    Attorneys for Appellee Vulcan Construction Materials, LP
    /s/ Judith R. Blakeway
    On Appeal from the 288th District Court
    Bexar County, Texas
    STATE OF TEXAS                            §
    COUNTY OF BEXAR                           §
    BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary, on this day personally appeared Judith R. Blakeway,
    the affiant, whose identity is known to me. After I administered an oath, affiant testified as follows:
    1.         My name is Judith R. Blakeway. I am more than eighteen years of age, of sound
    mind, and fully competent to make this affidavit. The facts stated in this affidavit are within my
    personal knowledge and are true and correct.
    2.          I am one of the attorneys of record for Appellant Rhino Contractors, LLC in the
    above-styled and numbered cause.
    3.          On March 4,2015 I requested that the reporter prepare the record in this case. A true
    and correct copy is attached hereto as Exhibit A. I followed up that request with numerous emails,
    1 824272.1/SPSAl36984/01   01/050415
    true and correct copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibits B, C, D and E. Although I sent
    multiple requests to the court reporter asking whether a reporter's record had been created for the
    prove-up hearing on the entry of the default judgment, I was unable to obtain any response.
    4.         On March 18, 2015, I contacted the Clerk of the Court of Appeals to request
    5.         On March 19,2015, the Clerk of the Court of Appeals advised me that Luis Duran,
    the court reporter, confirmed that there was no record because no evidence was adduced at the
    hearing when the default judgment was entered.
    SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME by Judith R. Blakeway on this the _\--'---_
    day of%,2015,                                tocertify
    my h,``u
    .,  ate of Texas    I
    RANDA M. CHANCE              y commission expires:         I
    12f IS 20 IS
    December 15, 2015
    I   J
    1824272. 1/SPSA/36984/01    01 1050415
    3/4/20154:48:23 PM
    Donna Kay McKinney
    Bexar County District Clerk
    Accepted By: Cecilia Barbosa
    March 4, 2015
    TO:      Mr. Luis Duran, Court Reporter
    73rd District Court
    Bexar County Courthouse
    100 Dolarosa, 2nd floor
    San Antonio, Texas 78205
    FR:      Judith R. Blakeway
    Attorney for Defendant Rhino Contractors, LLC
    RE:      Defendants' Request for Documents to be Included in Clerk's Record for Cause No. 2014-CI-
    15870, Vulcan Construction Materials, LP v. Rhino Contractors, LLC, in the District Court for
    the 288th Judicial District of Bexar County, Texas
    Defendant Rhino Contractors, LLC is appealing this case to the Fourth Court of Appeals.
    Along with this request, Rhino Contractors, LLC has filed a notice of appeal and has made
    arrangements to pay the court reporter's fee.
    Please prepare, file, and certify an original and one copy of the reporter's record containing
    evidence admitted at the hearing on default judgment on December 9,2014.
    The first notice of appeal filed in tills case was filed on March 2,2015. The reporter's record
    must be filed with the court of appeals within 30 days after the date the Appellant filed the first notice
    of appeal, on or before Aprill, 2015.
    Please let me know when you have filed the reporter's record with the court of appeals.
    I             ='£\
    Strasburger & Price, LLP
    1'ZlgIBIB.mmiwB.;VD1~l~mH4ntonio,. Texas 78215- 1157        I 210.250.6000 tel 210.250.6100 fax                   www.strasburger.com
    Austin   I Collin County   Dallas   Houston   I San Antonio   New York I Washingtnn, D.C.    Mexico City - Strasburger & Price, Be
    Mr. Luis Duran
    73rd Judicial District Court
    March 4, 2015
    Page 2
    Respectfully submitted,
    STRASBURGER        & PRlCE,   LLP
    BY: lsI Judith R. Blakewqy
    State Bar No. 20424700
    edward. valdespino@strasburger.com
    State Bar No. 02434400
    2301 Broadway
    San Antonio, Texas 78215
    Telephone: (210) 250~6000
    Facsimile: (210) 250·6100
    I hereby certify that on the 4th day of March, 2015, a true and correct copy of the above and
    foregoing Defendant's                 Request to Prepare Reporter's    Record has been transmitted in accordance with
    the requirement of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, addressed as follows:
    Robert W. Wachsmuth
    Zachary 1. Fanucchi
    Robert Wachsmuth & Associates, PC
    9311 San Pedro Ave., Suite 707
    San Antonio, Texas 78216
    Telephone:     (210) 342-2707
    Facsimile:     (210) 342-2701
    Attorneys for Plaintiff Vulcan Construction Materials, LP
    lsI Judith R. Blakewav
    11761R5.1!SPSN3698401    01 (JJ0415
    Chance. Randa
    From:                                Chance, Randa
    Sent:                                Wednesday, March 04, 2015 3:04 PM
    To:                                  Duran, Luis; Iduran79@yahoo.com
    Subject:                             Cause No. 2014-CI-15870 (Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino Contractors)
    Categories:                          In OM, #1782968 : SPSA : 36984 : 0101
    We have filed an appeal in the above matter.
    Can you please advise as soon as possible whether there is a reporter's record, and whether evidence was admitted at
    the default judgment hearing on December 9,2014 or on another date?
