No. Ckl&iWZteh! TIERRA WILSON VS. HOUSTON HOUSING AUTHORITY EWING APARTMENTS AFFIDAVIT OF INDIGENCE ^ *LEDI,) — 'ST COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON. TEXAS JUL 2 0 2015 I, TIERRA WILSON, swear the following: CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE 1. I have filed an appeal in the case described above. CLERK 2. I cannot pay any ofthe following amount ofcourt costs in this appeal, which includes the $175 filing fee, the $10 or $15 filing fee for each motion I may file, the trial-clerk's fee for the clerk's record, and the court reporter's fee for the reporter's record, if any. 3. The nature and amount of my current employment income is $ Q&S.m 4. The nature and amount of my current government-entitlement income is $ 'Skrnn • 5. The nature and amount of my current income, otfeer than that described in my answers to 3and 4above, is . Sc hkxlrlnr"y/6hilrl"y- 6. The income of my spouse is N/A. My spouse's income is not available to me. 7. I own the following real property: 9 8. I own the following personal property: r a 9. I have the following amount of cash: Q 10. I have the following amounts of funds on deposit that I may withdraw: flQ 11. I have the following assets, other than those described in my answers to 3 through 10 above: o 12. I have O dependents. My relationship to each of them is Spy yvx" /yip/Kfnii^ , ^ru^UP. ) 13. The nature and amount of my debts are: 14. The nature and amount of my monthly expenses are: 15. My ability to obtain a loan for court costs is Q % 16. An attorney is not providing free legal services to me without a contingent fee. ^ ^ 17. An attorney has not agreed to pay or advance court costs. VOC 18. [If the trial-court proceedings were recorded electronically] I have lack the skills and access to equipment necessary to prepare the appendix required by Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 38.5(d). \3\& ^/iB/L/lfl V)0U [Signature of person administering oath or affirmation] 7- / 7 3-&I 5- [Date] HARRIS COUNTY COMMUNITY SUPERVISION POI N3 & CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT (HCCS&CD) Shanee Breaux NORTH REGION Phone. 713-696-8720 9111 EASTEX FREEWAY, RM 549 IN PERSON HOUSTON , TEXAS 77093 Tel: 713-696-8700 Fax: 713-696-8790 On Tuesday, 08/11/2015 PROBATIONER'S MONTHLY REPORT At 11:00 am Fill out this report and return it to your Probation Officer Name TIERRA WILSON SPNfl 02653964 CAUSI-'/ 202864601010 Address: Street Apt. No. Apt. Complex Name Gate Code Cilv/Stale Zip Code QC/it'cA- if this isanew address E-Mail address • My Phone Other tuimber(s) ( Telephone: ( ) • Parent's Phone Type (cell H, etc.) With whom are you living? (Names) (Family. Spouses. Fiicml) Employer (SameofCompany) AddrCSS No . Street, City. Zip Code Check if thisis a newjob ] Occupation Employer's Phone Number ( How long on this job? Supervisor Monthly e.-.mv' PROOF OF ALL EARNINGS MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS FORM What days of the week do you work? Please circle: Mors.. Tucs., Wed.. Thurs., Fri.. Sat.. Sun. What hours do you work? From To Yes No CHECK THE APPROPRIATE ANSWER 10. Have you been arrested since your last report (If yes. explain in line 16) 11.1 laveyou violated any other conditions of your probation since your last report? (If yes. explain on line 16) 12. Do you own or drive a car? Make / Model: Year Color License Plate 13. Do you receive child support/w elfare/food stamps orany other source of income? (If yes, list amount and sources below on line 16) 14. Are your currently participating inany program.-, (alcohol, community service, etc.) 15. Do you have any problem you would like to discuss with your Probation Officer? (Ifyes. explain on line 16) (USE REVERSESIDEOFtHtS FORM IFNECnSSARY) acknowledge that the above information is true and correct. Ifurther acknowledge that Iunderstand Iam to report again in person x put your initials here after the offiee visit __ on: ' X. Probationer's Signature TIERRA WILSON Supervising Officer:Shanee Breaux / N3 Date: ...._ Bd FRIENDLY LOANS 9030 N. FREEWAY #110 HOUSTON, TX 7703 7 DATE: 07/13/15 TIERRA WILSON 9734 HILLIS ST HOUSTON, TX 77 078 *** MONTHLY STATEMENT *** 1. ACCOUNT #11168 2. DUE DATE: 07/19/15 3. PAYMENT AMOUNT: $ 22.00 4. BALANCE BEFORE