Patricia A. Potts, Individually and as Next Friend to A.M.W., a Child v. Vincent D. William and DMG Equipment Company, LTD D/B/A Pavers Supply Company ( 2015 )

  •                                                                                                            14th COURT OF APPEALS
    JUL 03 2015      -
    Appellate Docket Number: ^KMSfiS^S"BBPH
    Ml       m
    Appellate Case Style:
    Companion Case No, •K&g&ggBBB
    Amended/corrected statement:                          DOCKETING STATEMENT (Civil)
    Appellate Court:gjj^g@I^Milililli
    (to be filedin the court ofappeals upon perfectionof appealunderTRAP32)
    ^'"^aa"^SS""SS"^1"""'                                           ^|;n^ppcllflbl|Alloi^C^s)|^                                   iSpfe
    E^l Person []] Organization (choose one)                                   |``|    Lead Attorney
    First Name:
    First Name:            ^jg"""""j^BI                                   Middle Name:
    Middle Name: ^TiltaiW^HKWaWCTii""P                                       Last Name:
    Last Name:   ^BlteMSE""B^g^Pi                                            Suffix:
    Suffix:                                                                    Law Firm Name:
    ProSe: ®                                                                   Address 1:
    Address 1:
    l"M^KKKM                                           Address 2:
    Address 2:           . §                                                   City:
    City:                  IJlCfSgy"^ffi^                                     State:
    State:       H f f ^ ^ ^ l Zip+4 |§|}|j                                    Telephone:
    Telephone:             IMllMI"ffl ext.                                    Fax:
    Email: IS"SS^BI"^gJJlHilllPiili                                          SBN:
    " W      "»,,,^"f
    Kl Person            •Organization(choose one)                             ^j      Lead Attorney
    First Name:
    First Name:                                                                Middle Name:
    Middle Name: lHDH£&}                                                       Last Name:
    Last Name:                                                                 Suffix:
    Suffix:                                                                    Law Firm Name:
    Pro Se: Q                                                                  Address 1:
    Address 2:
    City:               f §! j ^ I        U
    State:     g   aal»»lllllll Zip+4:
    Telephone:        ••HEIMext
    Email; j§
    SBN:       •
    Page! of 13
    .DHt^epate©                                          Ufo £ffl£te&Gm3$®)
    |``j Person    ^Organization (choose one)            •       Lead Attorney
    Organization Name: IIDMIEMHITO                       First Name:
    First Name:                                          Middle Name: BBB®PB
    Middle Name:                                          Last Name:         I^NifiGMEKf
    Last Name:          MSL                              Suffix:
    Suffix:                                              Law Firm Name: i             wtnt^sag^ a /Asms®!®
    Pro Se: ®                                            Address
    Address 1:                                           Address 2:
    Address 1:
    City:         SUM
    State:     mexas!
    State:    LUexasE                                    Telephone:          r»>23.2g2BSl
    Page 2 of 13
    ,o m*Mmm£m^s^£Mm>&>B
    Nature of Case (Subject matter or type of case):
    Date order or judgment signed:
    Date notice of appeal filed in trial court: r&a^z#jk$li$
    If mailed to the trial court clerk, also give the date mailed:
    Interlocutory appeal of appealable order: £3 Yes • No
    If yes, please specify statutory or otherbasis on which interlocutory orderis appealable (SeeTRAP 28)
    m@)$8mmmm smwmim
    Accelerated appeal (See TRAP 28):             13 Yes • No
    If yes, please specify statutory or other basis on which appeal is accelerated:
    Parental Termination or Child Protection? (See TRAP 28.4): [g Yes QNo
    Permissive? (See TRAP 28.3):                   • Yes E3 No
    If yes, please specify statutory or other basis for such status:
    Agreed? (See TRAP 28.2):                       • Yes g| No