    Randa M. Chance, Legal Administrative Assistant
    For Judith Reed Blakeway, John Pinckney and Teo Seger
    Strasburger   & Price, LLP • 2301 Broadway Street. San Antonio, TX 78215
    210.250.6024. Fax 210.250.6100. www.strasburger.com
    Chance. Randa
    From:                                Judith.Blakeway@strasburger.com on behalf of Blakeway, Judith
    Sent:                                Wednesday, March 04, 2015 4:56 PM
    To:                                  Iduran@bexar.org; Iduran79@yahoo.com
    Cc:                                  Blakeway, Judith
    Subject:                             Cause No. 2014-CI-15870 (Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino Contractors)
    Attachments:                         Rhino-Vulcan - Request for Reporter's Record.pdf
    Pursuant to the attached, please let me know whether there is a reporter's    record, and if so, what the cost for
    preparation will be so that we can make arrangements to pay the fee.
    Thank you,
    Judith Reed Blakeway
    Strasburger  & Price, LLP • 2301 Broadway Street. San Antonio, TX 78215
    210.250.6004 • Fax 210.258.2706 • www.strasburger.com
    This email message and any attachments are confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended
    recipient, please notify Strasburger & Price, LLP immediately -- by replying to this message or by sending an
    email topostmaster@strasburger.com     -- and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments. Thank
    j        ~
    March 4,2015
    210.250.600 I
    TO:      Mr. Luis Duran, Court Reporter
    73rd District Court
    Bexar County Courthouse
    100 Dolorosa, 2nd floor
    San Antonio, Texas 78205
    FR:      Judith R. Blakeway
    Attorney for Defendant Rhino Contractors, LLC
    RE:      Defendants' Request for Documents to be Included in Clerk's Record for Cause No. 2014-CI-
    15870, Vulcan Construction Materials, LP v. Rhino Contractors, LLC, in the District Court for
    the 288th Judicial District of Bexar County, Texas
    Defendant Rhino Contractors, LLC is appealing this case to the Fourth Court of Appeals.
    Along with this request, Rhino Contractors, LLC has filed a notice of appeal and has made
    arrangements to pay the court reporter's fee.
    Please prepare, file, and certify an original and one copy of the reporter's record containing
    evidence admitted at the hearing on default judgment on December 9,2014.
    The first notice of appeal filed in this case was filed on March 2, 2015. The reporter's record
    must be filed with the court of appeals within 30 days after the date the Appellant flied the first notice
    of appeal, on or before April 1, 2015.
    Please let me know when you have filed the reporter's record with the court of appeals.
    Strasburger      & Price, LLP
    I'ZJBDIBmmhIl~1D1~14lmn4ntonio, Texas 78215-                1157    I   210.250.6000    tel          210.250.6100   fax       www.strasburger.corn
    Austin   I   Collin County   Dallas   Houston   I   San Antonio     New York     Washington,     D.C.   Mexico City. Strasburger   & Price, se
    Mr. Luis Duran
    7Jrd Judicial District Court
    March 4, 2015
    Page 2
    Respectfully submitted,
    BY: Is/Judith R. Blakeway
    State Bar No. 20424700
    edward. valdespino(@,strasburger.com
    State Bar No. 02434400
    2301 Broadway
    San Antonio, Texas 78215
    Telephone: (210) 250-6000
    Facsimile: (210) 250-6100
    I hereby certify that on the 4th day of March, 2015, a true and correct copy of the above and
    foregoing Defendant's Request to Prepare Reporter's Record has been transmitted in accordance with
    the requirement of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, addressed as follows:
    Robert W. Wachsmuth
    Zachary 1. Fanucchi
    Robert Wachsmuth & Associates, PC
    9311 San Pedro Ave., Suite 707
    San Antonio, Texas 78216
    Telephone:     (210) 342-2707
    Facsimile:    (210) 342-2701
    Attorneys for Plaintiff Vulcan Construction Materials, LP
    lsI Judith R. Blakeway
    1776385.1 iSPSN36984   iO10 1iQ304 15
    Chance, Randa
    From:                                       RPost 
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    Judith.Blakeway@strasburger.com                     Deliveredto mailbox        3/4/2015   11:00:30 PM (UTC)   11:00:30 PM
    to MailBox                                                             (GMT)
    Iduran@bexar.org                                    Deliveredto mailbox        3/4/201511:00:30   PM (UTC)    11:00:30 PM
    to MailBox                                                             (GMT)
    'UTC representsCoordinatedUniversalTime.
    Message      Envelope
    From:                                    Blakeway Judith
    Subject:                                 Cause No. 2014-CI-15870 (Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino Contractors)
    Network 10:                              <8EOF2F1CEDE936439A160BOFD988CF41OECB63F5@DMail.strasburger.
    Received:                                3/4/2015 10:56:27 PM(UTC) 0
    Client Code:                           36984.0101
    .----                ,_HH   __   '__
    Message Statistics
    Message ID:                                                                467EAB10DE918FOFOF474AE128D6F89432A025AF
    Message Size:                                                              636095
    Additional Notes:
    File Name:                                                                 File Size (bytes)
    Rhino-Vulcan     - Request for Reporter's Record.pdf                       427496
    Delivery    Audit Trail
    From:postmaster@mta1.la1.rpost.netHello,       this is the mail serveronmta1.la1.rpost.net.  I am sending you this message to
    inform you on the delivery status of a message you previously sent. Immediately below you will find a list of the affected
    recipients; also attached is a Delivery Status Notification (DSN) report in standard format, as well as the headers of the
    original message. relayed to mailer mtaS.amO.yahoodns.net (
    From:postmaster@strasburger.com:From:postmaster@mta1.la1.rpost.netHello,              this is the mail server on
    mta1.la1.rpost.net. I am sending you this message to inform you on the delivery status of a message you previously sent.