THIS MONTHS PAYMENT $ 43.50 5. AVAILABLE CASH BEFORE THIS MONTHS PAYMENT: $0 Thank You for your continued business! JULIA BELMAREZ-MANAGER FRIENDLY LOANS 281-445-5454 Page 3 of6 CONSUMER CREDIT DISCLOSURE - PROMISSORY NOTE ' and 'me' means each person who signs as a Borrower 'You' means Ihe Lender. Customer Id: 2627 NotelD: 9275 DATE OF NOTE: 07/17/15 17:39:57 D:2 LENDER/CREDITOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS: BORROWER'S NAME AND ADDRESS: Barri Finance Co. Tierra Wilson 6737 Canal St 1807EwingSt#14A Houston, TX 77011 Houston. TX 77004 (713)514-0279 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE FINANCE CHARGE AMOUNT FINANCED TOTAL OF PAYMENTS RATE |Thodollar amount the credit will cost me: S26.00I The amount of credit The amount I will have paid The cost of my credit as provided to mo or on my after I have made all payments a yearly rate: 119.17% behalf: S100.00 as scheduled: $126.00 My Payment Schedule will be: 3 consecutive monthly installments of S31.50 beginning 8/17/15 and 1 (one) final payment of S31.50 due on 11/17/15 the maturity date. Security: You will have a security interest in the following described collateral. Security Agreement dated: N/A Late Charge: Ifany part of a paymeni is unpaid for 10 (ten) days after it is due, I may be Charged S10 (Ten dollars ) or 5% (five percent) of [he amount of the payment, whichever is greater. Prepayment: If I pay off early, I may be entitled to a refund of part of the finance charge. Additional Information: See your contract documents for any additional information about nonpayment, default, any required repayment in full before the scheduled date, and prepayment refunds and penalties. ITEMIZATION OF THE FINANCE CHARGE ITEMIZATION OF THE AMOUNT FINANCES Previous Account Acquisition Charge: S10.00 Late Charge on Previous Account S Installment Account Handling Charge: S16.00 AMI on Previous Account S Previous Balance S »Less Refund S Net Balance Renewed S Cash to me /collected.. S100.00 LOAN NOTE (THIS COLLATERAL HAS BEEN ASSIGNED TO CAPITAL ONE BANK N/A)) I promise to pa/ Ihe loial of Payments to ihe order of you the Lender. Iwill make the payments at youraddress above. I will make the payments on the dales and inthe amounts shown inIhe Paymeni Schedule If Idon't pay an entire payment within 10 (ten) days alter itrs due, you can charge me a tate charge. The late charge will bo $10 (Ten dollars)or 5%{five percenl) of the scheduled payment, whichever is greater IfIdon'tpayallI owewhenthe final payment becomesduo Iwill pay intereston the amountthatis slitl unpaid, That interestwill be at a rate of 18% per year and willbegin the day after the finalpayment becomes due Ican make any payment early The acquisition charge on this loan will not be retunded if I payoffearly If I pay all I owe before the beginning of the last monthly period.I willsave partof the installment accounthandling charge Youwill figure the amountI save by theSum ofthe Periodic BalancesMethod Thismethodis explained mthe Finance Commission rule. You do not have to refund or credit any amount less than S1 00 (one dollar). If I ask for moro limo to mako an payment and you allow mo moro time, I willpay additional interest to extend the payment Tho additional mtorost willbo figured as provided in the Finance Commission rules I agree lo pay you a reasonable fee up to $30.00 (Thirty dollars) for a returned check You can odd Ihe fee to tho amount I owe under this agreement or collect il separately III break any of my promises m this document, you can demand thai Iimmediatelypay all that Iowe. Youcan also do this ifyou, ingood faith,beliovothat I am not going lo bo willing or ablo to keep all my promises I agree that you don't have to oive me notice that you are demanding or intend to demand immediate payment of allthat \ owe. IfIam givingcollateral lor this loan. I willsoo tho separate security agreement for more information and agreements. NOTE: See tho next page for moro information on this PROMISSORY NOTE I will keep all my promises in this document Ifthere is moro than one Borrower each Borroweragrees to keep all of tho promisos In this document, oven iftho other Borrowers ob not I promise that all informalion I gave you is true. ".,- .^.