    If yes, please specify statutory or other basis for such status:
    Appeal should receive precedence, preference, orpriority under statute orrule:               123 Yes [j No
    If yes, please specif)' statutory or other basis for such status:
    Does this case involve an amount under $100,000?          [gj Yes QNo
    Judgment or orderdisposes of all parties and issues: £R] Yes QNo
    Appeal from final judgment:                               gj Yes • No
    Does the appeal involve the constitutionality orthe validity ofa statute, rule, orordinance?          •   Yes G£)No
    &3&L0B IMairiBsg'DuiiB'Dte) (M^£rjpE0
    Motion for New Trial:                DYes [gj No                     If yes, date filed:
    Motion to Modify Judgment:           fjYes |3 No                     If yes, date filed:
    Request for Findings of Fact         DYes |3 No                      If yes, date filed:
    and Conclusions of Law:
    Motion to Reinstate:                 [ElYes •      No                If yes, date filed: VXmil
    • Yes g] No                     If yes, date filed:
    Motion under TRCP 306a;
    If other, please specify:
    toajp3^<§E0^($^                                                                             urmmrsmm
    Affidavit filed intrial court:      Q Yes •       No                Ifyes, date filed: gng|UI^0I
    Contestfiled in trial court:        I^Yes fj No                     Ifyes, date filed: ISBkmm
    Date ruling on contest due: S^efilK'ClI
    Ruling oncontest: • Sustained            B?j Overruled              Date of ruling:    u.uneii'
    Page 3 of 13
    Has any party to the court'sjudgmentfiled for protection in bankruptcy whichmightaffectthis appeal?      f~j Yes ^ No
    If yes, please attach a copy of the petition.
    Date bankruptcy filed:                                      Bankruptcy Case Number:
    mmmmmvmm                                             Clerk's Record:
    Trial Court Clerk:    ^ District •    County
    Trial Court Docket Number (Cause No.)                            Was clerk's record requested?       ^ Yes    fj No
    If yes. date requested:
    Trial Judge (who tried or disposedof case):                      If no, date it will be requested:
    First Name:                                                      Were payment arrangements made with clerk?
    • Yes[]No ^Indigent
    (Note: No request required under TRAP 34.5(a),(b))
    Email: I^BlgISSyA¥P."aERlo!'MSiIiE>X*NEiTi
    Reporter's or Recorder's Record:
    Is there a reporter's record?          ^ Yes fjl No
    Was reporter's record requested?       |S]Yes ONo
    Was there a reporter's record electronically recorded? £^ Yes Q No
    Ifyes, date requested: tyj5vl^lzpliEj]
    If no, date it will be requested:
    Were payment arrangements made with the court reporter/court recorder? ["1 Yes fl No 5<]Indigent
    Page 4 of 13
    Court Reporter                       •   Court Recorder
    Official                             •   Substitute
    First Name:
    Middle Name:
    Last Name:
    Address 1:
    Address 2:        mmwm
    City:             I
    State: |pll
    Supersedeas bond filed: • Yes ^ No             Ifyes,datefiled:
    Will file: •    Yes ^ No
    Will yourequest extraordinary relief(e.g. temporary or ancillary relief) from thisCourt?        [^ Yes • No
    Ifyes, briefly state the basis for your request: WLBiySuyE
    ^llffgltetT        iRiTpu^RTs Hio^
    Give a brief description ofthe issue tobe raised on appeal, the relief sought, and the applicable standard for review, ifknown (without
    prejudice to the rightto raise additional issues or request additional relief):
    MSntil!   ©enpffi© \Mi!Ea&w5? mmmstj$mmm9 say
    How was the case disposed of?        E853te0
    Summary of reliefgranted, including amount of money judgment, and if any, damages awarded.
    If money judgment,what was the amount? Actual damages:
    Punitive (or similar) damages: J[
    Page 5 of 13
    Attorney's fees (trial):
    Attorney's fees (appellate)
    If other, please specify:
    Will you challenge this Court'sjurisdiction?     Q Yes ^ No
    Doesjudgmenthave language that one or moreparties "takenothing"?           [~| Yes ^ No
    Does judgment have a Mother Hubbard clause? [^]Yes E^l No
    Other basis for finality?