    Immediately below you will find a list of the affected recipients; also attached is a Delivery Status Notification (DSN) report in
    standard format. as well as the headers of the original message. relayed to mailer mta5.amO.yahoodns.net (
    Your message has been delivered to the following recipients: Judith.Blakeway@strasburger.com
    (Judith.Blakeway@strasburger.com)      Subject: Cause No. 2014-CI-15870 (Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino
    From:"Microsoft Outlook" :From:postmaster@strasburger.com:From:postmaster@mta1.1a1.rpost.netHello,               this is the mail
    server on mta1.la1.rpost.net. I am sending you this message to inform you on the delivery status of a message you
    previously sent. Immediately below you will find a list of the affected recipients; also attached is a Delivery Status
    Notification (DSN) report in standard format, as well as the headers of the original message. relayed to mailer
    mtaS.amO.yahoodns.net ( Your message has been delivered to the following recipients:
    Judith.Blakeway@strasburger.com      (Judith.Blakeway@strasburger.com)       Subject: Cause No. 2014-CI·15870 (Vulcan
    file:1Ile:1U sers/rchancel AppData/LocallMicrosoftlWindows/Temporary%20Intemet%20Fil...                                                  5/4/2015
    Registered Delivery Receipt                                                                                            Page 2 of2
    Construction Materials v, Rhino Contractors) Your message has been delivered to the following recipients:
    Iduran@bexar,org (Iduran@bexar,org) Subject: Cause No, 2014-CI-15870 (Vulcan Construction Materials v, Rhino
    2015-03-04 14:56:30 starting yahco.com/mtat'n   2015-03-04 14:56:30 connecting from mta1.la1.rpost.net (64,70.1.107) to
    rntas.arno.yahoodns.net (63.250, 192.45)\n 2015-03-04 14:56:30 connected from 07:50543\n 2015-03-04 14:56:30
    »> 220 mta1500.mail.gq1 .yahoo. com ESMTP ready\n 2015-03-04 14:56:30 <<< EHLO mta1 .la l.rpost.netm 2015-03-04
    14:56:30 >>> 250-mta1500.mail.gq1 ,yahoo.com\n 2015-03-04 14:56:30 >>> 250-PIPELINING\n 2015-03-04 14:56:30 >>>
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    2015-03-04 14:56:33 done yahoo.com/mta1
    2015-03-04 14:56:30 starting strasburger.com/mta1 \n 2015-03-04 14:56:30 connecting from mta 1.la1.rpost.net
    ( to strasburger-com.mail.protection.outlook.com      (\n 2015-03-04 14:56:30 connected from\n 2015-03-04 14:56:31 >>> 220 BN 1AFFO 11 FD024.mail.protection.outiook.com              Microsoft ESMTP MAl L
    Service ready at Wed, 4 Mar 2015 22:56:27 +OOOO\n2015-03-04 14:56:31 <<< EHLO mta1.la1.rpost.net\n 2015-03-04
    14:56:31 »> 250-BN 1AFFO 11FD024.mail.prolection.outlook,com            Hello [64,70.1,1 07]\n 2015-03-04 14:56:31 »> 250-
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    14:56:31 «< MAIL FROM:                           BODY=7BIT
    RET=HDRS\n 2015-03-0414:56:31         <<< RCPT TO:
    NOTIFY=SUCCESS,FAILURE,DELAY\n              2015-03-04 14:56:31 <<< DATA\n 2015-03-04 14:56:31 »> 250 2.1,0 Sender
    OK\n 2015-03-04 14:56:31 »> 250 2.1,5 Recipient OK\n 2015-03-0414:56:31               >>> 354 Start mail input; end with
    ,\n 2015-03-0414:56:32           <<< ,\n 2015-03-0414:56:33      »> 250 2,6.0
    <467EAB 1ODE918FOFOF4 74AE128D6F89432A025AF-2@rpost.net>                   [lntemalld=3208340572428,
    Hostname=BN3PR02MB1189,namprd02,prod.outlook.comj               Queued mail for delivery\n 2015-03-0414:56:33       «< QUIT\n
    2015-03-0414:56:33      >>> 2212.0.0 Service closing transmission channel\n2015-03-04          14:56:33 closed strasburger-
    com.mail.protection,outlook.com    (207.46.163,138) in=620 out=636152\n 2015-03-04 14:56:33 done strasburger.com/mta1
    2015-03-04 14:56:31 starting bexar.org/mta1 \n 2015-03-04 14:56:31 connecting from mta1.la1.rpost.net (64.70.1,107) to
    bexar-org.mail.protection.outiook.com      (207.46.163,138)\n 2015-03-0414:56:31       connected from 64,70.1.107:56712\n 2015-
    03-0414:56:31 »> 220 BN1AFF011 FD023.mail.protection.outlook,com               Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Wed, 4
    Mar 2015 22:56:27 +OOOO\n2015-03-04 14:56:31 «< EHLO mta1 .lat.rpost.netvi 2015-03-04 14:56:31 >>> 250-
    BN1 AFF011 FD023,mail.protection.outlook.com         Hello [64,70,1.1 07]\n 2015-03-04 14:56:31 >>> 250-SIZE 157286400\n
    2015-03-0414:56:31       »> 250-PIPELINING\n 2015-03-04 14:56:31 »> 250-DSN\n 2015-03-0414:56:31                  >>> 250-
    ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES\n               2015-03-0414:56:31     >>> 250-STARTTLS\n 2015-03-0414:56:31           >>> 250-8BITMIME\n
    2015-03-0414:56:31       >>> 250-BINARYMIME\n 2015-03-0414:56:31           >>> 250 CHUNKING\n 2015-03-0414:56:31           -c-c-c
    MAIL FROM:                          BODY=7BIT RET=HDRS\n 2015-03-
    0414:56:31 <<< RCPT TO:             NOTIFY=SUCCESS,FAILURE,DELAY\n              2015-03-0414:56:31     <<<
    DATA\n 2015-03-04 14:56:31 »> 250 2.1,0 Sender OK\n 2015-03-04 14:56:31 »> 250 2,1.5 Recipient OK\n 2015-03-04
    14:56:31 >>> 354 Start mail input; end with ,\n 2015-03-0414:56:32                <<< ,\n 2015-03-0414:56:32    >>> 250
    2,6.0 <467EAB 1ODE918FOFOF4 74AE128D6F89432A025AF-3@rpost.net>                    [lnternalld=73259257194053,
    Hostname=BN1AFF011          HUB018.protection,gbl]    Queued mail for delivery\n 2015-03-04 14:56:32 <<< QUIT\n 2015-03-04
    14:56:33 »> 221 2.0.0 Service closing transmission channel\n 2015-03-04 14:56:33 closed bexar-
    org.mail.protection.outlook.com     ( in=612 out=6361 07\n 2015-03-04 14:56:33 done bexar.orq/rnta l
    This Registered Receipt email is verifiable proof of your Registered Email transaction, It contains:
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    file:11IC:/U sers/rchancel AppDataiLocal/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary%20Intemet%20Fil...                                   5/4/2015
    Chance. Randa
    From:                            Mail Delivery System < MAILER-DAEMON@gate3.1al.rpost.net>
    To:                              Iduran@bexar.org.rpost.org
    Sent:                            Wednesday, March 04, 2015 4:57 PM
    Subject:                         Delivered: Cause No. 2014-CI-15870 (Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino
    Your message has been delivered to the following recipients:
    Subject: Cause No. 2014-CI-15870 (Vulcan Construction Materials   v. Rhino Contractors)
    Chance. Randa
    From:                                Judith.Blakeway@strasburger.com on behalf of Blakeway, Judith
    Sent:                                Thursday, March 12, 2015 9:28 AM
    To:                                  Iduran79@yahoo.com; Iduran@bexar.org
    Cc:                                  Blakeway, Judith
    Subject:                             Cause No. 2014-CI-15870; Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino Contractors
    Please let us know ifthere was any evidence offered in support of the default judgment    in Cause No. 2014-CI-15870   on
    December 9,2014. If not, we will draft an affidavit for your signature to that effect.
    Judith Reed Blakeway
    Strasburger  & Price, LLP • 2301 Broadway Street. San Antonio, TX 78215
    210.250.6004 • Fax 210.258.2706 • www.strasburger.com
    This email message and any attachments are confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended
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    Chance, Randa
    From:                                         RPost 
    Sent:                                         Thursday, March 12, 2015 9:28 AM
    To:                                           Blakeway, Judith
    Cc:                                           Rpost receipt
    Subject:                                      Ack: Cause No. 2014-CI-15870; Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino Contractors
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    Cc:                               "Judith.Blakeway@strasburger.com"         
    Was received by the               3/12/20152:28:09       PM (UTC)*
    registration service at:          3/12/20152:28:09       PM (Local)
    Message      ID:                  24734C88F4F44ECB2B7AC6D7D9995A416ECE66C8
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    ·   Chance, Randa
    From:                               Mail Delivery System < MAILER-DAEMON@gate3.1a1.rpost.net>
    To:                                 Iduran@bexar.org.rpost.org
    Sent:                               Thursday, March 12, 2015 9:28 AM
    Subject:                            Delivered: Cause No. 2014-CI-15870; Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino Contractors
    Your message has been delivered to the following recipients:
    Subject: Cause No. 2014-CI-15870;    Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino Contractors
    ,   Chance, Randa
    From:                                   Receipt < receipt@rpost.net>
    Sent:                                   Thursday, March 12, 2015 11:31 AM
    To:                                     Blakeway, Judith
    Cc:                                     Rpost receipt
    Subject:                                Receipt: Cause No. 2014-CI-15870; Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino Contractors
    Attachments:                            DeliveryReceipt.xml; HtmlReceipt.htm
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    to MailBox    (            (UTC)        (GMT)
    3/12/2015    3/12/2015
    Iduran@bexar.org                                   Delivered to mailbox       2:29:06 PM   2:29:06 PM
    to MailBox                               (UTC)        (GMT)
    3/12/2015    3/12/2015
    Judith.Blakeway@strasburger.com                    Delivered to mailbox       2:29:06 PM   2:29:06 PM
    to MailBox                               (UTe)        (GMT)
    'UTC representsCoordinatedUniversalTime.
    Message Envelope
    From:             Blakeway Judith
    Subject:          Cause No. 2014-CI-15870; Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino Contractors
    Network ID:       <8EDF2F1CEDE936439A160BOFD988CF41DECB8AOE@DMail.strasburger.
    Received:         3/12/2015   2:28:09 PM(UTC) 0
    Client Code:      36984.0101
    Message Statistics
    Message ID:                     24734C88F4F44ECB2B7AC6D7D9995A416ECE66C8
    Message Size:                   43619
    Additional Notes:
    Delivery Audit Trail
    From:postmaster@mta1.la1.rpost.netHello,       this is the mail serveronmta1.la1.rpost.net.   I am
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    relayed to mailer mta5.amO.yahoodns.net    (
    From:"Microsoft Outlook" :From:postmaster@mta1.la1.rpost.netHello,      this is the mail server on
    mta1.la1.rpost.net. I am sending you this message to inform you on the delivery status of a
    message you previously sent. Immediately below you will find a list of the affected recipients; also
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    the original message. relayed to mailer mta5.amO.yahoodns.net ( Your message
    has been delivered to the following recipients: Iduran@bexar.org (lduran@bexar.org) Subject:
    Cause No. 2014-CI-15870; Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino Contractors
    From: postmaster@strasburger.com:From:"Microsoft          Outlook"
    :From:postmaster@mta1.la1.rpost.netHello,       this is the mail serveronmta1.la1.rpost.net.   I am
    sending you this message to inform you on the delivery status of a message you previously sent.
