Sanders, Melvin Lee Iii ( 2015 )

  •       6/6-/5         cause No.£D&hlk£15
    MELVIN LEE SANDERS III               INTHECeuftTOFCftl/VlIrtflL
    PETITIONER          *    APPEALS
    VS.                                   AT
    T HE STATE ©FTEiAS                    ftUSTTN.TEXAS
    JUL 24 2015
    Ab@IAcosta, Cfsrk
    JUL 24 2S75
    Abel Acosta, Cierk
    3UJ FM£fcS4
    He*L"JbKr>E.Ne/.ll^ToAtctflLl Dls4r?d* C-Durf
    ciulnn ~SusViCz. Co/v4er
    Cleburne. iT*. 7feaa2»
    Oak Konna
    TJohftSon CounW GTstrid- M-tametf
    (Suunn ZTufykce. Can4ar
    £0U iSou.+h AuS&lIo
    Cleburne \Ti ~7k bh*>
    Trial CjDuftSe.1
    UI»\a/< RandolMtllRoaA>SutkJ2>
    /Wl inG4er\ CTL1 b dlA
    Ooj/i CfcsT He^ieTSork S4fl2£.4
    -P.0J>ol IG&1
    C leh umevTlL "JbD3S
    AAelviln Le^ S"ters* Ulib KtetflB
    Totm^sSol ColonYTXnS^1!
    O 0
    ^+fW*Wk*                       TA&^ °p CONTENT                  JL
    Table ©fCcnWs                                                   J1L
    ThdaX. &S Aa4Kort4 les                                          JS.
    Stakmenf Rasandme Odxl Ar£umen4
    S+akmenl of tcxse,
    G>roun,         ^.
    e.M rden£fi_ 0$ arur^ biasness arA Jur«V mis ccrvducf-         _£_
    00 (fetiieuiiit& CjDuHs e.n\Plo9Several Voders
    +o dteJrem\\ne_ rf ViaA ccurVk insWcViorkS+odiSteeaftl
    Cufed PraJudicSaA fcWtc+5 5J*i»f £Oid\d4Vie. VD^COurf
    ovfcPPeals err bV NerrutelS-2.i<\<=; +h\s rme.+hod uihaA
    reXieAjair>6 (\2>\Korver's &coo*\6e>for m»s-hr»a.\ Axx£. +©    2
    imParm'iSSible Comme/v4s ov e*W*aneiDus ©>Jfte\se.£ ?          °
    ftrsumervr                                                      —i-
    ProAr Sor feM                                                   JL
    C£4\(icoJk e^SeJMtte.                                            10
    MtWi*             CCcui4 ©£ APfea\s OP\AIon                     JL
    inoe* of Authorities
    iia..coi\s-1                                                            Pa^e
    la^ OmeAd^nnGA-V                                                         b
    Tate^S" Cafes LLS.Cev^. M-.U 10                                          7
    fclad^\/54oie 9*aWL?riB^M CTA.ivPfclucco)                           _q_
    fc^Avt .Slrck 9o4Sll£>A 3 CTf.ApP/Ocaic* aeoi Pf Refci)              B
    CGrckflflXfrkda Z>2>d77J2> P*o.fc.3^W s^ssu*Lm                       fe
    oarto\/,54tL4e <§<4oSu^ci<-N3              5,1
    HekherV.SW 'ZsZSl^zAZ'U                  LT^MfcOcdksmaPl-ftdffcD   _S_'
    kani\r\ \/ .5We ^©S"cA&i         • tTUVPP/i^l^* 0odo PffeftO         B_
    LaMtf,skk ^SL^bcL^qi              Ci>.u\APf>. tW}                 &»**
    McF6tW\,sW 5u>3d (0$ Con&em,^»fc WLHqHIbil P,wl &J-.     ,Jg_
    IT\a5ia\s ^o,i2a\ML U5718T    CT^.ApP.uo^co £-0^.                       9
    (W/toid-S-v.skde. 3^4 5uiad i©9 CT*-Ca IfeO                             "7
    Rdbi/vsen Y.adAI(o LT*.6\AAP. iM 5CoS<4 M8£ LT*./M^Te*oKorti )                   _3_
    teJreAo V.^kk « Su*2>el #oS CT*.APP,Uaco frooo Pkfef'd^             6,9
    UkddoV.s4ak lUizSus'ZdlSO CT^CrrftPP^Sa)                            JL
    Luo«UY.f>Udk. iSSj-ja^KD^a Ct*.o.AAP.9oo£0                              7
    T.FUIUP* Ld(c.2>                                                    J
    C.C.P. 2>MJ                                                         5"
    Aakfeonar ballefe 4ta fcr<5o\r»6 PleoAlruss ore. Suffscieir\+ fer fevteui.
