FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 12/14/2015 12:29:57 PM CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk TAB 17 DATA ENTRY DATE PICK UP THIS DATE COU 1 PROB PROBATE COURT 1 427,208 NO.427,208 NO. INRE: IN GUARDIANSHIP RE: GUARDIANSHIP OF OF § COURT INPROBATENO.1 IN PROBATE COURT NO. 1 PETERSON, RUBY RUBY PETERSON, OF OF ANINCAPACITATED PERSON AN INCAPACITATED PERSON HARRIS HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS COUNTY, TEXAS TRANSFER ORDER ORDER OF TRANSFER Onthisday, On theCourt this day, the considered Court considered DavidPeterson David Petersonand Carol M andCarol anley’s Manley's Motion Motion to Transfer toTransfer Lawsuit Pursuant Code Estates toTexas 1022.005 Sections and1022.007 and, the Lawsuit Pursuant to Texas Estates Code Sections 1022.005 and 1022.007 and, after considering the Motion, Motion, any responses, anyresponses, thepleadings, the andthe pleadings, and thearguments arguments ofcounsel, of theCourt counsel, the Court fords andorders findsand orders that: that: 1. 1. Ithasjurisdiction It has jurisdiction over over the Guardianship ofRuby theGuardianship of Ruby P eterson, Peterson, an incapacitated an incapacitated person; person; 2. 2. Thesubject The subject matter ofthelawsuit matterof pending the lawsuit pending inthe in Judicial the 129th Judicial District District ofHarris of Harris County,Texas County, under Cause Texasunder No. 2014-40980; Cause No. S. Peterson, M Ruby S.Peterson, 2014-40980; Ruby ackey("Mack") Mackey Glen Leslie Peterson, Lonny DonLeslie GlenPeterson, Don Lonny P eterson Peterson CarolA vv..Carol Anne Manley nneManley and and David Peterson, Silverado David Silverado Senior CareFacility, LivingCare Senior Living Facility, Tanna McMillan, TannaMcMillan, Linda Linda Lavinson, Dr.Rebecca Lavinson, Dr. Clearman Rebecca Clearman (“District ("District Court Proceeding”) CourtProceeding") concems concerns matters matters related related to theguardianship to the proceeding guardianship proceeding n thisCourt pending iin pending this Court under CauseNo. underCause No. 427,208 427,208 ("Guardianship ("Guardianship Proceeding"); Proceeding"); and and 3. 3. TheMotion shouldbe The Motion should grantedand begranted andthe District the District CourtProceeding Court shouldbe Proceeding should be transferred transferred to thisC to this ourt, Court, further asfurther as described described below. below. It is therefore,ORDERED, Itis therefore, ORDERED, that that under under Section Section 1022.007 1022.007 ofthe of Texas the Texas Estates Estates Code, Code, thecase the caseknown known as Ruby as Peterson, Ruby S. Peterson, Mackey GlenPeterson, Mackey ("Mack') Glen Peterson,Don Leslie DonLeslie Peterson, Peterson, Lonny Lonny Peterson Peterson v. v. CarolA Carol Manley nneManley Anne and David P andDavid eterson, Peterson, Silverado Silverado SeniorLiving Senior LivingCareFacility, Care Facility,Tanna Tanna McMillan, McMillan, Linda Linda L avinson, Lavinson, Rebecca Dr.Rebecca Dr. Clearman, Clearman, pending iinnthe pending Judicial the 129th Judicial District District ofHarris of County, Harris County, 070200/000001 376 113073Iv I Silverado Appx. 0110 No. 1-15-586-CV563 Texas under Texas under No. Cause No. 20l4-40980 2014-40980 and and any any and and allother all othersub-docket sub-docket cases cases under under that that cause cause number, number, hereby arehereby are Probate toProbate transferred to CourtNo. Court ofHarris No.l1 of County, Harris County, Texas; Texas; the the new inthisCourt causein new cause this Court 0%1 shallbe shall bestyled: styled: In re:Guardianship of Ruby In re: Ruby Peterson, as as incapacitated person, shallbe person, shall beassigned assigned CauseNo. Cause No.427,208-40l inProbate 427,208-401 in CourtNo. Probate Court No.l ofHarris 1 of County, Harris County, Texas;and Texas; all claims, cross-claims, andallclaims, cross-claims, counterclaims, counterclaims, and interventions andinterventions theTravis inthe in Travis County County Suit Suit shall shall bestyled be styled and referred andreferred inthe in the manner manner 0 described Itisfurther, above. described above. It is further, 0 ORDERED, thatthe Clerkof JudicialDistrict theJudicial DistrictCourt Courtof I·Iarris County,Texas, Texas,shall shall ORDERED, that the Clerk of the of Harris County, prepare copies o prepare certified copies all documents contained offalldocuments in the District Court’s contained intheDistrict intheDistrict Court's file in Court the District Court Proceeding Proceeding andshall deliver and shall deliver the documents under thedocuments under tthe heClerk’s sealto Clerk's seal totheClerk oftheHarris the Clerk of the Harris County County Probate forinclusion Probate Court for intheCourt inclusion in ofthe the Court files of new transferred the new cause,andthat transferred cause, and that aa certified copy copy ofthisOrder of shallbe this Order shall befiled in intheHarris County the Harris County District District Courtto Court complete tocomplete the oftheDistrict thefiles of the District Proceeding CourtProceeding Court and and to further to further showthat show that tthe heDistrict CourtProceeding District Court Proceeding isclosed. is closed. .14 / 3 "Cu SIGNED SIGNEDon of at/ (7 on this zslity of ,2014.UDGE , 2014. UDGE R R ING ING 1? Dt.arD ?7,- 71-Ac, -17 /4"), j 11,-1C-14I n Ate-,,,? C4.)rre-rrfr1y S C-AGVVIe / 7171 C C7L7fr ' 30 pi JD/ j- hod/ 1.-7 s---/ra_ci 29 44, 110 aim; / 0 ct-, n-7 Pre4 6t7Le... 6 _e q rh ?Li 2 2 070200/000001 376 376 -11307311/1 Silverado Appx. 0111 No. 1-15-586-CV564 C) APPROVED AS TOFORM: AS TO FORM: C) CRAIN, CATON & JAMES, P.C. By: PatelPach arah Patel Pach (State (State Bar #00788164) spacheco@craincaton.com Kathleen Beduze Kathleen Tanner Beduze (State Bar#24052205) (StateBar #24052205) kbeduze@craincaton.com 1700 1401 McKinney, Suite 1700 Houston, Texas 77010 Texas 77010 (713)658-2323 Telephone: (713) 658-2323 713658-1921 Facsimile: 713 Attorneys for David Peterson and Carol Anne Manley 3 070200/000001 376-11307311,1 Silverado Appx. 0112 No. 1-15-586-CV565 TAB 18 FILED AMM • 7/25/2014 10:58:28 AM StanStanart Stan Stanart DATA-ENTRYP\CK c County Clerk TH|$ DATA-ENTRY UP PICK UP THIS DATE PROBATE Harris County COURT 1 NO.4427,208 CAUSENO. CAUSE 27,208 tr IN THE GUARDIANSHIP OF INTHEGUARDIANSHIP OF § IN THE PROBATECCOURT INTHEPROBATE OURT PETERSON, PROPOSED RUBY PETERSON, RUBY PROPOSED § WARD WARD HARRISCOUNTY, § HARRISCOUNTY,TEXAS TEXAS u § § PROBATECCOURT PROBATE OURT11 NOTICEOFNONSUIT NOTICE OFAPPLICATION OF NONSUITOF APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP FOR GUARDIANSHIPOFRUBY PETERSON,PROPOSED OF RUBYPETERSON, WARD PROPOSED WARD MACKEY ("MACK") GLEN PETERSONAND MACKEY("MACK")GLEN PETERSON AND DON PETERSON LESLIEPETERSON DON LESLIE J this NOTICEO hereby