Lucious, Jack Jr. ( 2015 )

  • fit HM¢¢ {LML 0! Z/LML,M) F/M»/.s §
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    AUG 06 2015
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    3 l x k 4 ii %//;<% l z `` ~ ' `` ``¢i”'*m$-aiam§s §§ a
    § _'!/
    _ v Case No. l;”'
    (The Clerk of the convicting W...., . .ll fill this line in.)
    iNAME: ._M ali/erode
    'DATE OF BIRTH:_ /éZ/@?/»/ rif l ~
    PLACE OF CoNFINEMENT€ . Z/M»_w FMNJ~//) 7"
    .TDCJ-CID NUMBER; 5%/ 70' 'sID_NnMBER; BLM_¢;%;?,``
    ~(1) 12Tyapplication concerns (check.all that apply):
    a conviction - . p/ parole
    cr ~ a sentence ' n mandatory supervision
    l:l , time credit '1:1_ 7 out-of-time appeal or petition for
    discretionary review
    (2) What.district court entered the judgment of the.conviction you \vant relief.from?
    (lnclude the court number and county.) - '
    /.777%// / 7b 77,. ¢Qw%,z``_/d. dowd __/)F /7§4"2/_2/``.< fox 7¢?»<,'
    (3) What \vas the ~ca'se number in the trial court?
    Z!Z;z:$: t *``/l@,'i``¢.\[
    (4) Wha-t was the name of. the trial judge? '
    " ' ,_:/W; /7§47$&/,¢// ,``/”’Jza¢ L{ ZQ=L'{ 76 45 /%/~///z/Um¢=_"/h/
    Revised: September 1, 201 1
    . <7>
    Were you represented by counsel? Ifyes, provide the attorney' s name:
    ,_//M S/Lb’/H/~/// of ///,//)/ ézwja
    'Whatu was the date that the judgment was entered?
    u,,j.£;:§” /(MM/ MA/M 5 /f?"/O
    For what offense were you convicted and what was the‘sentence?
    If yo ' were tenc d o more than one count fan indictment 1n the same court a_``t
    the same time. what counts were you convicted of and what was the sertence' m each
    What was the plea you entered? (Check one.) ``
    1:1 guilty-open plea ' 1:1 guilty-plea bargain
    m/Gt guilty r_'1 nolo contendere/no contest
    4 'If you entered different pleas to counts in a multi-count indictment, please-explain:
    1 N(/A
    ' what kind oftrial did you have?
    13 no jury '* EGry for guilt and punishment
    l:l jury for guilt, judge for punishment
    Did you testify at trial? If yes, at what phase of the trial did you testify?
    Did you appeal from the judgment of conviction?
    M- _ in no
    If you did appeal, answer the following questions: n
    (A) What court of appeals did you appeal to? ‘ oral e- ’ 70 ‘7 . £/»/%O'
    (B) What was the case number? rQ./ ,7~7/_$;/ S“ 7 @/£l) /
    (C) Were you represented by counsel on'appeal?_lf yes, provide the attorney's_
    ' name: ‘
    ``Wr,z/ anr/mi -$_lc¢.'//U~g_ // 57 %w/ Au/UL \S/``m’9&‘
    . xMM-o$d/WM,L 513/ cs.;d, ali ‘7/1§§ /w' 7;»>§ 604 / 1a
    GROUND Two.
    M¢¢/M@N of ,QUW’; /7/7 cong AM¢,,J
    §ggzz_fj lie /AM@_QSS @1[7 /,4¢_..1
    eide/pda /,)/4~¢5 ;z>N//d;',,@ -g/c Aoéd¢'n./ /747»1@/7 cf /9@//
    Ae’ /7/,15/ tL.§$e;s``se'¢,Q /7/$ /U/..J/~//.s/)M/~_'h/»L ¢Z% //é 697~1};):.1.»_'»4@¢!-
    //;{ 7,£@.'/~/ fy y _ _
    ___QQI /7£¢ /W/'471_Lh 5 /Q?/ 61.>/~11/``/@90/¢5 alvth M»_ ``57£#7[¢ /,¢47,&)5¢’1»0
    é/e’)( 054/dealt CD/\I:/Z/~/O/~IA 710 Q/~/ ,¢£UUM$ ldwm Me$
    hill/04 1779 A;¢/``?.'/Z»?Oe co/Mu+o~ Mn+ he reece/usl
    éo/e'n//m~j 'J 95 /'~/ 11 cie geva