    Qrol ftf6urr\£/Yl-\S NOT Re.Cfeu.esWi *
    PeM»ener Uxo^ IrwAiekd ^csr4V\e. CrW»nal e-ffe\5e_ o£ a&^raMbdei
    Se-SLuoLl as£au.l4' of ex. cklch CC>R. feaO* fe4iV\or«r VcsacezAeA 4o -UVl
    in4W l^UuAldod DteW+CDur+cxnd uuoS-foun^ SutlW h4> du3\W
    feAiWier aleckA4©ho>ic. Pufk\sKmon-l-a5^SaA fctf^e. Viol o>l*4
    and tt-fkr oJf>&Qr\r^Gn?uA\5Wt\Gc\4-\4V»c.-Vf\oL\ C&u^V Sourvi e/\haAC£wi£*i4'
    fofaefbPW^Dne. We. cvrA SarvWeA ?akV»OAer +o PrtseA an a. life
    Service.. C C^?G».qfeV
    On+he. iruit c4men4 and Ccrv\<»cliof\ ©f OJts&toMaAeA Se>kxal a£Sa.tAl4
    ©CcxcWUx$eM©nar&leA hte tt^C£. ©CaPlW oft 1-lfr-H X UL-Pc IftY
    Tke Ifcf^ Coiw4&£ 0S>feAs Lda£ 4esWf\Aiel4o ft&ll&u} aPPeai a/vi srt
    flto"^olSx avfiffWi 4ta_ Vial Lou(45^ruA©mwv4.Klo rtto-koA-Car
    CehaoriAG UuclS^WL PeVtVtoner Kou3 Sau&M-r^eyj-from^M-S C&ufi^
    C?.a.K},iujWi£]r\ "Vine. Aiie. Acek 4o SuWiV fet^Ae* »s fWfcurA5-SW m\s+r£al iue -U ;m&rmtss;ble
    tommen-fe ef en4ton£0uLS offenSe_S I'
    gPA^r> W pmrAii\£> ReM leuui
    feVAloner CLSS^s44vxf teNitejuiils rKLULe&oxs* In acccrdanc^ 4o
    (r& courlo? aPfeais ^ecl5l(Dn cmfllc\s llxT4K ano4tar
    Cau4 &f OPfeaVs decision Gn4W Sarm tSSae.
    (f) Courl- fef aPPea\s hcuS So fordePoftki from 4fo& OccePfad
    Ona usual course, ofrrudtctaA £fDce£d\r»<£S%CLS 4^ doll
    Jporan eierct£e. ©f 44^e tour+of LYWv\»Aa! /l^fealsPouter
    of SufoW&ioA,
    £4nWprvf e& $cuJr<.
    onlhe. &T* ef Ma^eH 4ta de(ens4i&r>
    2n limine. rcsWaune fk S-fode, and 4tair iuUf\esse.S-?forr\ £feak\n£
    aW^an^ et4ranej}u£ baA acB,ccnAuc-b criminal ctair&*Ls and
    <2£*v\ii(rVicns Concerning* 4tai -? rnw\n£. and Ce_&ue£+ed 4tacl-4W_ 4f \cA C^u^f- &reiA+-
    mo-kcA Vb ftfeWibiV cjxnmejhXs, -Frcm 4V\C sW4e a/\A t-U uut4ne^5?j5
    aboui £t4to/\e£>u£ kcA ac4^,(3^d. Cc*witcAteAA o£ ?(L4rUDftGT.'~flnC S^aAo.
    oj&cqoA 4o nof e>o lr\4o fWc6Q. Issues before. anA unfu she. aPftD^ed
    +tabertdk\ Wk Pv^ts 4WjC
    a^and 7f^ LUuWsSes CCorfom.1 RleeS ex\<{ Ltafc (SuuxM^ on 4**2_ s4and
    and^rWoueJK G"VioninG14"ir^rv\eAioiei^Bcufe. Acn-reifbn^tV/e.