filethisNOTICE ("APPLICANTS")hereby ("APPLICANTS") OF NONSUITT FNONSUIT HEIRCLAIMS THEIR IN THIS CLAIMS IN THIS WARD,RUBYPETETERSON and GUARDIANSHIPAPPLICATIONFORPROPOSED GUARDIANSHIPAPPLICATION FOR PROPOSED WARD, RUBY PETETERSON and notify HonorableJudgeof intentto theirintent THEIRAPPLICATION DISMISSTHEIR FOR notify this this Honorable Judge of their toDISMISS APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIPOF GUARDIANSHIP OFRUBY PETERSON,PROPOSEDWARD,and requestthat this RUBY PETERSON, PROPOSED WARD, and request that this ORDERS concluding this matteraaccordingly ccordingly thatthey Honorable Judge Honorable enter aappropriate Judge enter ppropriate ORDERS concluding thismatter so so that they may pursue claims maypursue in CauseNo.2014—40980, MACKPETERSON, ETAL.VS.i claims asserted in Cause No. 2014-40980, MACK PETERSON, ET AL. VS. DAVIDPETERSON, ETAL.,whichconsistof claimsfordamagesin tort andfederalcivil DAVID PETERSON, ET AL., which consist of claims for damages in tort and federal civil rightsviolations underTitleII of theAmericans withDisabilities Actof 1990("ADA"). rights violations under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"). PLAINTIFFS respectfully thattheCourtdismiss theirApplication forGuardianship on PLAINTIFFS respectfullyrequest request that the Court dismiss their Application for Guardianship on 162provides thisbasis.Tex.R.Civ.P. inrelevant part: "Atanytimebeforetheplaintiff has this basis. Tex.R.Civ.P. 162 provides in relevant part: "At any time before the plaintiff has introducedallofhisevidenceotherthanrebuttalevidence,theplaintiffmaydismissa case,or introduced all of his evidence other than rebuttal evidence, the plaintiff may dismiss a case, or take take a nonsuit, which shall beentered inthe minutes...." a nonsuit, which shall be entered in the minutes...." The lawdiscussing Rule162clearly thattakingof a nonsuitdoesnoti The case case law discussing Rule 162 clearly reflects that taking of a nonsuit does not the necessitate of anyotherpleadings or observing othertechnical rules,but necessitate the filing of any other pleadings or observing other technical rules, but merely 1 Silverado Appx. 0113 No. 1-15-586-CV558 requires requires tthe heappearance before before the the court court o clerkby orr clerk plaintiff, by aaplaintiff, through orintervenor, through or its its representative representative or attorney, andthetransmittal or attorney, and the transmittal to theclerk to the oftheparty’s clerk of abandoning the party's abandoning itsclaims. its claims. No procedure No particular procedure isrequired takeaanonsuit. is required ttoo take nonsuit. 640S.W.2d Greenberg, 640 872;Orion at 872; S.W.2d at Investments, Inc. Dunaway v.Dunaway Inc. v. &Associates, Inc., & Inc.,760 760S.W.2d 371,373 S.W.2d 371, 373(Tex.App.--Fort Worth (Tex.App.--Fort Worth 1988,w 1988, ritdenied). writ denied). T The Supreme C heSupreme ourthasheldthatthe Court is to has held that the rule is liberallyconstrued beliberally tobe construedin in favor favor o offtheright nonsuit, tononsuit, the right to Greenberg, Greenberg, 640S.W.2d att 872, 640 S.W.2d a 872, a ndthatit and shouldnot that it should begiven notbe given strictor strict technical ortechnical construction. construction. Smithv. Smith Columbian v.Columbian Co.,145Tex.478,198S.W.2d Carbon Co.,
145 Tex. 478, 198 S.W.2d 727,728(1947). Theruleis 727, 728 (1947). The equally rule is equally applicable applicable intervenors tointervenors to claiming claiming affirmative relief. Boswell, O'Toole, Boswell, O'Toole, Davis &Pickering Davis & Pickering 546S.W.2d v.Townsend, 546 v. 380,381(Tex.Civ.App.-- S.W.2d 380, 381 (Tex.Civ.App.-- Beaumont1977, Beaumont 1977,nnoo writ).TheTexas haveuniformly courtshave writ). The Texas courts uniformly h eldthatpresentation held thecourt to the that presentation to court of nonsuit ofaa nonsuit insome in fashion somefashion andentry and ofthatpresentation entryof thecourt's uponthe that presentation upon calendar court's calendar the endsthe ends withregard casewith case toany regard to claims anyclaims involving involving thatparty, that party,except except forclaims for foraffirmative relief claims for reliefthen then pending againstthe pending against thenonsuiting orderever party;nnoo order nonsuiting party; needbeentered.Strawder everneed Thomas, v.Thomas, be entered. Strawder v. 846 846 S.W.2d51, S.W.2d 51,59 (Tex.App. 59 (Tex.App. —CorpusChristi —Corpus Christi1992). MOVANTS 1992). MOVANTS equestaallll other rrequest otherandfurther and further relief towhich relief to which tthey heymay bejustly maybe entitled justly entitled lawor atlaw at inequity.i orin equity. Respectfully,l Respectfully, SCHWAGER THE LAW FIRM THE SCHWAGER LAW FIRM 151 r:%a fiekee 94f mar, Candice Candice L.Schwager L. Schwager 1417 Ramada Dr. 1417 Ramada Dr. Houston,Texas Houston, Texas77062 770622E 2 Silverado Appx. 0114 No. 1-15-586-CV559 315-8489 Tel: (832) 315-8489 583-0355 (713) Fax: (713) 583-0355 schwagerlawfirmAlive.com ATTORNEY FORMACKGLEN ATTORNEY FOR MACK GLEN PETERSON, ANDDONLESLIE PETERSON, AND DON LESLIE PETERSON PETERSON CERTIFICATE OFSERVICE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, CANDICE I, CANDICE SCHWAGER, SCHWAGER, certify thatallcounsel certify that of record havebeenserved all counsel of have been served withthe with the NOTICE OFDISMISSAL OFAPPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP foregoing NOTICE OF DISMISSAL OF APPLICATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP this 25th July, day of July, 2014. 2014. r. Isl c tt4tehor (44 3 Silverado Appx. 0115 No. 1-15-586-CV560 TAB 19 FILED FILED 7/28/2014 9:26:52 AM 7/28/2014 9:26:52 AM ' 'Stan PROBATE PROBATE COURT I c Stan Stanart County Clerk Harris County CAUSE CAUSE NO.427,208'+9't• NO. RUBYS. RUBY S.PETERSON, PETERSON, Individually, § INPROBATE IN COURTNO. PROBATE COURT NO.1 1 MACKEY MACKEY ("MACK”) ("MACK") GLENPETERSON GLEN PETERSON PETERSON, PETERSON, NextFriend Individually, Next Friend § Attomey-in Attorney-in Factfor Fact forRUBY RUBY PETERSON, PETERSON, DONLESLIE DON LESLIE PETERSON§ PETERSON Individually, NextFriend, Attomey-in- § Next Friend, Attorney-in- FactofRUBY Fact of RUBY S. S.PETERSON, LONNY § PETERSON, LONNY PETERSON, PETERSON, Individually Individually andNext and Next Friend § OfRUBY Of RUBY S. S.Peterson § VS. VS. § OF OF CAROL CAROL ANNE ANNE MANLEY MANLEY AND AND § DAVID DAVID PETERSON, PETERSON, SILVERADO SILVERADO § SENIORLIVING SENIOR LIVING CARE CARE FACILITY FACILITY ' § TANNAMCMILLAN, TANNA MCMILLAN, § LINDALAVINSON, LINDA LAVINSON, § DR.REBECCA DR. CLEARMAN REBECCA CLEARMAN _ § HARRISC HARRIS OUNTY, COUNTY, TEXAS TEXAS DEFENDANTS’ TOTHE PLEATO DEFENDANTS' PLEA THE JURISDICTION, ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ANSWER FORDISCLOSURE ANDREQUEST FOR ANSWER AND DISCLOSURE