    Ratethe complexity of the case(use 1 for leastand 5 for mostcomplex):        ^] 1 •   2 •     3 •   4 • 5
    Please make myanswer to thepreceding questions known to otherparties in thiscase.             ^ Yes Q No
    Can the partiesagreeon an appellate mediator? Q Yes ^ No
    If yes, please give name, address, telephone, fax and email address:
    Name                           Address                      Telephone                     Fax                       Email
    Languages other than English in which the mediator should be proficient:
    Name of person filing out mediation section of docketing statement:     ir'BR^ISBlR'^IiRifel^T^ROlliim
    ISSUE, SfcM3flSai£G3®
    List any pending or past related appeals before this or any other Texas appellate court by court, docket number,and style.
    Docket Number: | S B B H H i l                                                 Trial Court:   DKMM^WMSif
    Style:     ?&iM(£M«KJi«ifS
    SMI IMn&flG&fte)
    List any pending or pastrelated appeals beforethis or any otherTexas appellate court by court,docketnumber, andstyle.
    Docket Number: amSTO%gsM!                            B                         Trial Court: 0G8bffiSM}»
    Page 6 of 13
    st any pending or past related appeals before this or any other Texas appellate court by court, docket number, and style.
    List any pending or past related appeals beforethis or any other Texas appellate court by court, docket number, and style.
    Docket Number: ffiMHlQQi"
    vs. i a
    List any pending or past related appeals before this or any other Texas appellate court by court, docket number, and style.
    Docket Number: pt|jr2|"^                                                      Trial Court: (IfllfD'ISJIIRJjJ
    List any pending or past relatedappeals before this or any other Texas appellate court by court, docket number,and style.
    Docket Number: J^E^j^mMmKHmaBi
    Vs. mr~—                        —
    Page 7 of 13
    List any pendingor past related appeals before this or any otherTexas appellate courtby court, docket number, andstyle.
    Docket Number: ft"OS"^JBMSpi^B                                               Trial Court: mWMKmimWMMmmi
    Style:     « »^ ™- « *- • ~
    List any pending or past related appeals before this or any other Texas appellate court by court, docket number, and style.
    Docket Number: K4gBfOM@7i(4ViM^ffi"^
    Style:    HBHH^HB
    List any pending or past related appeals before this or any other Texas appellate court by court, docket number, and style.
    List any pending or past related appeals before this or any other Texas appellate court by court, docket number,and style.
    Docket Number: Mr&BW$Mi                                                        Trial Court: l2MHamiilMlBMl^C@^p
    Style:    IBB^SlSiWE,.,.„w.,.v.„ _,.w._„..„..,, ,,_,„„,„„._*,
    Page 8 of 13
    List any pending or past relatedappeals before this or any other               e court by court, docket number, and style.
    Trial Court:
    Listany pending or pastrelated appeals before thisor any otherTexas appellate courtby court, docket number, and style.
    Docket Number:
    xii immtemmt""Sm^m « ^ » ^ t ^ ^ : ^ : « wm-mm^MS^Kii
    Listany pending or pastrelated appeals before thisor anyotherTexas appellate court by court, docket number, and style.
    Docket Number: ^gl^M8,!8!^
    List any pending or past related appeals before this or any other Texas appellate court bycourt, docket number, and style.
    Docket Number:
    Page 9 of 13
    [SSflft S"OS&fiSis
    List any pending or past related appeals before this or any other Texas appellate court by court, docket number, and style.
    Docket Number: g g H M W                                                       Trial Court:   m wmm®&> mm && %ma®
    Style:     ®mm&&>mm
    Vs. MMmt
    List any pending or past related appeals before this or any other Texas appellate court by court, docket number, and style.
    Docket Number: | ^ S S ^ | B H ^ | B                                           Trial Court: 18M@Bl^l^lliSffl^tll&^J
    Page 10 of 13
    Gto an^ O^pEiS C®ie"
    TheCourts of Appeals listed above, inconjunction with the State Barof Texas Appellate Section Pro Bono Committee and local Bar
    Associations, areconducting a program toplace a limited number of civil appeals with appellate counsel who will represent the appellant in
    the appeal before this Court.
