Jennifer L. Zuniga, Individually and as Judgment Creditor and on Behalf of Christopher J. Medina v. Farmers Texas County Mutual Insurance Co. ( 2019 )

  •                               Fourth Court of Appeals
    San Antonio, Texas
    No. 04-18-00899-CV
    Jennifer L. ZUNIGA, Individually and as Judgment Creditor and on Behalf of Christopher J.
    From the 73rd Judicial District Court, Bexar County, Texas
    Trial Court Nos. 2014CI11445 & 2016CI05219
    Honorable Cathleen M. Stryker, Judge Presiding
    Opinion by: Rebeca C. Martinez, Justice
    Dissenting Opinion by: Luz Elena D. Chapa, Justice
    Sitting:          Rebeca C. Martinez, Justice
    Luz Elena D. Chapa, Justice
    Irene Rios, Justice
    Delivered and Filed: September 25, 2019
    Christopher J. Medina struck appellant Jennifer L. Zuniga with his truck. Zuniga sued
    Medina for negligence and gross negligence, and a jury returned a verdict in Zuniga’s favor. The
    trial court rendered a judgment awarding Zuniga $93,244.91 in actual damages and $75,000.00 in
    punitive damages. Medina appealed the jury’s finding that he was grossly negligent, and we
    determined there was sufficient evidence in the record to support the finding. See Zuniga v.
    565 S.W.3d 61
    , 65 (Tex. App.—San Antonio 2017), rev’d, No. 17-0498, 
    2019 WL 04-18
    1868012 (Tex. Apr. 26, 2019). Recently, the Texas Supreme Court reversed and held the evidence
    to be legally insufficient to support the gross-negligence finding. See Medina v. Zuniga, No. 17-
    2019 WL 1868012
    , at *8 (Tex. Apr. 26, 2019). The supreme court reversed our judgment
    affirming the award of punitive damages and rendered judgment that Zuniga take nothing on her
    gross-negligence claim. See 
    id. On June
    11, 2019, the supreme court issued its mandate.
    Medina was insured by appellee Farmers Texas County Mutual Insurance Company
    (“Farmers”). Farmers paid Zuniga the entire judgment amount Medina owed Zuniga, except for
    the $75,000 in punitive damages. Farmers sued Zuniga seeking a declaration that Farmers’
    insurance policy with Medina did not cover punitive damages. Zuniga sued Farmers seeking to
    recover the punitive damages and asserting breach of contract and extracontractual claims. The
    trial court consolidated Farmers’ lawsuit against Zuniga and Zuniga’s lawsuit against Farmers.
    This is the case now on appeal. The parties filed motions for summary judgment, and the trial
    court granted Zuniga’s motion insofar as it sought a determination that Farmers’ policy with
    Medina covered the punitive damages award. The trial court severed and abated Zuniga’s breach
    of contract and extracontractual claims, pending final disposition of the coverage issue. Farmers
    appealed, and we determined in Cause No. 04-16-00773-CV that Farmers’ policy with Medina did
    not cover punitive damages. See Farmers Tex. Cty. Mut. Ins. Co. v. Zuniga, 
    548 S.W.3d 646
    , 648
    (Tex. App.—San Antonio 2017, no pet.). We noted in our opinion: “[A]fter all other issues and
    claims were severed, the parties narrowed their dispute in this cause to a single issue: whether the
    insurance policy that promises to ‘pay damages for bodily injury or property damage’ covers
    punitive damages assessed against Farmers’s insured.” 
    Id. We remanded
    for further proceedings
    consistent with the opinion. 
    Id. at 656.
    On remand, Farmers moved for summary judgment on the coverage issue. The trial court
    granted Farmers’ motion and rendered a final judgment declaring Farmers’ insurance policy with
    Medina does not cover punitive damages. The trial court further declared that Farmers has fully
    satisfied its duty to defend and indemnify Medina for the final judgment in the underlying auto-
    pedestrian case between Zuniga and Medina. 1 Zuniga timely appealed.