Defendants, Defendants, Silverado Silverado Senior Senior Living, Inc.d/b/aSilverado SeniorLiving Inc. d/b/a Silverado Senior LivingSugar SugarLand, Land, improperlynnamed improperly amedas SilveradoSenior as Silverado SeniorLivingCareFacility TannaMcMillan Living Care Facility ("Silverado"), Tanna McMillan “McMillan") "McMillan") andLinda and Lavinson Linda Lavinson ("Lavins0n") ("Lavinson") thisOriginal file this Original Answer to Plaintiffs’ Answer to Mackey Plaintiffs' Mackey GlenPeterson, Glen individually Peterson, individually andas and nextfriend ofRuby asnext of Ruby Peterson, Peterson, DonLeslie Peterson, individually Don Leslie Peterson, individually andas and friendof nextfriend asnext ofRuby Peterson, Ruby Peterson, Lonny and Lonny Peterson, Peterson, individually individually and friendof nextfriend and next ofRuby Ruby Peterson Peterson (collectively, or "Petersons") (collectively, "Plaintiffs" or Second "Peterson") Second Amended Amended Original Original Petition Petition andJury and Demand Demand and,ininsupport and, support thereof, thereof, would would respectfully respectfully showunto show theCourt untothe follows: asfollows: Court as PLEA TOTHEJURISDICTION PLEA TO THE JURISDICTION 1. 1. Plaintiffs, MackeyPeterson, Plaintiffs, Mackey Peterson,DonPeterson, Don andLonny Peterson, and Peterson Lonny Peterson havebrought have suitas brought suit as next friend next friend ofRuby of RubyS.Peterson, S. Peterson,but donot but do not have have authority and/or standing authority and/or to bring standing to bring such such claims claims on 4841-9055-4140.1 Silverado Appx. 0116 No. 1-15-586-CV813 behalf ofRuby behalf of RubyPeterson Peterson RubyPeterson executed asRuby as executed aa durable power ofattorney in powerof infavor ofCarol favor of Carol Manley Manley andDavid and Peterson. David Peterson. 2. 2. Additionally, Additionally, any documents anydocuments relied relied upon upon by forany byPlaintiffs for alleged anyalleged authority authority toact to act onbehalf ofRuby Peterson executed were inlate after 2013 Ruby had Peterson declared been tolack on behalf of Ruby Peterson were executed in late 2013 after Ruby Peterson had been declared to lack capacityto execute capacity executesame. same. 3. 3. Standing Standing isaa constitutional is constitutional prerequisite tofiling suit. prerequisite to suit. Heckman v. Cty., v.Williamson CV., 369S. 369 S.W.3d W.3d 1 37,1150 137, 50(Tex. (Tex. 2012). Acourt does 2012). A doesnot havejjurisdiction nothave urisdiction clima overaaclima over plaintiff byaaplaintiff by who who doesnot does havestanding nothave standingtoassert it.Id. to assert it. Aplea
Id. A tothe plea to the jurisdiction jurisdiction is to challenge proper to is proper challenge aparty’ lack party'sslack of standing. of Standing.M D. Anderson Cancer Ctr. M.D. Ctr. v. 52S.W.3d v. Novak 52 704, 710-711 (Tex.2001).The S.W.3d 704,710-711 (Tex. 2001). The purpose ofaa plea purpose of pleato thejurisdiction tothe isto jurisdiction is dismiss todismiss aacause ofaction cause of without action without regardto regard whether towhether the the claimhas claim hasmerit. Sch.Dist. merit. Bland Indep. Sch. Blue,34 Dist.v.v.Blue, 34S.W.3d 547,554 S.W.3d 547, 554(Tex. 2000).Aplea (Tex. 2000). the tothe A plea to jurisdiction challenges jurisdiction challenges thetrial the court's trial court's subject subject matterjurisdiction matter hearthe tohear jurisdiction to thecase. Subject case.Id Subject matter matter jurisdiction jurisdiction isisessential theauthority tothe essential to ofaacourt authority of courtto decide todecide aacase and is case and never p is never resumed. presumed. Tex. Tex. Ass’n Ass'n ofBus. of Tex.A v.Tex. Bus. v. AirirControl Control Bd., 852 S.W.2d 440,443-44 Bd.,852S.W.2d (Tex. 1993).Plaintiff 440, 443-44 (Tex. hastheburden 1993). Plaintiff has to the burden to allege allege factsaffirmatively demonstrating facts demonstrating thatthe that thetrial hassubject trial court has subjectmatter matter jurisdiction. at446. jurisdiction.
Id. at 446.4. 4. Because Because itisclear fromPlaintiff's pleadings it is clear from pleadings andtheevidence and submitted the evidence submitted withthis with this motion motion tthat hatP laintiffs Plaintiffs lackstanding, lack standing,the Court does theCourt does n othave not havejjurisdiction urisdiction to hear P to hear laintiffs’ Plaintiffs' claims, claims, theCourt dismiss mustdismiss the Court must Plaintiffs’ Plaintiffs' suitin suit initsentirety its entirety GENERAL GENERAL DENIAL DENIAL 5. 5. Defendants Defendants generally generally denythe deny theallegations allegations contained inPlaintiffs’ contained in Original Plaintiffs' Original Petition Petition as as permitted byRule permitted by 92oftheTEXAS Rule 92 of the TEXAS RULES OF andrequest OF CIVIL, PROCEDURE and requestthatthe that theCourt require Court require thatPlaintiffs that theircauses provetheir Plaintiffs prove ofaction by causesof preponderance byaapreponderance ofthecredible of evidence the credible evidence such orsuch or higher standard higherstandard asmay as beapplicable. may be applicable. 4841-9055-4140.1 2 Silverado Appx. 0117 No. 1-15-586-CV814 DEFENSES/DENIALS AFFIRMATIVE AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES/DENIALS 6. 6. Defendants Defendants deny deny that that any ofDefendants wasa orinaction of any action or proximate was a proximate or or producing ofdamages causeof producing cause toPlaintiffs. damages to would standing bring IN 7. For 7. further Forfurther answer, answer, Defendants Defendants show that would show that P laintiffs Plaintiffs lackstanding lack to to bring claims claims behalf onbehalf on ofRuby of Peterson. Ruby Peterson. 8. 8. Forfurther For further answer, Defendants answer, Defendants assert thedefense oflegal the defense of authority. legal authority. 0 9. For 9. For further further answer, answer, Defendants Defendants assert assert theddefense the efenseofjjustification. of ustification. 10. 10. Forffurther For urther answer, answer, Defendants Defendants assert assert the defense thedefense ofconsent, of consent,effective effective consent consent and/or and/or reasonable belief belief of consent of consent 1l. 11. Forfurther For answer, further answer, Defendants deny thatD denythat efendants Defendants actions actions and/or and/or inactions inactions were were extreme extreme andoutrageous. and outrageous. l2. 12. Forfurther answer, For further answer, Defendants Defendants deny thattheir specifically deny conduct that their conduct relatedto related the tothe transactions madethe transactions made basisof thebasis ofthis lawsuit this lawsuit negligent, werenegligent, were malicious, wrongful orwrongful malicious, or suchas such asto entitle to entitle Plaintiffs torecover Plaintiffs to recover exemplary exemplary punitive orpunitive or damages. damages. 13. For 13. For further answer, further answer, Defendants Defendants would howthat would sshow exemplary damages that Plaintiff'ssexemplary claim damages claim violates Defendants’ violates Defendants' righttotoprotection right protection from from theimposition the ofexcessive imposition of provided asprovided excessive fines, as ininTEX. CONST.art.art.I,§l3, aswell I, §13,as wellaassthesingle-digit ratiobetween the single-digitratio exemplary and betweenexemplary and compensatory damages compensatory damages set forth in setforth F Mutual Auto in State Farm v. Campbell, Auto Ins. Co. v. 538U.S.408(2003), Gullo Tony Motors Campbell,