    CommejAs on e^AmneooLS mo^krs erf ?eAtViewer's ?elc3TNH) lOoTRva^s \n
    dittLcf MlolaA-icn csf 4W. Gdo*4s rmUns fefOdrAine? defeAf*>_s me>4von tn
    ttfaine. 0r&\o oJPProodK hencK be&fti  -Hr\oS2 i55aes:» Sgc Lfcfcvb:
    P& 33-^ RftVttPs 4h4»,
    lte_ defuse. Cooa4(lI £bijec4eA and feBu&i+ed a. rVis4r!cd »The_4TicJ
    (Lcurf slruxk 4Ua Commej/vAs and ih£4racfeA 4te srurV 4o disregard
    bo4k incn-Offensive e+W\ftDuu5 corYMmeA4-S arA doj^ieA AefWvseis
    molten fcnvvi£Vioi»,^4- u&k &u.ef4-iorune» £AoAk.&\4uiP iS£ue_s. an
    (\or\~ (\e6Pcr6We. comme/\4 aboui- ?eA\-kcner h&Mlns- o. aWinal Wts-kW.
    Qefe\5e. Goun^eJ a&a.\n do3ed*A qjvA fe£Wi>4-ed hor ^U\rA m©-kcn
    "TOT iwtsWal LukVtiU UAclS Ae^ieA CwA 4Ue. "OUT1? UJlClS (DrAeTcd
    a/EoAn 4td disretktfA^CRRV&SPsaM-akJ.
    On difecf fcPfea^ A4>P fthAinc: 4-W
    #AvUcAer ct±x\ 14V be^L^u^c. he. uua£ G^\ne 4t^T^ I oW v^aV.5 and
    becau.^ &f 3uJV mvjsayviu.c4 Lijj\rda4ed} /4fooA S^G. cho^SeA her
    NlerAicV feom llNE>T"Caua IfV 4o &uT I4V /s her
    MD4e.arA^Vi\Vha^ Ce^fcnc^W. ADu.b4a:s4o ?eVi-Uen€sr£ £ulH4:
    SeoX -eiKtlat4 A^N\o4ten -^ ivleto4r^d)CC i£. P „^mpKo5l$ au^?^.
    The ID* dcurfesf ArPfeoAs uPon C^Mldux,to(\Cm^in& rf^e. frkj
    Coui^ e.rrteA b*P no4 Sftm4lj\s a mislrlal for 2> rn2n4- d4lr\S Colbum 3fefe> Sujad 5*U iS^O CTe*. CrIm*ftf>P H*?«^ CP02-
    Sun\P\von 4tacA ITuTerS followed i054fucrf\or\s is reba,Ho,'bb.^ burr~
    aPPellajvf AlAnof Me. &. mD4ion -for neuj. 4\rlcA alkcrln e Toror rnfs^
    Conducf or abWin n_ hear ins 4o adduce. §-txtJc£ nof \r\-\ht ffe.cDnd.1.
    fe-kWier asfierk 4taxf4he. 4rloi odiaH- eneA \n n&rf &fan4i/\gr !
    mli5frial .'nli&kf e>fPfbof erf 3ur^ rw^LonAu^fund Uii4k 9ft)of ^hcd- +iKe.
    3UA&e:s i^-trucUon:* +d &\£f{LG>ajA Atd nof CuTe. -Vhe. StaacHcud effec-fcs
    &?4ta e^-ifa/ieo^ Cor^me^!^, TKls error hc^ Pff4he_ e\t,ldencG.» CWseA
    ?(e3-ud!cc 4-o4W arwv!* decision ma&if\6and d^rvieA ?eM»oner4-ke_
    rvehr"-fo V»od and amvunkA 4o a. levei &>f PreTuAfccn e/\ou&K
    4o Undermine. 4ke. PolsovnP^c^ of mnoa?Ace..
    and f e^KLud. e£ 44m^56_ t£Sue.s,
    "The. Courrfof kPfecAs Cio^ fcffeA »n define (5>munAs &>r
    fTY\s4r\al udrcn feMiener ftbAuced C&CeoaAs) e.vklenc£ of 3LtfV
    biaSfteSS cxnA T ^ mte Ci>>duc.+M
    c=>roanATU"fcrQLl4ac-W^4'o Afctermine.
    if 4ria\ coarfs !nsWc4ior\S fo diSfiiSarA Cufedi PteTuAlctal
    iVnu+s and .* ^AtA +he. id* Courf &f ftPPeaLs err bS>
    WM6T4lJL4ilii.4nc +V»ts me_4hod uuker> re>ttexoins PeUficnans
    grounds for mistrial Aae, fo tmPernnlsS^bk c**v>nWs of-
    &vtanei>us ciffa^2js
    The. ?eAiitonefk Ccn4en-l-lDn^fDrbo4^(2>roc^A^ de_rWe. from 4cL
    3>5t9A af 4V»e_ fnAo ^/T\mIryQ.lPmcaAuLre-S ux!n\dk s&As W4-U 4W
    TJuTor-S d4tae. lomaarid e_\dAence.>ariA4f>eA 44\e. btooJ^tns ©£44ais t&cAh W
    AeAitaeroAlnG on evidence. 4Vkod-LUa£ sW\c&en from 4foe-fejc£fA c\nA
    CerABnYis oA/e/dlcf LonWrV 4t> 4Ue ex'id.e^ce. PftLSejA4ed c\4- VuA.