    Immediately below you will find a list of the affected recipients; also attached is a Delivery Status
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    relayed to mailer mta5.amO.yahoodns.net ( Your message has been delivered to the
    following recipients: Iduran@bexar.org (Iduran@bexar.org) Subject: Cause No. 2014-CI-15870;
    Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino Contractors Your message has been delivered to the
    following recipients: Judith. Blakeway@strasburger.com       (Judith. Blakeway@strasburger.com)
    Subject: Cause No. 2014-CI-15870; Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino Contractors
    2015-03-1207:28:15     starting yahoo.com/mta1\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 connecting from
    mta1.la1.rpost.net ( to mta5.amO.yahoodns.net (\n 2015-03-12
    07:28:15 connected from\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 »> 220
    mta1429.mail.ne1.yahoo.com       ESMTP ready\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 «< EHLO
    mta1.la1.rpost.net\n 2015-03-12 07:28: 15 >>> 250-mta1429.mail.ne1.yahoo.com\n    2015-03-12
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    -c-c-c MAl L FROM: 
    BODY=7BIT\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 «< RCPT TO:\n             2015-03-12
    07:28:15 «< DATA\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 >>> 250 sender
     ok\n 2015-03-12
    07:28:15 »> 250 recipient  ok\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 >>> 354 go
    ahead\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 <<< .\n 2015-03-12 07:28:17 »> 250 ok dirdel\n 2015-03-12
    07:28:17 «< QUIT\n 2015-03-12 07:28:17 >>> 221 mta1429.mail.ne1.yahoo.com\n        2015-03-12
    07:28: 17 closed mta5.amO.yahoodns.net ( in=313 out=43584\n 2015-03-12
    07:28:17 done yahoo.com/mta1
    2015-03-1207:28:15      starting bexar.org/mta1\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 connecting from
    mta1.la1.rpost.net ( to bexar-org.mail.protection.outlook.com     (\n 2015-
    03-1207:28:15 connected from\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 »> 220
    BN1AFF011 FD015.mail.protection.outlook.com        Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Thu, 12
    Mar201514:28:12        +OOOO\n2015-03-12 07:28:15 «< EHLO mta1.la1.rpost.net\n 2015-03-12
    07:28: 15 »> 250-BN 1AFF011 FD015.mail.protection.outlook.com          Hello [ 07]\n 2015-03-
    1207:28:15 »> 250-SIZE 157286400\n 2015-03-1207:28:15              >>> 250-PIPELINING\n 2015-03-12
    07:28:15 »> 250-DSN\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 »> 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES\n                        2015-03-
    1207:28:15 »> 250-STARTTLS\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 »> 250-8BITMIME\n 2015-03-12
    07:28:15 »> 250-BINARYMIME\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 »> 250 CHUNKING\n 2015-03-12
    07:28: 15 -c-c-c MAl L FROM:  BODY=7BIT RET=HDRS\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 «< RCPT
    TO:        NOTIFY=SUCCESS, FAILURE, DELAY\n 2015-03-12 07:28: 15 «<
    DATA\n 2015-03-12 07:28: 15 >>> 250 2.1.0 Sender OK\n 2015-03-12 07:28: 15 »> 250 2.1.5
    Recipient OK\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 >>> 354 Start mail input; end with  .\n 2015-
    03-1207:28:15 <<< .\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 »> 250 2.6.0
    <24 734C88F4F44ECB2B7 AC6D7D9995A416ECE66C8-2@rpost.net>
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    delivery\n 2015-03-1207:28:16      «< QUIT\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 »> 2212.0.0 Service closing
    transmission channel\n 2015-03-12 07:28: 16 closed bexar-org.mail. protection. outlook. com
    ( in=613 out=43616\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 done bexar.org/mta1
    2015-03-1207:28:16    starting strasburger.com/mta1\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 connecting from
    mta1.la1.rpost.net ( to strasburger-com.mail.protection.outlook.com
    (\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 connected from\n 2015-03-12
    07:28:16 >>> 220 BN1AFF011 FD037.mail.protection.outlook.com          Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service
    ready at Thu, 12 Mar 201514:28:12 +OOOO\n2015-03-12 07:28:16 <<< EHLO mta1.la1.rpost.net\n
    ,   2015-03-1207:28:16    »> 250-BN1AFF011 FD037.mail.protection.outlook.com        Hello
    [\n 2015-03-12 07:28: 16 >>> 250-SIZE 157286400\n 2015-03-12 07:28: 16 »> 250-
    PIPELINING\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 »> 250-DSN\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 »> 250-
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    »> 250-8BITMIME\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 >>> 250-BINARYMIME\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 >>>
    250 CHUNKING\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 <<< MAIL
    FROM:                  BODY=7BIT
    RET=HDRS\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 «< RCPT TO:
    NOTIFY=SUCCESS,FAILURE,DELAY\n           2015-03-12 07:28:16 «< DATA\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16
    »> 250 2.1.0 Sender OK\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 »> 250 2.1.5 Recipient OK\n 2015-03-12
    07:28:16 >>> 354 Start mail input; end with .\n 2015-03-12 07:28:17 «< .\n 2015-
    03-1207:28:18 >>> 250 2.6.0 <24734C88F4F44ECB2B7AC6D7D9995A416ECE66C8-
    3@rpost.net> [lnternalld=2748779071711,
    Hostname=DM2PR02MB1321.namprd02.prod.outlook.comj             Queued mail for delivery\n 2015-03-12
    07:28:18 «< QUIT\n 2015-03-12 07:28:18 »> 221 2.0.0 Service closing transmission channel\n
    2015-03-12 07:28: 18 closed strasburger-com.mail.protection.outlook.com   ( in=621
    out=43661\n 2015-03-12 07:28:18 done strasburger.com/mta1
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    Iduran@bexar.org                                    Deliveredto mailbox        3/12/20152:29:06   PM (UTC)    2:29:06 PM
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    Judith.Blakeway@strasburger.com                     Deliveredto mailbox        3/12/2015   2:29:06 PM (UTC)   2:29:06 PM
    to MailBox                                                             (GMT)
    'UTC representsCoordinatedUniversalTime.