538 U.S. 408(2003), Tony Gullo Motors I, L.P. L.P. v 212S.W.3d v..Chapa, 212 299(Tex. S.W.3d 299 2006),and (Tex. 2006), andtheir progeny. their progeny. 14. 14. Forffurther For urther answer, Defendants answer, Defendants assert assert the defense the defense of unclean hands. ofunclean hands. 15. 15. Forfurther answer, For further answer, would Defendants would showthat show Plaintiffs thatPlaintiffs actedininsuch acted such aaway way as to asto constitute constitute estoppel, estoppel, release release and/or and/or waiver. waiver. 4841.99554140.1 33 Silverado Appx. 0118 No. 1-15-586-CV815 16. 16. Forfurther Defendants answer,Defendants For further answer, denythattheyowed deny that they owed any law,statutory or any common law, or dutyto contractual duty Plaintiffs toPlaintiffs forwhich for theycould which they couldpossibly possibly beliable indamages. be liable in damages. 17. 17. Forfurther answer,Defendants For further answer, theirright Defendants reserve their to amend right to amend this this Original Answer as Answer as maybeauthorized may bytheCourt, be authorized by andas the Court, and asmay bepermitted may be bytheTexas permitted by the Texas Rules ofCivil Rulesof Procedure. Civil Procedure. 0 REQUEST DISCLOSURE REQUEST FOR DISCLOSURE 18. 18. Defendants Defendants hereby hereby request request Plaintiffs Plaintiffs provide toprovide to alldisclosures all required disclosures required byRule by 194.2 Rule 194.2 bl oftheTexas of Rulesof the Texas Rules ofCivil Procedure Civil Procedure within within thirty(30) thirty (30)days ofservice daysof ofthis service of request this request WHEREFORE, WHEREFORE, PREMISES PREMISES CONSIDERED, CONSIDERED, Defendants, Defendants, Silverado Silverado Senior Senior Living, Living, Inc. d/b/a Inc.d/b/a Silverado Silverado Senior Senior Living Living Sugar Sugar Land, Land, Tana McMillon TanaMcMillon and Linda andLinda Lavinson, Lavinson, praythat pray thisCourt thatthis Courtgrant grant Defendants Defendants Plea to theJurisdiction Plea to and dismiss the Jurisdiction and dismiss P laintiffs’ Plaintiffs' claims,or claims, orin the alternative, Defendants inthealternative, Defendants pray thatPlaintiffs pray takenothing that Plaintiffs take byway nothing by wayofoftheir suitagainst their suit Defendants, against Defendants, andthat and Defendants that Defendants be be awarded awarded ttaxable ostsof axableccosts andthatthe of Court and grantsuch that the Court grant otherand suchother andfurther reliefto further relief which towhich Defendants Defendants are justly are entitled.l justly entitled. Respectfully Respectfully submitted, submitted, LEWISBRISBOIS LEWIS BISGAARD BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH,LLP & SMITH, LLP /S/J0sh Davis /S/ Josh K. Davis JOSHK. JOSH K.DAVIS DAVIS StateBarNo. State 24031993 Bar No. 24031993 JACOB JACOB M.M.STEPHENS STEPHENS StateB State arN Bar o.24066143 No. 24066143 Weslayan Weslayan T Suite1400 ower,Suite Tower, 1400 24Greenway Plaza 24 Greenway Plaza Houston,Texas77046 Houston, Texas 77046 (713)659-6767 (713) Telephone 659-6767 Telephone (713)759-6830 (713) Facsimile 759-6830 Facsimile ATTORNEYS FORDEFENDANTS, ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS, SENIORLIVING, SILVERAD0SENIOR SILVERADO LIVING, IINC. NC.D/B/A D/B/A SILVERAOSENIOR SILVERAO LIVINGSUGAR SENIORLIVING LAND, SUGAR LAND, MCMILLON TANAMCMILLON TANA ANDLINDA AND LAVINSON LINDA LAVINSON 4841-9055-4140.1 44 Silverado Appx. 0119 No. 1-15-586-CV816 CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE OFSERVICE OF SERVICE hereby II hereby thataa true certify that andcorrect copy trueand ofthe copyof instrument the foregoing instrument served wasserved was upon upon allcounsel all ofrecord counsel of viafacsimile, hand record via handdelivery delivery and/or and/or mail,return certified mail, receipt returnreceipt requested requested this28 onthis on 28dayofJuly,2014. day of July, 2014. Cand_ice Candice LSchwager L Schwager TheSchwager The LawFirm Schwager Law Firm 1417 1417 Ramada Ramada Dr. Dr. Texas Houston, Texas 77062 77062 Attorney for Attorney for Plaintiffs Sarah Sarah PatelPacheco Patel Pacheco Crain,Caton Crain, Caton& &James, PC James, PC 1401 1401 McKinney McKinney Street Street 1700 FiveHouston 1700Five Center Houston Center Houston,Texas Houston, Texas77010 77010 Attorneys forCarol andDavid Peterson for Carol Manley and Michael Michael A.Hirsch A. Hirsch Schlanger Schlanger Silver Barg&Paine, SilverBarg LP & Paine, LP 109PostOakLane, 109 Suite300 Post Oak Lane, Suite 300 Houston,Texas Houston, 77024 Texas77024 JillW.Young Jill W. Young Maclntyre, McCulloch, MacIntyre, McCulloch, &Young, Stanfield & LLP Young, LLP 2900Weslayan, 2900 Suite150 Weslayan, Suite 150 Houston,Texas Houston, 77027 Texas77027 W.RussJones W. Russ Jones Underwood, JonesScherrer Underwood, Jones Scherrer & Malouf,PLLC &Malouf, PLLC 5177Richmond 5177 Ave,Suite505 Richmond Ave, Suite 505 Houston,Texas Houston, 77056/S/ Texas77056 /S/ Josh Josh K Davis K Davis JOSHK. JOSH K.DAVIS DAVIS 4841 4841-9055-4140 I 55 Silverado Appx. 0120 No. 1-15-586-CV817 TAB 20 DAT$ rmTRY FILED TE 7/28/2014 9:15:51 AM PICK u,:_.T_HISDA_ Stan Stanart County Clerk County Harris County NO. 427,208 NO. 427,208 IN RE: IN RE: GUARDIANSHIP GUARDIANSHIP OF OF § PROBATE COURT NO.1 PROBATE COURT NO. 1 Fz RUBY PETERSON, RUBY PETERSON, f, PROPOSED WARD PROPOSED WARD HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS Pt PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OFNONSUIT WITHOUT PLAINTIFFS' NOTICE OF NONSUIT WITHOUT PREJUDICE OFALLFEDERAL CLAIMS PREJUDICE OF ALL FEDERAL CLAIMS MACKEY("MACK") MACKEY ("MACK")GLEN GLENPETERSON, DONLESLIE PETERSON,DON LESLIEPETERSON, AND PETERSON, AND LONNY PETERSON, LONNY PETERSON, SUE INDIVIDUALLY SUE INDIVIDUALLYAND ANDA ASS NEXT FRIEND NEXT FRIEND RUBY OF RUBY PETERSON ("PLAINTIFFS")herebygiveNOTICE PETERSON ("PLAINTIFFS") hereby give NOTICE OF NONSUIT of OF NONSUIT all claims of all claimshaving having subjectmatter subject matter jurisdiction jurisdiction properly properly iin nfederal court, iincluding federal court, ncluding but but not limitedttooclaims not limited