- ACCEPTED 03-15-00365-CV 6344212 THIRD COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 8/4/2015 11:12:16 AM JEFFREY D. KYLE CLERK MOSSER LAW PLLC LAWYERS 2805 DALLAS PARKWAY, SUITE 222 • PLANO, TEXAS 75093 • 972-733-3223 • FAX: 469-626-1073 MOSSER LAW .COM August 4, 2015 EFILE August 4, 2015 JEFFREY D. KYLE, CLERK COURT OF APPEALS THIRD DISTRICT OF TEXAS P.O. BOX 12547, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711-2547 www.txcourts.gov/3rdcoa.aspx 512-463-1733 RE: Court of Appeals Number: 03-15-00365-CV; James C. Mosser and Mosser Law PLLC v. Bob Mims. Trial Court Case Number: C130102C Dear Clerk: I am in receipt of your letter dated 29 July 2015. The court reporter has never requested payment or sent an invoice for payment to the undersigned. The court reporter did not send a copy of the notice she apparently sent to this court to the undersigned. In fact the court reporter stated that your office told her not to copy the undersigned. That seems very irregular. I believe that every communication with the court should include a copy of that communication to the attorney of record, the undersigned. Clearly the Tom Green District Clerk observes that protocol as does this court. Payment has been received by the reporter as ordered by the court. Respectfully, MOSSER LAW PLLC LAWYERS /s/ James C. Mosser by: James C. Mosser, Lawyer JCM:dd Court of Appeals Number: 03-15-00365-CV; James C. Mosser and Mosser Law PLLC v. Bob Mims. August 4, 2015 Page 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of this document was delivered pursuant to Tex. R. Civ. P. 21a to counsel of record on August 4, 2015: /s/ James C. Mosser James C. Mosser Court of Appeals Number: 03-15-00365-CV; James C. Mosser and Mosser Law PLLC v. Bob Mims. FILE COPY COURT OF APPEALS THIRD DISTRICT OF TEXAS P.O. BOX 12547, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711-2547 www.txcourts.gov/3rdcoa.aspx (512) 463-1733 JEFF L. ROSE, CHIEF JUSTICE JEFFREY D. KYLE, CLERK DAVID PURYEAR, JUSTICE BOB PEMBERTON, JUSTICE MELISSA GOODWIN, JUSTICE SCOTT K. FIELD, JUSTICE CINDY OLSON BOURLAND, JUSTICE July 29, 2015 Mr. James C. Mosser Mosser Law PLLC 17110 Dallas Pkwy Ste 290 Dallas, TX 75248-1115 * DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL * RE: Court of Appeals Number: 03-15-00365-CV Trial Court Case Number: C130102C Style: James C. Mosser and Mosser Law PLLC v. Bob Mims Dear Counsel: The reporter’s record was due in this Court on July 10, 2015 and is overdue. The Court has been informed by April Drake, the court reporter, that appellant has neither paid, nor made arrangements for payment, for the reporter’s record. Accordingly, the reporter’s record will not be filed. If appellant does not notify this Court that payment arrangements have been made for the record, or otherwise respond to this notice on or before Monday, August 10, 2015, the Court will consider the appeal without the reporter's record. See Tex. R. App. P. 37.3(c). If the appeal is submitted for decision without a reporter's record, appellant will be expected to file a brief on or before August 28, 2015. Very truly yours, JEFFREY D. KYLE, CLERK BY: Amy Strother Amy Strother, Deputy Clerk cc: Mr. Larry W. Bale MOSSER LAW PLLC L AWYERS 2805 DALLAS P ARKWAY, SUITE 222 •PLANO, T EXAS 75093 • 972-733-3223 • FAX: 972-267-5072 M OSSER LAW.COl\1 July 30, 2015 VIA FACSIMILE at 325-658-8046 Ms. April Drake Associate Court