^ic'i—irjjrar aijhUimaai thn% \^ *rn Millcrf-XLi *~ r '• ftt iflMj-fM -. •••:'.:•: :.••: r^-U-! IU :::•::': :':'::•• :: "::::: j:re: s»Tim n km mm Hi ";:-: ; ';:::. :•• mm wm •: ";::;: :r:fl rv.rift n mm vm. L: ":::;: :;:: J&&H 1 mm um ;i ";:::: ::•:: J;';-=::P;:rc lis mm :;::;:': lie :::::: >.•: jftSKftt II BIHW NM •: '!::::: feitf BmaJon^a H .: •';:::: ;;:;: )*«r|*t) life r::\ •::::: .: "•:::.: fcpx J-fettPSac toe :•:';)!! )•;:•?:': b ";:::: :;::: ;;••••; ta mm mm i: fete! i:;'..:: li.-.T-r- S*8 mm wmi •: !'f:;;: :;v| Jefessufai JffeSMfJSX ,. :-:••;: • :-:'k-!.r;:;":::. 2 Learn me aboutttelticftiCrtfci SJIAF asdH tenefte. J, fao|Aiegoa&tspageisDo((oireapieased°dtA3tio«icc«at is :':.:•; )itelrfe;^i-([Ts3iy)l0.1ii;li!ilto;iii!rjpji; https://www.yourtexasbenefits.corn/ssp/SSPHome/ssphonie.jsp 7/20/2015 Office of the Attorney General Texas Child Support Disbursement Unit Payment Record This payment record reflects Non-Custodial Parent payments received by the Texas Child Support Disbursement Unit and payments received or recorded prior to the establishment of the Texas Child Support Disbursement Unit. You may need to contact the local child support registry of the County that issued the order to ensure a complete payment record is obtained for the specified Case/Cause numbers, if the Office of the Attorney General was not the Non-Custodial Parent's payment registry before the Texas Child Support Disbursement Unit began This payment record was generated 07/20/2015 Total Paid: 1,199.90 Names: JEREMY BROWN (NCP), TIERRA WILSON (CP) Cause Number 200940754 =•':yii^jjijj2S12HBu!2) •:: : VJTftfnffimjffl Payment Date Payment Amount Cause ID (MM/DD/YYYY) 07/06/2015 98.00 200940754 06/22/2015 86.00 200940754 06/08/2015 98.00 200940754 05/26/2015 147.00 200940754 05/07/2015 64.38 200940754 04/30/2015 64.38 200940754 04/23/2015 64.38 200940754 04/16/2015 17.68 200940754 03/27/2015 49.00 200940754 02/13/2015 127.77 200940754 01/30/2015 127.77 200940754 01/16/2015 127.77 200940754 01/05/2015 127.77 200940754 This is a true and correct copy of the computerized official child support payment records of the Texas Child Support Disbursement Unit. This payment record is admissible in a court proceeding as evidence of payments made through the Texas Child Support Disbursement Unit pursuant to Texas Family Code Section 157.002(b)(3), Section 157.162(c), and Section 234.001(d). Page 1 of 1 IAnnie Perryman am allowing Tierra Wilson and her 3 children to live her until she can find somewhere to stay. She will have to pay me room and board 300 a month and provide her own food, clothing and house supplies. Ifyou have any question please feel free to contact me at 713-851-4489. /tr\TV\^ I^A/U^ Pay Inquiry Page 1 of 1 •PNewWndnw 3 Help \Zj Cusiomiio Pone in) hup View Paycheck gperraWilson Net Pay: 5500.06 Company HoustonConsntnlty College Sys Pay Begin Date: 06/01/2015 Address P.O. Box 667517 Pay End Oalo: 06)15/2015 Houston. TX 772607517 Check Date: 06/30/2015 Review tho details o your paycheck. To view other checks, select View a Different PovchccX General Name: Tierra LaTara VMiscn Business Unit: HCCSP | Employee ID; 01167842 Pay Group: Part-TimeHourly Address: 1 1607 Bring St Department: IMA - Continuing} Education 1 1 i Apttf 14A Location: 3100 Main j Houston. TX 77004 Job Title: Pt Enretfmt Servioo Assistant ! j Pay Rate: $12.580000 Hourly TaxData "" " " | Fed Marital Status: Singh) TX Marital Status: Hot3ppffeat>ln ! FedAllowances: 6 TX Allowances: o ' Fed Add]j>crcrtnt; 0000 TX Add) Percent: 0.000 ; Fed Add) Amount: 10.00 TX Addl Amount: 10 CO Paychect. Summary Period Gross Earnings Fed Taxable Onus Total Taxes j Total Deductions Net Ply Current 500.06 500.03 000 0.00 500.061 Earnings Taxc*_ Description Hours Rate Amount Description Reg Pay 39.75 12.500000 500.06! FodVttthhoWng \ \ I Total: 39.75 500.0S! Total: Before-Tax Deductions After Tax Deductions Employer Paid Benefits Description r Amount jDceeriatlsn jDcscriatJon •;• Taxable JTotal: Total: Net Pay Dtelribution Payment Type Paycheck Number Account Type Account Number Amount Direct Dopost 1657506 Chocking 159542900 £00.05 Return to Pay Check Saleclion V y -.
Document Info
Docket Number: 01-15-00475-CV
Filed Date: 7/20/2015
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/29/2016