claimsfor for ILLEGAL DISCRIMINATION andRETALIATION under Title IIoftheAmericans with ILLEGAL DISCRIMINATION and RETALIATION under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Disabilities Actof 1990("ADA"), Act of 1990 ("ADA"),42U.S.C. 42 12101et U.S.C. ss 12101 et seq, Section504 seq,Section 504oftheRehabilitation of the Rehabilitation Actof1972 ("Section 504"), theFirst oftheUnited States Constitution, Act of 1972 ("Section 504"), the First Anr6dment of the United States Constitution, le Amendment Constitution, Amendment oftheUnited StatesConstitution, theOlmstead of the United States the Olmstead A ct,42U.S.C. Act, 1983,the 42 U.S.C. ss 1983, theEqual Equal Federal Protection Protection A ct,the Act, Rightto the Right Privacyunder to Privacy underFederal Law, Law,42 U.S.C.sS12203, 42 U.S.C. 12203, Section36.206 Section 36.206 (Retaliation), (Retaliation), 42U.S.C. 42 U.S.C. sS2000e, Section36.208 2000e,Section (directthreat), 36.208(direct threat),36.501 (privatesuits), 36.501(private suits),and andall all other federal other federal claims claims which which matterprior werebrought in this knatter were otransfer prior tto transfer or afterwards or afterwards which orwhich or might havebeen might have beenbrought. brought. PLAINTIFFS PLAINTIFFS request respectfully request that thisCourt that this allrequested grantall Court grant requested relief relief a ndallother and all other a ndfurther and reliefttoowhich further relief which tthey heymay bejustly may be justly e ntitled entitled at lawor at law inequity. orin equity. Respectfully Respectfully submitted THE SCHWAGER THE SCHWAGER LAW LAW FIRM1 FIRM 1 Anitodrueni ?4 ;S;1141- . Silverado Appx. 0121 No. 1-15-586-CV567 Fanther 1 eh teyer ft 61 CandiceL. Candice L.Schwager Schwager — l4l7 Ramada Dr. 1417 Dr. Houston, Houston, Texas 77062 Texas 77062 (832) 3l5-8489 Tel: (832) 315-8489 ximadi,,, ,Fax: (713) 583-0355 schwagerlawfirm@live.com ATTORNEY FOR MACKGLEN FOR MACK GLEN PETERSON, LONNYPETERSON, PETERSON, LONNY PETERSON, AND AND DON LESLIE DON LESLIE PETERSON PETERSON CERTIFICATE OFSERVICE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, CANDICE I, CANDICE SCI-IWAGER, SCHWAGER, certify that this24Th day that on this dayof July,2014, of July, and trueand 2014, aa true correctcopy correct copy ofthisNOTICE of this NOTICE OFNONSUITWITI-IOUT OF NONSUIT WITHOUT PREJUDICE PREJUDICE OFFEDERAL OF FEDERAL C LAIMS CLAIMS was andserved was filed and allcounsel onall served on ofrecord counsel of requiredby asrequired record as bytheRules. the Rules. /S/ Is/ ru ee 64k -r, _'RECORDER'S 2 MEMORANDUM; RECORDER'S MEMORANDUM: At ot this was At the lime of recordation, ihis instrument was foundto found forthe best photographic to be inadequate for reproduction because of ofillegibility, carbon or . photocopy. photo copy, discolored blockouts, paper, etc. All blockouts, . additionsand additions prcscntat thc andchanges were present the lime and the Instrument was filed and recorded. Silverado Appx. 0122 No. 1-15-586-CV568 TAB 21 1 1 APPELLATE COURT CASE NO. 01-15-00567-CV & 01-15-00586-CV 2 TRIAL COURT CAUSE NUMBER 427,208 & 427,208-401 FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS 3 IN THE GUARDIANSHIP * IN THEHOUSTON, PROBATETEXASCOURT OF 9/15/2015 10:04:54 AM 4 * CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk 5 RUBY PETERSON, * HARRIS COUNTY, T E X A S 6 * 7 INCAPACITATED ADULT * COURT NUMBER (1) ONE 8 9 MOTION FOR TEMPORARY INJUNCTION HEARING 10 11 Came to be heard on this the 28th day of July, 2014, 12 Motion for Temporary Injunction Hearing, in the above-entitled 13 and numbered cause, and all parties appeared in person and/or 14 being represented by Counsel of Record, before the Honorable 15 Loyd Wright, Judge Presiding. 16 17 - VOLUME _4_ OF 13 18 19 O R I G I N A L 20 21 22 23 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0123 RR Vol. 4 2 1 APPEARANCES 2 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFFS, MACKEY GLEN PETERSON, DON LESLIE PETERSON AND LONNY PETERSON: 3 Candice L. Schwager Leonard 4 State Bar No. 24003603 1417 Ramada Dr. 5 Houston, Texas 77062 Telephone: (832)315-0355 6 Philip Ross 7 State Bar No. 17304200 1006 Holbrook Rd. 8 San Antonio, Texas 78218-3325 Telephone: (210) 326-2100 9 ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS, CAROL ANN MANLEY 10 AND DAVID PETERSON, ATTORNEYS IN FACT FOR RUBY PETERSON, INDIVIDUALLY: 11 Sarah Patel Pacheco 12 State Bar No. 00788164 Kathleen Beduze 13 State Bar No. 24052205 1401 McKinney Street 14 1700 Five Houston Center Houston, Texas 77010 15 Telephone: 713-658-2323 16 ATTORNEY FOR SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING CENTER SUGAR 17 LAND: 18 Josh Davis State Bar No. 24031993 19 Jacob Stephens State Bar No. 20 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1400 Houston, TX 77046-2410 21 Telephone: (713)659-6767 22 GUARDIAN AD LITEM FOR RUBY PETERSON: 23 Ms. Jill Young State Bar No. 00797670 24 2900 Weslayan, Suite 150 Houston, Tx 77027 25 Telephone: 713-572-2900 Silverado Appx. 0124 RR Vol. 4 3 1 APPEARANCES (continued) 2 ATTORNEY AD LITEM FOR RUBY PETERSON: 3 Mr. Russ Jones 4 State Bar No. 10968050 5177 Richmond Ave, Suite 505 5 Houston, Tx 77056-6775 Telephone: 713-552-1144 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0125 RR Vol. 4 4 1 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX 2 Page 3 Attorneys' arguments on Motion to Transfer.............. 5 4 Court recesses for the day.............................. 39 5 Court Reporter's Certificate............................ 40 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0126 RR Vol. 4 TAB 22 1 1 APPELLATE COURT CASE NO. 01-15-00567-CV AND 01-15-00586-CV 2 TRIAL COURT CASE NO. 427,208 AND 427,208-401 FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS 3 IN THE GUARDIANSHIP * IN THEHOUSTON, PROBATETEXASCOURT OF 9/15/2015 10:04:54 AM 4 * CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk 5 RUBY PETERSON, * HARRIS COUNTY, T E X A S 6 * 7 INCAPACITATED ADULT * COURT NUMBER (1) ONE 8 9 MOTION FOR TEMPORARY INJUNCTION HEARING 10 11 Came to be heard on this the 29th day of July, 2014, 12 Motion for Temporary Injunction Hearing, in the above-entitled 13 and numbered cause, and all parties appeared in person and/or 14 being represented by Counsel of Record, before the Honorable 15 Loyd Wright, Judge Presiding. 