ACCEPTED 04-15-00307-CV FOURTH COURT OF APPEALS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 7/24/2015 1:24:26 PM KEITH HOTTLE CLERK NO. 04-15-00307-CV IN THE COURT OF APPEALS FILED IN 4th COURT OF APPEALS FOURTH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICTSAN ANTONIO, TEXAS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 07/24/2015 1:24:26 PM KEITH E. HOTTLE *** Clerk AUTOZONE, INC., AND AUTOZONERS, L.L.C., Appellants V. MARIO FLORES, Appellee *** UNOPPOSED MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME NOW COMES Appellee, MARIO FLORES, by and through his attorneys, and hereby respectfully request that this Court issue an Order extending the deadline for Appellee’s brief in this matter by twenty (20) days. The current deadline for Appellee’s brief is July 27, 2015. Both parties are currently working towards drafting an agreeable motion that disposes of this appeal. This is Appellee’s first Motion for Extention of Time. The parties have conferred and this motion is unopposed. A proposed order is attached for the Court’s convenience. WHEREFORE, Appellee MARIO FLORES respectfully moves this Court to issue an Order Extending the deadline for Appellee’s brief by twenty (20) days. Respectfully submitted, THE CARLSON LAW FIRM, P.C. THE CARLSON LAW FIRM, P.C. Jaime M. Lynn Kiara Martinez State Bar No. 24081762 State Bar No. 00796973 jlynn@carlsonattorneys.com kmartinez@carlsonattorneys.com 11606 North Interstate Highway 35 400 West Jasper Road Austin, Texas 78753 Killeen, Texas 76542 (512) 346-5688 (254) 526-5688 (512) 719-4362 (254) 526-8204 By: /s/ Kiara Martinez Kiara Martinez CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Pursuant to Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure 9.4(i)(3), the undersigned certifies that this motion complies with the type-volume limitations; that, exclusive of the exempted portions, the brief contains 240 words and that the brief has been prepared proportionally-spaced typeface using Times New Roman in body text. /s/ Kiara Martinez Kiara Martinez CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a true copy of the foregoing Motion was on the 24th day of July 2015, served in accordance with the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure on the following Counsel of record: Via Fax: (210) 805-9654 BRETT REYNOLDS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Brett T. Reynolds State Bar No. 16795500 btreynolds@btrlaw.com 1250 N.E. Loop 410, Suite 420 San Antonio, Texas 78209 (210) 805-9799 (210) 805-9654 (telecopier) Via Fax: (210) 477-7466 THE LAW OFFICE OF JACQUELINE M. STROH, P.C. Jacqueline M. Stroh State Bar No. 00791747 jackie@strohappellate.com 10101 Reunion Place, Suite 600 San Antonio, Texas 78216 (210) 477-7416 (210) 477-7466 (telecopier)
Document Info
Docket Number: 04-15-00307-CV
Filed Date: 7/24/2015
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/29/2016