    Message     Envelope
    From:                                    Blakeway Judith
    Subject:                                 Cause No. 2014-CI-15870; Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino Contractors
    Network ID:                              <8EDF2F1CEDE936439A160BOFD988CF41DECB8AOE@DMail,strasburger.
    Received:                                3/12/20152:28:09     PM(UTC) 0
    Client Code:                             36984.0101
    I Message   Statisti~-;'-
    Message ID:                              24734C88F4F44ECB2B7AC6D7D9995A416ECE66C8
    Message Size:                            43619
    Additional Notes:
    ---,-                    -
    Delivery Audit Trail
    From:postmaster@mta1.la1.rpost.netHello,       this is the mail server on mta1.la1.rpost.net. I am sending you this message to
    inform you on the delivery status of a message you previously sent. Immediately below you will find a list of the affected
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    From:"Microsoft Outlook" :From:postmaster@mta1.la1.rpost.netHello,          this is the mail server on mta1.la1.rpost.net. I am
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    delivered to the following recipients: Iduran@bexar.org (Iduran@bexar.org) Subject: Cause No. 2014-CI-15870; Vulcan
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    From:postmaster@strasburger.com:From:"Microsoft         Outlook" :From:postmaster@mta1.la1.rpost.netHello,       this is the mail
    server on mta1.la1.rpost.net. I am sending you this message to inform you on the delivery status of a message you
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    mta5.amO.yahoodns.net ( Your message has been delivered to the following recipients: Iduran@bexar.org
    (lduran@bexar.org) Subject Cause No. 2014-CI-15870; Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino Contractors Your message
    has been delivered to the following recipients: Judith.Blakeway@strasburger.com        (Judith.Blakeway@strasburger.com)
    Subject Cause No. 2014-CI-15870; Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino Contractors
    2015-03-12 07:28: 15 starting yahoo.com/mta1\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 connecting from mta1.la1.rpost.net ( to
    mta5.amO.yahoodns.net (\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 connected from 07:53704\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15
    file :IIIC:IU sers/rchancel AppDataILocal/MicrosoftiWindows/Temporary%20Intemet%20Fil...                                                5/4/2015
    Registered Delivery Receipt                                                                                        Page 2 of2
    >>> 220 mta1429.mail.ne1.yahoo.com     ESMTP ready\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 «< EHLO mta1.1a1.rpost.net\n 2015-03-12
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    mta1429.mail.ne1.yahoo.com\n    2015-03-12 07:28:17 closed mta5.amO.yahoodns.net ( in=313 out=43584\n
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    2015-03-1207:28:15       starting bexar.org/mta1\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 connecting frommta1.la1.rpostnet        ( to
    bexar-org.mail.protection.outlook.com      (\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 connected from\n 2015-
    03-12 07:28:15 »> 220 BN 1AFF011 F0015.mail.protection.outlook.com             Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready atThu, 12
    Mar 2015 14:28:12 +OOOO\n2015-03-12 07:28:15 «< EHLO mta1.la1.rpost.net\n 2015-03-12 07:28: 15 »> 250-
    BN1 AFF011 F0015.mail.protection.outlook.com         Hello [ 07]\n 2015-03-12 07:28: 15 »> 250-SIZE 157286400\n
    2015-03-1207:28:15       >>> 250-PIPELINING\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 »> 250-0SN\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 >>> 250-
    ENHANCEOSTATUSCOOES\n               2015-03-12 07:28:15 >>> 250-STARTTLS\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 >>> 250-8BITMIME\n
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    MAIL FROM:                            BOOY=7BIT RET=HORS\n 2015-
    03-1207:28:15 <<< RCPT TO:             NOTIFY=SUCCESS,FAILURE,OELAY\n              2015-03-12 07:28:15 <<<
    OATA\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 »> 250 2.1.0 Sender OK\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 »> 250 2.1.5 Recipient OK\n 2015-03-12
    07:28:15 »> 354 Start mail input; end with .\n 2015-03-12 07:28:15 «< .\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 >>> 250
    2.6.0 <24734C88F4F44ECB2B7 AC60709995A416ECE66C8-2@rpost.net>                      [lnternalld=28845000378585,
    Hostname=BN1AFF011HUB049.protection.gbl]             Queued mail fordelivery\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 <<< QUIT\n 2015-03-12
    07:28:16 >>> 221 2.0.0 Service closing transmission channel\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 closed bexar-
    org.mail.protection.outlook.com     ( in=613 out=43616\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 done bexar.org/mta1
    2015-03-1207:28:16      starting strasburger.com/mta1\n   2015-03-12 07:28:16 connecting frommta1.la1.rpost.net
    ( to strasburger-com.mail.protection.outlook.com      (\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 connected from\n     2015-03-12 07:28:16 »> 220 BN1AFF011 F0037.mail.protection.outlook.com            Microsoft ESMTP MAIL
    Service ready at Thu, 12 Mar 2015 14:28:12 +OOOO\n2015-03-12 07:28:16 <<< EHLO mta1.la1.rpost.net\n 2015-03-12
    07:28:16 »> 250-BN1AFF011 F0037.mail.protection.outlook.com             Hello [ 07]\n 2015-03-1207:28: 16 >>> 250-
    SIZE 157286400\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 »> 250-PIPELINING\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 >>> 250-0SN\n 2015-03-12