16 17 - VOLUME _5_ OF 13 18 19 O R I G I N A L 20 21 22 23 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0127 RR Vol. 5 2 1 APPEARANCES 2 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFFS, MACKEY GLEN PETERSON, DON 3 LESLIE PETERSON AND LONNY PETERSON: 4 Candice L. Schwager Leonard State Bar No. 24003603 5 1417 Ramada Dr. Houston, Texas 77062 6 Telephone: (832)315-0355 7 Philip Ross State Bar No. 17304200 8 1006 Holbrook Rd. San Antonio, Texas 78218-3325 9 Telephone: (210) 326-2100 10 ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS, CAROL ANN MANLEY AND DAVID PETERSON, ATTORNEYS IN FACT FOR RUBY PETERSON, 11 INDIVIDUALLY: 12 Sarah Patel Pacheco State Bar No. 00788164 13 Kathleen Beduze State Bar No. 24052205 14 1401 McKinney Street 1700 Five Houston Center 15 Houston, Texas 77010 Telephone: 713-658-2323 16 17 ATTORNEYS FOR SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING CENTER SUGAR LAND: 18 Josh Davis 19 State Bar No. 24031993 Jacob Stephens 20 State Bar No. Greenway Plaza, Suite 1400 21 Houston, TX 77046-2410 Telephone: (713)659-6767 22 GUARDIAN AD LITEM FOR RUBY PETERSON: 23 Jill Young 24 State Bar No. 00797670 2900 Weslayan, Suite 150 25 Houston, Tx 77027 Telephone: 713-572-2900 Silverado Appx. 0128 RR Vol. 5 3 1 APPEARANCES (continued) 2 ATTORNEY AD LITEM FOR RUBY PETERSON: 3 W. Russ Jones 4 State Bar No. 10968050 5177 Richmond Ave, Suite 505 5 Houston, Tx 77056-6775 Telephone: 713-552-1144 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0129 RR Vol. 5 4 1 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX 2 Page 3 Attorneys' arguments..................................... 8 4 Witness Carol Jane Peterson 5 Direct Examination by Mr. Ross...................... 12 6 Cross-examination by Ms. Pacheco.................... 38 7 Cross-examination by Mr. Jones...................... 57 8 Cross-examination by Mr. Davis...................... 69 9 Redirect Examination by Mr. Ross.................... 80 10 Recross-examination by Ms. Pacheco.................. 87 11 Witness Mackey Glen Peterson 12 Direct Examination by Mr. Ross...................... 88 13 Mr. Ross passes the witness.............................. 128 14 Court takes a short recess............................... 128 15 Continued Direct Examination by Mr. Ross............ 134 16 Voir Dire Examination by Ms. Pacheco................ 141 17 Cross-examination by Ms. Pacheco.................... 145 18 Cross-examination by Mr. Davis...................... 188 19 Redirect Examination by Mr. Ross.................... 197 20 Recross-examination by Ms. Pacheco.................. 204 21 Defendant's Exhibits 1, 2 and 3 offered.................. 206 22 Defendant's Exhibits 1, 2 and 3 admitted................. 206 23 Voir Dire Examination by Mr. Davis....................... 207 24 Plaintiff's Exhibit 1 offered............................ 208 25 Plaintiff's Exhibit 1 admitted........................... 208 Silverado Appx. 0130 RR Vol. 5 5 1 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX 2 (continued) Page 3 Plaintiff's Exhibit 2 offered............................ 208 4 Plaintiff's Exhibit 2 admitted........................... 209 5 Witness Donny Leslie Peterson 6 Direct Examination by Mr. Ross...................... 211 7 Mr. Ross passes the witness.............................. 232 8 Attorneys' discussions with the Court over doctors, 9 witnesses and scheduling................................. 232 10 Court recesses for the day............................... 237 11 court reporter's certificate............................. 238 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0131 RR Vol. 5 TAB 23 1 1 APPELLATE COURT CASE NO. 01-15-00567-CV AND 01-15-00586-CV 2 TRIAL COURT CASE NO. 427,208 AND 427,208-401 FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS 3 IN THE GUARDIANSHIP * IN THEHOUSTON, PROBATETEXASCOURT OF 9/15/2015 10:04:54 AM 4 * CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk 5 RUBY PETERSON, * HARRIS COUNTY, T E X A S 6 * 7 INCAPACITATED ADULT * COURT NUMBER (1) ONE 8 9 MOTION FOR TEMPORARY INJUNCTION HEARING 10 11 Came to be heard on this the 30th day of July, 2014, 12 Motion for Temporary Injunction Hearing, in the above-entitled 13 and numbered cause, and all parties appeared in person and/or 14 being represented by Counsel of Record, before the Honorable 15 Loyd Wright, Judge Presiding. 16 17 VOLUME _6_ OF 13 18 19 O R I G I N A L 20 21 22 23 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0132 RR Vol. 6 2 1 APPEARANCES 2 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFFS, MACKEY GLEN PETERSON, DON LESLIE PETERSON AND LONNY PETERSON: 3 Candice L. Schwager Leonard 4 State Bar No. 24003603 1417 Ramada Dr. 5 Houston, Texas 77062 Telephone: (832)315-0355 6 Philip Ross 7 State Bar No. 17304200 1006 Holbrook Rd. 8 San Antonio, Texas 78218-3325 Telephone: (210) 326-2100 9 10 ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS, CAROL ANN MANLEY AND DAVID PETERSON, ATTORNEYS IN FACT 11 FOR RUBY PETERSON, INDIVIDUALLY: 12 Sarah Patel Pacheco State Bar No. 00788164 13 Kathleen Beduze State Bar No. 24052205 14 1401 McKinney Street 1700 Five Houston Center 15 Houston, Texas 77010 Telephone: 713-658-2323 16 17 ATTORNEY FOR DEFENDANT, SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING CENTER SUGAR LAND: 18 Josh Davis 19 State Bar No. 24031993 Jacob Stephens 20 State Bar No. Greenway Plaza, Suite 1400 21 Houston, TX 77046-2410 Telephone: (713)659-6767 22 GUARDIAN AD LITEM FOR RUBY PETERSON: 23 Jill Young 24 State Bar No. 00797670 2900 Weslayan, Suite 150 25 Houston, Tx 77027 Telephone: 713-572-2900 Silverado Appx. 0133 RR Vol. 6 3 1 APPEARANCES (continued) 2 ATTORNEY AD LITEM FOR RUBY PETERSON: 3 W. Russ Jones 4 State Bar No. 10968050 5177 Richmond Ave, Suite 505 5 Houston, Tx 77056-6775 Telephone: 713-552-1144 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0134 RR Vol. 6 4 1 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX 2 Page 3 Witness Donny Leslie Peterson 4 Cross-examination by Ms. Pacheco................... 10 5 Defendant's Exhibit 4 offered and admitted.............. 24 6 Cross-examination by Mr. Jones..................... 39 7 Defendant's Exhibit 8 thru 14 offered and admitted...... 62 8 Cross-examination by Mr. Davis..................... 65 9 Redirect Examination by Mr. Ross................... 81 10 Ms. Pacheco offers all of her exhibits.................. 94 11 Defendant's Exhibit 5 offered and admitted.............. 94 12 Defendant's Exhibit 6 and 7 offered and admitted........ 94 13 Recross-examination by Ms. Pacheco................. 103 14 Redirect Examination by Mr. Ross................... 113 15 Witness Tonya Peterson 16 Direct Examination by Mr. Ross..................... 115 17 Cross-examination by Ms. Pacheco................... 145 18 Defendant's Exhibit 15 offered and admitted............. 151 19 Cross-examination by Mr. Davis..................... 161 20 Redirect Examination by Mr. Ross................... 168 21 Defendant's Exhibit 8-A admitted........................ 174 22 Witness Chris Merkl, MD 23 Direct Examination by Ms. Pacheco.................. 178 24 Cross-examination by Mr. Jones..................... 209 25 Cross-examination by Ms. Schwager.................. 