    IVs 5edooA in 4^e_ 4Wba tK r\on~feSP»onsW£.
    f^flmoiW-* e-vi*AGAce. e>f Perfifionens feAaW LOaTiTCwfs and PtrtDf-
    Cow\l^cA\on£ UULGuS urdrodocaA b1-? frfcAe^ uxtWs5^.TV»^4>1cl1 CDcxf4
    2>WdC. each cAmi£^tonand cWxr&eA 4VkG.:SurV 4-o dte02.<£ord 4k£
    e^QAecviLS. CDO\me^f£/Tbe_ fe£ulf<. 4Wn 4ria_(. eindtaA\f\cv dsmil+V
    >lenUc+ QftA Issue cf a life Sa/vteACe,
    IVffer V\al >rxcctfv\?on\nG fcPPeAlafe afWneVs 0^4-»Da-for K"> Wfah
    CJuTet (EfoATCilcA oa ocffiaaA/i'^54cu4\n^ ovmonetef e44ter OiW
    fYv\5COrAuc4> •
    I, TbcA 44i(L fried Oiorfs Ins^ra c4lTail Ou/^caa^cs tulnen Atscustn© houo fe> V&fe !n Adibeminan*
    CemPbastS a ^ ^ \ Omd
    di .Thaf Aae. \t> ail fW. ar^u.tns' ef fbese. Ca*A rw&r^ *SSa&s
    uMe. AeTiWra4ins >fiKe. mfox4' cWmereA W\ib4e. Cro/v^ KlaT £utH-V
    dfc £er \/d4€. >bedieVeA kbSt. lll&uJA be. uu&n Oft nPflW
    cvA sW sMhaS te&£cnakk d&ukAaS-tro fefi+lfiners cWilf.Ce/fciPhasLs
    3* d&tf.'ne tefctefcnens ^j < and S^ G>ax*Ais on ftJPeoA 4trrnkV«d
    denWL44\e le^ Cou^faf iWaAS CcnduAed fboA bee rmse. I\a.s.gqx*\4s
    af^tAaVff fatleA \o name_ftae_ cru.rorujJho rrviAe. 4f»e. stedemeA-f
    " UtfS'feoific- baotA cxn^uAatfs* uxWde. Mr&M Laere. bera4t ns- and
    be.c.Ajji£e. 4f>Gne_ uioLsno indlcafion m4foe.rex£rA f^od'4^e_ m&^eA
    •tbt neui frlal Laos eJJer PnzfQA4ed 4o ftae. -W\ai c&urf and no hear«Ws
    uuuxS ev^er sef ©cheiA 4© aAAu£e_ fax_f£ ftaf Tin 4tn£ fecund 4o e_iiW>J an
    UufDf cvsvAs ofkA^xvfrb4-taA- 4foem. loos r\<&\k\ as- an 4ke_ fec^M. 4o
    mdic/i4<2_4V\e.4irial C£>uu4-.£ ins4ruxfien diAneA Cum-aW PifeiTuAlcG.
    L\56ociaW uutr4^\ 4foe_ UxTWsieS non-tfespDnStAte aMujers. Sol
    State. Abb SujaAsUvS^O Cla&ujeA insWcVfon is fdoa4\ 4-foe. ftfiYvl.*T/t.
    ?e4lticker o&erk 4W4 4foe Couurf &f MPeak feliduACe .
    Ar4!Ae. 34> I crf^P. CX.P. shouus fhaf fta aP/kllade. RccfA de/4Cs fecoAs ojtA Aelor4erkre.carA.The. \&^cau/4 of
    ^PPeaiiS rafianode. IsroJkAeJ b^?4^\L£ chafikr bf 7e*dS 54t3oLck.
    PedAionerk iwAlonfor n&ui frlaJ luzl4 fried ajufU 4W cleflC CCR.lDtft,
    u>k«A\ Ccn4ained 4W. Ae.C£SSa4iejuo>OnA Tum*&ftuft4-Sei-?Br4l\ bar "bto^ness and reliance, an 44t£_
    forbidden eH4u.£ c_c*WYteA4-.s uaklcb afWAsA her !ni+iad V&4re.
    "this Cou^f belA In Oelrlovi^fdie^MdSuaaAMM^WMSCT^cr^mwa^

Document Info

Docket Number: PD-0616-15

Filed Date: 7/24/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/29/2016