    On June 20, 2019, Farmers moved to dismiss the instant appeal as moot in light of the
    recent supreme court opinion and mandate in the underlying auto-pedestrian case. See Medina,
    2019 WL 1868012
    , at *8. Farmers argues that, because the supreme court reversed and rendered
    that Zuniga take nothing on her gross-negligence claim, which was the only basis for punitive
    damages, Zuniga’s instant appeal is moot. Zuniga did not respond within ten days, and we issued
    an order inviting Zuniga to file a response. See TEX. R. APP. P. 10.3 (providing an appellate court
    should not hear or determine a motion until ten days after the motion was filed unless an exception
    is met). Zuniga thereafter filed a document entitled “Appellant Response to Motion to Dismiss,”
    arguing that, because this cause is moot, we should dismiss the appeal and “vacate all previous
    trial court judgments” and “vacate the appellate court’s opinion.” 2 Farmers filed a reply, arguing
    we should only dismiss the instant appeal and should not vacate the trial court’s final judgment or
    our previous opinion in which we determined that the insurance policy at issue did not include
    coverage for punitive damages. See 
    Zuniga, 548 S.W.3d at 648
    . Neither party asserted or argued
    that the severed cause, which contains Zuniga’s additional claims, has any bearing on mootness in
    the instant appeal.
    The trial court noted all of Zuniga’s other claims had been severed into a separate cause, which made the court’s
    order a final, appealable judgment.
    Zuniga also filed a “Motion for Extension of Time to File Appellant’s Motion to Dismiss,” but Zuniga did not file
    any document entitled “Motion to Dismiss.” We construe Zuniga’s motion as a request for an extension of time for
    her to respond to Farmers’ motion to dismiss for want of jurisdiction. Without the extension, Zuniga’s response is a
    day late. We GRANT Zuniga’s motion as construed and consider Zuniga’s response timely filed. We do not consider
    whether Zuniga’s “Appellant Response to Motion to Dismiss” is a motion to dismiss because, even if it is, it is moot
    upon our granting Farmers’ motion to dismiss.
    In light of the foregoing, it appears uncontested that the case is moot. 3 Accordingly, we
    grant Farmers’ motion and dismiss this appeal as moot. See Nat’l Collegiate Athletic Ass’n v.
    1 S.W.3d 83
    , 86 (Tex. 1999) (“Appellate courts are prohibited from deciding moot
    The question remains, however, whether we must vacate the trial court’s judgment and our
    judgment and opinion in the prior appeal, Cause No. 04-16-00773-CV. The Texas Supreme Court
    has consistently required: “When a cause becomes moot on appeal, all previous orders and
    judgments should be set aside and the cause, not merely the appeal, dismissed.” Freeman v.
    171 S.W.2d 863
    , 863 (Tex. 1943). In 1972, the supreme court noted, “This has been the
    course of action followed by this Court in a moot case for at least 94 years.” Carrillo v. State, 
    480 S.W.2d 612
    , 619 (Tex. 1972) (Calvert, C.J., concurring). In recent years, the supreme court has
    affirmed that vacatur remains the proper course of action. See Glassdoor, Inc. v. Andra Grp., LP,
    575 S.W.3d 523
    , 527 (Tex. 2019) (“If a case becomes moot, the court must vacate all previously
    issued orders and judgments and dismiss the case for want of jurisdiction.”); City of Krum, Tex. v.
    543 S.W.3d 747
    , 750 (Tex. 2017) (per curiam) (vacating the judgments of the court of
    appeals and the trial court, and dismissing a moot case for lack of jurisdiction).