210 Silverado Appx. 0135 RR Vol. 6 5 1 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX 2 (continued) Page 3 Redirect Examination by Ms. Pacheco................ 247 4 Recross-examination by Mr. Jones................... 249 5 Recross-examination by Ms. Schwager................ 250 6 Redirect Examination by Ms. Pacheco................ 251 7 Witness Tana Lee McMillan 8 Cross-examination by Mr. Ross...................... 258 9 Cross-examination by Ms. Pacheco................... 273 10 Defendant's Exhibit No. 19 offered and admitted......... 276 11 Defendant's Exhibit No. 20 offered and admitted......... 276 12 Defendant's Exhibit No. 21 offered and admitted......... 277 13 Defendant's Exhibit No. 22 offered...................... 277 14 Defendant's Exhibit No. 22 admitted..................... 278 15 Defendant's Exhibit No. 23 offered and admitted......... 279 16 Recross-examination by Mr. Ross.................... 284 17 Defendant's Exhibit No. 24 offered and admitted......... 293 18 Plaintiff's Exhibit No. 3 offered....................... 294 19 Court recesses for the day.............................. 295 20 Court Reporter's Certificate............................ 296 21 22 23 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0136 RR Vol. 6 TAB 24 —Chris ``8/4/2014 Daniel-istrict Chris Daniel 10:38:17 AM 8/4/2014 10:38:17 AM Count - istrict Clerk Harris Coun No.2035330 Envelope No. 2035330 4 27208-qm By:MarceI|aHi By: Marcella H CAUSE NO PROBATE fit4 P4-us6n e , C°URT RUBY S. PETE RSON,MACKEY (NACK") IN THE DISTRICT COURT GLEN PE.TERSON, DON LESLIE PETERSON, LOINNY PETERSON 1.7 Plaintiff, OF HARRIS COLINN ' -9 CAROL. ANNE MANLEY AND DAVID lc, "< PETERSON. SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING CARE FACILITY, TANNA MeMILLAN, ,r,DA iV LINDA LAVINSON, DR. REBECCA CLEARMAN cri Defendants. S 1l29111 JUDICIAL .l DISTRICT MOTION TO TRANSFER FROM ws-nucr COURT CO PURSUANT TO PROBATE COURT ORDER To PRORATE COURT TO THE HONORABLE. JUDGE OP THIS COURT: David Peterson and Carol Manley (collectively, "Movants") file this their Motion to Transfer this cause from District Court w Probate Court pursuant to a July 25, 2014 Transfer Order out of Probate Court No. Il and respectfully show the following: .On. December 12, 2013, Plaintiffs Mackey Peterson and Donny Peterson filed their Original Petition for Appointment of Temporary and Permanent Guardian(s) of the Person and Certified Document Number: 61827827 - Page 1 of 3 Estate of Ruby S. Peterson, for Declaratory Judamcnt. and for Alternative Relief, Temporary Restraining Order, Temporary Injunction and Permanent Injunction in Cause No. 427,208, In the Guardianship of Ruby S. Peterson, an Incapacitated Person, lit Probate Court Number 1 of. _ Harris County.Texas ("Guardianship Proceeding"). .¤ 01tain4=001 -- lit!-;1115!40 Silverado Appx. 0137 No. 1-15-567-CV 1052 . Plaintiffs On July 18, 2014, . . Mackey Peterson, Donny Peterson and Lonny Peterson tiled their Emergency Temporary Restraining Order and Original Answer in this Court in Cause No. 1 2014-40980 ("District Court Proceeding"). . On July 18, 2014, Movants. filed their Response to Application _ for Emergency Temporary Restraining Order and Original Answer in the District Court Proceeding. 7, Because this cause concerns matters related to the Guardianship Proceeding, by his July 25, 7.014 Order, the Judge of Probate Court No. I transferred this cause from the 129th District Court to Probate Court No. 1, See July 25, 2014 Order, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference. 3. Movants respectfully request that this Court sign the attached order to complete the 1,under Cause No. 427,208, transfer of this cause to Probate Court No. 1, WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, David Peterson and Carol Manley, respectfully request that, in .connection with the July 25, 2014 Transfer Order out of Probate Court No. 1, this Court complete that transfer process by signing the attached Order to send the . cause `` entire _ of action under Cause No. 21014-40980 in the 129th Judicial District Court of Harris 1,under a Sub-Docket ar Cause No. 427208-401; and for County, Texas, to Probate Court No. 1, CertifiedDocument Number: 61827877 - Page 2 of 3 such other and further _ relief to which ._ Mot.ants may show theinseNes justly entitled. trausemecuai 130- I t34134v1 Silverado Appx. 0138 No. 1-15-567-CV 1053 Respectfully submitted, &JAMES. P.C. GRAIN CATON & By: SARAH MI .1 'PACHECO (TBA #00788164) KATHLEEN TANNER BEDUZE (TIM 424052205) Houston, Texas 77010 (713) 658-2323 77010 1401 -McKinney Street, Suite 1700 (713) 658-1921 (facsimile) 01 Attorneys for MI-minis Carol Ann iltiOnleY (111(1 Dal*/ Peterson CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I1hereby certify that a true and correct copy of' the foregoing instrument has been forwarded to: Michael Hirsch Jill Young 109 North Post Oak Lane. Ste 300 Macintyre, McCulloch, Stanfield, Young, LLP Houston, Texas 77024 29(10 Weslayan, Suite 150 Facsimile: 713-785-2091 Houston, Texas 77027 Facsimile: 713-572-2902 Candice Schwager Russ Jones 1417 Ramada Drive Underwood, Jones, Scher= & Malouf, PLLC I.fouston, Texas 77062 5177 Richmond Avenue, Suite 505 Facsimile; 713-583-0355 Houston, Texas 77056 Facsimile: 713-781-4448 CertifiedDocument Number: 61827827 --Page 3 of 3 Philip M. Ross 1(1(16 Holbrook Road Sari Antonio, TX 78218 9/ via facsimile, c-file and/or certified mail, return receipt request -d, on the I day of July, 2014. __ Sarah P tel Pacheco it78It16d``AMM1 I 13q- I134854v1 3 Silverado Appx. 0139 No. 1-15-567-CV 1054 · : I, Daniel, Chris I, Chris Daniel, District Clerk of Harris County,Texas thatthisis true and County, Texas certify that this isaatrue and correct copy of the originalrecord correct copy record filedand andor or recorded recorded iinnmy my office, electronically or hard as it copy, as appears on thisdate. it appearson this date. my officialhandandseal Witness my hand and seal of office this this September 18, 2014 Number: Certified Document Number: 61827827 DISTRICT Chris Daniel, DISTRICT CLERK CLERK HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS Inaccordance withTexasGovernment Code transmitted In accordance with Texas Government Code 406.013 electronically transmitted authenticated documents are valid.If thereis a regardingthevalidityofthisdocument are valid. If there is a question regarding the validity of this document andor seal or seal e—mail please e-mail support@hcdistrictclerk.com Silverado Appx. 0140 No. 1-15-567-CV 1055 TAB 25 DATA FILED 8/7/2014 9:22:36 PM Stan Stanart County Clerk JAS Harris County PROBATE PROBATE COURT1 COURT NO. 427,208 NO. 427,208 INRE:GUARDIANSHIP OF IN RE: GUARDIANSHIP OF § INTHEPROBATE IN COURT THE PROBATE COURT RUBYPETERSON, RUBY PETERSON, § NUMBER ONE NUMBER ONE PROPOSED WARD PROPOSED WARD § HARRIS HARRIS C OUNTY, COUNTY, TEXAS TEXAS 