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    250-8BITMIME\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 »> 250-BINARYMIME\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 »> 250 CHUNKING\n 2015-03-12
    07:28:16 «< MAIL FROM:             BOOY=7BIT
    RET=HORS\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 «< RCPT TO:
    NOTIFY=SUCCESS,FAILURE,OELAY\n                2015-03-12 07:28:16 «< OATA\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 »> 250 2.1.0 Sender
    OK\n 2015-03-1207:28:16        »> 250 2.1.5 Recipient OK\n 2015-03-12 07:28:16 >>> 354 Start mail input; end with
    .\n 2015-03-1207:28:17             «< .\n 2015-03-12 07:28:18 >>> 250 2.6.0
    <24734C88F4F44ECB2B7 AC60709995A416ECE66C8-3@rpost.net>                      [lnternalld=2748779071711,
    Hostname=OM2PR02MB 1321.namprd02.prod.outlook.com]               Queued mail for delivery\n 2015-03-12 07:28: 18 «< QU IT\n
    2015-03-1207:28:18      >>> 2212.0.0 Service closing transmission channel\n 2015-03-12 07:28:18 closed strasburger-
    com.mail.protection.outlook.com      ( in=621 out=43661\n 2015-03-12 07:28: 18 done strasburgeLcomimta1
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    Chance. Randa
    From:                               Judith.Blakeway@strasburger.com on behalf of Blakeway, Judith
    Sent:                               Monday, March 16, 2015 11:26 AM
    To:                                 Iduran79@yahoo.com; Iduran@bexar.org
    Cc:                                 Blakeway, Judith
    Subject:                            No. 2014-CI-15870; Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino Contractors, LLC
    Attachments:                        SPSA-#1783981-v1- Rhino_-_Court_Reporter_AffidaviULu is_Duran).DOCX
    Importance:                         High
    Mr. Duran,
    If it is correct that no record was made of the default in this case, would you please sign the attached affidavit before a
    notary and return it to me for filing with the Court of Appeals?
    If it is not correct, could you please let me know.
    Thank you,
    Judith Reed Blakeway
    Strasburger & Price, LLP • 2301 Broadway Street. San Antonio, TX 78215
    210.250.6004. Fax 210.258.2706 • www.strasburger.com
    This email message and any attachments are confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended
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    email topostmaster@strasburger.com     -- and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments. Thank
    VULCAN CONSTRUCTION                                     §          IN THE DISTRICT COURT
    MATERIALS, LP,                                          §
    Plaintiff                                          §          288TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT
    v.                                                      §
    RHINO CONTRACTORS, LLC,                                 §          BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS
    Defendant.                                         §
    STATE OF TEXAS                           §
    COUNTY OF BEXAR                          §
    BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary, on this day personally appeared Luis Duran, the
    affiant, whose identity is known to me. After I administered an oath, affiant testified as follows:
    1.          My name is Luis Duran. I am over 18 years of age, of sound mind, and capable
    of making this affidavit. The facts stated in this affidavit are within my personal knowledge and
    are true and correct.
    2.          I am the official court reporter for the 73rd Judicial District Court in Bexar
    County, Texas. I held that position on December 9,2014.
    3.          There was no evidence offered or admitted and, accordingly, no record made, in
    connection with the default judgment entered by Judge David Canales in the above-styled case
    on December 9, 2014.
    SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME by Luis Duran on this the                            day
    of                           , 2015, to certify which witness my hand and seal of office.
    Notary Public, State of Texas
    My commission expires:             _
    Chance, Randa
    From:                                        RPost 
    Sent:                                        Monday, March 16, 2015 11:26 AM
    To:                                          Blakeway, Judith
    Cc:                                          Rpost receipt
    Subject:                                     Ack: No. 2014-CI-15870; Vulcan Construction                  Materials v. Rhino Contractors, LLC
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    RPost will send a Registered Receipt'" record within two hours as your proof of delivery, content,
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    Cc:                               "Judith.Blakeway@strasburger.com"           
    Was received by the               3/16/20154:25:48       PM (UTC)*
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    Chance, Randa
    From:                                         Receipt     
    Sent:                                         Monday,      March         16, 2015 1:29       PM
    To:                                          Blakeway, Judith
    Cc:                                           Rpost receipt
    Subject:                                      Receipt:    No.     2014-CI-15870;         Vulcan Construction         Materials   v. Rhino Contractors   LLC
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    to MailBox                                         (UTe)          (GMT)
    Delivered           Relayedto mailbox              3/16/2015      3/16/2015
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    3/16/2015      3/16/2015
    Judith.Blakeway@strasburger.com                                Deliveredto mailbox            4:29:29 PM     4:29:29 PM
    to MailBox                                         (UTe)          (GMT)
    'UTC represents Coordinated Universal Time.