    This rule to vacate prior judgments when a cause becomes moot is not universal. In federal
    court, vacatur is an “equitable remedy whose availability depends principally on the extent to
    which the mootness is attributable to the party seeking relief from the judgment.” Tex. Quarter
    Horse Ass’n v. Am. Legion Dep’t of Tex., 
    496 S.W.3d 175
    , 182 n.34 (Tex. App.—Austin 2016, no
    pet.) (citing U.S. Bancorp Mortg. Co. v. Bonner Mall P’ship, 
    513 U.S. 18
    , 22–29 (1994)). The
    The dissent notes that sometimes one issue in a case can become moot, but not the whole case, if the case has multiple
    issues. However, the instant appeal is not a multi-issue case. As we noted in our prior opinion, this case has been
    narrowed to a single issue. See 
    Zuniga, 548 S.W.3d at 648
    . That issue is moot, and, accordingly, the entire cause is
    moot. See infra note 4.
    Texas Supreme Court, however, has not adopted the federal approach. See id.; see also Speer v.
    Presbyterian Children’s Home & Serv. Agency, 
    847 S.W.2d 227
    , 227–30 (Tex. 1993) (vacating
    lower-court judgments in an appeal held to be mooted by litigants’ voluntary actions). We have
    applied the Texas approach, as we must, to vacate judgments but have carved out an exception to
    the general rule requiring vacatur “when the parties have bargained for and agreed upon a full and
    final settlement, but wish to leave the trial court’s judgment intact as a bar to relitigation or . . . as
    a means to redress a breach of the settlement agreement.” Caballero v. Heart of Tex. Pizza, L.L.C.,
    70 S.W.3d 180
    , 181 (Tex. App.—San Antonio 2001, no pet.) (per curiam). This exception,
    however, does not apply to the instant case because there is no settlement. The Third Court of
    Appeals has found an exception for cases where the precise jurisdictional defect is “a lack of
    appellate standing.” Tex. Quarter Horse 
    Ass’n, 496 S.W.3d at 181
    –85 (dismissing the appeal,
    without vacating the trial court judgment, upon determining that the appellants lacked standing to
    bring their appeal). Zuniga’s standing to appeal is not at issue here, and Farmers does not assert
    that it is.
    Because the Texas Supreme Court has consistently required vacatur for moot cases and
    because no exception applies, we must vacate the trial court’s judgment. See 
    Glassdoor, 575 S.W.3d at 527
    Carrillo, 480 S.W.2d at 619
    ; Tex. Quarter Horse 
    Ass’n, 496 S.W.3d at 181
    Caballero, 70 S.W.3d at 181
    ; see also City of 
    Krum, 543 S.W.3d at 750
    (holding claims had been
    rendered moot by changes in the law and vacating lower-courts’ judgments). 4
    In its final judgment, the trial court declared: (1) the insurance policy does not cover punitive damages, (2) Zuniga
    is not entitled to collect any more money from Farmers, and (3) Farmers has fully satisfied its duty to defend and
    indemnify Medina. We vacate the entire judgment because, in this appeal, Zuniga sought reversal of the entire
    judgment and because Zuniga’s appellate issues, all of which regard whether Farmers was required to pay punitive
    damages, necessarily challenge all three declarations. Farmers asserts it is entitled to the preclusive effects of the
    latter two declarations, but Farmers has not provided any authority showing that we may vacate a judgment in part in
    a case that has become moot. Farmers cites only Rule 42.3(f) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, which
    authorizes us to dismiss an appeal. While Rule 42.3(f) authorizes us to dismiss an appeal, Rule 42.3(e) authorizes us
    We do not, however, vacate our opinion and judgment in the prior appeal, Cause No. 04-
    16-00773-CV, because we lost plenary power over that appeal in 2017, and we have no authority
    to alter the opinion and judgment under Rule 19.3 or Rule 43.2 of the Texas Rules of Appellate
    Procedure. See TEX. R. APP. P. 19.1, 19.3, 43.2.
    Because Zuniga’s appeal is moot, we grant Farmers’ motion to dismiss, vacate the trial
    court’s judgment, and dismiss this case for want of jurisdiction.
    to vacate the trial court’s judgment and dismiss the case, which we must do when a cause becomes moot under
    applicable precedent. See TEX. R. APP. P. 42.3(e); 
    Glassdoor, 575 S.W.3d at 527