2014-40980 CAUSE NO. 2014-40980 MACKEY MACKEY (("MACK") "MACK") GLEN GLEN PETERSON, PETERSON, §§ INTHEDISTRICT COURT IN THE DISTRICT COURT PETERSON, NextFriend § PETERSON, Individually, Next Friend § ofRUBY of PETERSON, RUBY PETERSON, DONLESLIE DON LESLIE §§ PETERSON, PETERSON, andas Individually and Next asNext §§ Friend, Friend, ofRUBY of RUBY PETERSON, PETERSON, and and § LONNY PETERSON, LONNY PETERSON, Individually Individually and §§ and NextFriend Next RUBYS. Friend of RUBY PETERSON, S. PETERSON, §§ Plaintiffs, Plaintiffs, §§ V. V. §§ HARRISCOUNTY, HARRIS COUNTY, T EXAS TEXAS § CAROLANNE CAROL MANLEY, ANNE MANLEY, § DAVID DAVID PETERSON, SILVERADO PETERSON, SILVERADO § SENIOR SENIOR LIVINGCARE LIVING FACILITY, CARE FACILITY, § TANA MCMILLON, TANA MCMILLON, § LINDA LAVINSON, LINDA LAVINSON, DR.REBECCA DR. REBECCA §§ CLEARMAN, CLEARMAN, DR.CHRIS DR. MERKL §§ CHRIS MERKL Defendants. Defendants. §§ JUDICIAL D 129THJUDICIAL 129TH ISTRICT DISTRICT PLAINTIFFS’ PLAINTIFFS' AMENDED 3RD AMENDED PETITIONAND PETITION AND CONTEST TOGUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION CONTEST TO GUARDIANSHIP APPLICATION MACKEY MACKEY ("MACK") ("MACK") GLENPETERSON, GLEN PETERSON,LONNYPETERSON, LONNY PETERSON,ANDDONLESLIE AND DON LESLIE PETERSON, ANDASNEXTFRIENDS/ INDIVIDUALLY ATTORNEY-IN FACTOF PETERSON, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS NEXT FRIENDS/ ATTORNEY-IN FACT OF RUBYPETERSON, RUBY PETERSON, ("PLAINTIFFS"), ("PLAINTIFFS"), file thisSworn 3RDAMENDED this Sworn 3RD PETITION AMENDED PETITION againstl against Silverado Appx. 0141 No. 1-15-586-CV 1309 DEFENDANTS, CARoL ANNE DAVID PETERSON, SENIOR SILVERADO DEFENDANTS, CAROL ANNE MANLEY, DAVID PETERSON, SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING ADMINISTRATOR LIVING ("SILVERADO"), ADMINISTRATOR TANNA TANNA LINDA MCMILLAN, LINDA LAVINSON, LAVINSON, 0 DR. CHRIS AND DR. REBECCAFALSE IMPRISDNIVIENT, DR. CHRIS MERKYL AND DR. REBECCA CLEARMAN FALSE IMPRISONMENT, ASSAULT ASSAULT &BATTERY, CDNSPIRACY & BATTERY, CONSPIRACY &FRAUD, INVASION & FRAUD, INVASION OF OF PRIVACY, PRIVACY, INTENTIONAL INTENTIONAL INFLICTION INFLICTION OF DISTRESS,OF OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS, FIDUCIARY BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY,AND DUTY, BREACHOF AND BREACH OF TRUST. TRUST.PLAINTIFFS PLAINTIFFS sseek eek actual and punitivedamages, andpunitive damages, emergency emergency injunctive injunctive reliefagainst relief DEFENDANTS, against DEFENDANTS, constructive constructive trust, Suspension/removal trust,suspension/removal of of 0 TRUSTEES, CAROL ANNMANLEY AND PETERSON, DAVID foraccounting, anorder TRUSTEES, CAROL ANN MANLEY AND DAVID PETERSON, an order for accounting, removal ofCAROL removal ANNMANLEY of CAROL ANN Administrator, asEstate Administrator, MANLEY as wellas as well as declaratory asaa declaratory judgment judgment thatDEFENDANTS’ 1993DURABLE that DEFENDANTS' 1993 POWER DURABLE POWER OFATTORNEY OF revoked wasrevoked ATTORNEY was effective November November I5,2013by 15, notarized swornnotarized 2013 by sworn REVOCATION REVOCATION ofRUBY of PETERSON. RUBY PETERSON. I. JUDGMENT DECLARATORY DECLARATORY JUDGMENT PLAINTIFFS PLAINTIFFS are entitled are to declaratory entitledto declaratoryjudgment matter of s aa matter judgmentaas lawthat of law the1993 that the 1993 DURABLE OFATTORNEY POWER APPDINTINC CAROL MANLEY AND DAVID DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY APPOINTING CAROL MANLEY AND DAVID PETERSON was revoked PETERSON was as ofNovember revoked as 15,22013. of November 15, 013.Tex. Tex. C iv.Prac. Civ. Prac.&&Rem. Code Rem. Code 37.001- 37.001- 37.005et 37.005 Seq.T et seq. heHealthand The Code,Section166.155, Health and Safety Code, permitseven Section 166.155, permits evenan incompetent an incompetent torevoke person POWER a DURABLE OFATTORNEY andthePARTIES that concede person to revoke a DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY and the PARTIES concede that RUBY PETERSON signedREVOCATION CAROL ANNMANLEY AND DAVID RUBY PETERSON signed a REVOCATION of CAROL ANN MANLEY AND DAVID PETERSON’S PETERSON'S 1993DURABLE 1993 DURABLE P OWEROFATTORNEY POWER OF ATTORNEY on the dayof the 15th day November, of November, 2013. RUBY PETERSON hadthelegalrighttorevoke theprior1993 POWER OF 2013. RUBY PETERSON had the legal right to revoke the prior 1993 POWER OF 2 Silverado Appx. 0142 No. 1-15-586-CV 1310 TAB 26 1 1 APPELLATE COURT CASE NO. 01-15-00567-CV & 01-15-00586 2 TRIAL COURT CAUSE NUMBER 427,208 & 427,208-501 FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS 3 IN THE GUARDIANSHIP * IN THEHOUSTON, PROBATETEXASCOURT OF 9/15/2015 10:04:54 AM 4 * CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk 5 RUBY PETERSON, * HARRIS COUNTY, T E X A S 6 * 7 INCAPACITATED ADULT * COURT NUMBER (1) ONE 8 9 MOTIONS FOR PSYCHIATRISTS TO EXAMINE ALLEGED 10 INCAPACITATED PERSON AND MOTION TO COMPEL AND 11 MOTION FOR SANCTIONS HEARING 12 13 Came to be heard on this the 8th day 14 of August, 2014, Motions for Psychiatrists to Examine Alleged 15 Incapacitated Person and Motion to Compel and Motion for 16 Sanctions Hearing, in the above-entitled and numbered cause, 17 and all parties appeared in person and/or being represented by 18 Counsel of Record, before the Honorable Loyd Wright, Judge 19 Presiding. 20 21 - VOLUME _7_ OF 13 22 23 O R I G I N A L 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0143 RR Vol. 7 2 1 APPEARANCES 2 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFFS, MACKEY GLEN PETERSON, DON LESLIE PETERSON AND LONNY PETERSON: 3 Candice L. Schwager Leonard 4 State Bar No. 24003603 1417 Ramada Dr. 5 Houston, Texas 77062 Telephone: (832)315-0355 6 7 ATTORNEY FOR DEFENDANTS, CAROL ANN MANLEY AND DAVID TROY PETERSON: 8 Sarah Patel Pacheco 9 State Bar No. 00788164 1401 McKinney Street 10 1700 Five Houston Center Houston, Texas 77010 11 Telephone: 713-658-2323 12 ATTORNEY FOR SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING CENTER SUGAR LAND: 13 Josh Davis 14 State Bar No. 24031993 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1400 15 Houston, TX 77046-2410 Telephone: (713)659-6767 16 17 ATTORNEY AD LITEM FOR RUBY PETERSON: 18 W. Russ Jones State Bar No. 10968050 19 5177 Richmond Ave, Suite 505 Houston, Tx 77056-6775 20 Telephone: 713-552-1144 21 22 23 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0144 RR Vol. 7 3 1 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX 2 Page 3 Attorneys' arguments on motions......................... 4 4 Court recesses for the day.............................. 34 5 Court Reporter's Certificate............................ 35 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0145 RR Vol. 7
Document Info
Docket Number: 01-15-00567-CV
Filed Date: 12/14/2015
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/30/2016