Cause N6,1152406·A EX PAR'rE § In the 209th Dist,Court § of LENUEL I. QJIJ.ANO § Harris,County Texas Applicant (A~CrE~\ffE[D) `` COURT OF CFUI\IliNAl APPEAlS application for writ of mandamus SEP 18 20i5 ~o Honorable Judge of C~urt: Comes now,Lcmuel Quija:to,relator pro se in above styl~d anJ nu~beced cause an~ filco this application £cr writ of Mandaxus pursuant to TCCP Art.ll.07 Sect.J{c) and shows the LJllowing: .:;.::rrr incarcerate:] dt Potunsky Unit 'l'DC'J 3872 F;'l 35G S. Livin•)t>ton,'I'~z 773Sl 1<. e l at or , Lemuel Qu i j an o # 1 6 2 8 .:w 9 has ·2 x h au s t e d h i s r '"= m•2 d i e s d n d has no 0 t h.::; :_- adequate r~medy at Law an6 is compelled to seek your court's help in ti1is mi11isterial action.I request this writ of Mandamus so that you can qat the Hesponjent to L'1MEIJI;\'l'8LY trc:..nsrni t to the Court of Criminal i\ppeals a copy cf my Applicntion for Writ of Habeas Corpus,any ans~ers flled,and a true certificate reciting the date upon whicJ1 t~at finding was ~ade,if court decides th<:d: there are no issui\s to be r·esolved.No copy of my Wcit nor any rulings have been fo:::-warded to the Cou~t of C:cirn.Appea]s as fa.r ac:-: Iknow and it was put into the above Cou~t way back in Sept.of 2012!Elf Statues had been followec1 this writ would've been :esolved long dgo.The duties of both the Jud3e of ~aid Court(209th) and the Harris Co.District Clerk have been nGglectec] in this instance and I beg your Court in its capacity as thG final a(biter of justice to contact the parties involved and secure me an answar to my Writ of Habeas Curpus pursuant to A~t.ll.C7 TCCP Sect.3(c) at the ear·li. est pos s J.bl e t ilne. - Respor1dent has al~eady vi~lated ~rticle 11.07 Sect.3(c) TCCP by failinq to provide~ ::opy of writ to Court oZ Crim.•\9peals -w·ithin tiine prescribed by the law and my letters to the court have gone unaswer~d.I've gone far beyond any rGasona01e bounds intrying to gel this resolved. 'l'here [o:r:e Relator pr a.ys that this Hor:or<.tc)lt~ cour :.:. wi 11 contact th ~., at her and make then1 comply with the letter of the Law.In hopes that you ~ill be helpful I remain ... Sinr~c``rely, Lemeul Quijano LA~.r-t;f,CR+e- of' Jtr'-liCQ. ·. A -1-\ue. Cop(...} .ot 1h;..s WA.S 1'}AC12.d ;'" US rnA-1 ) 10 ~'" '~ ~;- I~, 2.oi ~ 'to<" Ccvr+ .q5- (r.,``/lh/ Ap~ b AvJa-;"' tl'- 7'b 7 I I .,. I Lcr;mel Quijc:tno TDCJijl628409 l? o l u n ~; k y Un i :: 387.2 FM 3'50 S. Livingston,TX 77351 Tx Court of Cr:imin:;1j_ Ap,ueal:3 P.O.Ecx L~::'>08 i\ us t i 11 .• 'IX 7:3 7 ll September 14,2015 D``ar M.:t' am/.Sir: Piea3e find enclo~ed one Application for Writ of Mandamus agair1st the 209th Dis~rict Court and distri·~t Clerk of Harris Ccunty,Tx.I pray an adequate solutio~ to this problem wi1.l bs found ASAP dnd that my ~cit of Hab2as Corpus ~ill be rule6 upo~ duly.In hopes that you'll be cJt a lii
Document Info
Docket Number: WR-83,912-01
Filed Date: 9/18/2015
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/30/2016