- PD-0908-15 k sec^ff." ^ ^ 17 2015 J/^ ^ Tlwr ) Supreme Jud/cra/ 2>ff/rrc-/ ffliirvn for &fenf/'en t>/? 7/'mr To ff/e 7>i-h'-/>pf? p?r &ffCr£/?#/?asy £er/eus ~7e ~/ht foMtfittie Juaqes ^ /fa j?w supr^ne Jv&c*/ UUrt e£ Appeals: ftfats mm 7)&mn PuoSer, a,ppe//ds?S as?ff fr/£/ -thrj mri'M fvr *n M(nf/m ^ //>%, ,» u/fa-tf, v# &/, *_ Mhfon ftr DrHrtH'Pnary fern*/, //? fup^rt •/> //?,/ /ntfitn, ttppt/fans fhonAf -/he court Jhe /^//fj^/^MLED IN COURTS CRIMINAL APPEALS JUL 22 2015 Abel Acosta, Clerk ike elpp///&rh? waj contfc-/£d ,•/? //^ 2//m £>,&„?/ Cnvrt eC Dm***? Cffun/y, Twos. rhe Pfrntrxtu j^ p^e IP. Mmn «u»*r. rtu Jury ajsfssn Ske fiuJZZ, /Jo. 5k3-ob -So?3> ' ' 3T. ~7fa tipper/an/ waf represented by Chns/tp/ur- Abdl, Chm/nrS Poimj fpec/OtO/spy 2b£>9 Sfijebrust? 7>r?ve J'Ul/e lOZ,, P/fiUjer Mur?*, T&XXS -7St> 30>(^CP. Or? JU/7e //'",20/s ilu 2A/D COUr/ or AppeaSj Dented J/u qr9to?df #£ OLpptat Sitking /0 yr^cnJ Appellor?/ ol eveu; pw'j/?/Ke/?s hsotriny HZ. ~Pke ///vu fvr P/tny ol PeP/Zopr? /vr 2>rrcrM:e/?^/y fijln'lW ftf -this CdMJe Hyp/res pr? July itr*, ^p/5. utt/h/r? /5 drius o£ /e/os dale on July ?fr, 2^e/5 /he ny?/?e/tronS POiaj Pi/u /h/J mot/On Por 0yfee7frvr7 ff£ feme So fr/f PeH/rpr? far D/scr/p'pn&ry fyweuj. JST. ApptJffflT/j r/qitt/J far asi i/jotensoor &f /site or (jUhi'lft /O Pi'U 01 Plh/fon rvr D/SCr/p/orr^ry /&w/u> OS bOUid upen /he Pit/twiny Pko/S : /dppel/rcn/ Of eurrent/y incoisrcerahr/ m -/kt Te#&f DtpovrtewnS of fawns Jus/re?, firototik&t*/ 14mm, p.p. Soy 9ono>, t/endtrter?, tk ~7&s3. AppC/tanS was represented by Ctir/Stoptur /?W m py?pe;/a/e Cause iJc 02- /*/- l)03&ts- C& . 4ppe//#/rf was net tutepu^fe/y ripruenJed Uj SOud cmn/ep Purthermere Counsel drd rrt prvuid uoHh Jhi Peh/oor? Per pipped ou /LqrjuJ c*pw tu /Jet- ^C?3-0b~5c>f3 fappe/tant Owd stud Counsel'. Appetf^S rrq^rer Adequa/* //IW -fo retonn netAy Cv^nseS ~tp represent h/en. fur?farm*/?, appellors? no/ or?iu rued/ the -tome Se retoun new ceuirey bap oUSo sueelf jdu'd cpiys?st/ /o hotve Stew so watu/ore ih/ Ortyfno/t Pi/Offor? for /Ippraf o^d property P?/r ^ Pbh/Ooeo for Drfcre/ftnstrty t^eire^. WtttdEFOiE) CLppe/totrrt preays the Ceurt tyrant -th/S fDrtiW per pY-fensoon oP Vivie se fo/o Pe/0//en for Dosorehora^y favfeut, oriel o^r/end fhi /ime for fi/onoy 01 Pe/?//?/? P?r Tk'tCrttfMtoij Psiyieuy • f/Cfot?er //ret/ zo/5. 9SpU/Pu/fif Ju^m/Sl-ed IcUjuvAit^ (dro Si) Dtom'n //ureter 7Pci /pr/fa/wo Rritdsh&Hy Uerf-/ Pi Sox ?o?od //iroierson, 7% 7fo?$3
Document Info
Docket Number: PD-0908-15
Filed Date: 7/22/2015
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/29/2016