    The Pro Bono Committee is solely responsible for screening and selecting the civil cases for inclusion inthe Program based upon a number of
    discretionary criteria, including thefinancial means of theappellant or appellee. Ifa case isselected bytheCommittee, and can bematched
    with appellate counsel, that counsel will take over representation ofthe appellant or appellee without charging legal fees. More information
    regarding this program can be found inthePro Bono Program Pamphlet available inpaper form at theClerk's Office or onthe Internet at If your caseis selected and matched with a volunteer lawyer, you will receive a letterfrom the Pro BonoCommittee within
    thirty(30) to forty-five (45) daysaftersubmitting this Docketing Statement.
    Note: there is no guarantee thatif yousubmit yourcasefor possible inclusion in the ProBono Program, the ProBono Committee will select
    your case and that pro bono counsel can be found torepresent you. Accordingly, you should not forego seeking other counsel torepresent you
    in this proceeding. By signing your name below, you are authorizing the Pro Bono committee totransmit publicly available facts and
    information about your case, including parties and background, through selected Internet sites and Listserv toits pool of volunteer appellate
    Do you want this case to be considered for inclusion in the Pro Bono Program?         •   Yes ^ No
    Do you authorize the Pro Bono Committee tocontact your trial counsel of record inthis matter toanswer questions the committee may have
    regarding the appeal?    U Yes ^ No
    Please note that any such conversations would bemaintained asconfidential by the Pro Bono Committee and the information used solely for
    the purposes of considering thecaseforinclusion in the ProBono Program.
    Ifyou have not previously filed anaffidavit of Indigency and attached a file-stamped copy ofthat affidavit, does your income exceed 200% of
    the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Federal Poverty Guidelines?          • Yes • No
    These guidelines can befound inthe Pro Bono Program Pamphlet aswell asonthe internet at
    Are you willing todisclose your financial circumstances to thePro Bono Committee? D Yes ££j No
    Ifyes, please attach anAffidavit of Indigency completed and executed by the appellant or appellee. Sample forms may befound inthe Clerk's
    Office oronthe internet at Your participation in the Pro Bono Program may beconditioned upon your execution of
    an affidavit under oath as to your financial circumstances.
    Give a briefdescription of theissues to beraised on appeal, thereliefsought, and theapplicable standard of review, if known (without
    prejudice tothe right toraise additional issues orrequest additional relief; use a separate attachment, ifnecessary).
    Plaintiffs ex-Employer (Crosby ISD/Harris County/State ofTEXAS) have subjected Plaintiffs toongoing Whistleblower Retaliation,
    ASSAULT, andChild Support FRAUD foreighteen years. Seeking Child Sup
    Signature ofcounsel (or pro se party)                                                 Date:            LutteMS!
    State Bar No.:
    Electronic Signature: ||S/j
    Page 11 of 13
    The undersigned counsel certifies that this docketing statement has been served onthe following lead counsel for all parties tothe trial
    court'sorder or judgmentas follows on [[5n^lfe%?)jfl^
    Signature of counsel (or pro se party)                                   Electronic Signature: feS7JBM»Rl«l^yAll^iMS'
    State Bar No.:
    Person Served
    Certificate ofService Requirements (TRAP 9.5(e)): A certificate ofservice must besigned by the person who made the service and must
    (1) the date and manner of service;
    (2) the name and address of each person served, and
    (3)iftheperson served isa party's attorney, thename of theparty represented bythat attorney
    Please enter the following for each person served:
    Date Served:     gun mwm
    Manner Served: S8SPH38
    First Name:
    Middle Name: __
    Last Name:       IMSi
    Law Firm Name:
    Address 1:       mwmjmmm
    Address 2:       HP1I1H1
    State                             | Zip+4:
    Telephone:      [M^gg^M ext.
    IfAttorney, Representing Party's Name: gil^EWKrlllil"
    Please enter the following for each person served:
    Page 12 of 13
    Date Served:     li_un"elt!a#20l'S;
    Manner Served: KertifieTilffiaTl
    First Name:      BsmimrnmBsmumamimammM
    Middle Name:
    Last Name:
    Law Firm Name-ggTEmtEytMraiirfiRirmiSffiER^WAWE^
    Address 1:       BBEH
    Address 2:
    If Attorney, Representing Party's Name:
    Page 13 of 13

Document Info

Docket Number: 14-15-00488-CV

Filed Date: 7/3/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/30/2016