Reporter 3401h District Court 112 West Beauregard San Angelo, Texas 76903 Telephone: (325) 659-6575 RE: Request for Reporter's Record: Cause No. C 130102 C, Ben Melton v. CU Member's Mortgage, a division of Colonial Savings, F.A., First Western Title., and Bob Mims; Reporter's Record for Appellate Cause No. 03-15-00365-CV Dear Ms. Drake: In accordance with TEX. R. APP. P. 34.6(b), I am amending my prior request to prepare the official reporter's record in the aforementioned case to include in that record the following item: 1. Transcript from Hearing on 01/07/2015. - Per our conversation on July 30, 2015, this will cost $230.00 and will include a Master Index and Exhibit Index and all exhibits Please file the Reporters's Record in the above referenced case with the Third Court of Appeals prior to August 10, 2015. Thank you. Respectfully, MOSSER LAW PLLC LA WYERS /s/ Paul J. Downey by: Paul J. Downey, Lawyer. TX Result Rep0rt p 1 07/30/ 2015 16:49 Serial No. A5C0012000142 TC: 39512 Addressee Start Time Time Prints Result Note 3256588046 07- 30 16: 49 00:00 :29 001 / 001 OK Note Result ~OSSER LA. "1-V" PLLC LAWYERS 280S DA.Ll...AS PA.R...KWAY. SUITS 222 •PLANO. TEXAS 75093 • 972-733-3223 • FAX : 972-267-5072 July 30. 201 5 VIA FACSIMI L E at 325-658-8046 Ms. April Drake Associate Court Reporter 340'h District Court 112 VVest Beauregard San Angelo. Texas 76903 Telephone : (325) 659-6575 RE: Requeat for Report>ar' • Record : Cauae No. C 130102 C, El•n /fife/ton v. C:U Member'• lfllorw•g•, • division Colon/al Savings, F.A., First llV'estern Tltle., and Bob /flflms: Reporter'• o' B•corc:I for Appellate C a y • • Np 03--15-00365-CV Dear Ms. Drake: I n accordance with TEX. R.. APP . P . 34 .6(b). I am amending my prior request to prepare the official reporter's record in the aforementioned case to include In that record the following Item: 1 . Transcrlp"t from Heari ng on 01/07/2015. - Per our conversation on July 30, 2015 , this will cost $230 . 00 and wlll Include a Master Index and Exhibit Index and all exhibits Please file the Reporters' s Record In the above referenced case with the Third Court of Appeals prior to August 1 O , 201 5. Thank you . Respectfully • .ftvlOSSER LA l-V" PLLC LA WYERS /s/ Paul J . Downey by: Paul J. Downey, Lawyer. MOSSERLAWPLLC 2805 DALLAS PARKWAY, SUITE 222 • Pl.ANO, TEXAS 75093 • 972-733-3223 • FAX: 469-626-1073 MOSSERI.AW.COM July 31 , 2015 Via CMRRR 7010 1670 0002 5439 2457 April Drake 3401h District Court 112 West Beauregard, Suite C San Angelo, TX 76903-5835 Re: Cause No. C130102C; 3rc1 Court of Appeals No. 03-15-00365-CV James C. Mosser and Mosser Law. PLLC v. Bob Mims Dear Ms. Drake: Enclosed is MOS SER LAW PLLC's check number 4128 in the amount of $230.00 for the Reporters Record in the above-referenced matter. Please contact me personally if you have any questions. Respe AMEGY BANK NA 35-1125/1130 ! MOSSER LAW PLLC 7/30/2015 Ii ~ 1=`` ORDER PAYTOTHE. -~A~p-ri_ OF_ r_or_a_k_e``````````````````````````I $ **230.00 I~ Two Hundred Thirty and 00/1 OO********************************************************************************************ooLLARS 1.: ,..!~ April Drake VOID AFTER 90 DAYS I~ I~ 1t ~ ! ~ 1~· Mf·. MO 031500365CV ! ! -- .-,-. ,,,..-•r, ' - .. . .. ' ~ . 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Document Info
Docket Number: 03-15-00365-CV
Filed Date: 8/4/2015
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/30/2016