    Message        Envelope
    From:                 Blakeway Judith
    Subject:              No. 2014-CI-15870;    Vulcan Construction            Materials v. Rhino Contractors,      LLC
    Network      ID:      <8EDF2F1 CEDE936439A 160BOFD988CF41 DECB9B48@DMail.strasburger.
    Received:             3/16/2015   4:25:49 PM(UTC) 0
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    Message Size:                                                            95579
    Additional     Notes:
    File Name:                                                               File Size (bytes)
    I Delivery   Audit      Trail
    From: ..Microsoft Outlook" :Your message has been delivered to the following recipients:
    Iduran@bexar.org (Iduran@bexar.org) Subject: No. 2014-CI-15870; Vulcan Construction Materials
    v. Rhino Contractors, LLC
    From:postmaster@mta1.la1.rpost.net:From:"Microsoft      Outlook" :Your message has been delivered
    to the following recipients: Iduran@bexar.org (Iduran@bexar.org) Subject: No. 2014-CI-15870;
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    From:postmaster@strasburger.com:From:postmaster@mta1.la1.rpost.netFrom:"Microsoft                  Outlook"
    :Your message has been delivered to the following recipients: Iduran@bexar.org
    (Iduran@bexar.org) Subject No. 2014-CI-15870; Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino
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    message to inform you on the delivery status of a message you previously sent. Immediately below
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    mta7.amO.yahoodns.net ( Your message has been delivered to the following
    recipients: Judith. Blakeway@strasburger.com        (Judith. Blakeway@strasburger.com)     Subject: No.
    2014-CI-15870; Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino Contractors, LLC
    2015-03-1609:25:53    starting bexar.org/mta1\n 2015-03-16 09:25:53 connecting from
    mta1.la1.rpost.net ( to bexar-org.mail.protection.outlook.com      (\n 2015-
    03-1609:25:53 connected from\n 2015-03-16 09:25:53 >>> 220
    BN1AFF011 FD051.mail.protection.outlook.com       Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Mon, 16
    Mar 2015 16:25:49 +OOOO\n2015-03-16 09:25:53 «< EHLO mta1.la1.rpost.net\n 2015-03-16
    09:25:53 >>> 250-BN1 AFF011 FD051.mail.protection.outlook.com           Hello [ 07]\n 2015-03-
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    09:25:53 «< MAIL FROM: BODY=7BIT RET=HDRS\n 2015-03-16 09:25:53 «< RCPT
    TO:     NOTIFY=SUCCESS,FAILURE,DELAY\n               2015-03-16 09:25:53 «<
    DATA\n 2015-03-16 09:25:53 >>> 250 2.1.0 Sender OK\n 2015-03-16 09:25:53 »> 2502.1.5
    Recipient OK\n 2015-03-16 09:25:53 »> 354 Start mail input; end with .\n 2015-
    03-1609:25:53 «< .\n 2015-03-16 09:25:54 >>> 250 2.6.0
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    delivery\n 2015-03-16 09:25:54 «< QUIT\n 2015-03-16 09:25:54 »> 2212.0.0 Service closing
    transmission channel\n 2015-03-16 09:25:54 closed bexar-org.mail.protection.outlook.com
    ( in=613 out=93032\n 2015-03-1609:25:54          done bexar.org/mta1
    2015-03-16 09:25: 53 starting yahoo.com/mta1 \n 2015-03-16 09:25:53 connecting from
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    mta1337.mail.ne1.yahoo.com     ESMTP ready\n 2015-03-16 09:25:53 «< EHLO
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                ok\n 2015-03-16
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    ahead\n 2015-03-16 09:25:54 <<< .\n 2015-03-1609:25:55    >>> 250 ok dirdel\n 2015-03-16
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    2015-03-1609:25:53    starting strasburqer.com/mtatv,  2015-03-16 09:25:53 connecting from
    mta1.la1.rpost.net ( to strasburger-com.mail.protection.outlook.com
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    ready at Mon, 16 Mar 2015 16:25:49 +OOOO\n2015-03-1609:25:53         «< EHLO mta1.la1.rpost.net\n
    2015-03-16 09:25:53 »> 250-BN 1AFF011 FD008.mail.protection.outlook.com          Hello
    []\n 2015-03-16 09:25:53 »> 250-SIZE 157286400\n 2015-03-16 09:25:53 »> 250-
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    »> 250 2.1.0 Sender OK\n 2015-03-16 09:25:53 >>> 250 2.1.5 Recipient OK\n 2015-03-16
    09:25:53 >>> 354 Start mail input; end with .\n 2015-03-16 09:25:54 <<< .\n 2015-
    03-1609:25:55 >>> 250 2.6.0 <96212CB5F6EFA1 F3B3C9C301 BA4808224DF01390-
    3@rpost.net> [I nternalld=4294967299609,
    Hostname=CY1 PR02MB 1181.namprd02. prod. outlook. com] Queued mail for delivery\n 2015-03-16
    09:25:55 «< QUIT\n 2015-03-16 09:25:55 »> 221 2.0.0 Service closing transmission channel\n
    2015-03-16 09:25:55 closed strasburger-com.mail.protection.outlook.com      ( in=621
    out=93077\n 2015-03-16 09:25: 55 done strasburger.comimta1
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    From:                                     Blakeway Judith
    Subject:                                  No. 2014-CI-15870; Vulcan Construction Materials v. Rhino Contractors, LLC
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Document Info

Docket Number: 04-15-00117-CV

Filed Date: 5/4/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/30/2016