    4 140 /114@/'7 of .¢;¢,U-¢@;’ 11 27 @M,e 17,@1,6
    %?/S/r@ -`` n 4 ``
    _.¢AL_(M¢@/L k 114111&1=. ivL ,5.-1 am 1441+%'1,1<1¢10¢3 r.))rS/j/M,,q
    v M_Q£IQQ_M#MEHF .L!/c§'t .Z¢~_i ¢-_’¢/11$}¢11711101»1
    4 16J/4,s. d/l/,:"/\/ L£/~/#;) A/r';o.
    __ §/1;_- 1110/11 716/14 111 ,1.,5¢16
    ' Petitioner’s printed name: m ,£Llél/DIJ S~
    State bar number, if applicable:
    Fax: '
    ' L fig g/ 5 ££E¢Q¢£S , am the applicant / petitioner (Circle one) and being presently
    33;\/ ow¢:>/wc@.-}L~ HA»MA é¢>, 724
    incarcerated m f .6,6 ,declare under penalty of perjury that, according to my belief,
    athe facts stated in the above application are true and correct.
    Signed on &’€HQC'/L l g _, ZO_ZL.
    §¢J\ j
    ?'érature of Apglica'nt / Petitioner (circle one)
    Petitioner’s printed name: _,:-W;_/Q A~M 610 L``LL
    Address: 4 § 252/ &AO/c._) (>Q¢L
    /‘/e¢/t¢D/``§ A/>< 770,722§
    .Telep}rone: £.L-'//:\' 53 ¢L” 55 7‘ q\§/('//j
    Signed cnw 20 ¢,; .
    ' 1111 k/;/11,Zm¢/a/~M / 62 1//.$/0/\/
    l L é_/L O%A /¢~. /L
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    V"'e``ek'y Fges€;d § 15 D .°° F\b$%+'f '3¥‘ 89 `` ' " Bv:, BRAD¥ BARRS ,._,_~_,
    j;'j':; l ,f'___ t /.;L;;u> / n g _ _ mine you:,r
    Barrs & Asso§lates 'Clin``lcal Consult, lnc. P.O. Box 66810 Houston, TX077266-6810
    ' Off)ce#( ~zZ/) 911}.2~‘7¢ §§ Fax#`` (713),440-0665
    ,»ata: /lpl|| j, - L '( {90
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    - ‘ " Weekfy Grd¢p Counse%ing ~ _ `` 4 &W §, '
    Veekly Fees: ?O 00 " ‘ . _ - M n
    iaiance owed ' # ' BY: maon BARRS
    ]|‘l'yvU//,] »~ _ n n n z Than'kyou
    . Zl Sex Offender Evaluation
    I:| Polygraph Examination
    Individual Session
    SE. 44 lit l '
    Off d L ' ,J k
    en er uclous ac TDCJ# 586170
    Referring ParQle Off``lcer Thomas Augusta Phone# " 713 942 55
    ' - 61
    Date of Approval l n Approviug Authority
    ._`` . l
    (The e-mail approval must be attachedM
    Distn'ct Parole Offlce Hou§ton II District Parole Oft``lce l§e jo
    » 3322 Richmond Ave. 2nd Hoor g n 3
    Houston, TX 77098
    Treatment Program (if applicable) David Barrs
    Therapist/Polygraph Examiner
    Parole Offlcer's Signature
    Page 1 Of 2
    PMS~34 (RCV. 09/1/06)
    E. Unit Supervisor's Signature
    F. Date Evaluation/Individual Session/Polygraph Conducted
    G. Date written report submitted to supervising officer _ Amount Due $
    H. Therapist/Polygraph Examiner (Print Narne) _
    Address Phone #
    Location of Service
    Contract #
    Therapist’ s/Polygrapher’s Signature
    (This signature certifies that the officer has received the written evaluation/polygraph report)
    Attachment: Completed Report f Accounts Payable Use Only:
    Distribution: DiStrin ParOlF Offl€€ m Written report attached - verifying services were rendered
    Therapist/Polygraph Examiner "
    Original - Central w/ attachment Fol. Individual Sessions Only:
    v Offender’s signature
    ' Page 1 of 2 - PMS-34 (Rev. 09/1/06)

Document Info

Docket Number: WR-6,031-15

Filed Date: 8/6/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/29/2016